Use this function to define one, or multiple revisions of the structure for a new product. A product design is an assembly, a new "in design" product, made up of assemblies and components.


Refer to the Product design guide to access a comprehensive overview of the Sage X3 Product design module. The Product design guide covers the prerequisites and setup needed to use the Product design module, and describes the integrated features provided for managing product designs. Click the link that applies to your Sage X3 solution:

Product design guide: Refer to the chapter for information on the use of this function.

Product design BOMs contain structured information for making a product, however product design BOMs are designed independently from in-production and subcontracted bills of materials (BOMs) and assemblies. As for in-production and subcontracted BOMs, product design BOMs define an assembly that can ultimately become a finished product, made up of subassemblies, product design BOMs as subassemblies, and components. Any number of subassemblies can exist in a product design BOM component list. Each subassembly will itself have a list of components, and this list can also contain subassemblies. Progressing in this way you can create multiple levels of assembly below the final assembly (the design product).


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Screen management

The Product design function contains a home section and a table in a Design BOM section for adding components, and for adjusting costs. Each New material you add as a component to a product design BOM revision is also created as a New material "parent" record. You access the New material parent record functionality from the New material action (Components > New material).


The home section provides the product design identification fields. The critical fields in the home section are the Status and Release status fields. These fields indicate the current stage of this design in the design, and approval cycles, through to the release of the design product. The design engineer for this product design BOM uses the Status field to control the progress of this design through the design cycle; if populated, the Release status field indicates if this, or a different revision of this design has reached production status and was approved as the "best" overall design and released as a new product, and a full production BOM, or was abandoned.

Click Reference from the Actions icon to add circuit and drawing references to this component line. There is no limit to the number of circuit or drawing references you can add. An information message will warn where line references are not equal to the component quantity.

For example, a design engineer includes a circuit board as a component of a production BOM. The circuit board needs 10 LED lights to be attached. The design engineer uses the Circuit references column to describe where to add the LED lights to the circuit board, and the Drawing references column to cross reference to the CAD, manual drawings, or file name.

Where used

Click Where used from the Actions icon to locate every product design BOM revision, and every level of a product design BOM revision in which this component is used.

Tab Approval

This section is used by user roles with Manager or Super user authorization, such as the design engineer for this product design BOM revision, as well as subject matter experts that have been assigned to provide input into this design.

User roles with Manager or Super user authorization

As a user role with Manager or Super user authorization, such as the design engineer for this product design revision, you use this section to assign this product design revision to subject matter experts. Subject matter experts, or "approvers", are individuals within, or external to your organization that can provide input into this design.

"Approvers" you assign to review this product design revision should have the expertise to adequately assess this design from both a business and a technical perspective. They have administrative rights to advance or reverse the design through the stages of the approval cycle as they deem necessary.

 As approvers have authority to approve or reject this design it is important that you give due consideration to which subject matter experts you assign.

  • "Approvers" must be authorized as such using their functional profile.
  • Approvers can be responsible for manually advancing this product design revision to the next stage in the approval cycle.


As an "approver" you have been assessed as having the expertise to review the business case and the requirements for this product design BOM revision.

You might be an internal approver, or an external approver. As an external approver, you might work for a customer that was sold a prototype of this product design and have now reviewed the design against the requirements, or you might be an organization such as the Food Safety and Inspection Service.

As an approver you should assess this product design BOM revision from both a business and a technical perspective.

Upon completion of your review, you notify the design engineer for this product design BOM revision by setting an approval status.

 Your user role must have Internal approver, or External approver

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Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The entered revision must be greater than the latest revision for this design BOM.

Product design revision numbers must be sequential. The revision number you have entered is not greater than the previous revision number for this product design BOM.

The percentage calculation requires the component unit (BOM UOM) or stock unit (STK) to be related to weight or volume.

Component quantities can only be recorded and calculated based on a percentage if the Design UOM field is set to a unit that represents weight or volume, and the % calculation check box is selected.

The entered component [code] is from component type [type].

All BOM components are defined by a "type". The component type you have selected is incorrect. For example, if the selected component exists as a stock item you cannot add it to a product design BOM revision as a component of type New material.

The total % quantity BOM UOM for all components cannot exceed 100%.
The total % quantity BOM UOM for all components is less than 100%.

Component quantities for this product design revision are based on a percentage calculation, that is, the Design UOM field is set to a unit that represents weight or volume, and the % calculation check box is selected. The sum of the percentage of each component (% quantity BOM UOM field (PRCBOMQTY)) must equal 100.

Where a component has the Exclude quantity check box (EXCLOKQTY) selected, the quantity is excluded by default from the percentage calculations.

Deletion not permitted.

This message is displayed to warn you that the selected component exists as a component in a different product design BOM. You cannot delete this component.

For reference, a generated log file includes a Where used section listing each product design record that includes this component.

This link causes a loop in the BOM.

The selected component has this Product design code as a component in its BOM.

This component is not available for this production site [code].

You have entered a component of type Existing material or Existing assembly that does not have a product-site record. Two warnings are displayed:

  • An orange dot is displayed on the component line.
  • A note "This component is not available for this production site "[production site code]" is displayed in the Note code field.
The circuit references entered are less than the required BOM quantity.
The circuit references exceed the required BOM quantity.

There is no limit to the number of circuit or drawing references you can add per component. These information messages simply warn you that line references are not equal to the component quantity.

Update component costs?

If you click this icon both the component costs (if the Lock costs check box is clear), and the Totals block in the Design BOM section will be updated immediately. Do you want to update both these costs?

Update design totals?

If you click this icon, the Totals block in the Design BOM section will be updated immediately. Do you want to update these costs?

A design BOM is using this new material.

This message is displayed to warn you that the selected component exists as a component of type New material in a different product design BOM. You should consider the impact of publishing this new material to stock.

The product category flow type must be Bought, Sold or Manufactured.
Published component must have a category.
Category type - Service/phantom/tools/generic/maintenance are not allowed.
The product category flow type must be Manufactured.

These messages are displayed to warn you that a product category you have selected does not have a Flow type set to Bought (PURFLG check box), Sold (SALFLG check box) or Manufactured (MFGFLG check box). You must choose a different product category before you can publish this new material or design assembly to stock.

The product stock unit and category stock unit must match.

This message is displayed to warn you that the product categoryStock unit field (STU) does not match the stock unit for the new material calculation quantity in the STK field (STU). You must choose a different product category before you can publish this new material to stock.

This design BOM revision is already published. Republish it?

The Publish BOM action is displayed after a product design BOM revision is published as a production BOM if the component details for the product design BOM revision are modified. This provides the facility for the design engineer to update the production BOM with the modified component details, or to load a different revision of the product design BOM and publish the revision to a full production BOM, applying a different BOM alternative for the parent product code.

Tables used

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