This function is used to list the products in the process of a stock count for a site, for a given range of products. Only the products present in the stock count list and therefore where the count has not yet been validated are presented in this inquiry. See the Stock count documentation
Refer to documentation Implementation
The header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry used.
Site: It is mandatory to enter a site. The site shown by default corresponds to the site associated with the user.
Selection criteria
Product ranges: This range is used to select a group of products.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Enter the selection start product number. The product ranges limit the adjustment to these products only. |
Enter the selection end product number. |
The columns displayed in this grid depend on the setup of the screen code chosen.
By default the table reproduces for the chosen site, by stock count line, the product reference, stock count list reference and stock count session, the date of the next stock count, the stock quantities.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Action icon
This button at the level of the product is used to display the stock count situation (quantity entered, lot number...) for this product.
This button is used to view the stock management data.
This inquiry presents by stock status or all statuses taken together, the stock report in stock units and packing units.
This inquiry presents the stock report broken down by stock status and sub-status.
It is possible to access by tunnel to the session view to which the product is in the process of a stock count entry.
It is possible to access by tunnel to the visualization of the stock count list to which the product is in the process of a stock count entry.
This button is used to view all the stock count lines in the list where the product being entered is found.
This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header. It is possible to specify here a range of products, product categories ranges, and administrator range. Screen code : the inquiries can generally be parameterized (for the detail, see Inquiry screens). It is possible to call up customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This personalization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid. It is possible to memorize one or more sets of criteria by saving the codes. that can be subsequently recalled. or deleted . |