Use this function to calculate the dimensional allocation structures. When you run this function, the dimensional allocation journal entries are generated immediately.
See the documentation on dimensional allocation structures for further information.
Because the final allocation criteria of expenses or revenues is not known at the time of the transaction, these expenses and revenues are assigned at a later point.
This is the case, for example, with dimensions for indirect expenses, such as advertising expenses. First, these expenses are allocated to a dimension (a department, for example) on entry. They can subsequently be allocated among the other departments of a company in proportion to the sales achieved by each of these services.
This processing generates the corresponding dimensional entries (which can be viewed and modified using dimensional MO entry screens).
It groups the allocation lines in the same entry, except for:
Read the documentation for Partner initialization and Flow initialization.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a company or a group of companies to limit the generation of journals in the balance sheet or the result of a given company or group of companies. |
Use this field to define the ledger type concerned by the journal balance. In this function, only Manual ledgers can be accessed. You can read the balance on the selected ledger and balance the account for that ledger type. The propagation then initializes the accounts for the nonautomatic and nonprohibited ledger types. This initialization process is based on the entry type setup and account setup. The propagated amount is the one calculated on the main general ledger in transaction currency. This amount is then converted into the currency of the propagated ledgers. When generating the journal balance, the propagation is depends on the selected entry type. The entry type used during the journal generation and the entry type used during the balance generation (actual mode) must be consistent.If the two entry types are not consistent, the balance process must be launched on each non-propagated manual ledger where the account needs to be balanced. Examples
Selected ledger type = Social, Generation type = Actual In this case, when generating the balance, the propagation is global.
Selected ledger type = Social; Generation type = Actual Here, the propagation is incomplete. The IAS ledger is not propagated. If you want to balance the account on the IAS ledger, relaunch the balance process for this ledger type using an entry type that only authorizes IAS ledgers. For an automatic ledger type, the amounts in the currency transaction are not calculated from the balance. They are the same as the currency amounts calculated for the origin manual ledger. The ledger amounts for the automatic ledger are calculated by converting its currency amounts according to the journal entry rates. |
Grid Details
Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code. |
This field makes it possible to enter the name of an allocation structure that has been previously defined. |
This code is used to identify the site concerned. It is unique for each site. |
When this box is checked, the data associated with all the users are involved by the process (if it is not checked, only the user whose code is given is involved (if no code given, the current user). |
If a user code is entered in this field, the process only includes accounting documents entered by the user. If left blank, only accounting documents for the current user are included. |
The period to be distributed is the period taken into account to calculate the amounts to be distributed. |
This field is used only for the allocation structures which use the following distribution types: "Calculated Amount" or "Calculated Quantity".
For instance: The allocation period ranges from 01/01/07 to 31/01/07. The coefficient calculation period range from 01/01/07 to 31/12/07. The advertising expenses posted to the "Administration" dimension are distributed into the Departments 1 and 2 in proportion to the sales achieved by these two departments over a period which ranges from 01/01/07 to 31/12/07. The distribution coefficients are calculated over this period. |
Generation type. The journals to be generated can be of various types:
To generate a journal of actual type, specify the status:
The entry transaction must be selected before starting the entry of the journal.
The Transaction field is initialized according to the entry transaction selected. Four standard transactions are delivered:
A journal can only be viewed by means of:
This field is used to define the type of journal to be generated, and it is necessarily of analytical type. |
This is the posting journal of the generated document. it must be consistent with the document type.
Posting date of the generated entries. |
Enter a value in this field to initialize the header description of journal entries. You cannot modify this field when the entry is final and the parameter value FRADGI - French fiscal regulation is set to 'Yes' for the company. |
Select this check box to generate a log file. |
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task CPTDSPANA is provided for that purpose.
Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.
Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup. |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |
The management and generation of accounting documents using the double-entry method is not available for this function because it does not use an automatic journal process. Only functions that use an automatic journal process can use the double-entry method for a company.
The KRU - Russian legislation activity code must be active to use the double-entry method for a company.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
"'XXXXX" corresponds to the entry type on which the processing is started.
"YYY" corresponds to the ledger type related to analytical balance on which the allocation entries will be calculated and generated.
This message is displayed to signal that one of the entry type chosen is not consistent with the ledger type called on the screen.