Work order

Use this function to create a new work order or select an existing work order for amendment. A work order is an order to make 1 or more products. Conventionally, the work order uses a bill of material (BOM) to create a list of materials to be issued, and a routing to make a list of operations to be performed on work centers.

You can create both planned work orders and firm production works orders for a single, or multiple BOMs. Planned orders cannot be allocated, printed, or tracked. They can, however, be scheduled, and can be respected by Material Requirements Planning (MRP). You assign the production routing required to produce the goods but have the flexibility to add unexpected operations if necessary.

You can allocate materials to firm planned work orders from this function, and schedule operations directly.

You can also create prototype work orders for "in design" products, that is, the product has been created from a product design BOM that is still in design mode.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.

If only 1 transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

The Work order function contains a home section and 1 section per feature of the requirement:

  • Home section. The home section provides key tracking information, including the allocated work order number.
  • Header. This is the main section for this function. You use this section to define the product to be manufactured, the production start date and the routing to be used.
  • Components. This section displays the list of materials required to produce the product.
  • Operations. This section displays the operations that are used in the selected routing.
  • Documents. This section is for information purposes only. It displays which production folder documents from those defined within the selected transaction code have been printed.


The home section provides key tracking information for this work order.

Tab Header

You use this section to define the product to be manufactured, the production start date and the routing to be used.

Your selected transaction determines if you can manufacture and release multiple products on a single work order.

 Production Scheduler cannot include "by-products" in the scheduling process.

 Production Scheduler only applies to on-premises instances of Sage X3.

Using versions: Released products and routings

You need to observe the following rule when using versions: Consistency between the start date of the work order and the version is demanded. This rule applies to the product to be released (BOM) and to the associated routing:

  • When a work order is created for a versioned product (BOM), the selected version needs to be valid on the start date of the work order.
    This rule applies when you create a work order for a versioned product, and when a BOM with versioned components is deployed from a Material Requirements Planning (MRP) process.
  • When you create a work order for a versioned BOM the system automatically proposes the routing. If the routing is also version managed, the system selects the routing version which is valid on the start date of the work order.
    If you change the default version, the version selection screen only displays those routing versions that are available for use on the start date. The list includes those versions with an exception date that matches the start date.
  • Backward (upstream) scheduling can result in a change to the start date of the work order. If the scheduling process changes the start date the system automatically rechecks the selected versions (BOM then routing) are still consistent (valid) at the new start date.
    If there is an inconsistency between the BOM or routing version and the new start date the work order will be created but it will not be scheduled.

Where an inconsistency between a version (BOM or routing) and the start date is indicated, you need to change the version or reschedule the work order.

Tab Components

You use this section to add or amend the components (materials) required to produce the product.

The release mode defined in the home section determines if the required list of components is loaded automatically from the bill of material (BOM) record. The default order for the list of components reflects the order of the components in the BOM, but can be amended.

The CUMMAT-Material total mode parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) defines whether components that appear multiple times are consolidated onto a single line, and at which stage in the process.

The default information for each component is obtained from the BOM record. You can, however, modify selected information, including the following:

  • The required quantity of the component, and date the component is required. This adjusts the allocations automatically. You can view updated quantities for the component by selecting Tracking status from the Actions icon.
     You cannot change the date a component is required if it has been consumed or partially consumed.
  • The percentage of the component that you expect to be scrap. Adding or changing the scrap percentage results in the required quantity (Requirement qty field) being recalculated automatically.
  • The assigned operation.
  • The operation lead time, and the Materials requisition printing field on the material issue note.

Amendments to the components of a versioned BOM are tightly controlled. You can only change, what is considered within the context of amendments to work orders, to be critical fields if you are an authorized user. This includes changing the required quantity of a component or adding a new component. You will be forced to provide a reason for the change if the MFGREV-Revision management parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) is set.

You can change a component for a different component provided the original component has not been allocated.

Component availability

Component availability can directly impact the scheduling of operations required to manufacture a product.

Many factors affect the availability of a component such as demand and replenishments, free stock, and lead times. Your system suggests an earliest date of first availability for each component. We refer to this suggested earliest date of first availability calculation as the "First Date of Material Availability" (FDMA). The calculation observes the following principles when determining each "first availability" date:

  • It recognizes existing assignments.
  • It consumes any free (available) stock (where Free stock = Physical stock - Allocated stock - Assigned stock).
  • It considers expected receipts.
  • It determines if unassigned stock awaiting partial assignment to an order can be used.
  • It makes minimal changes to existing assignments.
  • Where shortages (calculated as Demand - Allocated stock - Assigned stock > 0) exist, it runs the calculation based on the lead time for the shortage only.

These principles can be observed in the following example:

Current date: May 25     
Component requirement (demand):
Required date:
30 units      
June 15
Current free stock (component) quantity:      10 units  
Expected component receipt quantity:
Expected component receipt date:
15 units
May 31
Last assignment quantity:
Last assignment date:
5 units
June 2
Earliest date of component availability:           June 2         

The calculated (suggested) First Date of Material Availability is displayed for each component in the First availability field.

Component availability: Rule

An operation should only be scheduled to start on a date when the full quantity of each component required for the operation is available.

All components not directly linked to a specific operation need to be available at the start of the first operation. Therefore the latest availability of all non-linked components determines the start date of the first operation.

All components directly linked to a specific operation need to be available only at the start of the specific operation. Therefore the availability of the linked component determines the start date of the operation. If multiple components are linked to the same operation, the latest availability of the linked components determines the start date of the operation.

If a work order has multiple components with a combination of linked and non-linked components, the latest availability of all non-linked components determines the start date of the first operation; the availability of linked components determines the start date of that specific operation.

Component availability: Operation scheduling

The Sage X3 scheduling process does not consider component availability when determining operation start dates. Operation start dates are scheduled according to the scheduling rules (as determined by the Scheduling mode and by the Scheduling status fields). However, the calculated component First Date of Material Availability is used to obtain a suggested operation start date following the rules for non-linked/linked components described above (Component availability: Rule). The calculated (suggested) operation start date is displayed for each operation in the Earliest start field. If you use Production Scheduler, Sage X3 WebScheduling, or any web scheduling solution developed by an ISV (independent software vendor) for detailed planning, the scheduler can use the dates from the First Date of Material Availability calculation as a constraint in the optimization of the operations.

Component availability: First Date of Material Availability calculation purpose

The objective of the First Date of Material Availability calculation is as follows:

  • To calculate for each component of a work order, the date when the component availability can cover, in full, the required quantity. This becomes a reference date which is displayed for each component in the First availability field.
  • To calculate for each operation, a start date when the full quantity of each component required for the operation is available. This becomes a reference date which is displayed for each operation in the Earliest start field.
  • To transfer the earliest operation start date to Production Scheduler, Sage X3 Web Scheduling, or the web scheduling solution. The scheduler can then use the component availability as a constraint in the optimization of the operations.

 For detailed scheduling, the POPS-Production Scheduler activity code activates the Production Scheduler functionality; the GFS-Finite scheduler activity code activates the generic Finite scheduler interface.

 Production Scheduler only applies to on-premises instances of Sage X3. The generic Finite scheduler interface provides an integration connector to any web scheduling solution for either cloud or on-premises solutions.

Tab Operations

You use this section to add or amend the operations required to manufacture the product.

The release mode defined in the header information determines if the operations used in the selected routing are loaded automatically.

The scheduling mode is displayed as well as the scheduling status (order scheduled, to be rescheduled or not scheduled).

The default information for each operation is obtained from the routing. You can, however, modify selected information, including the following:

  • The planned quantity for an operation.
     If you reduce the planned quantity for an operation the operation is closed automatically.
  • The assigned work center provided the operation has not started.

Amendments to the operations are tightly controlled in a work order with both a versioned product and a versioned routing. You can only change, what is considered within the context of amendments to work orders to be critical fields, if you are an authorized user. This includes, for example, changing machinery running costs or adding a new operation. You will be forced to provide a reason for the change if the MFGREV-Revision management parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) is set.

A subcontract operation can be planned. Subcontract is the term used to describe the purchase of a service for carrying out an operation for a work order. The subcontract operation time is updated with the reorder lead time planned in the purchase record of the subcontracted product; the work center is replaced by the subcontract work center planned for the operation. You can also enter details for, and then generate, a purchase order for a subcontract operation.

Operation start dates are scheduled according to the scheduling rules (as determined by the scheduling mode and the scheduling status). The Sage X3 scheduling process does not consider component availability when determining operation start dates. However, an operation should only be scheduled to start on a date when the full quantity of each component required for the operation is available. Therefore, a First Date of Material Availability (FDMA) calculation calculates for each operation, a start date when the full quantity of each component required for the operation is available. This becomes a reference date which is displayed for each operation in the Earliest start field. If you use Production Scheduler, Sage X3 Web Scheduling, or a web scheduling solution for detailed planning, the scheduler can use the calculated earliest operation start date as a constraint in the optimization of the operations.

