Subcontract Orders
Use this function to plan and order the services and materials required for the subcontract product.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and information is displayed and printed.
If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.
The header information provides key order information. The header information is displayed in each section.
Order site (field POHFCY) |
Code of the site issuing the order (request for quote, purchase request, order, subcontract order etc.). There is no requirement for the order site to be a storage site. When it is a storage site, it loads, by default, the receiving site of the ordered subcontracted products as well as the storage site of the materials to be shipped to the subcontractor. |
Subcontract order (field SCONUM) |
The subcontract order reference enables the latter to be identified in a unique manner. |
Description (field SCODES) |
Description of the subcontract order. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
On creation it is mandatory to enter a product reference. The category of the product must be: subcontracted, managed in stock and active. |
Supplier (field BPRNUM) |
This field is mandatory. Choosing a supplier determines whether it is an inter-site/inter-company subcontract order. The supplier is initialized as follows:
When entering or modifying a supplier, several controls are performed and various messages can be displayed, according to the situations:
Intersite (field BETFCY) |
This indicator, which cannot be entered, is automatically activated to point out that the order corresponds to an inter-site subcontracting operation ("Inter-sites" is checked for the defined supplier, who is linked to a site in the BP record). |
Intercompany (field BETCPY) |
This indicator, which cannot be entered, is automatically activated to point out that the order corresponds to a subcontracting operation between different legal companies belonging to the same group. |
BOM code (field BOMALT) |
Several BOMs can be defined for a single product reference. They are identified by the use of the code, entered using two digits.
If the product-site is not listed by the supplier, a blocking or warning message can be displayed based on the value of the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier-site referencing parameter (ACH chapter, REF group). |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
Use this field to indicate which major version of this product applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the 'form, fit or function' has changed. Type in, or select a version code from the list of version codes displayed. This field is not available for entry if the product code defined in the Product field is not version managed. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
Use this field to indicate which minor version of this product applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. Type in, or select a version code from the list of version codes displayed. This field is not available for entry if the product code defined in the Product field is not version managed. |
Tab Released product
In this section, add the information on the product to order. At a minimum you must specify the expected receipt date and the quantity.
Block number 1
Status (field SCOSTA) |
This field is used to specify the status of the subcontract order:
field CLODAT |
This field indicates the date on which the closing has been performed. |
Start date (field ORDDAT) |
The start date of the subcontract order is initialized with the current date and cannot be modified. |
Receipt date (field RETDAT) |
It is mandatory to enter the receipt date. |
Lead time (field LTI) |
This is the service lead time of the released product, expressed in number of calendar days.
If no lead time is associated to the service, the lead time of the subcontracted product is used, in the following priority order:
This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Subcontractor site (field MFGFCY) |
This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order.
Subcontract address (field BPAADD) |
This field corresponds, in order of priority, to:
In case of modification of the subcontract address, a message suggests to modify the site and location of the components involved too. If the answer is ‘Yes’, the storage site and location for which the allocation of the components to be supplied to the supplier is to be performed are also modified. |
Receiving site (field PRHFCY) |
This field is managed based on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. It displays the site where the goods must be delivered by the supplier. This site is initialized, in order of priority by:
In an inter-site/inter-company context, the receiving site is initialized as follows:
This receipt site must belong to the same legal company as the order site. In case of modification of the receiving site, a message suggests to modify the site and location of the components concerned. If the answer is ‘Yes’, the receiving site specified in the service line, as well as the storage site and location for which the allocation of the components to be supplied to the supplier is to be performed are also modified. When choosing the receiving site, a message can be displayed if the (receiving) product-site is not referenced by the supplier. This message can be blocking or a simple warning according to the choice made at the level of the ITMBPSFCY - Supplier-site referencing (ACH chapter, REF group) general parameter. |
Receipt address (field PRHADD) |
Address code of the receipt site. |
Non-enterable field displaying the code of the receipt address. |
Project (field PJT) |
This field is used to specify the reference of the project to which the subcontract order is allocated.
If you do not enter a project code but the conditions are met for the automatic opening of the requirements window, then this window will display all the requirements that match the entered criteria. The requirements can relate to various project codes. If you click Include all, the project code of the first line is used to load the released product project code: only the lines having the same project code as the first line are selected. If you enter a project code, the requirements window only displays the requirements related to this project code and that match the specified criteria. When generating an order, the project code used on the released product will be used on the order header and on all the lines generated on the purchase order.
Purchase unit (field PUU) |
This is the purchase unit defined for the product-supplier pair or for the products that do not exist in the Product-supplier record.
PUR quantity (field QTYPUU) |
This mandatory field is used to specify the quantity in purchase unit. When entering a subcontract order and depending on the entry transaction used, a window can automatically open to suggest taking into account the requirements. A date can be entered to limit the suggestions in time. This date will be applied by default to the requirement end date, but it can be applied to the requirement start date according to the Requirement selection section. If you do not want to take into account the requirements, exit this window to return to the line entry. |
PUR-STK conversion (field PUUSTUCOE) |
Conversion factor used to calculate the quantity in stock units from a quantity entered in purchase units: Quantity in STK = Qty in PUR * conversion factor. This conversion factor can be accessed if the Purchase unit field (PUU) has been entered, and has a value different from the stock unit. It can be initialized using the conversion factor table if the combination exists. |
Stock unit (field STU) |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
STK quantity (field EXTQTY) |
This field contains the quantity of the released product, expressed in stock unit. |
Priority (field PIO) |
This field is used to assign a priority level to the released product. It only serves an information purpose. This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Released product (field ITMSTA) |
This non modifiable field shows the product status: Pending, In progress, Ordered, Received or Closed. |
Allocation (field ALLSTA) |
This non modifiable field shows the product situation with respect to the allocation: Partial, Complete, Partial/Shortage, Complete/Shortage, Not allocated. |
Released product tracking (field SCITRKFLG) |
This non-modifiable field states the current phase of the product: Pending, Under study, Printed, In progress, Closed, Calculated cost price. |
Grid Dimensions
Dimension type (field DIE) |
This field is used to enter or select any dimension view set up in the database. This grid is used to enter or display the analytical dimension types based on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Dimension (field CCE) |
These are the analytical dimensions initialized according to the setup of the default dimensions (SCI dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if it is authorized by the transaction. If you modify the dimension on a dimension type, a message is displayed, asking you to update the dimension types of the service and materials. If you answer ‘Yes’ to this message, the analytical dimensions of the service and materials will be reinitialized according to the setup of the dimensions entered for the released product. These are the analytical dimensions initialized based on the setup of default dimensions (SCI dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction. In creation and modification mode, analytical dimensions are re-initialized with respect to the setup of default dimensions if, when modifying the project code, you answer Yes to the message: 'Update dimension types?' |
Tab Department
In this section, specify information about the service ordered or to be ordered from the supplier to manufacture the subcontract product. The default service details are populated based on the BOM code selected for the subcontract product. These details can be modified.
Use the Actions icon from the Subcontract product field to:
- Open the Product-site record.
- View the corresponding purchase order.
- View the Customer credit.
- As a summary, view the Sub-con situation: the current status and the quantities of the service.
- View the Subcontract cost: the price list information on the service.
- View, enter or modify the text associated with this service (Text).
Only selected information can be amended once this subcontract order is placed.
Block number 1
Subcontracted prod. (field SRVITMREF) |
Service reference required for the manufacturing of the product. Click the Selection icon to display the list of services related to the subcontract bill of materials. Inter-company specificities: On an inter-site or inter-company subcontract order, you can only enter products of the Received / Deliverable type. |
Receiving site (field PRHFCY) |
This non-modifiable field displays the receipt site of the released product: |
Start date (field OPESTR) |
By default, the start date of the subcontract service is determined as follows: This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
End date (field OPEEND) |
The end date of the subcontract service is automatically loaded with the receipt date of the released product.
In the case of multiple partial orders linked to the subcontract order, the latest receipt date is systematically considered to load the end date. If the partial order whose receipt date was used to load the end date is deleted, the end date still applies. This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Subcontract LT (field SCOLTI) |
This is the service lead time of the released product, expressed in number of calendar days.
If no lead time is associated to the service, the lead time of the subcontracted product is used, in the following priority order:
This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Non-financial unit (field SCOPUU) |
The unit of the subcontract service is initialized with the operation unit of the service entered in the subcontract BOM. |
OPE qty. (field EXTSTRQTY) |
This field is used to specify the quantity, expressed in the operation unit of the service. |
Link quantity code (field STRQTYCOD) |
This field is initialized with the link quantity code of the subcontract BOM.
STK-OPE conversion (field OPESTUCOE) |
This is the conversion coefficient between the released product quantity expressed in stock unit and the necessary service quantity expressed in OPE. |
Service status (field OPESTA) |
This non-modifiable field displays the service status: Pending, In progress, Ordered, Received or Closed. |
Service situation (field SCSTRKFLG) |
This non-modifiable field states the current phase of the product: Pending, Under study, Printed, In progress, Closed, Calculated cost price. |
Grid Dimensions
Dimension type (field DIE) |
This field is used to enter or select any dimension view set up in the database. This grid is used to enter or display the analytical dimension types based on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Dimension (field CCE) |
These are the analytical dimensions initialized based on the setup of default dimensions (SCS dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction. These are the analytical dimensions initialized based on the setup of default dimensions (SCI dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction. In creation and modification mode, analytical dimensions are re-initialized with respect to the setup of default dimensions if, when modifying the project code, you answer Yes to the message: 'Update dimension types?' |
Gross price (field GROPRI) |
This is the unit gross price of the service, expressed tax excl. It comes from a price list search, or from the product standard cost if the price list search did not return any result. |
field CUR |
This code makes it possible to identify the currency of a site, a BP, etc. It is controlled in the currency table. |
Net price (field NETPRI) |
Amt. - tax (field LINAMT) |
Price reason (field PRIREN) |
Reason associated with this price list rule. |
Reference price (field REFPRI) |
This field, which cannot be modified, is loaded with the gross price when creating the subcontract order. |
field CURL |
Total excl. tax (co currency) (field LINAMTL) |
Tab Materials
Use this section to add or amend the components (materials) required to produce the product, including components that are managed in stock and to be sent to the subcontractor.
The list of materials is sorted by default on the BOM line sequence but can be amended.
The default information for each material is obtained from the BOM record. Selected information, however, can be modified:
- The scrap rate (the requirement quantity is then recalculated automatically)
- The quantity and requirement date
- The material print flag on the material issue note
If the required quantity of an allocated material is modified, the allocation is adjusted automatically.
It is not possible to modify the required date for a material if it has been consumed, or partially consumed.
You can replace a material provided it has not been allocated.
Material (field CPNITMREF) |
This table contains the list of product-materials necessary for the manufacturing of the released product.
In inter-site management, if the material is:
Type of supply (field SCOFLG) |
This field enables the replenishment mode of the component to be specified:
Material status (field MATSTA) |
This display-only field indicates the line status (Pending, LateClosed). Click the Actions icon to display a window summarizing the various characteristics of the component status. |
Requirement quantity (field RETQTY) |
It represents the quantity calculated from the ordered quantity and the quantity provided by the material BOM link. This value can be modified. |
Stock unit (field STU) |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
Delivery date (field DLVDAT) |
This field is only specified in the event of a material product To be sent to the subcontractor. It can be modified as long as the material has not be consumed yet, even partially. During the modification of this date, the system controls that this date does not correspond to a non-working day or an unavailable day for the delivery date. If this is a non-working day, the date is automatically postponed, otherwise a warning message is displayed. |
Storage site (field STOFCY) |
This is the storage site for which the allocation of the materials to be shipped to the subcontractor is made. It is loaded from the receiving site of the released product. |
Location (field LOC) |
This is the location associated with the subcontractor. It is automatically loaded, in order of priority, with the location specified in:
This field is managed based on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order. |
Preferred lot (field LOT) |
This is the lot for which the movement is done. |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
This field indicates which version of this component (material) applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit or function" has changed. This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
This field indicates which minor version of this component (material) applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. This field is not populated if the component code defined in the Component or Material field is not version managed. |
Production site (field MFGFCY) |
This field is managed depending on the setup of the entry transaction of the subcontract order.
Scrap factor % (field SCA) |
The Scrap percentage can be used to increase the requirement quantity in order to take into consideration the losses generated by the manufacturing process. |
Shrinkage considered (field RELSCATIA) |
This parameter is used to manage two management modes for losses upon subcontract release. |
UOM (field BOMUOM) |
This field, which cannot be modified, displays the operation unit of the product specified in the BOM link. |
UOM-STK factor (field BOMSTUCOE) |
This is the conversion coefficient between the operation unit of the component and the storage unit. |
UOM link quantity (field BOMQTY) |
Use this field to define the quantity of this component in the selected unit (field BOMUOM) that is needed to make the parent product. The sum of the quantity of each component must equal '100' if the defined management unit (field QTYCOD) for this BOM is 'Percentage'.
Consumed quantity (field USEQTY) |
Consumed quantity. This non-modifiable information is calculated upon receipt of the subcontracted product. |
Allocated quantity (field ALLQTY) |
Already allocated quantity. Non modifiable information. |
Allocation status (field ALLSTA) |
This non modifiable field shows the product situation with respect to the allocation: Partial, Complete, Partial/Shortage, Complete/Shortage, Not allocated. |
Shortage (field SHTQTY) |
It represents the stocked-out quantity. |
Available qty. (field AVAQTY) |
This field displays the available quantity expressed in the stock unit of the components. |
Delivered qty. (field DLVQTY) |
It represents the quantity supplied to the subcontractor, expressed in stock unit. |
Invoiced qty. (field INVQTY) |
It is the invoiced quantity, expressed in stock unit. |
Gross price (field GROPRI) |
When the component is supplied to the subcontractor, no information is loaded in this field. |
Status (field SCMTRKFLG) |
This non-modifiable field states the current phase of the product: Pending, Under study, Printed, In progress, Closed, Calculated cost price. |
Line (field SCMLIN) |
BOM sequence (field BOMSEQ) |
BOM sequence number. |
field CCE1 |
These are the analytical dimensions initialized based on the setup of default dimensions (SCM dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction. These are the analytical dimensions initialized based on the setup of default dimensions (SCI dimension code). These dimension codes can be modified manually if authorized by the transaction. In creation and modification mode, analytical dimensions are re-initialized with respect to the setup of default dimensions if, when modifying the project code, you answer Yes to the message: 'Update dimension types?' |
Material detail | ||||||||||
Click Material detail from the Actions icon to:
Exclude line / Reactivate | ||||||||||
Click Exclude line from the Actions icon to exclude this line from the subcontract order. You can only exclude a component if it has not been allocated. The line remains in the table where the Material status field is set to 'Excluded' and the Requirement quantity to '0' (zero). Click Reactivate from the Actions icon to reinstate (reactivate) the line into the subcontract order.
Management data | ||||||||||
Click Management data from the Actions icon to view the management data for this component.
Automatic Allocation | ||||||||||
This action is only available for products managed in stock whose reorder type value is: ‘To be sent to the subcontractor’. |
Manual allocation | ||||||||||
Click Manual allocation from the Actions icon to manually allocate the quantities and lots for this component.
View allocation | ||||||||||
Click View allocation from the Actions icon to view the allocations details (quantities, lots, warehouse, location).
Projected Stock | ||||||||||
Click Projected stock from the Actions icon to view the projected stock of this component. |
Material situation | ||||||||||
Click Material situation from the Actions icon to view the summary of the current status and quantities of the component. The screen summarizes the component status (ordered, received, in process, on hold, excluded, closed), and the planned and consumed quantities. It also displays information relevant to the component such as whether it is authorized for negative stock. From this screen, click Allocations to view the allocations details (quantities, lots, warehouse, location). |
Material | ||||||||||
Click Materials from the Actions icon to view the pricing information of this component. |
Text | ||||||||||
Click Text from the Actions icon to view, enter or modify text associated with this component. For example, information describing how to package the component. |
Assignments | ||||||||||
Click Assignments from the Actions icon to view the Assignment workbench. |
Add unexpected material | ||||||||||
Field descriptions
Click Add unexpected material from the Actions icon to add an unplanned component. If the subcontract order is already allocated, you must enter the details manually.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
SCOHEAD : Subcontract order list
This can be changed using a different setup.
This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:
- By specifying a given report at transaction entry level. If this report matches a print code, the list of reports associated with this print code is also submitted.
The report entered at transaction entry level and the reports associated with the print code are automatically submitted in creation mode only. - At a more detailed level, by associating a print template with the BP. This template mentions the report to be used in priority for the printing of each document, as well as the expected number of copies.
If the number of copies is not specified, or if there is no print template associated with the BP, the number of copies defined for the Destination printer is chosen. If the number of copies is not specified for the destination printer, then a single copy is printed by default.
Specific actions
Click Allocate to allocate the materials to be sent to the subcontractor. This action updates the component stock to provide the consumption figures for the work ordered from the subcontractor. |
Click Order to save the subcontract order details. Selected information such as the date, supplier and project reference can be modified. To raise the subcontract order, click Order. |
Click Close to manually close the subcontract order. Once this order is closed it cannot be modified. You can only close this subcontract order if the corresponding sales order is not allocated, delivered or invoiced. If this is an intersite or intercompany order, closing this subcontract order automatically closes the reciprocal sales order if the sales order has already been generated.
Barre de menus
Click Header text to view, enter or modify text associated with this subcontract order. |
This window is used to summarize:
This option launches the Provisional cost calculations of Sub-contract orders. At the end of the processing, a message proposes the printing of SCOCOST - Subcontracting cost details. |
Click this action to access the cost price inquiry. |
Click this action to access the Production cost inquiry function. |
Click this action to access the Expected cost inquiry function. |
Click Transaction to know the format of the entry transaction. EDI / Outbound msg.Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document. |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Receipt date invalid as cannot set start in the pastThis message is displayed if the receipt date or the service end date is changed and the new calculated order start date is in the past.
Version not valid for current start date < date >. Do you want to change it?This message is displayed if the product is version-managed and the displayed version is not consistent with the calculated order start date. The version you choose (Major version or Major+minor version) must have an Available to use status on the proposed start date of the subcontract order.