Use the Stock change function to intervene on a stock line or a group of stock lines in order to:
The functionalities to be covered by the function are determined by the choice of a stock change transaction to be set up.
An Stock change function is also available in VT mode. Use this function, accessible from a virtual terminal, to create stock change transactions and launch the printing of labels automatically.
Refer to documentation Implementation
When entering the Stock change function, choose a transaction from those that are set up.
Depending on the role planned by the chosen transaction, use the function to carry out "internal" movements, that is to say location change and/or status change and/or unit change (packing, unpacking) and all this within one site. You can either have one transaction for each role or combine roles on one transaction.
The stock change is performed on a specific slip. The same slip can contain grouped stock changes for several products; however, it is recommended to select the stock lines to be modified product by product. The Product field of the Selection header block acts as a filter for stock lines to be moved.
If the mass stock change is planned in the transaction (Mass process box ticked), then in addition to the selection of the products there is also a selection of the locations available. This way, all the elements of one location can be moved altogether to another location.
When intervening on a stock line it is possible to enter a status and a target location to be applied during the selection. This is significant for mass stock changes. It is possible for instance to select the stock lines from a location A and specify that for all these lines, the target location is B.
Use this block to carry out mass include/exclude operations of stock lines.
The "Include" button is used to carry out a mass loading of the stock line grid with the lines present in the picking list (list that can be filtered with the help of the Picking criteria button). The source location and the target location must be entered in order to use this functionality.
The "Exclude all" button is used to carry out a mass deletion of lines from the stock line grid. The source location must be specified for this functionality to be available as only the lines linked to this location will be deleted.
The Stock change function is used to intervene on a stock line or a group of stock lines. These stock lines must be selected by picking or via the "Include all" button in the case of a mass stock change. They are shown in the Stock Selections panel. So that the stock lines appear in this selection panel, it is necessary to have entered a product code and source location in the dedicated field.
The selected stock lines generate lines on the stock change slip.
Selection of stock lines:
The Stock selection panel is loaded with all the stock lines of the product. These lines can be filtered in order to reduce their number and specify the additional filters in the dedicated window, activated using the [Picking criteria] button.
The selection is made by picking the lines presented in this way either one by one or as a group of lines. The selection of a group of lines is made by picking the first line to be selected and the last amongst the lines shown in the selection panel whilst holding the [Shift] key down: all the lines contained between these two lines are then selected. To select several groups of stock lines, the [Control] and [Shift] keys need to be used.
The stock quantity selected on a line is limited to the available quantity for this stock line (the available stock for each line is shown in the Stock lines selection panel).
Exception for products managed by serial numbers: the picking of serial numbers to be modified can be carried out in several ways:
Stock modification
The lines on the created slip show, according to the setup of the selected stock change transaction, the source stock information and the target stock information.
According to the role of the transaction used, it is possible to change the target information in order to specify the quantity to be processed, the target location, the target status, the target unit, or the movement description either directly on the document line or via the Stock change detailed entry screen if the selected stock must be distributed between several locations, or with several statuses or several units.
Status change
For each product, in the Management tab of the product record, it is possible to specify if it is necessary to generate an analysis request if the new status will be of Q* type.
When creating the slip, the system generates as many stock movements as there are modified stock lines.
It is not possible to modify a created sub-contractor return: to modify a previous movement, it is necessary to carry out a movement in the opposite direction. Nevertheless, the detail of the modifications made can be viewed by clicking Movement inquiry from the Actions icon on the slip line.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
The storage site is initialized by default with the usual stock site of the user. |
Enter the entry number. |
This is the description of the document. |
This is the date which is used when posting the movement. It defaults to today's date but can be changed to an earlier date, if the selected date is in an open period in the accounting calendar.
References of the project linked to the work order |
Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used. |
The name (title) of the production site. |
This field is only useful in an inter-company context. In this case, the purchase site is loaded by default with the destination site, if it is a Purchase-type site. When this is the case, the system assigns the first Purchase-type site of the destination company.
This is the default address code for the chosen receiving site. This address will be printed on the order document sent to the supplier. |
This field specifies if the transfer is an inter-company transfer. It is not available for modification. |
The sales site must be part of the same company as the start site. |
This is the invoice number. |
This is used to indicate whether the transfer must be invoiced or not. |
Enter the supplier at the origin of the receipt. The selection lists specific to the intersite and intercompany orders and deliveries available for receipt are filered to those related to the entered supplier. From the Selection icon, you can:
Sub-contractor address to which the transfer will be made. |
In this field, enter a location by subcontract supplier address (where the supplier is defined as a customer). This location must be of the Sub-contractor type and will be used for sub-contractor deliveries.
This field is used to select theproduct. Selection start and end ranges must be entered for the product reference. |
The display of this field depends on the setup of the entry transaction used. |
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH. |
Reference of the location to be processed.
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
This field can only be viewed for stock changes of the Internal type.
Stock picking
This button is only available for Internal changes and when the entry transaction authorizes mass location changes. |
This button is only available for Internal changes and when the entry transaction authorizes mass location changes. |
Grid Stock lines
This field specifies the quantity to be processed expressed in PKU.
This field indicates the quantity to process, expressed in STK. |
Enter a new packing unit of measure. |
Enter the PAC-STK coefficient (packing and stock UoM). |
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
Enter the new status. |
The type of location towards which the transfer will be carried out. |
This is the location towards which the transfer must be carried out. The presence of this field and its management conditions (Displayed / Entered) depend on the setup of the entry transaction at use. |
No help linked to this field. |
This parameter is used to enter an analysis request to be processed with function quality control, when the status has been entered with value "Q". |
A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line. |
Order price. |
The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.
In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset. |
Action icon
In stock movement entry, a stock line (or a set of stock lines for consecutive serial numbers) can be distributed into multiple locations, statuses or units. To do so, open a detailed entry window to distribute the quantity into the required stock data.
The detailed entry window is composed of a header and a stock lines grid.
Within the header section of this window, under the [Options] button, it is possible to have access to the inquiry to view and potentially modify the analytical dimensions attached to the issue and receipt movements, however this is only in the case of an inter-site stock transfer slip. For internal stock change or supplier transfer slips, analytical sections are not managed.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
BONTRF : Transfer notes
This can be changed using a different setup.
This button is never accessible. |
This button activates a screen where it is possible to assign several filters: these filters are used to limit the stock lines that will be suggested in the selection panel of stock lines. |
This function can be used to view the setup of the stock change transaction used.
This function is used to view and modify if needed the analytical sections attached to the slip header, only in the case of an inter-site transfer slip. For internal stock change or supplier transfer slips, analytical sections are not managed.