 Components section > Component availability

You can set the date and start time for an operation in such a way that the scheduling will not question them. Checks are performed so that the constraints imposed by the scheduling codes of each operation are complied with.

 For detailed scheduling, the POPS-Production Scheduler activity code activates the Production Scheduler functionality; the GFS-Finite scheduler activity code activates the generic Finite scheduler interface.

 Production Scheduler only applies to on-premises instances of Sage X3. The generic Finite scheduler interface provides an integration connector to any web scheduling solution for either cloud or on-premises solutions.

Tab Documents

This section is for information purposes only. It displays which production folder documents from those defined within the selected Entry transaction have been printed.

After all planned documents from the production folder have been printed, the work order advances to status Printed.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  DOSFAB : WO documents

  BONTRV : Job tickets

  BSM : Material issue notes

  FICHSUI : Routing sheet

  FICHTEC : Technical sheet

  RECETTE : Production slip

  MFGHEAD : List of WOs

This can be changed using a different setup.

Action panel


Select the Allocation action to allocate materials to this (firm) work order. A WO allocation screen displays a summary of the allocation status for all materials.

  • If the work order is not allocated (field Allocation status = Not allocated), choose the allocation type (global or detailed allocation) and select Allocate. The system will allocate all the components in the work order simultaneously.
    • Global allocation does not specify the details of the material stock (location, lot) to be consumed. It increments the reserved stock for the component and decreases its available stock. At the time of the effective consumption of the materials, the system will itself transform the global allocation into a detailed allocation.
    • Detailed allocation specifies the location from which the material will be consumed. The allocated stock for the material is increased and its available stock is decreased. The determination of these locations is performed based on the allocation rule set up at product category level.

      After the allocation has been performed, the Allocate action remains active and the summary data for the allocation status is updated.

  • If the components are allocated (field Allocation status = Complete), the Deallocate action is active. You can choose to deallocate all the materials which were allocated globally or in detail (complete deallocation), or to deallocate the materials by allocation type (deallocation by type). After the materials have been deallocated, the summary data is updated.
     You need to deallocate the materials if you need to modify an allocated component.
  • If your selected entry transaction is set to automatically allocate materials when a work order is created, a global allocation is performed simultaneously for all components. As described above, you can view the summary data in the WO allocation screen and deallocate materials or reallocate materials using the Deallocate and Allocate actions respectively.

To view the details of the allocations, select the View action.

You can allocate a specific component from the Actions icon:

  • Select Global allocation to perform a global allocation of the selected material.
  • Select Manual allocations to manually allocate the selected material. A screen is displayed summarizing all the lines from which allocations (lot, sublot, version, serial number, location) can be selected.
 Components sectionAction icon

 Requesting a global allocation of all components does not affect manually allocated components.

When the allocation is complete, the Allocation field in the Header section is updated.


Select the Scheduling action to schedule this work order. Scheduling is the process of sequencing the operations in time, according to the durations, slack times, and relationships in the work order (or routing for suggestions).

A target completion date (Initial objective field) is displayed. This field is initialized by the required completion date defined in the End date field in the Header section. This date is for information only. Although it can be amended it does not affect the scheduling calculations. The number of days to or since the target completion date is also displayed (Advance/delay field). This figure is calculated at the time of display.

The scheduling process schedules the operations in the defined routing, and if specified, routing version. It also calculates the production start date (Start date field in the Header section) for this work order if backward scheduling has been defined.

You can specify a start date for an operation so that a work order is not scheduled to start before the materials are available, for example. If an operation's start date has been set scheduling does not change the date, it will, however, reschedule other operations around this date.

If scheduling results in the production start date being calculated for a date in the past a warning is displayed. The system proposes forward (downstream) scheduling from today's date (Start date field), amending the required completion date (End date field in the Header section) accordingly.

 The routing version, if defined, needs to be at status Available to use on the production start date (Start date field in the Header section), if scheduling changes the production start date this might cause an inconsistency with the selected version. The Scheduling field will remain at status Not scheduled. You need to either change the routing version or reschedule this work order before you can continue. Please refer to the Major version field for further information.

When the scheduling information is correctly set you can use the planning workbench to reschedule, deschedule, or to mark specific operations to be scheduled. Scheduling sets the start and end dates for the operations according to their productive and non-productive setting and operation times.

 The sequence of operations follows the defined numbering sequence.

 You need to remove this work order from scheduling (deschedule) if you need to modify an operation.

A Graph action is available when this work order is scheduled to view the relationship and duration of the operations in a graphical format.

A Load action is available to view the work center load in a graphical format.


Select the Status action to view summary details for this work order, and for each section.


Select the Tracking action to view the production tracking for this work order.

Submit for scheduling

Select Submit for scheduling to send this work order to Production Scheduler, Sage X3 Web Scheduling, or your web scheduler for scheduling.

While this work order is being scheduled (has been submitted for scheduling) it remains at scheduling status Scheduled and work order status Being optimized. At these statuses you cannot modify this work order.

 You can submit a range or a set of work orders at a specific status for scheduling using the Submit for scheduling function.

 For detailed scheduling, the POPS-Production Scheduler activity code activates the Production Scheduler functionality; the GFS-Finite scheduler activity code activates the generic Finite scheduler interface.

 Production Scheduler only applies to on-premises instances of Sage X3. The generic Finite scheduler interface provides an integration connector to any web scheduling solution for either cloud or on-premises solutions.

Remove from scheduling

Select Remove from scheduling to remove this work order from Production Scheduler, Sage X3 Web Scheduling or your web scheduler.

This work order changes to the status it was at prior to scheduling, that is, status Pending or In progress. You can now modify this work order and resubmit it for scheduling if necessary.

 You can remove a range of work orders from scheduling using the Remove from scheduling function.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Work order home section

This site is not a production site

The defined site is not a production site. Select the Selection icon to open the complete list of available production sites.

The site is not in the same legal company

The planning site and production site need to belong to the same legal company.

Problem at the time of sequence number counter recovery
No sequence number has been assigned to this document

This message is displayed where there is a problem in the sequence number counter setup.

Header section: Released products

The entry of at least one product to be released is mandatory

You need to add a minimum of 1 product to be released by this work order.

Product not manufactured
It must be a production BOM

The product to be released needs to be a production BOM, not a commercial BOM.

This is a prototype product. You can only create a prototype work order.

This message is displayed when the product is an "in design" product, that is, the product has been created from a product design BOM revision and has a New product in design mode warning displayed in the home section of the parent product. The Prototype checkbox in the home section of this work order is selected automatically.

The product is not linked to this production site!

This message is displayed on entry of a released product. The product needs to exist for the chosen production site. Select the Selection icon from the field of the product to be released in order to open the list of products for which the product-site has been defined on the production site.

Caution: non-active BOM (validity dates)

This non-blocking warning message can appear following the BOM code validity check. You need to verify the validity dates for the BOM used in the release.

This BOM is being developed (use is not authorized)

This message can be displayed following the validity check on the BOM code. The BOM needs to be at status Available to use.

XXXXXXX is the exclusive planner for this product

You can only release products for which you are the planner (as defined in the Production section of the product-site record) if the GPLNFLT-System entry date parameter (STO chapter, SCH group) sets an exclusive filter on the planner.

Absent lot number sequence number counter

This message can be displayed when entering the released products, only if an automatic lot numbering is defined for the product.

Capacity of the sequence number counter exceeded

This message can be displayed when entering the released products, only if an automatic lot numbering is defined for the product.

The Stock unit of the released products should be the same

This message is displayed when releasing multiple products and all released products are not expressed in the same stock unit.

You can only raise a Work order for one project. Select project

The WOPJMMSG-Block multiple projects on WO parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes, therefore all product lines on a work order need to be assigned to the same project as the first released product line on the work order or left blank (not assigned to a project).

Header section: Lead time

XXXXXXX is not a working day for the production site

This message appears if the start or end date entered corresponds to a rest day.

Warning, the date is prior to the current date

This information message is displayed if the calculated start date is exceeded.

Header section: Routings

The routing and routing code route must be entered

This message is displayed when the work order is to be completed as "materials only."

You do not have the authorization to use this code

This message is displayed following the validity check on the BOM and routing codes.

Code not valid for this site

You need to check the routing and the BOM code belong to the defined production site.

No valid routing found, release not possible

This message is displayed if the transaction does not authorize entry of the routing, and if no routing can be found automatically.

This routing is under development (use is not authorized)
The routing is not valid (use not authorized)
Code not available for use in production

This message is displayed following the validity check on the routing. The routing needs to be at status Available to use. Additionally, the routing code needs to be available for use in production.

There are inconsistencies between the routing and BOM codes

This message can be displayed after entering the routing code. You need to verify which BOM codes are associated with the chosen routing code.

The routing is not active on the production start date

This message can be displayed following the validity check on the routing.

The stock units are not compatible

This message is displayed if the routing unit entered is incompatible with the stock unit for the released product.

The routing and product do not share the same version management

This message is displayed if this work order is for multiple products (Product field) but one of the products is not version-managed. You can either use the standard, non-versioned routing for this work order or create a new work order for the non-versioned product.

The released quantity is less than/greater than the minimum/maximum planned quantity for this routing!

This message is displayed following the validity check on the routing. You need to check the minimum release quantity planned for the routing.

No valid routing found, release not possible

This message is displayed when the transaction entered does not authorize entry of the routing, and when the system cannot find a valid routing.

Components section

The requirement cannot be less than the quantity already consumed

This message is displayed if you attempt to reduce the requirement quantity of a material below the quantity already consumed.

The requirement cannot be later than the WO end date

This message is displayed if you attempt to postpone a material requirement date beyond the planned end date of this work order.

Incompatible product category

This is a contextual warning, for example, a tool needs to belong to the "tool" category.

A phantom component is present. A manual intervention is necessary. Display the list of components concerned?

This message is displayed when managing shortages with phantom stock. In this case manual intervention is required to verify that the quantity taken for the phantom product is actually available. If the quantity is not available you need to manually add the replacement product and adjust the quantity of the phantom product. You can refer to the displayed list of involved components to identify information on the replaced products and replacement products, such as available to promise stock.

This (unplanned) material has already been added

This message is displayed if you attempt to add the same planned material more than once.

A product cannot be produced from itself

This message is displayed if you attempt to add a released product as an unplanned material.

Operations section

Recover the standard operation data?

In a similar way to the routing management, the system can recover the standard operation data to add or modify the routing operations.

The planned quantity cannot be less than the produced quantity

This message is displayed if you attempt to reduce the planned quantity for an operation below the quantity already produced.

Unavailable period

This message is displayed if a date entered falls in an unavailable period for the production site.

XXXXXXX is not a sub-contracting work center

This message is displayed after the contextual control on the entry of a new work center when the operation is subcontracted.

XXXXXXX is not a labor work center

This message is displayed after the contextual control on the entry of a new work center. A secondary work center needs to be of labor type.

The labor work center cannot be identical to the main work center

This message is displayed after the check on the entry of a new secondary work center.

Access not authorized for this product

This message is displayed if the access check fails for the entered product.

If the sub-contracting operations are structural, the principal work center must be of the sub-contracting type.

This message is displayed after the entry checks on a new principal work center.

The site attached to the work center must be the same as the site to which the code is attached.

This message is displayed after the entry checks on a new work center.

There must be at least one production operation

This message is displayed in the scheduling data if no operation is defined as a "production" operation.

This number is already used

This message is displayed if you attempt to add an operation carrying a number that is already assigned.

Caution: it is necessary to verify that the times (setting, operation or rate) remain coherent

This message is displayed during the modification of data "specific" to an operation, such as the operation unit.

Documents section

A material is out of stock and prohibits the printing of the folder

Before printing the production folder, manually or automatically, the system checks for an out of stock material for which the Release if shortage parameter in the product-site record is set to No. In this case, it is not possible to print the folder.

Work order scheduling/descheduling

Warning, the planned end date has been affected by the scheduling

This message is displayed if, within forward scheduling, the scheduling calculation comes up against the current date and the user has accepted the system proposal to carry out downstream scheduling from the current date. This becomes a constraint, the scheduling is recalculated, and the required end date modified.

An error has arisen during scheduling/descheduling

This is a serious read/write error that has occurred while scheduling/descheduling.

Work order amendments

The work order is scheduled. Do you want to continue?

This message is displayed when an attempt is made to modify data that is likely to challenge the scheduling, such as modifications to quantities, dates, times, work centers.

You are about to make critical changes to a work order for a versioned product
You have made a critical change to a work order for a versioned product

Amendments to a work order for a versioned product are tightly controlled. Some, such as the addition of a component, are considered to be a "critical change" within the context of amendments to work orders. This message is displayed to warn you that the work order contains a versioned product and there could be consequences from changing the details.

 This message is only displayed to an authorized user when they attempt to make what is considered to be a critical change to the work order. It will not be redisplayed for subsequent changes until the Save action is selected.

Unexpected or excluded materials or critical changes on this WO will also be removed.

