Requirements parameters

Use this function to define the runtime parameters on which the MRP (Material Requirements Planning) and MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculations will be based. You define the parameters on a "per site" basis.

 MRP processing


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Requirements parameters function contains a Home information section and four additional sections:

  • You use two sections to define the MRP calculation parameters.
  • You use two sections to define the MPS calculation parameters.

You define a set of MRP and MPS parameters per site.

The MRP and MPS parameters are similar, however as they are completely independent of each other you need to define a set of MRP parameters and a set of MPS parameters.


You use the Home section to define the site for which MRP (Material Requirements Planning) and MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculation runtime parameters are required. The site needs to be a warehouse (storage site).

Tab MRP Calculation

You use this section to define the first set of MRP (Material Requirements Planning) calculation parameters.

In this section you specify the firm horizon for the planning calculations and how the recommendations are to be bucketed, that is in days, weeks, and months.

You specify which resources are to be included in the MRP calculations, that is, you specify which order types and stock MRP needs to include replenishments from. You can include include incoming stock from purchase orders, work orders, intersite (transfer), and subcontract orders. You can choose to remove uninspected items, that is those items that have not yet been through quality control, from the calculation of available stock.

You also specify which requirements to include, that is, which order types the MRP calculations needs to include demand from. You can include demand from the forecasts you have entered, sales and intersite orders, and project tasks.

 The parameters you select for the starting (initial) stock calculations can significantly affect the length of time it takes to run the MRP calculations. Please observe the notes and warnings for the Transfers field (MRPTRFSTO) below in particular.

 The MRP parameters are continued in the MRP Calculation 1 section.

Tab MRP Calculation 1

The MRP (Material Requirements Planning) calculation parameters continue in this section.

In this section you define the final set of parameters to be used for the planning calculations, and which make and buy recommendations (suggested orders) can be created to cover demand and replenish stock. For example, you can optionally exclude safety stock and manufacturing losses from the calculations.

You also define the replanning rules, that is the rules that define the time period within which actual requirements can be established and resources can be replanned.

Tab MPS Calculation

You use this section to define the first set of MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculation parameters.

In this section you specify the firm horizon for the schedule and how the recommendations are to be bucketed, that is in days, weeks, and months.

You specify which resources are to be included in the MPS calculations, that is, you specify which order types and stock the MPS needs to include replenishments from. You can include include incoming stock from purchase orders, work orders, intersite (transfer), and subcontract orders. You can choose to remove uninspected items, that is those items that have not yet been through quality control, from the calculation of available stock.

You also specify which requirements to include, that is, which order types the MPS calculations need to include demand from. You can include demand from the forecasts you have entered, sales, and intersite orders, and project tasks.

 The parameters you select for the starting (initial) stock calculations can significantly affect the length of time it takes to run the MPS calculations. Please observe the notes and warnings for the Transfers field (MPSTRFSTO) below in particular.

 The MPS parameters are continued in the MPS Calculation 2 section.

Tab MPS Calculation 2

The MPS (Master Production Schedule) calculation parameters continue in this section.

In this section you define the final set of parameters to be used for the scheduling calculations, and which make and buy recommendations (suggested orders) can be created to cover demand and replenish stock.

 The MPS does not require some of these parameters. As the MRP and MPS parameters are similar the field help description applicable to the MRP parameters is included.

 The MPS does not require replanning rules. You can set the Method field (RPLMODS) to No processing, and the Replan quantities and Replan dates fields (RPLUPDQTYS / RPLUPDDATS) to None.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Site XX: Record does not exist

The site that has been entered is not defined.

A value must be entered in at least one of the three fields

No period division has been made in the scheduling horizon.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation