Use this function to inquire the details of entry lines matching the entered criteria and to access accounting entries.
You can also jump to this function from the various balance inquiry screens.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The inquiry is performed on a screen. Enter in the header:
Once the criteria are entered, click Search to launch the inquiry. Click Next and Return to browse through the data pages.
Using the Actions icon available on lines, you are provided direct access to:
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used to specify the code for a company, group of companies or group of sites. |
The site code to be entered in this field is optional if a company code or a group code has already been selected. |
This field is used to specify the postings linked to the chosen ledger. |
The specified ledger currency depends on the type of ledger selected. |
This field reminds the chart of accounts linked to the company (or to the group of companies or the group of sites) and to the selected ledger type. |
This field is used to enter a start date relating to the posting inquiry. |
This field is used to enter an end date relating to the posting inquiry. |
The listed fields are displayed only for inquiry.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Grid Details
This date represents the accounting date of the original transaction. |
This field specifies the document type used to enter a journal. |
This field indicates the journal number. |
This field reminds the amount in transaction currency. |
This field specifies the amount in ledger keeping currency. |
Open item payment due date. If the MAXPD - Maximum period (companies) activity code is activated, a blocking message is displayed if the last due date is greater than the period specified, depending on the case, at the level of the following parameters or of the Contractual period possibly specified at the BP level.
This field is available depending on the inquiry screen setup selected in the Inquiry screens function GESGTC. This field is only available if the CSL - Consolidation activity code is active at the folder level. This is a display-only field that is populated according to the following: The value can default from the setup of the corresponding Journal entry transaction (GESGDE). There is no default value for this field when a journal entry is created from an automatic journal entry or manually. However, you can define a default value for this field when you create an automatic journal entry using the Automatic journal variables function (GESGVG). For example, on a sales invoice, to create a default value for the partner field on duty free and VAT lines, use the syntax [ F: SIH ] BPR. The automatic journal field is then populated with the partner code charged on TTC line of the sales invoice. The field can also default to the partner for the Extraction for Consolidation (BALCONSO) if the option Free criteria is selected. |
Flow code coming from the account if the flow code management has been chosen for the account. Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected. When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows: If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value. If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account. The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.
Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account. |
You can only enter a Business partner with one of the following characteristics: Customer, Supplier, or Miscellaneous BP. The Partner is the partner of original record if an account class is set to Yes, and it is empty if the account class is set to No. For a profit and loss account (set up in the chart of accounts line 11), there is no partner regardless of the Partner management setup.
Partner initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory Partner management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction with consolidation management selected. For control accounts If no Business Partner is defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner (CPT chapter, CSL group) parameter value. If this parameter is defined, there is no default partner value. For General accounts If the Entry partner check box is not selected for the general account defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. If no control account line has been found, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. Limit: If the journal entry is posted with several control account lines, the partner defaults from the first control account line. The partner is the same for all the general account lines where the Entry partner check box is selected. Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management, the partner initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no partner can been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, a blocking message appears notifying you that partner management is mandatory. |
Amount expressed in the selected transaction currency. |
This field indicates the amount in ledger currency. |
It is the allocated quantity expressed in UOM unit. |
Action icon
The following actions can be available depending on the context. They are used to directly access the base object:
Depending on the context, this function is used to jump to the basic object:
Use this action to go to the analytical distribution details, if the line is distributed analytically.
Use this action, available for entries from the stocks management module, to get an upstream access to the inquiry of stock movements.
Use this action, available for entries from the Manufacturing module, to get an upstream access to the WIP cost inquiry.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Selection
Close You can refine the inquiry with respect to the criteria defined in the header: click Criteria. You can save selections by assigning a memo code to them by clicking Memo.
The following fields are included in this window :
When the criteria definition function is used, it is possible to store the modified criteria thanks to button [Memo].
This field is used to specify the code for a company, group of companies or group of sites. |
This field is used to specify a company code.
This field is used to launch the inquiry for postings linked to the selected ledger type. |
This field makes it possible to specify dates that will be used as ranges for the posting selection. |
This screen defines the criteria for the selection and display of the entries to be viewed. |
This screen defines the criteria for the selection and display of the entries to be viewed. |
These grayed out fields are ticked when additional criteria have been entered on journal lines, via buttons [Header], [Line] and [Analysis].
This field is used to enter the code of the screen used to display the postings. |
At the inquiry level, no lock is applied: it will be displayed in the screen, even if the user does not have access to an entry type.
However, when using the Jump to action, the lock is applied at the journal level.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message is not strictly an error message. For technical reasons, the maximum number of lines loaded in the inquiry screen is set to 500. If more than 500 lines match the criteria this message is displayed, and only the first 500 lines can be viewed. You must enter more restrictive criteria in order to obtain fewer lines in the grid.
You have not entered a screen code during criteria entry (it is mandatory).
In criteria entry, the Company and Site fields are both empty (which is not authorized).