This function is used to create, copy, modify and delete all production plans managed by the company, these production plans being used if the asset depreciation is based on carrying out operation units (OPEs).

When the depreciation plan of an asset is based on the OPE - Operation units method, this asset must be attached to a production plan.

This plan is used to:

  • specify the total number of OPEs necessary for the depreciation of the asset(s) attached to it, 
  • distribute the projected achievement of these OPEs by period and by FY, according to the period and fiscal year breakdown defined for the context retained for OPE management of the company,
  • enter, for the current period, the number of OPEs actually achieved; this information usually comes from Manufacturing and can be subject to an import.


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Screen management


The header contains the general characteristics of the production plan.

Tab Principle

This tab presents the production plan table, each line corresponding to a period of the context retained for the OPE management.
Upon creation, the first line is automatically loaded with the current period of the current fiscal year and the last line with the period in which the plan production end date is scheduled or, if no date is specified, with the last period defined in the context period table.

  • Entering the number ofplanned OPEs is authorized only on the production plan lines which corresponds to non closed periods.
  • Entering the number ofcompleted OPEs is authorized only on the production plan line which corresponds to the current period.
  • The OPE total for the fiscal year and the period end total cannot be modified. They are calculated based on completed OPEs or, by default, the planned OPEs.
  • The number ofResidual OPEs is automatically calculated based on the total number of OPEs of the production plan as well as the number ofcompleted OPEs or, if there are no completed OPEs,planned OPEs

The user does not need to distribute all OPEs specified for the production plan. The remainder of operation units not yet broken down feeds the planned OPEs of the period in which the production plan end date is scheduled, if this date is part of a period defined in the fiscal year table of the context fisl.
When this OPE total number is modified, the number of residual OPE is updated on each line greater than or equal to the current period, since the lines corresponding to closed periods cannot be modified. 

Note: The table data can be displayed as a chart by clicking the icon at the top-left corner of the table Table management). 

Tab Assets

This tab displays the list of the assets linked to the production plan and displays, for each of them, the purchase date and the ex-tax receipt value in company currency.

Other conditions


  • The production plan to copy and the copied production plan must belong to the same company.
  • Only the production plan lines later than or equal to the current period are copied: the OPE total of the copied plan is subtracted from the number of OPEs of the non copied lines.


Modifying a production plan is not authorized when its end date is scheduled for a period prior to the current period.
If the company of the asset is subject to the French (FRA) legislation, modifying the plan triggers:

  • The generation of an event of production plan change (FASCHGPPL).

     This event can be viewed in the Event log window that can be accessed from the Other info tab of the function of Fixed asset management.
  • The archiving of the pre-modification production plan in a dedicated table (DEPRECARC).  It can be viewed in the Archived plan tab, which can be accessed from the event detail inquiry.

 SEEWARNING In the case of a desynchronization of a context used for the management of operation orders: the OPEs of any potential associated production plan are updated on the basis of the resynchronization period, using the number of operation orders of the last period not affected by the re-breakdown. It might then be necessary to re-enter these quantities and to submit a depreciation calculation.


Deleting a production plan is not authorized when at least one asset is linked to it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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