This function is only available if CCN - Concession activity code is activated.
Assets in concession can be renewed by the grantee under certain conditions (with the possibility to cancel this renewal under certain conditions).
In the application, there are two stages for this renewal: a preparation stage followed by a renewal validation stage.
1/ ThePreparation stage consists of:
According to this information, a certain number of amounts are calculated and displayed in this screen. These are:
For the renewing asset:
For each asset to renew:
2/ The Validation stage
This stage can be carried on from the Preparation function or from the Validation function which is used to validate a range of operations.
During this stage, the renewal becomes effective. It has the following effects:
- transmits the funds to the renewing assets, starts the calculation of their depreciation in the amortization expense plan and, if applicable, of their provisions for renewal.
- issues renewing assets.
Upon unitary validation, a calculation of the renewing asset and assets to renew is carried out automatically if the CALAUTVAL - Automatic calculation upon validation setup is set to Yes. Otherwise, the values for an asset are update only after the launch of the calculation.
Notes on FY closure:
Existing renewing assets or renewing operations can have an impact on the FY closure of the Accounting and fiscal:
This closure is indeed forbidden if there is, for a company:
After validation, a renewal operation can be cancelled as long as no period or FY closure has been done since the validation of the renewal.
The cancellation can be done:
After period or FY closure, all validated renewal operations are deleted whichever effective renewal date. It is therefore not possible to cancel them anymore. If there is an error or if something is forgotten, it is still possible to delete the renewal asset (the renewal is cancelled and the assets to renew are issued) and to prepare and validate a new renewal operation as long as the FY closure has not been carried out.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The preparation of a renewal operation in creation mode consists in:
Renewal left list
This list contains all the renewal operations: in preparation and validated since the last period and FY closure. A column indicates, for each of them, if it is validated or not.
Picking listAssets to renew
The quick select list of the Assets to renew list contains all financial assets to renew which are compatible with the renewing asset.
These are assets which are part of the same concession as the renewing assets, with a contractual renewal obligation and which have not been listed in a renewal operation.
Addition of an asset to renew in the grid
Check the asset of the list in order to add it to the grid of assets to renew.
The number of assets in this list can be relatively important. In order to facilitate the choice of assets to renew, it is possible to apply a filter via the contextual menu Extended selection which is available in the grid of assets to renew. Once a selection is defined, the list can be updated via the F5 key.
Deleting an asset from the grid
Uncheck the asset in the list or use the right click option Delete line on the line which displays the asset.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
The company cannot be entered: it is automatically loaded with the company to which the financial site is linked. |
This mandatory field is used to specify the site to which the renewing asset is assigned. |
Renewing asset
This field is used to enter the reference of the renewing asset.
This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset. |
This field, non modifiable, contains the complementary description of the financial asset. |
This field, that cannot be modified, contains the purchase date of the financial asset. |
This non modifiable field displays the first use date for the financial asset. |
This non modifiable field displays the concession contract reference to winch the renewing asset is attached. |
This field displays the grantor's reference and cannot be modified. |
Renewal value
This field, that cannot be modified, displays the depreciation basis of the renewing asset caducity plan before renewal. |
This non modifiable field displays the initial fund receive by the renewing asset. |
This field, that cannot be modified, displays the depreciation basis of the renewing asset caducity plan before renewal. This amount corresponds to the caducity Amortization basis before renewal decreased in the initial funds received by the asset. It is equal to 0 when the initial fund is higher than the depreciation basis before renewal. This amount is calculated at each modification of the assets to be renewed grid, the effective renewing date or the issue rule. This calculation is carried out: |
This field, not modifiable is loaded only when the initial funds is greater to the depreciation basis before renewal (the depreciation basis of the caducity plan after renewal is then valued at 0). It contains the amount of the difference between these two amounts. |
This field, that cannot be modified, displays the sum of the provision funds for renewal of the assets to renew, calculated from the entered renewal date. |
This field, not modifiable, displays the amount of the caducity variance, that will be used for the calculation of the caducity addition. It is calculated in the following way: |
Grid Assets to renew
This column contains the reference of each renewing asset. These assets are selected in the picking left list. |
This field cannot be modified and contains the description of the asset. |
This column specified, for each asset, if it has an effective renewal obligation. |
This column displays the renewal value of each asset to renew. When a variance exists between the depreciation base (in the caducity plan of the renewing asset) and the renewal value of the assets to be renewed: the renewal values are automatically updated if the the parameter UPDRNWVAL - Renewal upper limit (AAS chapter, CCN group) is set to Yes. |
This column displays the provisional renewal date of each asset to renew. |
This column displays, for each asset, its caducity funds to transfer, calculated at the renewal date. This calculation is only carried out when the renewal date is entered. |
This column displays the subsidy fund to transfer, calculated at the renewal date, of each renewing asset. This calculation is only carried out when the renewal date is entered. |
This column displays the provision funds for renewal to transfer, calculated at the renewal date, of each renewing asset. This calculation is only carried out when the renewal date is entered. |
This column recall the purchase date of each asset. |
This field is used to specify the effective renewal date. |
This field is used to select the issue rule to apply to the assets to renew. |
This indicator is available only if an effective renewal date has been entered. |
This icon is displayed only when an effective renewal date is entered and when the Funds calculation indicator is not activated. |
Action icon
This button gives access by tunnel to the Assets management function.
This button is used to display a window in order to enter selection criteria for assets to renew.
This selection can be saved under an alphanumeric memo code with a maximum of 15 characters.
For a concession contract which start date is 01/01/2005 and which end date is 31/12/2016 (i.e. 12 years).
With a A0 asset assigned to this contract with a contractual renewal obligation.
Its update coefficient is 1.02
With a subsidy of 300 on 01/01/2005.
On the industrial plan, its basis depreciation is 1200, its depreciation starts on 01/01/2005 in LP on 5 years.
On the amortization expense plan, its basic depreciation is equal to:
Basic depreciation on industrial plan - Initial fund - Subsidy
which is 1,200.00 - 300.00 = 900.00
The depreciation start in RA mode on 01/01/2005 for 12 years.
In order to provide a simple example, the calculation of the RA mode is based on the proportion for a month and not on the proportion for a day as it is in the application.
Industrial depreciation plans and A0 amortization expense grids :
A0 | Deprec. | Standard | End | VN fin | Initial | Deprec. | Standard | Picking | Deprec. | Amort.end |
| Plan | Plan ind. | Plan | Plan ind. |
| Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan |
2005 | 1200,00 | 240,00 | 240,00 | 960,00 | ----- | 900,00 | 75,00 | ----- | 75,00 | 75,00 |
2006 |
| 240,00 | 480,00 | 720,00 |
| 75,00 | ----- | 150,00 | 150,00 |
2007 |
| 240,00 | 720,00 | 480,00 |
| 75,00 | ----- | 225,00 | 225,00 |
2008 |
| 240,00 | 960,00 | 240,00 |
| 75,00 | ----- | 300,00 | 300,00 |
2009 |
| 240,00 | 1200,00 | ----- |
| 75,00 | ----- | 375,00 | 375,00 |
Financial provisions for renewal plan and A0 subsidy plan Grid:
A0 | V. rempl. | Basis | Standard | Renewal | dep. | Standard | Total= | VN |
| Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan |
2005 | 1224,00 | 24,00 | 4,80 |
| 300,00 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 240,00 |
2006 | 1248,48 | 48,48 | 14,59 | 19,39 |
| 60,00 | 120,00 | 180,00 |
2007 | 1273,45 | 73,45 | 24,68 | 44,07 |
| 60,00 | 180,00 | 120,00 |
2008 | 1298,92 | 98,92 | 35,05 | 79,14 |
| 60,00 | 240,00 | 60,00 |
2009 | 1324,90 | 124,90 | 45,76 | 124,90 |
| 60,00 | 300,00 | ----- |
This B0 asset is renewed on 01/01/2010 with the A1 asset which depreciation basis on the industrial plan is 1350 with 5 years.
This A1 asset does not receive any subsidy.
