Development >  Utilities >  Patches >  Patch creation  

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Use this function to create an archive containing developments created in a given folder (the current folder by default), and a certain number of setup elements. This function is of particular interest if you need to transfer to a live folder a set of consistent modifications carried out in a setup or test folder.

In addition to the possibility of grouping together a set of elements, this patch generation is used to circumvent the single server or interconnected server constraint that necessitates the use of the Copy button.

The principle of this function is to extract the data dictionary elements of a folder, plus other data (in principle, the setup data in limited quantities, because this format is not overly compact). All of the elements extracted in this way are archived in a file that can be reintegrated into another folder by using the patch integration function. The multilingual aspect of the dictionary is managed by this utility, it being possible to transfer the messages linked to the patched elements in several languages.

Each extracted element is identified both by a code that defines the type of patched element (a screen, a report, data from a table...) and by a supplementary information element (the code of the screen, of the object, a selection criterion...).

This function is used:

  • by the standard development teams to create correction patches or additional functional deliveries,
  • by partners having carried out vertical developments to install additional modules,
  • by developers to transfer specific developments which have been carried out.

Screen management

Entry screen


You can define in the entry screen:

  • the general parameters of the patch,
  • the language codes for which the extraction of texts must be carried out,
  • the list of elements to be patched in a grid.

The entry is carried out on a single tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • field AW


  • Destination type (field TYPEXP)


  • File name (field VOLFIL)


Type of patch

  • Type of patch (field TYPPTC)

The patch type can take the following values:

  • Standard
    This patch can be installed on a folder list which will be given in the integration, in theory, this list contains the supervisor folder. In most cases (including for specific and vertical developments), this is the patch to use. Indeed, the delivery of specific or vertical developments does not rely on the patch type, but on the list of activity codes which are given in the corresponding table.
  • Supervisor
    This patch will only be integrated in the supervisor folder. This type is used when the user wants to insert pre-setup elements such as import/export models, automatic journals and Workflow rules that could have been modified in the different folders. In order to avoid erasing the modifications carried out, the supervisor folder only is updated. It is used to have updated setup values in case of the creation of a new folder, and also to update manually by making copies in each folder after having used the existing comparison utilities.
  • Specific
    This patch is identical to the standard patch but it is used when a screen is patched to delete the specific actions (SPE) not included in the patch. You must use this value if you need to modify the name of the specific process for a dictionary action on screens. This also applies to screens, objects, reports, formulae and inquiries.
    Please refer to the detailed technical appendix for further information.
  • Vertical
    This patch is identical to the standard patch but it is used when a screen is patched to delete the vertical actions (SPV) not included in the patch. You must use this value if you need to modify the name of the vertical script for a dictionary action on screens. This also applies to screens, objects, reports, formulae and inquiries.
    Please refer to the detailed technical appendix for further information.
  • Add-on
    This patch is dedicated to the add-ons. It is used to keep the actions on vertical fields (SPV) and the specific actions (SPE).

The patches containing documentation elements are specifically processed: this is described in the corresponding appendix.

Grid Languages

This table is used to define the languages that should be patched.

In fact, all the data dictionary texts (defined by the code type ATX) are stored in a separate table (ATEXTE table) and are identified by a number (less than 100,000 for standard texts, greater than that for others). These texts are transferred by patch in their literal form (the number has no meaning since it may vary) in the different languages. Therefore this table gives the list of languages used for inclusion with the texts.

Block number 6

  • Comment (field COMMENT)

This information comment is used to describe the patch file (from the point of view of its finality or its contents). It will be visible in the patch integration log file.

The name of the folder from which the patch elements will be extracted.

  • Minimum release (field VERSION)

This minimum version code makes it possible to avoid integrating the patch in an application from an older version.

  • Product (field PRODUIT)

This field identifies the product from which the patch is extracted. This field is not available for entry.

Grid Objects

  • Type (field TYPOBJ)

This table is used to enter a list of objects to be patched. This list is identified by an object type and a name. The definition of the different types and the meaning of the name are given in an appendix.

  • Object name (field NOMOBJ)

The element key entered here for which the code has been entered or an additional information (condition in the case of a data patch). It should be noted that if the key for the record to be patched is in several parts, these are separated by the tilde character ( ~ ).

  • Description (field INTITOBJ)

Use this field to assign a description to each record.