This message is displayed if a change to a work order for a versioned product results in the components of the product to be released being reloaded. A component reload can occur if the work order start date or the planned quantity (Release quantity field) is changed. It will also occur if the version of the product to be released is changed or the product to be released is deleted. When you save your changes, previous key changes to the component information such as the addition of new components or changes to key fields are removed. You need to re-enter this information if it still applies to the updated work order. Alternatively, you can cancel (using the Cancel action) your amendment and keep the previously entered key changes, or close the work order and create a new work order with the new details.

 This message is only displayed if there are existing critical changes to the components or operations.

Products error on line n

You have changed the version of the product to be released. You need to change the start date of the work order if the selected version is not available to use on the scheduled start date. You should also check if the selected version has an exception date that matches the start date.

Production is in process. Do you want to continue?

The system requires confirmation that the released quantity is to be modified when the work order is in process.

You can only raise a Work order for one project. Changing the project may cause an inconsistency

Sage recommends a work order for a project should only cover demand for a single project. If a work order is created manually it is possible to add multiple released products to the order. This is dependent upon the selected Entry transaction which can be set to restrict a work order to 1 released product line (Multiple products allowed checkbox). With multiple products on a single work order it can be difficult to trace inconsistencies in the postings if they occur. Therefore, if the WOPJMMSG-Block multiple projects on WO parameter (TC chapter, PJM group) is set to Yes and a work order has multiple released products, all product lines need to be for the same project as the first released product line or blank (not assigned to a project). If the WOPJMMSG parameter is set to No, this warning is displayed when a project code is entered that does not match the project code assigned to the first released product line but the addition of the product/project to the work order will not be prevented.

Change all lines on the components and operations to the project dimension code?

The Project code (PJT field) assigned to the released product line, or the Project analytical dimension (CCE(n) field) has been changed. The Project analytical dimension (CCE(n) field) has been automatically reinitialized with the default dimension for the new project code if the Project code has been changed. Do you want to reinitialize the components in the BOM and the routing operations with the default dimension for the new project code/new Project analytical dimension? Select Yes, No or Yes if same value. For Yes if same value, the Project analytical dimension field is automatically reinitialized with the default dimension for the new project code/project analytical dimension code if the Project analytical dimension field contains the analytical dimension for the original code (the Project analytical dimension field on each component/operation, if changed manually, could potentially be different from the original project analytical dimension).

The scheduling data must be verified. Do you want to do it now?

This message is displayed if an action on the operations challenges the coherence of the data scheduling. The system will then suggest opening the scheduling data planning board.

Operations List Update... Unexpected operations and critical field changes will not be kept.

This message is displayed if the version-managed routing on the work order header is changed. When you save your changes the operations are reloaded with the default information from the new routing record. This also results in key changes to the operation information such as the addition of new operations or changes to key fields being removed. You need to re-enter this information if it still applies to the updated work order. Alternatively, you can cancel (using the Cancel action) your amendment and keep the previously entered key changes, or close the work order and create a new work order with the new details.

This message is also displayed if the routing version is changed to comply with a change to the production start date.

 This message is only displayed if there are existing critical changes to the operations in a version-managed routing for a work order for a versioned product (BOM).

Direct order: continue the modification?

This message requests confirmation before accepting the modifications concerning the released product for a work order arising from a direct production order.

Enter a revision reason

Amendments to a work order for a versioned product are tightly controlled. Some, such as the addition of a component, are considered to be a "critical change" within the context of amendments to work orders. This message is displayed if you have not explained the reason you changed the work order details. Providing a "revision reason" is mandatory for each key change to a work order for a versioned product if the MFGREV-Revision management parameter (GPA chapter, WOM group) is set.

MFGREV-Revision management parameter

The WO will be allocated to a new production site. Do you want to continue?

The system requires a confirmation before modifying the production site.

 You can only modify the production site if the work order has not been allocated or scheduled.

The requirement will be closed. Continue?

This message is displayed if the reduction of a material quantity triggers automatic closure (linked to the product-site automatic closure percentage).

The operation will be closed. Continue?

This message is displayed if the reduction in the operation quantity triggers the automatic closure of the operation as a function of the automatic closure percentage defined at work center level.

Warning, the materials linked to this product have been aggregated and must be manually adjusted

This message is displayed upon aggregation of materials at release. If the materials linked to several released products are aggregated, and some are fixed, this message is displayed upon deletion of 1 of the released products.

The production folder has been printed. Do you want to continue?
The work order has been printed. Do you want to continue?

This message is displayed if you are modifying a work order that has previously been printed.

The stock allocations for this WO are going to be deleted. Do you want to continue?

The system requires a confirmation to delete an allocated work order.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation