The objective of this function is to manage (create, modify, delete, view, print) delivery requests for the sales contract orders.
In fact, the creation of each sales contract order (see the Contract orders documentation), is used to manage the delivery schedule as a second step. This delivery schedule is firmed up in the form of the delivery request management.
When the approvals management is activated (APPSOC parameter), an open order cannot be the subject of a delivery request as long as the order remains unsigned. (See the main rule for workflow approval on open orders: SOCSIG).
Refer to documentation Implementation
The delivery request entry screen cannot be set up and is made up of a left list that displays the contract lines, part of the information displayed comes from the contract line concerned and a grid that is used to enter the delivery program in the form of firm and/or planned delivery requests.
To enter a delivery request, it is necessary to select from the left list on the screen the contract line under the terms of which the delivery request must be made. The main information concerning the contract line is displayed in the top section and the entry must be made in the grid.
These two items of information entered in the header of the delivery schedule are used to select the contract order line for which a delivery schedule is to be entered.
A selection window linked to both these items of information is used to select the requires contract order line. If the active delivery requests already exist for this contract order line, then they are automatically loaded in the grid for the delivery schedule concerned. The last saved delivery request will also be displayed.
It is essentially the fields that are used to characterize the contract order. The following fields are displayed :
Contract order type.
Sales site.
Customer reference for the contract order.
Order date.
Customer and customer title.
Inter-sites / Inter-company if the contract order references a site in the company or a site in a group company.
Delivery address.
Revision number.
Product reference and standard description.
Product-customer and customer description.
The early/late for the shipment requests is only calculated from the firm shipment requests and is expressed by two items information. The following fields are grayed out (for the inter-site shipment requests, there is no early/late management).
Calculated Early/Late quantity. This quantity is expressed in the sales unit entered in the contract order line.
It is increased in the following cases :
- by the quantity for a shipment call-off when a shipment request is late (Planned shipment date strictly less than the current date).
- When a late planned shipment request is transformed into a firm shipment.
- When the late shipment request quantity is increased.
- When the planned date for the shipment request is modified and this new date is before than the current date.
- When the closing of the shipment request line closing is cancelled and its planned shipment date is earlier than the current date.
- When the shipment line, associated with a late shipment request is deleted.
- When the shipment line, associated with a late shipment request, is modified by increasing the shipped quantity.
This quantity is decreased in the following cases;
- When a late shipment request is deleted.
- When a late firm shipment request is transformed into a planned shipment.
- When the late firm shipment request quantity is decreased.
- When the planned date for the shipment request is modified and this new date is greater than or equal to the current date.
- When the closing a shipment request line and the planned shipment date is less than the current date.
- When the shipment line quantity associated with a shipment request is greater than the planned quantity. In this context, two behaviours can occur as a function of the value of the setup EARMGT. If this setup has value Early/late totals update then the early/late quantity is decreased by the amount that has been shipped in access. If this setup has value Update next shipment request then the amount shipped in addition will decrease the ordered quantity in the next shipment requests. In this situation, certain shipment requests can then be closed if the reduction of the quantity is such that the remaining quantity is equal to the quantity currently being shipped. Only the shipment requests where the ordered quantity is greater than the allocated quantity plus the shortage quantity plus the quantity being shipped are processed. The early/late quantity for the contract order line can however be decreased if a processed shipment request was late.
Calculated Early/Late date. This date is calculated for each update of the early/late quantity totals. This corresponds to the last date for which the totals were updated. It is equal to the current date minus one.
Customer Early/Late quantity. This information is expressed in the contract order sales unit. It is supplier by the customer and must therefore be entered.
Customer Early/Late date This date must be entered. It corresponds to the last information for the Early/Late quantity supplier by the customer.
The calculated information is used to verify the coherence of the information supplied by the customer and the current status of the request management linked to the contract order.
This grid is used to enter the different request types that make up the delivery schedule. The minimum information to be entered is the period and the quantity.
In the context of a contract order of the type inter-site or inter-company, the delivery requests described after this cannot be modifiable. These cannot be modified using the delivery schedule linked to the reciprocal purchase contract orders. Nevertheless the Quantity to be allocated and the Allocation type will be accessible as well as the functions that are used to carryout manual allocations.
In this field it is necessary to enter the shipment date for each shipment request line. The format of the value entered is controlled:
DDMMYY or DDMMYYYY for a daily request,
WWWYY or WWWYYYY for a weekly request,
MMYY or MMYYYY for a monthly request.
