Use this function to manage periods for each fiscal year for a specific company. You can define periods by company, ledger type, and fiscal year. By default, 12 periods are created, one for each month, but you can change this as needed.
The start date for the first period is the same as the start date for the fiscal year and cannot be changed. The end date for the last period is also the same as the end date for the fiscal year and cannot be changed.
If the CTLCLOPER - Period closing balance ctrl. parameter (CPT chapter, CLO group) is set to Yes, the account balance controls are performed on all periods being closed. The account balance sign is also checked, and not exclusively when closing the last period of the fiscal year. Depending on the number of periods, this could impact performance.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Entry screen
The fiscal year needs to be open to open periods. You need to close all periods before you can run the Fiscal year end function.
You can open one or multiple periods, up to 20, at one time.
You need to open or close periods in order without skipping one.
The last line in the table can never be deleted.
For fixed assets when the ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control parameter (AAS chapter, CPT group) is set to Yes, modifying the periods results in desynchronizing the depreciation context for the company using this ledger. You cannot perform any actions on fixed assets for this company until you run the Context synchronization process. Actions include revaluation, depreciation, method change, closing, and so on.
Block number 1
Company (field CPY) |
Enter or select the company, the manual ledger type, and the fiscal year number for the periods to display. By default, 12 periods display in the Details grid, but you can change this. |
General ledger type (field LEDTYP) |
Fiscal year (field FIYNUM) |
field DES |
This field is used to link a description and its record.
The description used by default in the print-outs is replaced by the short description depending on space available. |
Fiscal year start (field FIYSTR) |
This field displays the start and end date for the selected fiscal year number and cannot be modified. |
Fiscal year end (field FIYEND) |
Fiscal year status (field FIYSTA) |
This field displays the fiscal year status:
Grid Details
Period start (field PERSTR) |
This field displays the period start date. For the first period, the date is same as the fiscal year start date. After that, the period start date is one day after the period end date of the previous period. This also applies when you insert a period, providing that the period on the line above is not open. |
Period end (field PEREND) |
Enter the period end date if the status is not open. You cannot modify this date for periods that are open or closed. The end date for the last period is the same as the end date for the fiscal year. |
Period status (field PERSTA) |
This field displays the period status:
Stock status (field PERSTOSTA) |
Select the stock status for the period:
Closing date (field CLODAT) |
This field automatically displays the date the period was closed. If the FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter (TC chapter, CPT group) is set to No for a non-French company or a French company not in compliance with DGI rules, this date is rest to zero if you reopen a period or fiscal year. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
CLOPER : Pre-closing verification
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific buttons
Closing |
Select this action to close one or several periods for the current ledger type and for the other ledger types with the same structure by fiscal year.
Controls when closing a period or a group of periodsThe closing process triggers several controls that run automatically and some that depend on various parameter settings. Blocking controls generate a message and prevent a period or periods from being closed. Non-blocking controls generate a warning message, but do not prevent the close from continuing. Blocking controls confirm that:
Non- blocking controls if:
Blocking controls when closing the last period in the fiscal year confirm that:
Additional controls can be applied depending on the following parameter settings: If any of these parameters are set to Non-blocking, no related controls are applied. STOCLOPER - Stock period control (STO chapter, ACC group):
FARCLOPER - Control of invoices receivable (ACH chapter, INV group):
SVCCLOPER - Period closing accruals ctrl.(CPT chapter, CLO group):
ACCPERCTL - Accounting period control (AAS chapter, CPT group):