The function Picking tickets is used to pick the goods in the warehouse before they are shipped to the customers. It usually comes between the sales order and the delivery.

This function is used to prepare the shipment:

  • of goods coming from the sales orders and/or
  • from loan orders, and/or
  • of reorder requirements for sub-contracting locations, and/or
  • of sub-contracting shortages.

The picking tickets can be generated:

  • directly from the sales orders (1 for 1),
  • or through the shipping planning (breakdown by groups, categories, etc. or grouping of several orders).

A picking ticket can be of two kinds:

  • global (the stock must be specified at the picking),
  • or detailed (the picker follows the instructions given in the application, Lot number, Series, etc.).

Operating principles

1 - When the picking ticket is created, the status is "in process".
2 - Launch the printing.
3 - When the "physical" picking is complete, compare the quantities and the stock identification on the paper document with what has been entered in Sage X3.
4 - Save the status to "Deliverable" using the corresponding button.

SEEREFERTTO A Shipping preparation function is also available in VT mode. It can be accessed from a portable terminal, and is also used to create and validate the main information linked to shipping preparations and launch label prints automatically.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

On the left side of the screen, this function recapitulates all the picking tickets saved and the various setups related to them by ranking them according to the attributed reference.


The information situated in the header comes from the order or from the preparation plan.

Tab Lines


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BONPREPA : Pick tickets

  BONPREPAALL : Allocated prod. pick tickets

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


This button is used to finalize the selected picking ticket.
Its status becomes "deliverable".


When the picking ticket has the status "deliverable", it is possible to use this button to launch the load preparation.


This button is available only when the picking ticket has the status "deliverable".

This option is used to access the creation function of the picking ticket.

The entry transactions suggested on opening the function are conditioned by the origin of the products grouped in the picking ticket (e.g. for products having an order for origin, the entry transactions available for delivery are only those associated with the "Normal" or "All types" categories and for products having a loan order for origin, the entry transactions are those associated with the "Loan" or "All types" categories).

SEEINFO Once the delivery action has been launched, the picking ticket can no longer be modified.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation