This function is used to automatically mass generate lists and/or picking tickets, and to print them.
If only the preparation lists are generated, the picking tickets can be generated later from the Preparation plans function.
Selection criteria can be specified, as well as a number of parameters which will be used as break criteria upon creation of the preparation lists and picking tickets. The delivery type, present on the orders, is implicitly taken into account as a break criterion.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
The preparatory code entered in this field is assigned by default to the picking lists and notes. |
The date entered in this field is used to take into account the eligible lines with a date lower or equal to the date entered. |
If orders exist in a "complete order delivery" to be prepared, this box must not be checked so order lines of this type are taken into account in the preparation. |
This is a range used to process customers by code. |
This field is used to select the adress code of the delivered client (start range). |
This field is used to select a second customer code in order to filter the orders to be displayed. |
This field is used to select the adress code of the delivered client (end range). |
This drop down list is used to select the routing code set up in the Customer record. |
This field is used to select the routing code (end range). |
This field is used to select a carrier code (start range). |
This field is used to select a carrier code (end range). |
This field is used to select the order number (start range). |
This field is used to select the order number (end range). |
This drop-down list is used to generate the picking list depending on the delivery criteria: "Normal", "Urgent" or "Very urgent". |
This field is used to add an other selection criteria for each picking code. |
Preparation origin
When this box is checked, the sales orders are taken into account. |
When this box is checked, the loan orders are taken into account.
When this box is checked, the sub-contracting reorder requirements are taken into account. |
When this box is checked, the sub-contracting shortages are taken into account. |
Enter, select or create additional filters with the formula editor. |
Enter, select (or use the formula editor) a calcul expression concerning the replenishment of sub-contract locations, using Sage Adonix format. |
Enter, select (or use the formula editor) a calcul expression concerning sub-contracting shortgages, using the Sage Adoniw format. |
Preparation list parameters
When unchecked, this box is used to regroup several picking lists for a same ship-to customer. |
When this box is unchecked, the system regroups the order lines whatever the route number code. When this box is checked, the system generates as many picking lists as orders having a different route number code. |
This box -unchecked- is used to group several picking list for a single picking code. |
Preparation list
When checked, this box launches the automatic print. |
This field is used to specify the print support document of the preparation list (label, slip, etc). |
This field is used for the set up of the printing criterias for printing the preparation list (PDF, RTXT file, etc). |
This field is used to define the printer. |
Pick ticket parameters
This box is used to generate picking tickets depending on the parametrized allocation type (Detail or Global shortage). |
The value selected in this list is reused when generating the picking notes (detailed or global allocation). |
This box -when not checked- is used to group several picking lists for a single order. |
If this box is checked, the system generates as many picking tickets as there are shipment dates, for the same ship-to customer.
Picking ticket
When checked, this box launches the automatic print. |
This field is used to specify the print support document of the picking note (label, slip, etc). |
This field is used to set up the issue criteria for the picking note print (PDF, TXT file, etc.). |
This field is used to define the printer. |