Grid Activity codes

This table lists specific or vertical activity codes (i.e. starting with X, Y or Z).

To create a patch integrating this type of development you must define the relevant activity codes. Dictionary elements containing specific activity codes which are not in the list will be ignored by the patch integration. This precaution is mandatory otherwise standard patches could update objects linked to a specific or vertical activity code. It is precisely the fact that no custom/specific activity code has been given in the standard patch header that makes it possible to manage this event.

These activity codes should not be used to filter the extraction of patch objects, they simply indicate that the elements linked to these specific activity codes will be updated by the patch integration. The elements linked by these activity codes can be loaded using a specific action in the Actions menu, at the level of the table defining the patch content.



Action icon


Use this function to preload in the grid all the folder elements marked by the activity codes listed in the corresponding grid.

Standard Rerouting Action

Use this function to verify if the object of the current line is or is not the same in two folders. A window then opens in order to enter the two folder codes. Once this window is opened, the comparison is performed and a log file window gives the result. If the name of the element is not indicated as different, the two elements are the same in the compared folders.

It is possible that the comparison cannot be made on some object types. A message is displayed as such in the log file.

Standard Rerouting Action

Use this action to verify whether all the objects in the patch are the same in two folders. A window then opens in order to enter the two folder codes. Once this window is opened, the comparison is performed and a log file window gives the result.

Standard Rerouting Action

Use this function to call up a setup model in order to enter a list of patches of type AAA (a line by data model indicated in the screen).

Unlike the functioning obtained when using the setup copy function, here only the AAA lines are generated (the APH line describing the model is not included). Additionally, the legislation code is not entered at this point and any filter on the legislation is not normally applied here.

It is however possible to generate a AAA line for a unit data model by clicking Data model from the Actions icon on the Object namefield. A selection window opens where you can choose the model, legislation, key or selection formula in order to create a line integrating all the elements.




Element types that can be patched

This table lists objects to be patched. The list is identified by an object type and a name. The definition of the various object types and the meaning of the name are provided. The Rank column gives the order of the element types in the patch (see paragraph below). Elements with the rank 100 in the table are always at the end of the patch (in alphabetical order of element codes).






Lines arising from a setup model

Specific format, see corresponding section



Batch recurring task

Recurring task code



BI Fact table

Table code



Group of tasks

Group code



BI Dimension

Dimension code



BI Datamart

Datamart code



Report Business Objects

Report code



Batch task

Task code



BI Synchronization rule

Code of the rule



Control table

Table code




Inquiry code



Access codes

Dealt with in the form of a condition (CODACS='value')




Action code



Definition of an activity code

Activity code



Description of a script (dictionary)

Script name



Documentation links

Type ~ Element code



Contents of a miscellaneous table

Table number



Functional help (all paragraphs)

Type ~ Help code



Parameter (both its definition and value if they exist at the general level)

Parameter code


Sales Management

Setup of a miscellaneous table

Table number



Script file (only in its compiled form)

Script file name



Field help

Help code



Import/export sequencing

Dealt with in the form of a condition (CODE='value')




Function code



Global variable

Variable name



BI Hierarchy

Hierarchy code



Purge formulae

Formula code



BI predefined condition

Condition code



Query tool

Code for the request



SQL query tool

Code of the SQL request



Graphical query tool

Code for the request




Screen code



Local menu

Local menu number




Navigation code



Definition of a counter:

Code of the counter



Widget Netvibes parameters

Object code for widget



Definition of an object

Code of the object



Import/export template

Template code



Object properties

Code of the object



Setup models

Template code



Graphical process

Process code



Report definition in the dictionary

Report code



Conditioned style

Dealt with in the form of a condition (COD='value')



Description of a sub-program in the dictionary

Name of the sub-program



Presentation style

Style code



Table definition (the contents are not transferred, the update of the structure is made without losing common data)

Table code




Transaction code



Data type

Code of the type




URL code




Code of the view



Workflow rule

Code of the Workflow rule



Web service

Publication name



Window definition

Code of the window



Workflow data model

Model code



Workflow assignment rule

Code of the assignment rule



Setup of the Workflow workbench

Code of the workbench



BIAR objects

Object code



Element of the client interface (xsl, image, miscellaneous file)

File path



Crystal Reports report (file with .rpt extension)

Report name



Request to run a script

Script name



Automatic journals

Document code



Statistical trigger

Trigger code



Statistical code

Statistical code



Complete structure and contents of a table (excluding its 'dictionary' definition).
The global patch of a table is a 'flat' save of this file: as a .dat file when saving a table in the save directory (SVG). Not all the links to this table are taken into account and especially the translatable texts contained in the ATEXTRA table.

Table code



Formulae table

Formula code



Source of a script (the script will be compiled on patch installation)

Script name



Text file (in the TXT directory)

Text name


Table abbreviation

Partial contents of the table

Extraction condition (expressed in the form of a Where clause)


Important notes

Total transfer of a table data

The TAB code is used to transfer the data in a table, by reloading it in the database with its structure and its data. However, the dictionary elements related to this table are not created, so the table might be hidden. Also, this code is useful when you want to reload a table already created in the folders to be patched, where the structure has not changed. If this is not the case, it is necessary to place two lines in the patch definition: the first applies to the table definition (ATB XXXXX), the second applies to its content (TAB XXXXX). Even if they are not sorted in this entry order, the patch function will replace them in the order above. At the patch integration, the table will be created in the dictionary and in the database, if it does not already exist (if not, its structure will be updated if it has changed). Then the table will be reloaded with the data.

Partial transfer of a table data

To partially transfer a table data, provide the table abbreviation in the type column and enter in the Name column a logical condition used to extract the source folder and perform the integration to the destination folder. It is important to note that the data extracted in this way can modify the existing data with the same keys, or create new data. However, for security reasons, the data may never be deleted during the patch integration. For example, in the following situation, in the country table (TCY abbreviation):

Initial folder

Target folder

Country code

Country name

Country code

Country name






United Arab Emirates















If in the patch the line with TCY is indicated and the condition CRY = 'AL', the patch will only contain the line corresponding to Albania, and the integration of the patch in the target folder will rewrite AL, Germany and replace it with AL, Albania.

If indicated in the patch is a line with TCY and the condition pat(CRY,'A*'), the patch will contain 4 lines AD, AE, AF and AR. On integration, the record AE, United Arab Emirates and the record AR, Argentina will be created, the AL, Germany will be replaced by Albania and keep A, Afghanistan and AU, Australia, that existed already in the target folder and were not delivered in the patch.

If in the patch there is a line with TCY and the condition find(CRY,'AD','AE','AL'), the result will be the same, except for AR, Argentina, which would not have been transferred.

The only way to delete data consists in:

  • Either globally replacing the contents of a complete table (TAB type patch)
  • Or supplying a script file via the EXE code (see below). For example, in order to be certain for the countries starting with an A, that only the countries with codes AD, AE or AL remained on the list, a script file would have been delivered (called MAJPATCHnnn for example), which would contain the lines described in the example below.

Running a script

One specific case must be mentioned: The EXE code, which makes it possible to give the name of a script to be run. Despite its rank number, this script is run at the end of the patch integration (it may exist beforehand or be delivered in the patch itself, since the execution is only carried out at the end of the integration).

The script must contain a subprogram called PATCH, with a parameter being the folder code. This is the subprogram that will be run. In this way, for the situation above, the following program is obtained:

Value Char NOMDOS
Trbegin [TCU]
Delete [TCU] Where pat(CRY,'A*')=1 & find(CRY,'AD','AE','AL')=0

In this way it can be seen that it is necessary to declare the tables in this subprogram whilst considering the fact that they must be declared in a folder that is not necessarily the current folder (the syntax, Local file = FOLDNAME + '.TABLENAME', ensures this).

Generic scripts to be run

When patches are carried out on model elements of the user interface (model screens used to create transaction windows), the screens concerned need to be revalidated.

This revalidation can be performed by declaring the running of the appropriate script in the maintenance. The standard scripts to be started, depending on the type of patched element, are as follows:

Patched element

to be launched


Screen used as the basis for an inquiry which can be set up.


Validation of all the inquiry screens

Presentation styles


Generation of the styles

System transaction


Validation of the system transactions

Statistical parameters


Revalidation of all the statistics

Basic screen of a transaction on object XXX


Revalidation of the transactions associated with the object

This type of functionality can also be carried out within the framework of a specific development (simply add the PATCH subprogram as specified in the previous paragraph).

Documentation patch

The structure of the data in the documentation slightly differs. In effect, the following default rules are applied on folder creation and revalidation:

  • The documentation texts and files (tables ADOCBLB and ADOCCLB) are entered in the supervisor folder and are not transferred to the dependent folders (it is nevertheless possible to create local help texts for a folder that will be stored locally).
  • The documentation structure (documentation links, that are nearly dictionary elements, and paragraph structures) is stored in each folder and copied to those folders located below in case of revalidation (while complying with the vertical or specific activity codes that may have been defined in a child folder).

Thus the principle is as follows when integrating a doc patch (ADO type):

  • The documentation structure can be integrated to all the folders listed when applying the patch, irrespective of the patch type (based on the list of folders supplied on integration)
  • The texts and files are only integrated to the supervisor folder if the patch type is Supervisor (this is the case for the standard doc patches). In the event of a different patch type, the texts and files are integrated to all the folders.
  • The ADF type patch (links) can be integrated to all the folders, even if the patch has the Supervisor type. Supervisor.

Selection of the configuration files

The patch integration checks the application sequencing of the patch files, whenever they include a numerical sequencing in their name. It is recommended to name the patch files using a name defined under the form X_yyyy_zzz.dat, with the following meaning:

  • X is a character (different from P, since P is used to specify standard patches) that identifies the patch type
  • yyyy is a sequential number (in principle starting at 0001).
  • zzz is an identifier for the version to be integrated.

If this standard is applied, during the integration of a group of patch files in a directory, the following controls will be made:

  • Files from different versions are not mixed during the same integration
  • It is not possible to skip a sequential number if patches identified by the same character and the same version number have already been integrated. In this way for example, if the patch Z_0005_150.dat has been integrated, if an attempt to integrate patch Z_0007.140.dat is made without first having integrated the Z_0006_150.dat patch, an error message is displayed on integration.

Order of the elements in a patch file

When a patch file is created, the rule is for the elements contained in said patch file to form a consistent whole which leaves the folder consistent after it has been applied. In particular, if a new function is created by the patch, be it defined by an action, a window, a screen, a table and two scripts, it seems logical for all these elements to be part of the patch.

When some elements are used to constitute a patch file, the creation function sorts them in a specific order of types, so as to avoid integration errors. For example, if a window is integrated before the screens included in this window, the error Nonexistent screen is triggered upon validation. As a consequence the data types are always integrated before the screens and tables, the screens before the windows, and so on and so forth.

The order used on generating the patch matches the rank specified in the grid below: It is also the proposal order that appears in the automatic patch.function.

Let us underline the fact that it is impossible to solve all the possible conflicts. For instance, a data type can refer to an action, that may refer to a window, that may refer to a screen, that may refer to this data type. To solve this situation of conflict (although rare), it may be necessary to break down the patch file into two files (for instance, the first file supplying all the elements with a data type that does not refer to the action, the second file supplying the data type that integrates the action).

Dictionary elements that are not patched

If you are installing a patch containing dictionary elements, please note that some fields, considered as dictionary elements that can be set up, are complied with irrespective of their protections by means of activity codes. This is the case of a default destination in a report.

Please refer to the detailed technical appendix for details on the applicable fields.

Specific format for AAA elements

A patch of AAA type corresponds to a line coming from a setup model. It uses a specific format for the element code. This format is one of the two following:



On these lines:

  • MODELE corresponds to the data model used to describe the tables to extract
  • CODE_LEG corresponds to the legislation code, which can be empty (in this case, two ~ are placed one after the other)
  • CODE_TRS corresponds to the transaction code, which can also be empty
  • FORMULE_SELECTION is a filter condition. Any text chain must be put 'in double quotes' since the formula is put in 'simple quotes'.
  • CLE~SOUS_CLE~SOUS_SOUS_CLE (the number of sub-keys being variable) corresponds to the specific case when it is required to select a key value corresponding to the model main table. It is only possible when calling up a model (AAA code) from the patch creation and then opening the window making it possible to select the model and enter the key by direct search.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Specific Buttons

This function is used to recall the list of elements contained in a patch file in order to complete it if needed and recreate a patch file. The window that opens then is used to select the patch file to read.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

…. : nonexistent directory

The access path for the patch file does not exist.

Object type is incorrect

The object type does not correspond either to one of the predefined objects or to the abbreviation in an existing table.

... Dictionary XXX record nonexistent

An attempt has been made to extract an object from a non-existent dictionary.

Incorrect value

The extraction condition associated with the data extraction from a table contains an incorrect syntax.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation