This functions collects and displays the values for the Austrian Recapitulative Statement. The output of the calculated data can either be printed out or exported as a specifically formatted XML file for upload to the Austrian "Steuer Online" webportal. Access to "Steuer Online" requires a registration and login.
The data selection is controlled on one side by company or group of companies, on the other side by the specified start/end date for the selection. The data is extracted from the main legal ledger, which must be held in Euro.
The time range can only be either a calendar month, a calendar quarter or a calendar year.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The calculated values from the data extraction are shown on two tabs:
In addition, the results are shown with a traffic light status indicator. By default, an export is only possible when all entries have a green status. This behavior can be changed by changing the parameter GERRSEXTMP - Temporary journal export (chapter LOC, group GER) to YES and checking the option "Hide invalid" in the header of the screen.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter a company group to extract values for the group. |
Enter a company. |
This field displays the legislation for the selected company. |
Enter a site for the selected company to limit the extraction to that site. This field is not available if you enter a company group. |
Legal data
This field displays the tax identifier for the company or company group. |
Enter a date rate to select records within those dates. The date range can only be a calendar month, a calendar quarter, or a calendar year. Generating the statement for a calendar year is only for internal reconciliation purposes, and it is not an official declaration time range. |
Enter an end date for records to be include or the end date for the validity of an configuration entry. |
This field displays the currency from main legal ledger. |
If activated, invalid records will be suppressed on data processing (and consequently not exported later). Only available when parameter GERRSEXTMP - Temporary journal export (chap. LOC, group GER) is active. |
The following fields are present on this tab :
This traffic light-like indicator displays the status of an entry:
A detailed information about the status of each entry is displayed in the "Result" tab in the column "Comment". |
Displays the EU VAT No.:
Amount considered in the Recapitulative Statement. |
Displays the tax code of the entry. |
Displays the type of the turnover. It is determined by the matching between turnover types and tax rules defined in the Recapitulative Statement Parameter screen. |
Displays the BP's country. |
Block number 3
Block number 2
Total amount of turnover for the displayed entries. |
Number of lines in result. |
Status information for the result. |
Block number 4
The following fields are present on this tab :
This traffic light-like indicator displays the status of an entry:
A detailed information about the status of each entry is displayed in the "Result" tab in the column "Comment". |
Displays the EU VAT No.:
This field is used to specify the contra account. |
Amount considered in the Recapitulative Statement. |
Displays the tax code of the entry. |
This column relates to the accompanying BP tax rule. The BP tax rule must have the setting EU (intra-community) tax. |
The customer invoice type is used for the Sales and BP Customer invoices. It identifies a category of invoice (invoice, credit memo etc.) along with a posting structure for the posting of the invoices. On invoice entry, only an invoice type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered. The invoice type is associated to a type of journal for which a counter (manual or automatic) is specified. |
Displays the document number of the underlying invoice. |
Description text of the document. |
Displays the type of the turnover. It is determined by the matching between turnover types and tax rules defined in the Recapitulative Statement Parameter screen. |
Displays the BP's country. |
Displays a descriptive comment for the entry. In case of red (errors) or yellow (warnings) status, the reason is displayed in more detail. |
Action icon
This button is used to display the result of the data extraction as a print report. |