The weekly and monthly requests are automatically considered as planned (status not modifiable) whist the daily requests are by default considered to have a modifiable firm status as a function of the firm horizon defined in the contract order line.
The shipment request lines must be entered in chronological order. When inserting a line, the inserted line must have a date that is greater than or equal to the previous line and less than or equal to the next.
Conflict in the period. If a delivery call-off plan contains daily, weekly and monthly requests overlapping may occur. In any case, if a period is defined as weekly, the next periods must be expressed either weekly or monthly. Similarly, if a period is defined as monthly, only monthly periods can be entered in the next periods. It will be impossible to enter the daily requests beyond a weekly or monthly period.
It is possible to have overlapping if a daily request is entered and if a weekly request contains a daily request. This can also be the case if there is a weekly request and an attempt is made to enter a monthly request overlapping the weekly request (For example, if the weekly period included the 2 for the next month, it will not be possible to enter a monthly shipment request for the next month).
The delivery date is initialized as a function of the shipment time specified in the Ship-to customer. It remains modifiable.
This field is simply displayed and is used to identify the line status can be Pending, Late or Closed.
The status of the line can take the Firm or Planned value. Only the shipment requests with the status Closed will be proposed for shipment (see the Shipment documentation).
However all lines can be displayed, independently of their status, using shipment request display (see the Shipment request display documentation).
The quantity must be entered. In fact an error message appears immediately if the shipment request quantity is zero
From the quantity field, the contextual button allows the user to :
View the stock by site.
Allocations filter This option can be used to specify the information that will be used by the detailed allocation or at the time of shipment if the line has Global allocation. Two exclusive filters can be entered: the lot and a combination of statuses (the combination of statuses entered must be included in the Issue rule associated to the delivery transaction). A preferential filter can be assigned to a location that is used to orientate the allocation. These filters are also accessible in the Quantity to allocate field.
Allocation detail. This function is only accessible if allocated quantities exist already in the shipment request. This function is used to view the stock lines that have been reserved. See the Allocation detail button accessible by right click on the line.
View the available stock
It is possible to enter the quantity to be allocated on the line. The quantity to be allocated is always equal to the quantity already allocated to the shipment request line. To increase or decrease the quantity to be allocated, it will be sufficient to increase or decrease this quantity. If the INIALLORD setup (quantity to be allocated to the order initialized) is set to the value Yes, the quantity to be allocated will always be initialized by the total quantity that must be allocated to the shipment request lien (if the ordered quantity for the shipment request has been modified, the quantity to be allocated will then be automatically recalculated).
The quantity entered can be greater than the ordered quantity. A warning message will signal this. The allocation will be carried out on saving the shipment request.
If customer reservations exist for this product and if the USERERBPC setup is set to the value Yes, the reservations carried out by the customer will be automatically consumed during the allocation.
The user must have the Allocation authorization available in the shipment request management function to access this field.
From this field several different functions are accessible :
Stock by site. This function is used to access the Stock by site inquiry.
Allocations filter This option can be used to specify the information that will be used by the detailed allocation or at the time of shipment if the line has Global allocation. Two exclusive filters can be entered: the lot and a combination of statuses (the combination of statuses entered must be included in the Issue rule associated to the delivery transaction). A preferential filter can be assigned to a location that is used to orientate the allocation.
Allocation detail. This function is only accessible if allocated quantities exist already in the shipment request. This function is used to view the stock lines that have been reserved. See the Allocation detail button accessible by right click on the line.
Available stock
The allocation type for a shipment request has as its default value the allocation type specified in the contract order header. It is however possible to modify the allocation type (Global/Detailed) in a delivery request on the condition that the user has the Allocation authorization available as a function of the delivery request management.
In this column a progressive total for the open shipment request lines is displayed.
