Use this function to manage the settings for the customization of the loan return entry screens.

A standard return entry transaction is initialized upon software installation. It can be modified or deleted with this object, also used to create new ones.

You can set up several transactions for loan returns. Each transaction, identified by a code and a text description, appears in a selection window when calling the Loan returns function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


The transaction header allows you to create new transaction codes or to look for existing transactions to be modified or deleted.

Tab Parameter Definitions

In this tab, define the different elements such as the automatic printing of the return slip, the display of some information fields and the entry of information linked to stock management.

Tab Header / Line

In this tab, define the management method for particular sections of your return entry screen.

Tab Stock

Use this tab to set up the stock information that will be accessible on the return line and in the detail screen when various information exist for a single return line (e.g. several lot numbers on a single return line). Define the management method of these sections in your return entry screen.

Tab Analytical

In this function, the field Distribution line is not accessible

Specific Buttons


At the end of the entry, this button is used to save the setup performed and trigger the generation of the corresponding screens.



This button is used to copy the setup from or to another folder.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

You do not have access to this code

This message appears when the access code entered does not exist in your user profile. To solve this problem, choose an access code from the list displayed or (provided you have the authorization), add the requested access code to your user profile.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation