Process suggested SOs in MRP
This parameter determines if Material Requirements Planning (MRP) should force the generation of reorder suggestions by project code to cover requirements originating from a suggested Sales order (SOS).
For every transaction, MRP compares the resulting stock level and the reorder lead time with actual requirements (orders). If the stock level on the date of the planning run (MRP processing (FUNMRPG), field Reference date) plus the reorder lead time is too low MRP can generate a suggestion. The date for the generated suggestion will be the date of the planning run.
'No' - The MRP process must not generate suggestions if the planning run establishes that an existing order covers safety stock for the date of the run plus the reorder lead time.
'Yes' - The MRP process must generate a suggestion by project code to cover requirements originating from a suggested Sales order (SOS).
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter STO (Inventory) and the Group SCH (Planning), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- AVGDAY (Average days per month)
- AVGWRKDAY (Average work days per month)
- DEFPTO (Assignment rule MTO)
- FIRWRKDAY (First work day of week)
- GPLNFLT (Planner/buyer filter)
- GPLNHOR (Default planning horizon)
- MPSECCSOF (Process firm SOs in MPS)
- MPSECCSOP (Process planned SOs in MPS)
- MPSECCSOS (Process suggested SOs in MPS)
- MPSPJTSOF (Process firm SOs in MPS)
- MPSPJTSOP (Process planned SOs in MPS)
- MPSPJTSOS (Process suggested SOs in MPS)
- MPSRECOVST (MPS reduce coverage stock)
- MPSSECCOV (Safety stock coverage)
- MRPECCSOF (Process firm SOs in MRP)
- MRPECCSOP (Process planned SOs in MRP)
- MRPECCSOS (Process suggested SOs in MRP)
- MRPPJTSOF (Process firm SOs in MRP)
- MRPPJTSOP (Process planned SOs in MRP)
- MRPRECOVST (MRP reduce coverage stock)
- MRPREOALL (Exclude transfer allocation)
- MRPSECCOV (Safety stock coverage)
- PLNTWD (Weekly planning structure)
No global variable is associated with it.