It inherits the initial fund of 799,90 from the B0 asset. This initial fund corresponds to the sum of the 3 following funds:
- Amortization expense fund: 375,00
- Renewal fund: 124,90
- Subsidy fund: 300,00
The B1 depreciation basis on the amortization expense plan is equal to:
Basic depreciation on industrial plan - Initial fund - Subsidy
which is 1,350.00 - 799.90 = 550.10
The depreciation on the amortization expense is calculated in RA mode on the residual duration of the concession, which is 7 years.
Industrial depreciation plans and A1 amortization expense grids :
A1 | Deprec. | Standard | End | VN end | Initial | Deprec. | Standard | Picking | Deprec. | Amort.end |
| Plan | Plan ind. | Plan | Plan ind. |
| Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan |
2010 | 1350,00 | 270,00 | 270,00 | 108,00 | 799,90 | 550,10 | 78,59 | ----- | 78,59 | 878,49 |
2011 |
| 270,00 | 540,00 | 810,00 |
| 78,59 | ----- | 157,18 | 957,08 |
2012 |
| 270,00 | 810,00 | 540,00 |
| 78,59 | ----- | 235,76 | 1035,66 |
2013 |
| 270,00 | 1080,00 | 270,00 |
| 78,59 | ----- | 314,35 | 1114,25 |
2014 |
| 270,00 | 1350,00 | ----- |
| 78,59 | ----- | 392,93 | 1192,83 |
(1) 2010 Amortization expense fund = Initial fund + Charge - Picking - Reversal
i.e.: 799,90 + 78,59 = 878,49
Financial provisions for renewal plan and A1 subsidy plan Grid:
A1 | V. rempl. | Basis | Standard | Renewal | Basis | Standard | Total= | VN |
| Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Prov. plan | Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan |
2010 | 1377,00 | 27,00 | 5,40 | 5,40 | ----- |
2011 | 1404,54 | 54,54 | 16,42 | 21,82 |
2012 | 1423,63 | 82,63 | 27,76 | 49,58 |
2013 | 1461,28 | 111,28 | 39,44 | 89,02 |
| |
2014 | 1490,51 | 140,51 | 51,49 | 140,51 |
This A1 asset is renewed on 01.01.15 with the A2 asset which depreciation basis on the industrial plan is 800 with 5 years.
The B2 asset has not effective renewal obligation
It does not receive any subsidy.
It inherits the initial fund of 1,333.34 from the A1 asset. This initial fund corresponds to the sum of the 3 following funds:
- Amortization expense fund: 1 192,83
- Renewal fund: 140,51
- Subsidy fund: 0
The B2 depreciation basis on the amortization expense plan is equal to:
Basic depreciation on industrial plan - Initial fund - Subsidy
which is 1,800.00 - 1,333.34 = 466.66
The depreciation on the amoritzation expense is calculated in RA mode on the residual duration of the concession, which is 2 years.
This asset has no effective renewal obligation (it is the last asset of the concession), a picking amount is calculated.
Industrial depreciation plans and A2 amortization expense grids:
A2 | Deprec. | Standard | End | VN end | Initial | Deprec. | Standard | Picking | Deprec. | Amort.end |
| Plan | Plan ind. | Plan | Plan ind. |
| Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan | Plan |
2015 | 1800,00 | 360,00 | 360,00 | 1440,00 | 1333,34 | 466,66 | 233,33 | 360,00 | 233,33 | 1206,67 |
2016 |
| 360,00 | 720,00 | 1080,00 |
| 233,33 | 360,00 | 466,66 | 1080,00 |
2017 |
| 360,00 | 1080,00 | 720,00 |
| 360,00 |
| 720,00 |
2018 |
| 360,00 | 1440,00 | 360,00 |
| 360,00 |
| 360,00 |
2019 |
| 360,00 | 1800,00 | ----- |
| 360,00 |
| 0,00 |
(1) Amortization expense fund End = Initial fund + Charge - Picking - Reversal
i.e.: 1 333,34 + 233,33 - 360,00 = 1206,67
This asset cannot be renewed, no provision for renewal is calculated.
This button is available only for a preparation operation that has not been validated yet. |
This button is only available if the preparation operation is validated and if no period or FY closure has been processed since. |