Use this function to manage the delivery requests sent in the framework of an open order. You can thus create, modify, delete, copy, view, and print delivery requests.

An open order contract is a long-term commitment with a supplier for one or multiple products and for a global quantity to be delivered, where delivery requests are sent based on the demand. An open order is made of:

  • a contract, managed in the Open order function,
  • and a delivery schedule, managed in this function.

In the contract, you need to define:

  • the supplier and sales conditions,
  • the open order validity start and end dates,
  • the list of products with a global quantity, price and validity date range for each product.

In the delivery schedule, you define:

  • the firm delivery requests,
  • the provisional delivery call-offs.

Inter-company specificities: The purchase delivery requests made under the terms of an inter-company contract generate sales delivery requests at the supplier site. These delivery requests cannot be modified in sales.

The reference date used in the calculation of delivery requests is taken from the requested delivery date.


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Screen management

The entry screen of delivery requests cannot be set up. It is composed of:

  • a selection panel displaying the contract lines,
  • a section displaying information on the contract line concerned,
  • a table used to enter the delivery schedule through firm and/or planned requests.

To enter a delivery request, select the line of the contract that the delivery request corresponds to in the selection panel of the screen. The top section displays the main information on the contract line and entries must be done in the table.

Entry screen


By default, the following reports are associated with this function:

  • BONDLOUV2 : Requests for purchase orders

  • PSUIVOUV : Open orders tracking

This can be changed using a different setup.

This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:

  • By specifying a given report at transaction entry level. If this report matches a print code, the list of reports associated with this print code is also submitted.
    The report entered at transaction entry level and the reports associated with the print code are automatically submitted in creation mode only.
  • At a more detailed level, by associating a print template with the BP. This template mentions the report to be used in priority for the printing of each document, as well as the expected number of copies.
    SEEINFOIf the number of copies is not specified, or if there is no print template associated with the BP, the number of copies defined for the Destination printer is chosen. If the number of copies is not specified for the destination printer, then a single copy is printed by default.

Specific Buttons

Specific actions

Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry:

The site is not in the same legal company

This message appears during the entry of the receiving site when the site code entered does not belong to the same legal company as the order site. To correct this problem, it is necessary to select a site from the list suggested.

Insertion not possible

This message is displayed when an attempt is made to insert a line when the maximum number of lines for an order, defined by the appropriate activity code, has been reached.

Entry format incorrect

This message is displayed when entering the period and the entered value does not match the excepted format:

  • DDMMYY or DDMMYYYY for a daily request
  • WWWYY or WWWYYYY for a weekly request
  • MMYY or MMYYYY for a monthly request
Date prior to today's date

This message is displayed when the period entered is lower than the current date.

Date prior to the validity start date

This message is displayed when the date or period entered is lower than the product validity start date specified in the contract.

Date greater than the validity end date

This message is displayed when the date or period entered is greater than the product validity end date specified in the contract.

Periods must be recorded in ascending order

This message is displayed when attempting to enter:

  • A daily request when the previous line is a weekly or monthly request;
  • A weekly request when the previous line is a monthly request and the next line is a daily request;
  • A monthly request when the next line is a daily or weekly request;
  • A daily, weekly or monthly request lower than the request of the previous line or greater than the next line.
Processing not possible: Former periods were not processed

This message is displayed when attempting to split a weekly request into N daily requests or a monthly requests into N weekly requests but one of the previous planned requests has not been processed yet. To solve this problem, process requests in chronological order.

The quantity is less than the minimum quantity ####.## XXX

This message is displayed when a quantity that is entered is less than the minimum quantity required by the supplier, as specified in the product record.

Quantity is greater than global quantity

This message is displayed on entering the quantity, when the total of the requests quantities is greater than the overall quantity defined in the contract.

Contract partially signed: change or deletion prohibited

This message is displayed when attempting to enter a request but the contract has not been fully signed yet.

Order closed. Modification prohibited

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify the request line when all the request lines are closed.

Order line closed: Modification or deletion prohibited

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify a closed request line. To correct this problem, the user must cancel the line closure, if this is still possible, then return to line modification mode.

You cannot modify the status of this line:

This message is displayed when trying to modify a request line though one or more receipts have been recorded for this line.

Tables used

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