Found in this column is a progressive total for the shipment lines with the status Pending.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
The order number allows the order to be identified in a unique way. This number is assigned automatically or entered whenever an order is created based on the parameterization of the counter associated with the order type chosen. If the order counter is defined with automatic allocation, the order number field is not accessible and the counter is assigned to the order creation. Conversely, if the order counter is defined with manual allocation, it is possible to enter it manually. If it is not entered at the moment of creation, the system will automatically assign an order number according to the counter. |
Number used to define in a unique way the product line. |
This field indicates the customer identifier code. |
This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
It is the product reference for which a document line is recorded. It is possible to:
The entry of the product is used to initialize the Description and Sales unit fields, which can be modified. The sales unit can be modified on the condition that it is chosen from the suggested list that contains the sales and packing units from the product and product-customer records. At this stage, a warning message can appear that to inform the user of the replacement of the entered product by the substitute product. This automatic substitution only takes place when the following two conditions are fulfilled:
Block number 3
Early/Late calculated
The early/late for the delivery requests is only calculated from the firm delivery requests and is expressed by two items information. The following fields are grayed out (for the inter-site delivery requests, there is no early/late management).
This quantity is decremented in the following cases:
The calculated information is used to verify the consistency of the information supplied by the customer and the current status of the request management linked to the contract order. |
The Early / Late date is calculated on each update of the early / late quantity total. This corresponds to the last date for which the totals were updated. It is equal to the current date minus one. |
Early/Late customer
Last early/late quantity expressed in Sale unit and provided by the customer. |
This is the date corresponding to the last information for the Early/Late quantity provided by the customer. It must thus be entered. |
Enter the delivery date for each delivery request line. The format is as follows:
Weekly requests and monthly requests are automatically considered as scheduled (non-modifiable status) though daily requests are suggested by default with a firm status which can be modified depending on the firm horizon defined on the contract order line. Delivery request lines must be entered in a chronological order. In case of insertion, the inserted line must have a date superior or equal to the previous date and inferior or equal to the next date. Collision on period. It is possible to have overlapping if a daily request is entered and if a weekly request contains a daily request. This can also be the case if there is a weekly request and an attempt is made to enter a monthly request overlapping the weekly request (For example, if the weekly period included the 2 for the next month, it will not be possible to enter a monthly delivery request for the next month). |
The delivery date is initialized with respect to the delivery time specified in the Ship-to customer record. It remains modifiable. |
This field which cannot be modified displays the line status which can be Pending, Late or Closed. |
The status of the line can take the Firm or Planned value. Only the delivery requests with the status Closed will be suggested for the delivery (see the Delivery documentation). However all lines can be viewed, independently of their status, using the delivery request inquiry (see the Delivery request inquiry documentation). |
Quantity ordered by the customer expressed in sales unit. |
It is possible to enter on the line the quantity to be allocated. The entered quantity can be superior to the ordered quantity. A warning message reports it. The allocation is performed upon recording the delivery request. If customer reservations exist for this product and if the USERERBPC - Customer reservation consumption parameter is set to Yes, then the reservations carried out by the user are automatically consumed in the allocation process. The user will need the Allocation authorization in the delivery request management function in order to access this field. From this field, various functions can be accessed:
The allocation type for a shipment request has as its default value the allocation type specified in the contract order header. It is however possible to modify the allocation type (Global/Detailed) in a delivery request on the condition that the user has the Allocation authorization available as a function of the delivery request management. |
This column displays the progressive total of delivery request lines which are not closed. |
This column displays the progressive total for the delivery request lines with the status Pending. |
The project code in document line is initialized by the one entered in the header or, in the case of a document transformation, by the one of the selected document lines (in picking or in mass processing, if the project code on a document line is inactive, the line cannot be selected).
In modification mode, the project code management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter.
When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, a project or one of its entities can be picked (a budget batch or task), using its posting code:
In selection, there are two possibilities:
When the project code of the document header is modified, this project code is automatically transferred to the lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized. In this case, a dialog box would open and suggest to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
Sales documents: quotes, orders, deliveries and invoices:
The project code cannot be entered. It is always set to the value of the project code of the open order line. |
Action icon
This function is only accessible if the order is of the type planned and if the delivery date is expressed in the form of a period. This option is used to distribute a weekly request over n daily requests and a monthly request over n weekly requests. This type of process on the planned requests must be carried out in chronological order of the requests.
This function is used to close a firm or planned delivery request (except if the delivery date is expressed in the form of a period. In this case this button will not be accessible). It is also used to open a closed delivery request provided it has not be shipped. The user must have the Closing authorization available in the shipment request management function to access this function. It is possible to close a delivery request, even if this possesses the allocated quantities (a warning message will then be displayed that allows a user to continue or to cancel). If the user accepts it, a de-allocation of the line will be carried out on saving the delivery request closure).
The functioning proposed will be the same as for a deletion of a delivery request line. It is impossible to delete a delivery request that has been the object of a delivery or if it is closed.
This function is used to view additional information concerning the contract order line :
Validity date
Planned quantity
Total ordered quantity
Total shipped quantity
Firm horizon
and to modify certain information linked to the delivery of the delivery request :
Shipment site. It will then be possible to modify this information for the delivery requests concerning inter-site or inter-company contract orders to manage the vagaries of the delivery. On the other hand the shipping site will not be updated in the corresponding purchase delivery request.
Consumption location
Delivery method
Delivery lead-time
Shipment priority
Packaging code and packaging capacity
This function is used to enter a text on the delivery request line. This text will be initialized in the delivery request by the text entered in the contract order line. This text can then be propagated to the deliveries and invoices as a function of the value of the general setup SALTEXLIN.
This function is only available if the delivery request is allocated. It is then used to consult the stock lines that have been allocated to the delivery request or the allocated total if it is a global allocation.
This function behaves as follows :
In the header the product reference, the product description and the warehouse site for the delivery request line, as well as the stock unit for the product.
A grid then displays the detail of the allocation. The following information is mentioned:
Allocation type: Detailed or Shortage/detail if a shortage exists (the stock information is ten empty except for the quantity in stock unit).
The quantity expressed in stock unit
The lot number if the product is managed by lot
The sub-lot number if the product is managed by sub-lot
The serial number if the product is managed by serial number
The location if the product is managed by location
The stock line status
The packing unit for the stock line
The quantity expressed in packing unit
The lot expiry date if the product is managed with an expiry date for the lot
Two free stock identifiers
The manual detailed allocation function is available if it is a firm order and this is irrespective of the allocation type for the line. If the allocation type for the line is Global, a warning message informs the user that the allocation that will be carried out will change the allocation type for the line to Detailed. This function is used to manually allocate the stock lines (the products present in certain locations or for specific lots...). This function is only accessible in delivery request modification. It can then be used to allocate more than the ordered quantity such as is allowed for the Quantity to be allocated entry in the shipment request. The user will need to have available the Allocation authorization in the contract order management to access this function.
This function is used to access the Stock by site inquiry for the product present in the delivery request.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
SSUIVOUV : Open orders tracking
This can be changed using a different setup.
This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:
This product is used to access the contract order header to which the delivery requests are saved. |
This function is used to view all the deliveries carried out for the contract order line linked to the delivery requests that have been shipped. The information that can be viewed in the inquiry is :
Delivery number
The shipment date
The shipped quantity in sales unit
The total of the shipped quantities
It is also possible to access each delivery by tunnel if the user authorizations allow it.
This function is used to access the delivery request display function by tunnel without quitting the current function. This function is used to view the delivery requests (see the Shipment requests display documentation) carried out for the contract order line and to give a general view of the delivery schedule status for a site, or customer or a specific product.
Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
This message only appears when searching for a record. The contract order line that you are looking for does not exist in the table. You can use the selection window to facilitate the search.
This message appears when :
- A daily request has been entered when the previous line is a weekly or monthly request.
- A weekly request has been entered when the previous line is a monthly request or the next line is a daily request.
- A monthly request has been entered when the previous line is a daily or weekly requests.
- A daily, weekly or monthly request has been entered that is less than the daily, weekly or monthly request on the previous line or greater than the daily request.
In all cases the entry is refused.
The date or the delivery period falls beyond the validity end date for the contract order for this product. The entry is refused.
This message is for information purposes (not blocking) It appears if a weekly or monthly request is entered (and is therefore planned) that falls in the firm horizon that has been defined in the contract order. It also appears if a planned daily requirement is entered in the firm horizon.
This message is for information purposes (not blocking) It appears if a firm daily requirement is entered that does not fall in the firm horizon that has been defined.
This message appears when a quantity that is less than the quantity already allocated or shipped is entered, The entry is refused.
This message appears if the sequence number counter used for the on hand orders cannot be found. The sequence number counter setup probably does not exist.
During the use of the delivery request distribution button, the following messages can appear:
This message appears if the number of lines to be inserted means that the number of delivery requests exceeds the maximum authorized for a single contract order line.
This message appears if the sum of the quantities for the delivery requests to be generated does not correspond to the quantity on the initial request.
This message appears if an attempt is made to delete a line that is closed. The line deletion is refused.