This functions collects and displays the values for the Austrian Recapitulative Statement. The output of the calculated data can either be printed out or exported as a specifically formatted XML file for upload to the Austrian "Steuer Online" webportal. Access to "Steuer Online" requires a registration and login.

The data selection is controlled on one side by company or group of companies, on the other side by the specified start/end date for the selection. The data is extracted from the main legal ledger, which must be held in Euro.

SEEINFO The time range can only be either a calendar month, a calendar quarter or a calendar year.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The calculated values from the data extraction are shown on two tabs:

  • "Result" tab: shows the resulting data grouped by EU VAT no. and turnover type.
  • "Documents" tab: for the selected line in the "Result" tab, the underlying documents are shown in this tab with their details.

In addition, the results are shown with a traffic light status indicator. By default, an export is only possible when all entries have a green status. This behavior can be changed by changing the parameter GERRSEXTMP - Temporary journal export (chapter LOC, group GER) to YES and checking the option "Hide invalid" in the header of the screen.


Tab Result

Tab Documents

Specific Buttons


This button is used to display the result of the data extraction as a print report.