Fixed assets >  Processes >  Depreciations >  Depreciation calcs  

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This function is used to launch the mass calculation processing of the actual asset depreciation (and provisions for renewal of assets in concession) of one or several sites of a company or group of companies. This calculation is performed for the selected contexts.
As a general rule, a unit calculation processing is automatically submitted upon the creation, modification or any other action performed on an asset: revision of its depreciation basis, residual value, method change, impairment loss, revaluation... In this case, there is no need to relaunch the depreciation mass calculation.

However, some situations require the submission of a mass calculation:

  • Modification of settings such as:

    - Division of the fiscal year into periods
    - Creation of a new depreciation plan
    - Modification of one parameter with an impact on the depreciation calculation of a group of assets: general parameter of the AAS chapter, parameters of a depreciation method, parameters of the depreciation context.
  • Closing of a fiscal year. The calculation is used to extend the depreciation plan (according to the number of fiscal years to be calculated at the level of the Context setup), by generating the new records of the depreciation expense table (DEPREC); the existing records are not recalculated.

SEEINFOBesides, a depreciation calculation processing used for simulations is also available; it makes it possible to select the assets to be calculated, to perform the calculation by plan, and to choose the calculation horizon as well as the number of fiscal years broken down into periods to calculate.
SEEREFERTTORefer to the Depreciation simulation processing.

SEEWARNING The calculation and closing processes are automatically blocked when the number of managed assets exceeds by 5 percent the maximal number of assets authorized by the limits of the license.
This information is displayed at the function level
Context status can be accessed via right click on the companies grid. 


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function consists of a single screen which is used to launch the calculation processing after selecting the company(ies) for which a calculation is requested.

The user can refine the selection for each company by specifying the site(s) to calculate, as well as the concerned contexts.

..\FCT\SEEINFO the Inactive assets are implicitly excluded from the calculation.

Tab Entry creation screen



This table presents the list of the companies defined in the folder.
The unit or mass selection of companies for which a calculation is requested, is performed through different functions that can be accessed by right-click.


This table is loaded with the list of contexts managed in the company on which the cursor is positioned.
After selecting a company, all the financial sites that are linked to it are selected by default. The user can exclude one or more sites from the process by deselecting the checkbox.


This table is loaded with the list of contexts managed in the company on which the cursor is positioned.
After the selection of a company, all its contexts are automatically selected. The user can exclude one or more contexts from the process by deselecting the checkbox.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Company selection

  • Calculate (field FLGCLCCPY)

This flag makes it possible to specify that a calculation must be performed on the company. The selection only concerns the company; it is necessary to select unit by unit each site concerned and then each context.
The mass selection of a company, of its group of sites, of its contexts, and of its plans, is made possible by the right-click button "Company".

The Identification Code for the company.

Grid Site selection

  • Calculate (field FLGCLCFCY)

This indicator enables the user to precise that a calculation must be done on the site.

Identification code of the site.

Grid Depreciation contexts

  • Calculate (field FLGCLCCNX)

This flag is used to specify that a calculation must be performed on the context.

  • Context (field CNX)

This field displays the title of the depreciation context.

  • FY start date (field DATSTRFIY)

This field contains the financial year start date of the considered context.

  • Period start (field DATSTRPER)

This field contains the current period start date of the considered context.


  • Force the depreciation calculation (field FLGFASCLC)




Action icon

All the cpy

This button enables the selection of the company corresponding to the line on which the cursor is positioned, and of all its sites and contexts.
SEEINFO Simply double-clicking to check the box Calculate of a company is not enough for automatically selecting sites and contexts of this company. It is necessary to select them one by one with a double-click, or to mass select them by right-clicking and using the button All the company.

This cpy and the following

This button is used to select the company on which the cursor is positioned, as well as the companies corresponding to the following lines. The sites and contexts of companies are automatically selected.
This button is particularly useful when launching batch processing, when some of the selected companies cannot be processed because of the maximum number of parameters that can be defined (500 per default). While saving the parameters, the process checks whether this maximum is reached, in which case a message forbidding the selection of this company is displayed; the process needs to be relaunched one or more times. This button then enables the selection of the first of the companies that were not processed, as well as the following ones. 

All companies

This button is used to select all companies. Their sites and their contexts are also selected automatically.

Company status

This button displays a window containing the list of the companies and the status of each of their contexts regarding calculation, closing and posting. Please refer to the documentation on Company status.




Processing description

For each depreciation plan of the selected context(s), the calculation process is based either on the current period, or on the depreciation start period, if the depreciation start date falls after the current period, within the limits of the FY number defined in the Context setup (this number includes current and next FYs).
Note: when an asset has been acquired during a previous fiscal year, and that the depreciation total is not available, the process takes control of the depreciation anteriority calculation in order to obtain this value. This situation should only occur during a folder transfer phase.

Calculation optimization

An optimization mechanism of calculations is set up at the level of each context, plan and asset, through the positioning of calculation flags. This mechanism, associated to parameters used to reduce and distribute the operating weigh of the calculation, is used to reduce the calculation processing times.

SEEREFERTTO For more information concerning the execution of the calculation optimization, please refer to the attached document: Calculation optimization.

- The status of each company regarding the calculation is displayed by right-clicking Company Status.
- The asset status regarding the calculation is displayed at the level of the Depreciation plan

Process log file

A log file is automatically displayed on process completion. The amount of detail in the log file is specified by the value of the NIVTRACE setup - Log file level, and the log file automatically recaps the calculation parameters and, for each calculated company: the calculated contexts, the number of assets to calculate regarding the closing of all contexts (before or after process), the number of calculated assets on the selected contexts as well as the potential error messages.
It also displays, when necessary, the list of pending setting modifications which are automatically processed before calculation. This process, which is required in order to change the status of the contexts plans and assets concerned by these modifications to Not calculated, can be separated from the calculation and launched on its own via the Pending Modifications function. Otherwise, it is automatically performed before calculation.
Note: the viewing and printing of the log files is possible at any time via the Print log file print request of the ATRACE report code, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.

Preset queries

The following preset queries are available as standard in the reference folder:





 Depreciation end fiscal year

 List of the assets that will be completely depreciated (from an accounting point of view) in the current FY.


 NV assets = Residual Value

 List of the assets for which the net value equals the specified residual value.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FASCALCUL is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"Company calculation aborted. Impossibility to reserve the whole company for the processing"

All company records must be unlocked to achieve the calculation process.
The message is displayed when the maximum number of processing submission attempts, determined by the NBESSCLC parameter - Number of calculation attempts is reached.

"Too many companies selected simultaneously"

When the calculation process is carried out via the batch server, the parameters of the function must be saved until the actual launch of the processing on the server.
The limit on the global information that can be saved is 500, a control determines when choosing each company if this limit is exceeded; when it does this message is displayed preventing the selection of the company. The process has to be launched more than once.
..\FCT\SEEINFO The calculation takes into account the number of contexts to be calculated; the number of authorized companies can vary according to the selected companies.

"Operation impossible: at least a context of company $1$ is desynchronized from the Accounting"

A consistency check is performed between the FY/period breakdown of Accounting and the one of Fixed Assets, when the ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control parameter is set to Yes. When depreciation contexts of a company are not synchronized with accounting, the calculation of this company is not authorized. For the calculation to be carried out, the consistency of the FY/period breakdown must be ensured by launching the Context synchronization processing

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation