Local menus Module Financials
- (601)
- Account Type (605)
- Account Category (1) (606)
- Account Category (2) (607)
- VAT Management (608)
- Tax allocation (609)
- Sign by Default (610)
- Variance Type (611)
- Journal Type (613)
- Period Type (614)
- 1099 Account (615)
- Account Status (616)
- Accounting Journal Status (617)
- Reverse Code (619)
- Restriction Type (620)
- Journal Category (621)
- Reporting Code Sort (622)
- Budget Definition Level (623)
- Aligning (624)
- Automatic Line Type (625)
- Debit - Credit (626)
- Account setup sort (627)
- Entry Type (628)
- Sort Criteria (629)
- Sign Type (630)
- Commitment Type (631)
- Expense / Revenue (632)
- Entered/Calculated (633)
- Account / Dimension Value (634)
- Periodicity Type (635)
- Analytical Category (636)
- Analytical Balances (637)
- Actual / Simulation (639)
- Recurring Journal Type (640)
- Budgetary Control Type (641)
- Actual / Budgeted (642)
- Resynchronization type (643)
- Business Partner Type (644)
- Invoice Type (645)
- Purchase Type (646)
- Column Type (647)
- Budgetary Control Type (648)
- Analytical Data Entry (649)
- Matching Type (650)
- Generation Type (651)
- Y/N/Warn (652)
- Check Type (654)
- Deposit type (655)
- Journal generation type (657)
- VAT Management (658)
- Allocated journal (659)
- Journal Types (660)
- Expense / Revenue / Indeterminate (661)
- Mandatory / No (662)
- No-Yes-Unspecified (663)
- Sort criterion (due dates) (664)
- Batch Field Description (666)
- Financial Statement Pages (667)
- Sense of Balance (668)
- Due date cancellation (670)
- Accounting Sign (671)
- Business Partner Type (672)
- Single / Multi (673)
- Display Mode (674)
- Account Sort (675)
- Account Sort (676)
- General / Analytical (677)
- Bank Assignment Method (678)
- Balance Update (679)
- Notes P/R portfolio update (680)
- Acceptance code (682)
- Bank Reconciliation Option (683)
- Business Partner Journal Type (684)
- Discount form type (685)
- Amount Type (686)
- VAT Declaration Date (687)
- VAT Options for Shipments (688)
- Payment status (689)
- Account Category (690)
- Category Formats (691)
- Entry Type (692)
- Bank Statement Source (694)
- 1099 Declaration Mode (695)
- TDS Record Type (696)
- Balance Sort (697)
- Analytical Balance Sort (698)
- Bank Sort (699)
- Accounting Types (700)
- Site / Company (807)
- Declaration type (850)
- Auxiliary Account Sort (851)
- General journal sort (852)
- Sort ENGAGENAT (860)
- Sort ENGAGESEC (861)
- Ledger in Currencies (862)
- Print Format (863)
- Acc. Sequence Nos. (866)
- Analytical axis entry (867)
- Print Format (872)
- Print Effect (873)
- Formula type (874)
- Column information (875)
- Budget category (876)
- Currency (877)
- Export option (878)
- Transfer basis (879)
- Status (880)
- CRE sending medium type code (881)
- Delay calculation date (882)
- VAT return type (883)
- Spanish setup values (2077)
- Periodicity (2110)
- Payment mode (2111)
- Medium type (2112)
- Prorata type (2113)
- Child unit in declaration (2114)
- Crystal Reports - Acc (cont'd) (2290)
- Control type (2600)
- Generation type (2601)
- Type of Sales (Portugal) (2602)
- Type of rule (2603)
- Payment transaction type (2604)
- Sort open items (2605)
- Currency (2606)
- Title (2607)
- Sort order (2608)
- Budgetary GL management (2609)
- Customer aged balance field (2610)
- Supplier aged balance field (2611)
- Sort sequence (2612)
- Benefit type (2613)
- Due date item type (2614)
- Extract DAS2 fees (2615)
- Accruals generation type (2616)
- Closing type (2617)
- Fiscal year report (2618)
- Print currency (2619)
- Discount calculation date (2620)
- Analytical pyramids (2621)
- Control account (2622)
- Source document type (2623)
- Control type (2625)
- TDB sort (2633)
- TDB sort (2634)
- Flag (Auto/Manual) (2635)
- TDS file type (2636)
- Flow management (2637)
- Sort (2639)
- Sort (2640)
- Document type (2641)
- Chart of Accounts (2642)
- VAT declaration type (2643)
- Entry type (2646)
- Ledger authorizations (2647)
- Document type (2651)
- Record type (2652)
- Ledger type (2653)
- Analytical resync type (2655)
- 1099 record usage (2656)
- 1099 record type (2657)
- FDE amount type (2659)
- FDE extraction type (2660)
- Amounts / Quantities (2661)
- FDE amount type (2662)
- FDE amount type (2663)
- Analytical sense (2664)
- FDE amount type (2665)
- Dimension view setup sort (2666)
- Matching method (2667)
- Account type (2668)
- Version status (2669)
- Printing (2670)
- Treas. interface (2671)
- Treas. interface (2672)
- Cash interface (2673)
- Cash flow interface (2674)
- Cash interface (2675)
- Generation type (2678)
- Excel export (2679)
- Currency option (2680)
- Multi-curr. postings option (2681)
- Variance option (2682)
- Reason for action (2683)
- Document reason (2684)
- Treasury - Payments - SFRPT (2685)
- Treasury - Open items - SFRPT (2686)
- Activate/Deactivate (2687)
- Renewal type (2688)
- Review processing (2689)
- Approval processing (2690)
- Envelope status (2691)
- Budget category (2692)
- Budget control level (2693)
- Approval level (2694)
- Budget statistical group (2695)
- Definition level (2696)
- Detail level (2697)
- Budget overrun (2698)
- Review status (2699)
- Entry origin (2801)
- Date Basis for Aging (2809)
- Account specific text (853) (2820)
- VAT declaration record type (2822)
- 1099 form (3601)
- Fees declaration (3602)
- Box type (3603)
- Taxpayer number (3604)
- Amounts to be displayed (3605)
- Amounts to be displayed (3606)
- Launch periodicity (3607)
- TAX type selection (3609)
- Processed records selection (3610)
- Building location (3611)
- Submission mode for recap. st. (3612)
- File type recapitulative st. (3613)
- Report type VAT reporting (3614)
- Submitter VAT Declaration GER (3615)
- Receipt communication status (3619)
- Receipt status (3620)
- 281.5 category (3623)
- 281.5 Type of declared amounts (3624)
- Fiscal year or period (3639)
- Swiss VAT codes (3640)
- Type of economic reason (3641)
- Country address code (3642)
- Currency (3643)
- Process type (3644)
- Orientation (3645)
- Company activity type (3646)
- Payment balance line flag (3647)
- Indicateur Operations (3649)
- Balance payment account type (3650)
- VAT box type (3651)
- VAT entity (3652)
- DATEV account modification (3654)
- DATEV account modification (3655)
- Formula condition (3656)
- VAT statement periodicity (3657)
- Bank charge bearer (3658)
- Instruction keys DTA (3659)
- Instruction keys EZAG (3660)
- Simulation screen display (3665)
- Assessment method (3666)
- Triggering conditions (3681)
- Tax credit to recover (3682)
- Tax code control (3684)
- DATEV Invoice Fields (3688)
- DATEV BP copy (3691)
- Reporting period (3698)
- Reporting status (3699)
- Sage 50 import transcribe (3700)
- VAT submission environment (3705)
- VAT adjustment level (3706)
- Invoice header amount control (3721)
- Formula type (3726)
- Table List (3727)
- Type of extraction (3728)
- Revenue recognition validation (3730)
- Revenue recognition col. types (3731)
- Posting level (3732)
- Revenue recogniton type (3737)
- VATPAYFCY parameter (3738)
- Posting VAT entities (3740)
- VAT return reporting (3741)
- Posting status (3742)
- Revenue recognition method (7734)
- Bad debt management rules (8340)
- Action type (8341)
- Allocated document (8503)
- Withholding calculation basis (8504)
- Withholding threshold base (8505)
- Partial payment (8506)