This report displays the situation, or status, of a depreciation plan by the end of the fiscal year or the end of a given period for each asset selected. This situation is in the depreciation plan currency.
The assets are sorted by company, then by the values you select for Sort criteria 2 and 3, and sub-grouping each shortage on one of these criteria.
You can generate a summary report showing only the sub-groupings by Sort criteria 2 and 3, then by company.
A global total is displayed for a multi-company print.
Note: Another report (the DEPSITUCUR report), whose content is identical to this one, generates the depreciation plan situation in a different currency from the depreciation plan. You select the currency in the criteria for running the report.
This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Fixed Assets - Fixed assets.
Parameter |
Parameter title |
Type |
cpydeb |
Company limit |
fcydeb |
Financial site range |
ccptdeb |
Accounting code range |
accdeb |
General account ranges |
accifrsdeb |
IFRS" account range |
typdetdeb |
Holding type (Local menu Owned, Rented, Leased, Provisional, Concession...) |
refdeb |
Asset range |
plan |
Depreciation plan (Local menu Accounts, Finance, Minimum, Source, Reevaluation 76...) |
situation |
FY or period (Local menu Financial year, Period) |
datdeb |
Date range |
D4 |
encours |
Assets in process (Local menu No, Yes) |
actif |
Active assets (Local menu No, Yes) |
selentree |
Entry selection (Local menu All Assets present in Fiscal year/Period...) |
selbiensor |
Selection of the issued assets (Local menu Issued and non issued assets, Non issued assets... |
biensor |
Basis,total,nv set to=0 if issued (Local menu No, Yes) |
tri2 |
Classification criterion 2 (Local menu Financial site, Accounting code, CoA account...) |
tri3 |
Classification criterion 3 (Local menu Financial site, Accounting code, CoA account...) |
mullan |
Multi-language (Local menu No, Yes) |
detail |
Detailed status by asset (Local menu No, Yes) |
impselections |
Print selections (Local menu No, Yes) |
The data is filtered by site according to the rights granted to the user on the function GESFAS (Assets).
1. Entering specific values for the selection parameters is not mandatory. You can accept the default values from the Report dictionary.
When entering values, there is no control on these fields. However, if there are no values or if the values are inconsistent, the report does not print.
2. For Entry selection, the selection is applied as follows:
3. Basis,Total,NV=0 if issued: only applies to assets where the issue date is prior to or equal to the selected fiscal year or period end date.
When set to Yes, the following fields display a value of 0: Balance sheet value, Total depreciation end of fiscal year (or Total depreciation end of period), End of fiscal year net value (or end of period net value).
Fixed assets automatically excluded:
Assets are presented, grouped, and sorted in ascending order according to the following criteria:
The content of the report varies according to the value entered for the setup: Report detailed by asset (or synthesis report).
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Reference | AASREF | DEP |
Description 1 | AASDES1 | FAS |
Account | ACC or IASACC | FAS |
Balance sheet value | DPRBAS (1) | DEP |
Total depreciation start of fiscal year | DPRCUM | DEP |
Fiscal year start net value (2) | DPRBAS – DPERCUM – IMLBLC |
Fiscal year depreciation expense | ENDDPE + EXCDPR | DEP |
Fiscal year impairment loss | PERIMLCUM + IML | DEP |
End of fiscal year or period net value | NBV | DEP |
On the 2nd line:
Information | Loaded from the fields | Table |
Depreciation start date | STRDPRDAT | DEP |
Depreciation end date | ENDDPRDAT | DEP |
Depreciation method | DPM | DEP |
Depreciation duration | DPRDUR | DEP |
Depreciation rate | DPRRAT | DEP |
Issue date | ISSDAT | FAS |
Residual value | RSDVAL | DEP |
Total depreciation closed periods (only if the situation is periodic) |
Total end of fiscal year | DPRCUM + ENDDPE |
Fiscal year impairment loss | PERRVECUM + IMLRVE | DEP |
Impairment loss reversal on issue | IMLRVEISS | DEP |
(1) If the parameter: Basis,Total,NV=0 if the issued assets are set to Yes, the amount is 0 if the asset meets the conditions listed in the Miscellaneous paragraph.
(2) Assets, where the depreciation start date is after the period or fiscal year start date, have a fiscal year or period start date net value equal to 0.
Note: Assets that are WIP type display only the Balance sheet value and the Net value.
Then, the grouped lines display identical to those displayed below for a report summary.