This parameter identifies a Sage X3 user as approved for involvement in your Change control management (CCM) process as a subject matter expert, or "approver". They might be, for example, a member of your company's "change board".
Yes: This user is approved as a CCM subject matter expert. With this authorization this user can be assigned to a Change controlchange request as an "approver". This gives them authorization to approve or reject specific entities against the business case for a "change" to a design or production model. Note that this could result in the approval or rejection of the change request.
No: This user is not authorized for involvement in your CCM process as an "approver". They cannot be assigned to review any entities against the business case for any change requests.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group CCM (Change control management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CCMCHGMAN (Change manager)
- CCMCMDEF (Default change manager)
- CCMDEPT (Department)
- CCMEMAILAC (Email actioner)
- CCMEMAILAP (Email approver)
- CCMEMAILCM (Email change manager)
- CCMEMAILCR (Email creator)
- CCMEMAILP (Email planner)
- CCMPLADEF (Default planner)
- CCMPLANNER (Planner)
- CCMROLE (Role)
- CCMUPDCHGM (Allow change manager update)
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Change control management