Use this function to generate a bill of lading for sales order shipments and supplier returns. It can also be created for a miscellaneous bill of lading used for non-stock items such as catalogs and marketing materials by manually entering the contents.

A bill of lading is a legal document that establishes the terms of a contract between the shipper and a transportation company. The shipping document is required by trucking carriers to transport goods. Typically, a bill of lading lists the freight class, class description, number of packages, package descriptions, weights, volume, and other shipping and delivery information.

For Deliveries, a bill of lading can be created from the delivery or from the packages, if the package has been created. A bill of lading can be tied to one or multiple deliveries and purchase returns. You cannot include a document that is already assigned to a different bill of lading.

The bill of lading also serves as a receipt of shipment when the good is delivered to the predetermined destination.


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Screen management


Tab Detail

The Detail tab displays bill of lading information that is summarized by grouping the freight class, package, and NMFC (National Motor Freight Codes) code according to the table below.

BOL type
Pack status
Miscellaneous Not applicable No summarization. You need to enter lines manually.
Supplier Not applicable Lines are grouped by the freight class, package, and NMFC code. The freight class, package, and NMFC code default from the product-site record of the products included in the supplier return.
You need to manually assign any unspecified fields on the bill of lading. The NMFC code is optional.
Customer Not packed Lines are grouped by the freight class, package, and NMFC code. The freight class and NMFC code default from the product-site record. The package value defaults from the delivery line.
You need to manually assign any unspecified fields on the bill of lading. The NMFC code is optional.
Customer Packed Lines are grouped by the freight class, package, and NMFC code. The freight class and NMFC code default from the product-site record. The package value defaults from the package entered when declared or after packing.
You need to manually assign any unspecified fields on the bill of lading. The NMFC code is optional.


You can override and adjust the information on a bill of lading; however, the changes can create inconsistencies between the bill of lading and the document tied to the bill of lading.


You can delete a bill of lading regardless of the delivery status. If you make manual updates to the bill of lading data, those changes are lost.

Tab Content

The Content tab displays a quick overview of information used to create the bill of lading as well as linked data.

Click Additional deliveries from the Action panel to add lines to the bill of lading.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BILLLAD : Bill of lading

This can be changed using a different setup.

Text / BOL header text

Enter header text for the bill of lading that displays on the printed form.

Text / BOL footer text

Enter footer text for the bill of lading that displays on the printed form.

Address / Ship-to address

You can enter or modify the business partner (BP) ship-to address.

Option / Additional deliveries

You can select additional deliveries to include on the bill of lading. Deliveries must match all grouping criteria from the reference document, including the address.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation