Impairment loss
This function is dedicated to the management of impairment losses that the company might carry out on all the assets making up a Cash Generating Unit (CGU).
This impairment loss corresponds to a loss of value that adds up to the one observed in the depreciation process.
It can be observed in the plans managed based on the IAS/IFRS and CRC2002-10 standards and applies to the current period end values of the considered plan.
It can be justified by internal reasons (obsolete or damaged asset, planned reconstruction, ...) or by external reasons (reduction in the market value of an asset, technological evolution,...).
These loss of value indexes are reversible: an impairment loss can therefore be totally or partially reversed... without leading to an accounting value greater than the one which would have been determined had the asset not been impaired.
Note: when the impairment loss takes place on a single asset, not attached to a CGU, the process is carried out in the Impair window called from the Assets management function.
Impairment loss
An impairment loss at the level of the CGU is established when the sum of the net values of the assets that make it up, at the end of the period (or fiscal year) becomes greater than the recovery value of the CGU. The impairment loss amount is then distributed for each of the assets that make it up.
The recovery value corresponds to the highest of the two following values:
- Market value,
- Usage Value.
Impairment loss reversal
An impairment loss reversal takes place when the CGU has been impaired during the previous periods or fiscal years and that the sum of the net accounting values of the assets in this CGU at the end of the period or fiscal year, is less than its recoverable value. The reversal amount calculated at CGU level is then distributed on each of the assets that make it up.
This function is used to:
- to determine an impairment loss or any impairment loss reversal,
- consecutively, to update the depreciation plan value involved in the impairment loss or reversal.
- to generate the events required for the production of the account postings for an impairment loss or reversal.
This function is also used to:
- cancel the impairment loss or the reversal carried out in the current period. Since several impairment losses (or reversals) of the CGU in the same period (or in the same fiscal year in the case where the period ends are not managed) are not authorized, it is in fact necessary before starting a new impairment loss (or reversal) to have previously canceled the impairment loss (or reversal) carried out in the plan.
1/ In the case where the CGU groups the assets belonging to different companies, the current period end dates as well as the management currency must be identical, for the plan being processed for each of these companies.
2/ An impairment loss or impairment loss reversal is recorded at the end of the current period, after depreciation calculations for the period or fiscal year. As a result, the impairment loss/reversal processing is only authorized after a periodic calculation (or fiscal year) for the company.
3/ The impairment loss is not allowed:
- If one of the CGU asset has been subject to a re-evaluation in the same period.
- If the CGU asset has already been subject to an impairment loss or a reversal in the same period. Before proceeding with a new impairment loss/reversal, it is necessary to cancel the previous impairment loss/reversal.
4/ An asset meeting at least one of the following conditions is automatically excluded from the processing:
- It is Inactive.
- Its holding type is In template or In concession.
- Update 8.0.0 and higher: it is classified as for sale.
- It has been the object of an actual asset disposal or cancellation.
- It is in the process of an intra-group cession.
- The asset depreciation start date, for the selected plan, is later than the end date of the current period.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function is composed of:
- A header that is used to specify the processing options: simulation, printing of a detailed log file.
- A tab that is used to enter the impairment loss/reversal or impairment loss/reversal cancellation process setups.
Management of the window
The management is the same for this window as for all the mass processing processings that can be applied to assets.
Processing setup
1/ Impairment loss/reversal process:
First, it is necessary to set up the processing. This setup consists in:
- Specifying the processing options. By default, the process is performed in Simulation mode. It generates a Detailedlog file presenting the values of the different parameters applied at the time of the execution and displaying, for each asset updated, the Balance sheet value and Market value, the Impairment loss, Impairment loss reversal and Balance amounts and the reversal limit for the impairment loss as well as the new Net value after impairment loss.
- Possibly entering the company in order to filter the CGUs and thus only display in the list accessed from the CGU field those that own at least one asset belonging to the selected company.
- Entering the setups linked to the impairment loss/reversal processing: reference of the the CGUbeing the subject of the impairment loss/reversal, the Depreciation plan concerned, the Reason for the impairment loss/reversal as well as the Market value and/or the Usage value of the CGU.
2/ Impairment loss/reversal cancellation processing:
It is only necessary to activate the Cancel impairment loss flag. It becomes available once a impairment loss/reversal process has taken place for the selected CGU, in the current period for the specified depreciation plan.
Process launch
Once the setup is done, it is possible to:
- Either to directly confirm the entry of the parameters by clicking on [OK]. The deprecation/reversal calculation is carried out directly in the selected asset(s).
- Or to pass by an intermediate stage - control on the parameters entered and the values calculated - by clicking on the button [Control].
A window displays in the form of a table the list of assets attached to the selected CGU. For each of the assets, the following information is displayed:
- Company in which the asset is referenced
- Asset reference and description
- Ex-tax receipt value (CoA or IFRS)
- Net value before impairment loss/reversal
- Impairment
- Impairment loss reversal
- Net value before impairment loss/reversal
- Reversal limit
- Market value
- Effective start date.
The impairment loss or impairment loss reversal amounts calculated in this way can be modified by the user.
Any modification must be confirmed by using the button [Save] list. To cancel the modifications under way on the asset, click on [Cancel].
Once the manual adjustments are complete, click on [End] button to close the control window; the parameter entry window is displayed again, making it possible to either confirm the mass update by clicking [OK], or to abort the update by clicking the button [End].
The header contains the process options. It is used to select, if need be, the company that references at least one asset of the CGU to be impaired.
Simulation (field FLGSIM) |
This check box is selected by default and runs the closing in simulation mode. In this case, controls and the process are carried out but there are no updates recorded in the database. Clear this check box to run in actual mode. In this case, you cannot reverse the closing and updates are recorded in the database. If you are using intermediate commits, it is recommended that the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) value is 0. |
Report (field FLGETA) |
This indicator can be accessed only when one or several reports are linked to the massive process. In this case, the activation of this indicator enables the user to print these reports. |
Detailed log file (field FLGDET) |
A log file is automatically displayed on process completion, showing the processing parameters. A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason. The viewing and printing of log files are possible at any time via the report code ATRACE - Print log file print request, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu. |
Grid Company selection
field FLGCPY |
Help common to all the mass processings.
Company (field CPY) |
This field displays the company code. |
Grid Site selection
field FLGFCY |
This non enterable flag is activated to indicate that the site is selected. After selection of the company all the sites attached to it are automatically selected. |
Company (field FCYCPY) |
Identification Code for the company which the site is linked to. |
Site (field FCY) |
Identification code of the site. |
- Simulation:
This box, ticked by default, is used to carry out an impairment loss simulation on the selected assets. The modification of the assets is not recorded in the database.
The impact of the processing on the assets can be viewed in the log file displayed at processing completion. - Detailed log file:
A process log file is systematically displayed at the end of the processing. This log shows the processing options used, any selection criteria and the impairment loss setup values. It further shows for each of the companies involved in the process: the number of assets processed, the number of assets updated and the number of assets not processed as a result of an error.
When this box is selected, the log file is displayed in a detailed report presenting, in addition to the information listed above, the list of assets successfully processed, grouped by company. The following information is given for each of the assets : the Balance sheet value, the Market value, the Impairment loss amount, the Impairment loss reversal amount, the Impairment loss balance, the Impairment loss reversallimit as well as the new Net value.
Note: the viewing and printing of the log files is possible at any time via the Print log file print request of the ATRACE report code, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu.
Company selection – Site selection
These tables display both the list of managed companies for which the user is authorized and the list of sites corresponding to these companies where the user is authorized.
When the company parameterACCPERCTL - Control of accounting periods (chapter AAS, group CPT) has Yes for value, the company is not displayed in the list as soon as at least of one its context is not synchronized with the accounting period/fiscal breakdown.In this case, it is necessary to launch the processing of Contexts synchronization.
The desynchronization status of a context can be viewed on theDetailed status of contexts, Calculation tab (the value of the Modification type field is set to:CNX and the value of the field Parameter modified isDESYNC).
An impairment loss is necessarily carried out on all the assets making up a CGU. These assets can be referenced in different companies, it is therefore not possible to choose a company with the goal of only selecting the assets of this company.
The selection is only used to filter the CGUs in order to only display those having at least one asset belonging to the chosen company in the list accessible from the CGU field.
Tab Setup definition
This tab is used to carry out an impairment loss/reversal or to request the cancellation of an impairment loss/reversal carried out in the current period.
UGT (field IASCGU) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. This field can only be accessed in a mass process. It is used to specify the treasury generating unit involved in the depreciation. If a company is selected, the list only displays the UGT with at least one asset belonging to the company. |
Reference (field AASREF) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. This field in unitary process displays the reference for the asset for which the depreciation will be carried out. In the mass process, this field is empty and cannot be entered. |
Plan (field DPRPLN) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Fiscal year start (field DATSTRFIY) |
This field , non modifiable, displays the financial year start date of the context which the plan belongs to. |
Fiscal year end (field DATENDFIY) |
This field, that cannot be modified, includes the fiscal year end date of the context to which the plan belongs. |
Currency (field CUR) |
This field, non modifiable, displays the management currency of the context which the plan belongs to. |
Period start (field DATSTRPER) |
This field displays the current period start date. |
Period end (field DATENDPER) |
This field displays the current period end date. |
Cancel impairment loss (field IMLANNFLG) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Effective date (field DATEFF) |
This field, non modifiable, displays the effective date of the depreciation method. This date necessarily corresponds to the end date of the current period. |
Impairment loss type (field IMLTYP) |
The impairment loss type is mandatory. This information is stored in the impairment loss event and taken into account upon posting of the event. It is used with the parameters of the automatic journals to select the expense and income accounts on which movements must be carried out. Those accounts vary according to the type of impairment loss.
Intern.reason (field INTIMLTYP) |
This field enables the user to enter the internal reason explaining the depreciation or depreciation recovery. This field cannot be filled during the depreciation cancellation. |
External reason (field EXTIMLTYP) |
This field enables the user to fill the external reason explaining the depreciation or depreciation increase. This field cannot be filled during the depreciation cancellation. |
Market value (field NSPVAL) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Recoverable value (field RCOVAL) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Usage value (field USEVAL) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Net value (field NBV) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Impairment (field IML) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Impairment loss reversal (field IMLRVE) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Impairment loss reversal balance (field IMLRVEBLC) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
Reversal cap (field IMLRVELIM) |
Help common to the single and mass depreciation processes. |
1 - Impairment loss (reversal)
This tab is used to:
- Enter the reference of the CGU to be impaired.
- Select the plan on which the impairment loss processing will be carried out. To be selected, the plan must fulfill the following conditions:
- It must be a plan managed according to the IAS/IFRS or CRC2002-10 standards.
- It cannot be the subsidy plan.
- If the assets belong to different companies, the management currency for the context as well as the current period end date of the context must be identical across all of these companies.
- A periodic calculation of the plan must necessarily have been performed for each company. - Enter the following parameters:
- Internal reason and/or external reason justifying the impairment loss or impairment loss reversal.
- Market value and/or Usage value. These values will be used to determine the Recoverable value that corresponds to the largest of the two. The entry of at least one of the two values is therefore mandatory.
- Display the following information:
- Effective date: this field is automatically loaded with the end date of the current fiscal year or with the end date of the current period when the fiscal year is sub-divided into periods.
- Net bookvalue. This field is automatically loaded with the sum of the net book values of the assets in the CGU at the end of the current period before the application of the impairment loss or the impairment loss reversal.
This field is not assigned upon impairment loss cancellation.
-Impairment loss. This field is loaded automatically after determining the value to recover, based on the impairment loss amount of the period. This amount corresponds to the result of the following calculation:
Sum of the Net Book Values of the assets in the CGU at period end – Recoverable value of the CGU
… only if the sum of the net book values is greater than the recoverable value. In the opposite case, the impairment loss amount is equal to: 0.
This field is not entered during the cancellation of an impairment loss.
- Impairment loss reversal. This field is automatically loaded after the recoverable value has been determined. It contains, if it exists, the impairment loss reversal amount for the period. It can only be entered if an impairment loss has already been carried out in one of the previous periods.
This amount corresponds to the result of the following calculation:
Recoverable value of the CGU - Sum of the Net Book Values for the assets of the CGU at period end
… only if the recoverable value is greater than the sum of the net book values.
Otherwise, the Impairment loss reversal amount is equal to: 0.
This field is not entered during the cancellation of an impairment loss.
- Impairment loss reversal balance. This field is entered only when the calculated impairment loss reversal amount cannot be distributed in its totality, on the assets attached to the CGU, taking into account the impairment loss reversal limits of the assets.
This impairment loss reversal balance can be used as a revaluation for companies that have chosen this method: the revaluation is carried out either by individual processing or by the mass revaluation . processing.
This field is not entered during the cancellation of an impairment loss.
- Impairment loss limit. This field is only entered when an impairment loss has already been carried out in one of the previous periods. It is loaded with the sum of the impairment loss reversal limits for the assets in the CGU.
This amount is used to determine the distribution of the impairment loss reversal on the assets of the CGU (see below the terms used to distribute the global impairment loss reversal amount determined at CGU level, on each of the assets,) as well as the impairment loss reversal balance.
Description of the impairment loss processing
An impairment loss processing carries out the following operations:
- Calculation of the impairment loss amount (and impairment loss reversal limit) or of the impairment loss reversal amount of the CGU, then distribution of the amount on each of the selected assets according to the terms detailed later, at the level of the Control button.
- Calculation of the new net value of the assets at the end of the period. If this new net value is smaller than the residual value, the amount of this net value will be added to the residual value at closure.
- Loading of the internal/external reason for impairment loss, at the level of each asset. This information is displayed in the Depreciation plan tabs.
- The impairment loss of an asset in non residual mode leads to a change in depreciation method that will automatically take the Equivalent residual method value. This change in method is used to process in a long-term fashion the impairment loss or impairment loss reversal, by depreciating the new net value over the residual depreciation duration.
- Generation of an Impairment loss event (FASIML )or impairment loss reversal brought about by the disappearance of or reduction in the value loss index for the asset:
- The operating effective date recorded in the EVTDAT field and the accounting effective date recorded in the CPTDATINT field receive the End date of the current period.
This event contains the information required for the production of accounting entries related to impairment losses and impairment loss reversals.
(The user can view the events in the Event journal window that can be accessed from the Other info tab of the Assets management function.)
- In case of an impairment loss reversal occurring during the issue of an asset with an impairment loss balance on issue date, the FASIML event is generated on asset disposal.
- When the impairment loss reversal is linked to an impairment loss on a plan managed in compliance with the CRC2002-10 standard, and transferred to exceptional depreciation (see below), no reversal event is generated. The values required for the posting of the impairment loss in the impairment loss account, are recorded in the DEPREC charge table.
Impairment loss on a plan managed in compliance with the CRC2002-10 standard (generally speaking on the chart of accounts of a French company).
A impairment loss occurring on a plan managed in compliance with the CRC2002-10 standard is automatically accompanied by a impairment loss reversal calculated on the last period of the current FY. The amount of the impairment loss reversal corresponds to the difference between the amount of the theoretical FY expense (calculated without taking the impairment loss into account) and the amount of the actual FY expense.
This impairment loss reversal is automatically transferred to exceptional depreciation in the last period of the FY or in the issue period if an asset issue is recorded in a previous period.
The reversal and its transfer to exceptional charge are neutral regarding the net value:
- the impairment loss reversal increases the net value
- the exceptional depreciation charge reduces this net value by the same amount.
- An impairment loss on the chart of accounts does not generate any Book vs. Tax depreciation. This depreciation is actually determined taking into account the theoretical accounting depreciation of the FY (and not the actual depreciation), i.e. taking into account all the depreciation expenses: the "standard" expense to which the exceptional expense, caused by a impairment loss reversal or not (see examples 2 and 3 below), is added.
- When an asset has 2 impairment loss reversals on the same period, the chronology is as follows:
1. Calculation of the expenses: the result is the Impairment loss reversal to transfer as exceptional expense.
2. * Either saving of an impairment loss reversal after disappearance of or decrease in the value loss index: this Impairment loss reversal will be added to the Reversal calculated in step 1.
2. Or impairment loss reversal because of the asset issue: this Impairment loss reversal will be added to the Reversal calculated in 1.
* This reversal is exclusive:
- if the asset is issued, the impairment loss or impairment loss reversal is prohibited,
- if an asset has been subjected to an impairment loss or an impairment loss reversal and is issued in the same period, the impairment loss (or impairment loss reversal) is canceled. The events used to reverse their posting are generated.
2 - Cancellation of the impairment loss/reversal
The assets in a CGU cannot be subjected to more than one impairment loss/reversal in the same plan over the current period. It is therefore necessary to cancel the impairment loss/reversal previously performed before carrying out a new impairment loss/reversal.
This cancellation is possible as long as the fiscal year or period has not been closed. It used to re-initialize the impairment loss or reversal amount for the assets and to create the cancellation events corresponding to the original events.
Description of the impairment loss/reversal cancellation processing
The cancellation process for the impairment loss/reversal leads to:
- the reset to zero of the impairment loss amount or impairment loss reversal amount of the assets.
- the reassignment to their values prior to the impairment loss/reversal of the fields updated by the impairment loss processing (with the exception of the Market value, which keeps the value entered at the time of the impairment loss).
- the automatic switching back to the original method if the impairment loss has led to the mandatory change of the depreciation method to an equivalent residual method..
- the generation of an Impairment loss cancellation event (FASIML). (The impairment loss and impairment loss cancellation events have the same contents, only the event type is used to distinguish them).
View events in the Events journal window that can be accessed from the Other info tab of the Assets management function.
Batch task
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FASIML is provided for that purpose.
Specific Buttons
Check |
This button leads to the display of a window containing the list of assets attached to the selected CGU in a table. For each of the assets, the following information is displayed: - Company in which the asset is referenced,
Notes: Example of impairment loss of a CGU composed of 4 Non-Goodwill assets with 2 having their own market values entered (the IMLNSPNBV - Impair if Market value > NV parameter is set to "No").
Total of net values of the 4 assets: 6,000
Any modification of one or more depreciation parameters carried out on an asset must be validated using the [Save] button. To cancel the modifications under progress on the asset, click on [Abort]. |
*Example 1 of an impairment loss followed by an impairment loss reversal on a CGU composed of two Property, Plant and Equipment assets and one asset of Goodwill type.
The CGU is composed by the following assets:
Asset |
Fixed asset type |
Depreciation Start Date |
Initial balance sheet value |
Method |
Duration |
I01 |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
01/01/2004 |
100,000 |
LP |
5 years |
I02 |
Property, Plant and Equipment |
01/07/2004 |
5,000 |
LP |
5 years |
I03 |
Goodwill |
01/01/2004 |
10,000 |
LP |
4 years |
Theoretical values |
Actual values |
Impairm. / |
Reversal limit |
ActualNetValue |
2004 |
I01 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
80,000 |
20,000 |
20,000 |
80,000 |
I02 |
502.73 |
502.73 |
4,497.27 |
502.73 |
502.73 |
4,497.27 |
I03 |
2,500 |
2,500 |
7,500 |
2,500 |
2,500 |
7,500 |
2005 |
I01 |
20,000 |
40,000 |
60,000 |
- 3,304.65 |
20,000 |
40,000 |
56,695.35 |
I02 |
1,000 |
1,502.73 |
3,497.27 |
- 192.62 |
1,000 |
1,502.73 |
3,304.65 |
I03 |
2,500 |
5,000 |
5,000 |
- 5,000 |
2,500 |
5,000 |
0 |
68,497.27 |
- 8,497.27 |
Total |
60,000 |
2006 |
I01 |
20,000 |
60,000 |
40,000 |
+3,304.65 |
3,304.65 |
18,898.45 |
58,898.45 |
37,796.90 |
I02 |
1,000 |
2,502.73 |
2,497.27 |
+ 192,62 |
192.62 |
944.19 |
2,446.92 |
2,360.46 |
I03 |
2,500 |
7,500 |
2,500 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
5,000 |
0 |
(3) |
(4) |
40,157.36 |
2005 FY end:
- Total of the Net valuesof the assets of the CGU: 68,497.27
- Recoverable value of the CGU = 60 000.
impairment loss of the CGU = 68 497,27 – 60 000 = 8,497.27
- Distribution of the impairment loss:
The depreciation is allocated as a priority and the maximum on the Goodwill I03 asset is: 5,000.
It is then posted to assets I01 and I02.
* Impairment loss of asset I01: 3,497.27 x 60,000 / 63,497.27 = 3,304.65
* Impairment loss of asset I02: (4) 8,497.27 – (5,000 + 3,304.65) = 192.62
2006 FY end:
Net values before impairment loss reversal:
- Asset I01: 56,695.35 – 18,898.45 = 37,796.90
- Asset I02: 3,304.65 – 944.19 = 2,360.46
- Sum of the Net values of the assets in the CGU before the impairment loss reversal: 40,157.36
- CGU recoverable value = 45,000.
CGU impairment loss reversal: 45,000 – 40,157.36 = 4,842.64
- Reversal limit of asset I01: 60,000 – 56,695.35 = 3,304.65
- Reversal limit of asset I02: 3,497.27 – 3,304.65 = 192.62
The amount of the Impairment loss reversal (4,842.64) being greater than or equal to the total of the reversal limits for the impairment loss of the assets I01 and I02 (3,497.27), the amount of theimpairment loss reversal for each of the non Goodwill assets is then equal to its impairment loss reversal limit:
- Impairment loss reversal of asset I01 = 3,304.65
- Impairment loss reversal of asset A02 = 192.62
- No impairment loss reversal is performed on the Goodwill |03 asset.
Calculation of 2006 charges, with switching of the depreciation method to Residual Months (RM).
- Charge for asset I01: 56,695.35 X 12 / 36 = 18,898.45
- Charge for asset I02: 3,304.65 X 12 / 42 = 944.19
Net values after impairment loss reversal:
- Asset I01: 56,695.35 – 18,898.45 + 3,304.65 = 41,101.55
- Asset I02: 3,304.65 – 944.19 + 192.62 = 2,553.08
* Example 2: Accounting and Fiscal depreciation plan, due to an impairment loss.
- Depreciation start date: 01/01/2002
- Asset value: 1,000
- Accounting method: linear over 10 years
- Fiscal method: linear over 10 years
- Current fiscal year: [01/01/2006 - 31/12/2006]
- On 12/31/2006, there is an impairment loss of 200
Depreciation plan Accounting :
Fiscal year |
Reval. |
Charge |
Total |
Write-off |
Transfer |
Impairm. balance |
NV |
2002 |
1,000 |
100 |
100 |
900 |
2003 |
1,000 |
100 |
200 |
800 |
2004 |
1,000 |
100 |
300 |
700 |
2005 |
1,000 |
100 |
400 |
600 |
2006 |
1,000 |
100 |
500 |
200 |
200 |
300 |
2007 |
300 |
60 |
560 |
(1) 40 |
(3) 160 |
(2) 240 |
2008 |
300 |
60 |
620 |
(1) 40 |
120 |
180 |
2009 |
300 |
60 |
680 |
(1) 40 |
80 |
120 |
2010 |
300 |
60 |
740 |
(1) 40 |
40 |
60 |
2011 |
300 |
60 |
800 |
(1) 40 |
0 |
0 |
(1) "Theoretical" charge - "actual" charge, i.e.: 100 - 60 = 40
(2) Net value after impairment loss - "actual" charge, i.e.: 300 - 60 = 240
(3) FY end impairment loss balance = FY start balance - Transfer, i.e.: 200 - 40 = 160
Depreciation plan Fiscal:
Fiscal year | Reval. | Charge | Total | NV | Exceptional provision | Exceptional reversal |
2002 | 1,000 | 100 | 100 | 900 | 0 | 0 |
2003 | 1,000 | 100 | 200 | 800 | 0 | 0 |
2004 | 1,000 | 100 | 300 | 700 | 0 | 0 |
2005 | 1,000 | 100 | 400 | 600 | 0 | 0 |
2006 | 1,000 | 100 | 500 | 500 | 0 | 0 |
2007 | 1,000 | 100 | 600 | 400 | 0 | 0 |
2008 | 1,000 | 100 | 700 | 300 | 0 | 0 |
2009 | 1,000 | 100 | 800 | 200 | 0 | 0 |
2010 | 1,000 | 100 | 900 | 100 | 0 | 0 |
2011 | 1,000 | 100 | 1,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
The fiscal depreciation plan is the same after the impairment loss recorded on the accounting depreciation plan.
No exceptional depreciation is generated.
* Example 3: Accounting and Fiscal depreciation plan, due to an impairment loss.
- Depreciation start date: 01/01/2002
- Asset value: 2,000
- Accounting method: linear over 10 years
- Fiscal method: linear over 8 years
- Current fiscal year: [01/01/2006 - 31/12/2006]
- On 12/31/2006, there is an impairment loss of 600
Depreciation plan Accounting :
Fiscal year | Reval. | Charge | Total | Write-off | Transfer | Impairm. balance | NV |
2002 | 2,000 | 200 | 200 |
| 1,800 |
2003 | 2,000 | 200 | 400 |
| 1,600 |
2004 | 2,000 | 200 | 600 |
| 1,400 |
2005 | 2,000 | 200 | 800 |
| 1,200 |
2006 | 2,000 | 200 | 1,000 | 600 |
| 600 | 400 |
2007 | 400 | 80 | 1,080 |
| (1) 120 | (3) 480 | (2) 320 |
2008 | 400 | 80 | 1,160 |
| (1) 120 | 360 | 240 |
2009 | 400 | 80 | 1,240 |
| (1) 120 | 240 | 160 |
2010 | 400 | 80 | 1,320 |
| (1) 120 | 120 | 80 |
2011 | 400 | 80 | 1,400 |
| (1) 120 | 0 | 0 |
(1) "Theoretical" charge - "actual" charge, i.e.: 200 - 80 = 120
(2) Net value after impairment loss - "actual" charge, i.e.: 400 - 80 = 320
(3) FY end impairment loss balance = FY start balance - Transfer, i.e.: 600 - 120 = 480
Depreciation plan Fiscal :
Fiscal year | Reval. | Charge | Total | NV | Exceptional provision | Exceptional reversal |
2002 | 2,000 | 250 | 250 | 1,750 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2003 | 2,000 | 250 | 500 | 1,500 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2004 | 2,000 | 250 | 750 | 1,250 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2005 | 2,000 | 250 | 1,000 | 1,000 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2006 | 2,000 | 250 | 1,250 | 750 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2007 | 2,000 | 250 | 1,500 | 500 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2008 | 2,000 | 250 | 1,750 | 250 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2009 | 2,000 | 250 | 2,000 | 0 | (4) 50 | 0 |
2010 | 2,000 | 0 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | (4) 200 |
2011 | 2,000 | 0 | 2,000 | 0 | 0 | (4) 200 |
4) Fiscal charge - (Standard accounting charge "". + "exceptional" accounting charge) or fiscal charge - "theoretical" accounting charge.
Error messages
The only error messages are the generic ones.
"Multi-company impairment loss impossible for this plan: the current period is not the same for all companies"
This message appears when the impairment loss concerns a CGU whose assets belong to different companies that do not have the same current period in the selected plan context.
"Impairment loss increase impossible, the selected assets are not impaired."
An impairment loss reversal is reported when the recoverable value becomes greater than the Net value but this reversal cannot be saved if no impairment loss of a plan has taken place over one of the previous periods.
In this case, a revaluation should be conducted to take this value reversal into account.
"Some of the selected assets have their own market values and cannot be impaired"
This message is displayed when one of the assets belonging to the CGU has its own market value and the IMLNSPNBV - Impair if Market value > NV parameter is set to "No". In this case, the asset is not impacted by the impairment loss and receives no part from the impairment loss whilst this market value is greater than the net value of the asset.
"A company calculation must be carried out in order to impair"
An impairment loss is recorded after having calculated the depreciations for the period or the fiscal year. As a consequence, the impairment loss processing is only authorized if a period (or fiscal year) calculation has been carried out for all the companies for which there are assets in the CGU.
"The asset has been revaluated in the period, it cannot be impaired"
During the same period, it is not possible to perform both a revaluation and a depreciation on the same plan. If one of the assets in the CGU has been reevaluated, it is necessary to have previously canceled this asset revaluation to carry out the impairment loss.