Expenses - Implementation
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :
IAS management
No. of analytical dimensions
Polish localization
General parameters
The following general parameters may change the way the function is working :
Fixed assets
CREDIRLOF (defined at level Company) : Expense: direct creation
DEFJOU (defined at level Legislation) : Default account journal
DEFUOM (defined at level Folder) : Default unit
DEFVATRAT (defined at level Company) : VAT rate by default
GRTPRVUPD (defined at level Company) : Review earlier subsidy
LOFAUTNUM (defined at level Company) : Expense numbering
LOFDELAUT (defined at level User) : Authorized to delete expenses
REMAFCY (defined at level User) : Persistence of the site
VATAUTVAL (defined at level Company) : Automatic VAT validation
Sequence Numbers
The sequence numbers used to number the documents managed by this function are :
EXP : Expenses
The sequence number assignment function defines the sequence number which is used
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, and deletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user. Filters by roles can also be associated with this function.
As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.
The following options can be activated or deactivated for each user :
Entry Transactions
This function is managed with entry transactions which can be set up.
Miscellaneous prerequisites
Miscellaneous tables
The following miscellaneous tables are used by the function. They must be populated if necessary :
Miscellaneous table number 613 : Cash Generating Unit
Miscellaneous table number 614 : Investment projects
Miscellaneous table number 615 : Investment budget
Miscellaneous table number 616 : Investment request
Miscellaneous table number 620 : Market
Miscellaneous table number 520 : Free field 1 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 521 : Free field 2 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 522 : Free field 3 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 523 : Free field 4 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 524 : Free field 5 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 525 : Free field 6 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 526 : Free field 7 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 527 : Free field 8 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 528 : Free field 9 Expenditures
Miscellaneous table number 529 : Free field 10 Expenditures
Tables to be completed
The following tables are used by the function. Their content must be updated if necessary :
Table |
Table description |
Miscellaneous prerequisite
- During the creation of the expenses by direct entry, certain common data elements must have been created beforehand. The main information is:
- the Suppliers and the Products for which it is necessary to enter the corresponding tables which are the BP G/L accounting table and the Products common table,
- the Locations in order to be able to enter the geographic assignment,
- The VAT Sector used for loading by default the liability and tax coefficients linked to the VAT.
In addition, the accounting allocations with respect to the national standards and with respect to the international standards can be automatically loaded by the choice of account group. This calls the previous setup of the Field associations.
- During the creation of expenses by import, an option is used to also import certain common data elements necessary to the structure of these expenses, in order to avoid a reject caused by non-existent data.
- The creation of expenses from the MO requires a specific setup. For further information, see the documentation on Entry creation.