Asset >  Delete assets  

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This window, called when deleting an asset, is used to:

  • view and intervene on the accounting impact of the asset deletion processing at the depreciation level as well as the variances between linked plans (when their posting is managed),
  • cancel or not the renewal of renewing assets (in concession),
  • manage expenses linked to the deleted asset.


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Screen management



The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Asset (field AASREF)

This non modifiable field contains the reference of the financial asset.

  • Description (field AASDES1)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

  • Log (field FLGTRC)

This box checked by default, is used to produce a log file which title contains the deleted asset reference.
It shows:
- the information about the deleted asset identification and the user at the origin of the deletion,
- the operation carried out when deleting the asset with, among others, the list of generated deletion events and, if necessary, the list of grouped expenses with indicated, for each of them, the choice to distribute or delete it.

SEEINFO It is possible to inquire and edit the log files at any moment:

  • They can be inquired via the Read log files function of the Printsmenu.
  • It is possible to edit them via the Supervisor function of the Printmenu / Group print(report code: ATRACE Print log file).

Linked to contract

This field displays, by default, the reference of the financial lease contract in which the asset is referenced.

  • field ICOLOCK

This field can contain the ..\FCT\FASCNL_01.jpg icon specifying that the expense is locked by another user. The asset deletion is then unauthorized.



Tab Depreciations


This tab displays the following information for the depreciation plan selected in the scroll down list:

  • A recap of the amounts posted on the current FY and, if applicable, on the following FY.  
  • The list of events for FASCNL charge cancellations which will be generated at the end of the process giving the user the possibility to:
    - include, on the 1st event of the current FY, the totals related to previous fiscal years, 
    - select the event containing the depreciation basis (totals will then be contained in this event as well),
    - modify the posting date of these events,
    - modify the analytical allocations in order to choose allocations related to the deletion for instance.
    The generation rule of these events is presented hereafter.

SEEINFO A cancellation event is generated even if no amount is posted. This event is dedicated to the depreciation basis and the potential depreciation totals prior to the fiscal year, for which a reversal could be required.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Asset (field AASREF)

This non modifiable field contains the reference of the financial asset.

  • Description (field AASDES1)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

  • Log (field FLGTRC)

This box checked by default, is used to produce a log file which title contains the deleted asset reference.
It shows:
- the information about the deleted asset identification and the user at the origin of the deletion,
- the operation carried out when deleting the asset with, among others, the list of generated deletion events and, if necessary, the list of grouped expenses with indicated, for each of them, the choice to distribute or delete it.

SEEINFO It is possible to inquire and edit the log files at any moment:

  • They can be inquired via the Read log files function of the Printsmenu.
  • It is possible to edit them via the Supervisor function of the Printmenu / Group print(report code: ATRACE Print log file).

Linked to contract

This field displays, by default, the reference of the financial lease contract in which the asset is referenced.

  • field ICOLOCK

This field can contain the ..\FCT\FASCNL_01.jpg icon specifying that the expense is locked by another user. The asset deletion is then unauthorized.



Action icon

Assign balance sheet value

When several events exist on the current fiscal year, the first one is used by default to contain the depreciation basis to be reversed.
This button makes it possible to choose another event.

Analytical entries

This right-click option, which can only be accessed when a modification of analytical allocations is requested, opens a window displaying the current allocations, and authorizing the entry of different allocations (for instance allocations related to the deletion).




Tab Variances between plans


This tab is only displayed if the LNK - Variances between plans activity code is active.

It displays the following information for the depreciation plan selected in the scroll down list:

  • A recap of the variances between plans posted on the current FY and, if applicable, on the following FY.  
  • The list of events for FASLNKCNL variances cancellations which will be generated at the end of the process giving the possibility to:
    - include, on the 1st event of the current FY, the totals related to previous fiscal years, 
    - modify the posting date of these events.

The generation rule of these events is presented hereafter.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Depreciation plan (field DPRPLNLNK)

This field is used to select the depreciation plan.
The modification of the depreciation plan triggers the re-load of the posted amounts and events grids.

Grid Posted amounts

  • Fiscal year (field STAFIY)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays on the first line on each fiscal year, the status of the fiscal year: Current or Next.

  • Fiscal year end (field FIYENDDAT)

This field, that cannot be modified, includes the fiscal year end date of the context to which the plan belongs.

  • Period end (field PERENDDAT)

This field, non modifiable, displays the period end date of the plan.

  • Posted variance (field PSTLNK)

This field, that cannot be modified, contains the amount of expense differences between plans posted for the period.

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the analytical distribution used in order to post the amounts for this specific period.

This field contains one of the analytical dimensions used to post the amounts of the period. 9 fields of this type are available.

SEEINFOIn case of analytical transfer, these are the analytical distributions and dimensions reconstructed from the events; indeed the analytical postings carried by the fixed asset do not correspond necessarily to those that have been used during the posting time.










  • Feed of former totals (field FLGEXTANT)

When it is activated, this indicator is used to request the reversal of the totals at the beginning of the financial year by transferring them on the first event of the current financial year. This mechanism is then used to reverse these accumulations in accounting via the posting of the events rather than the creation of MO.
To do so, at least one cancellation event must be generated during the current financial year.

SEEINFO The posting or not, of these accumulations will be done depending on the setup of the entry type and automatic journal used.

  • Allow account date changes (field FLGUPDDAT)

This flag is used, when activated, to allow the entry of the dates of the posting processing of events to generate listed in the grid.

Grid Cancellation events

  • Fiscal year (field EFIYSTA)

This field, which cannot be entered, displays the status of the FY for which the event is generated.

  • Effective date (field EVTDAT)

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the effective date for the event to generate. By default, it is identical to the posting date.
When an event aggregates amounts from several periods, this date corresponds to the end date of the last period.

  • TRT accounting date (field CPTDATINT)

This field displays the accounting processing date of the event to generate. This date can be modified once the Accounting date modification box has been checked.

  • Posted variance (field EPSTLNK)

Ce champ, non modifiable, affiche le montant d'écart d'amortissement à annuler.

This field which cannot be modified displays the analytical distribution.

This field contains one of the analytical dimensions. 9 fields of this type are available.











Tab Provisions for renewal


This tab displays:

  • A recap of the amounts posted on the current FY and, if applicable, on the following FY. 
  • The list of events for FASCCNCNL provision cancellations for renewal which will be generated at the end of the process giving the possibility to:
    - include, on the 1st event of the current FY, the totals related to previous fiscal years, 
    - modify the posting date of these events.

The generation rule of these events is presented hereafter.

When the user wants to delete a concession asset (supplied by the grantee) which has been part of a renewal operation, as renewing asset, after the start date of the current FY, this tab displays the renewed assets and is used to request for the cancellation of the renewal.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Posted amounts

  • Fiscal year (field STAFIY)

This field, that cannot be modified, displays on the first line on each fiscal year, the status of the fiscal year: Current or Next.

  • Fiscal year end (field FIYENDDAT)

This field , which cannot be modified, displays the fiscal year end date of the context Accounting and fiscal.

  • Period end (field PERENDDAT)

This field, non modifiable, displays the period end date of the plan.

  • Posted prov. (field PSTACGRPR)

This field, which cannot be modified, contains the accounting provision amount already posted. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency.

  • F. prov. posted (field PSTFISRPR)

This field, which cannot be modified, contains the fiscal provision amount already posted. This amount is expressed in the accounting and fiscal context management currency.

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the analytical distribution used in order to post the amounts for this specific period.

This field contains one of the analytical dimensions used to post the amounts of the period. 9 fields of this type are available.

SEEINFOIn case of analytical transfer, these are the analytical distributions and dimensions reconstructed from the events; indeed the analytical postings carried by the fixed asset do not correspond necessarily to those that have been used during the posting time.










  • Feed of former totals (field FLGEXTANTR)

When it is activated, this indicator is used to request the reversal of the totals at the beginning of the financial year by transferring them on the first event of the current financial year. This mechanism is then used to reverse these accumulations in accounting via the posting of the events rather than the creation of MO.
To do so, at least one cancellation event must be generated during the current financial year.

SEEINFO The posting or not, of these accumulations will be done depending on the setup of the entry type and automatic journal used.

  • Allow account date changes (field FLGUPDDATR)

This flag is used, when activated, to allow the entry of the dates of the posting processing of events to generate listed in the grid.


  • Contrib. type (field CCNETRTYP)

This field, non modifiable, contains the asset in concession contribution type: 1st asset of the concession or Renewal.

  • Renewal carried out (field RNWDONFLG)

This non-editable indicator specifies when the contribution type of the asset is Renewal, if the renewal has actually been carried out.

  • Cancellation (field RNWCANFLG)

This indicator is only accessible if the following conditions are met:

  • the asset is in concession,
  • its contribution type is Renewal,
  • the renewal has been carried out in Sage X3 Fixed Assets (it is necessary that the renewing asset to be deleted is carrying a renewing event, the returned assets with the indicator Renewal activated cannot be the subject of a renewal cancellation).

When these conditions are met, this indicator is, by default, systematically activated. In this case, the renewing is systematically cancelled, the renewing operation is deleted and the issue of the renewed assets is also cancelled.
It can be de-activated so that the deletion of the asset does not generate the cancellation of the renewal. The issue of the renewed assets is then not cancelled.

Grid Renewed assets

  • Renewed asset (field MOTHAASREF)

This field, that cannot be modified, contains the reference of the renewing asset.

  • Description (field MOTHAASDES)

This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset.

Grid Cancellation events

  • Fiscal year (field EFIYSTA)

This field, which cannot be entered, displays the status of the FY for which the event is generated.

  • Effective date (field EVTDAT)

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the effective date for the event to generate. By default, it is identical to the posting date.
When an event aggregates amounts from several periods, this date corresponds to the end date of the last period.

  • TRT accounting date (field CPTDATINT)

This field displays the accounting processing date of the event to generate. This date can be modified once the Accounting date modification box has been checked.

  • Posted prov. (field EPSTACGRPR)

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the accounting provision amount to cancel.

  • F. prov. posted (field EPSTFISRPR)

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the fiscal provision amount to cancel.

This field which cannot be modified displays the analytical distribution.

This field contains one of the analytical dimensions. 9 fields of this type are available.











Tab Linked expenses


This tab displays, if applicable, the list of expenses assigned to the asset. The user can choose, for each expense, if it should be still assigned or deleted.

SEEINFO It is forbidden to delete an asset if at least one expense is locked by another user (symbolized by the following FASCNL_01.jpg  at the beginning of the line).




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Linked expenses

  • field ICOLOCK

This field can contain the ..\FCT\FASCNL_01.jpg icon specifying that the expense is locked by another user. The asset deletion is then unauthorized.

  • Delete (field FLGDEL)

This box can be ticked in order to specify that the expense must be deleted during the processing of the asset deletion.

  • Undo (field FLGULI)

Cette case, cochée par défaut, indique que la dépense sera détachée du bien lors du traitement de suppression du bien. Il est possible de modifier ce choix et d'activer la case Supprimer afin que la dépense ne soit pas détachée mais supprimée lors du traitement de suppression du bien.
SEEINFO Lorsque la dépense est issue d'une interface, sa suppression est interdite. Cette case est donc cochée et non modifiable.

  • Reference (field CODLOF)

This column displays the reference of each expense attached to the fixed asset.

  • Line (field LINLOF)

This field reminds the user of the line number of the expense.

  • Amount - tax (field AMTNOTCPY)

This column displays the expense amounts, expressed in the company management currency.

This column displays the CoA account of each expense.

This column displays the IFRS account of each expense.

  • Description (field DES)

This column displays the description of each expense.

  • Free field amount 1 (field USRFLDM1)

This field, which cannot be modified, displays the value of the free section of the amount type of the expenditure.
Six free sections of this type can be displayed.

  • Free field amount 2 (field USRFLDM2)


  • Free field amount 3 (field USRFLDM3)


  • Free field amount 4 (field USRFLDM4)


  • Free field amount 5 (field USRFLDM5)


  • Free field 6 amount (field USRFLDM6)




Action icon


This button gives access by tunnel to the Expense management function.




Generation rule for FASCNL, FASLNKCNL and FASCCNCNL events.

Cancellation events:
- FASCNL: expense cancellation event
- FASLNKCNL: plan variance cancellation event
- FASCCNCNL: provision for renewal cancellation event
are managed according to the following rule:

Number of events generated

  • When the asset has not been subjected to an analytical transfer, 1 cancellation event is generated.
  • When an asset has had at least one analytical transfer, several cancellation events are generated (generation of N+1 events for N transfers carried out),

They can be inquired at the level of the Accounting entries inquiry.


Posted amounts

 Fiscal year




Depreciation expense
Provision for renew.)





















































 Fiscal year


Deprec. expense (or
Provision for renew.)




















Effective and posting dates of events

  • The generated events have, by default, the same posting and effective date.
  • When an event aggregates amounts from several periods, the effective and posting dates correspond to the end date of the last period.
  • When no amount is posted (blank table), a unique event is generated upon cancellation, on the current period. Analytical allocations contained in this event are the ones in effect for this period (taking into account potential analytical transfers occurring outside the current period).   

SEEINFO The posting date can be modified by the user, after checking the box Modification of the posting date.
 In this case, no validity check is performed to check the entered date.

Depreciation basis

Upon cancelling the event, the depreciation basis of the current period is loaded by default for the first cancellation event to create (regardless of a depreciation expense).
When multiple cancellation events are created, another event can be chosen. This choice is performed by right-clicking Assign balance sheet valueon the selected event line.

Reversal of previous totals

At the time of the asset cancellation (FY start), depreciation expense or provisions for renewal totals can be different from zero. In this case, it could be required to reverse the totals in accounting, via the posting of cancellation events, rather than GL creation.

It is thus possible for the user to choose to load these totals, which would then be linked by default to the first cancellation event of the current fiscal year. When several cancellation events are available, the totals are linked to the same event as the one the user chose to link to the depreciation basis.

SEEINFO The possible posting of these totals will then be performed according to the setup of the entry type and automatic journal at use.

Analytical allocations

The modification of these analytical allocations of the asset is authorized so as to make it possible, for instance, to assign allocations related to the deleted assets.
The modification is carried out in the displayed window by right-clicking Analytical allocations in the grid of cancellation events of depreciation expenses, after activating the checkbox Analytical allocation modification.

Description of the deletion process

Besides the generation of cancellation events, the delete of the asset has the following impact:

  • the deletion of the linked events.
  • depending on the chosen option, the releasing of the expenses attached to the asset in the case where this asset has been created from one or more expenses.
  • the generation of a log file with information useful for:
    - identify the asset removed,
    - identify the user who originated the deletion,
    - provide the list of generated events so as to locate them.

Concession management:
 When there is a concession asset for which provisions have been saved, deleting the asset will delete its provisions for renewal as well.

When there is a renewing asset that has been part of renewing operation in Sage X3 Fixed Assets after the current FY start date, deleting the asset will have the following impact:

If the cancellation of the renewal has been requested:

  • cancel the renewal,
  • delete the renewal operation,
  • cancel the issue of renewed assets.

If the cancellation of the renewal has not been requested:

  • no cancellation of the issue of renewed assets.

Specific Buttons

This button is used to abort the delete of an asset.

This button is used to validate the delete of an asset.
It is grayed out and cannot be accessed when the asset is assigned to an expense which is locked by another user.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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