Automatic Service Invoice Generation
Use this function to automatically mass generate invoices from the service requests created in the Service requests function.
To be available for invoicing, a service request must not be already invoiced. It must be closed and invoiceable (at least one consumption line for the service request must be invoiceable).
There is no grouping on the invoicing of service requests. An invoice always concerns only a single service request.
The generated invoices can be viewed using the Invoices function. You can then validate them one by one using this function or mass validate them from the Invoice validation function.
A service request can also be manually invoiced via the selection list presented in the invoice management.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Use this screen to enter the information required for selecting the service requests to be invoiced.
Two general parameters influence the aggregation of the consumption lines to be invoiced:
INVSREMOD - Service request invoicing method is used to aggregate the consumption lines by product and by identical dimension type if this setup has the value With aggregation.
INVSREUOM - Service request invoicing unit is used to aggregate on a sales invoice the consumption lines after the conversion to the product sales unit if this setup has the value In sales unit. If this is not the case, the consumption lines will be invoiced by consumption unit.
Specific points concerning the grouping of service request consumption lines:
The consumption lines will not be grouped from the moment that a text exists on a consumption line. This text will in addition be picked up on the invoice line.
The consumption lines having different analytical dimensions will never be grouped together. The analytical dimensions will be picked up on the invoice line.
All the information used at the creation of an invoice (payment conditions, invoicing elements, price of the consumptions..) is inherited from the invoice information from the service request.
Entry screen
Enter the selection criteria required for automatically generating invoices.
You can then print the generated invoices.
1/ Select the Invoice check box.
2/ Enter:
- The report used (by default, the report code linked to the object)
- The potential print server
- The printer that will process the task.
When closing this function, a log file is displayed that:
- Summarizes all the operations carried out
- Lists the invoice numbers created and the service requests involved in the creation of these invoices.
When the payment terms are SDD-type, the reference of the mandate is mandatory on the invoice. However, if no 'Validated' main Mandate has been identified for the [Company ; Pay-by BP] pair, no default mandate reference can be initialized on the invoice.
This is highlighted by a message in the log file. The invoice is still created but its validation is prohibited as long as the reference of the mandate has not been entered manually on the invoice.
Selection criteria
Company (field CPY) |
Sales site (field SALFCY) |
The automatic creation of invoices is made from a single sales site at a time. |
Invoices until (field NEXSHIINV) |
Enter a date to only select the contracts that meet the following criteria:
By default, the date in this field is initialized to today’s date. |
Invoice type (field SIVTYP) |
This information is compulsory. The invoice type suggested by default is linked to the SIVTYP - User invoice type parameter. You can modify it if necessary by choosing an invoice type from the list of invoice types that have been defined.
On invoice entry, only an invoice type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered. |
Date of invoices
Reference date (field INVDATFLG) |
Select the invoicing date used for each generated invoice:
Enter the date used on each created invoice.
Start - end range
From bill-to customer (field BPCINVDEB) |
Use these ranges to filter the selection on a single bill-to customer or on the bill-to customers whose reference is contained within these ranges. |
To bill-to customer (field BPCINVFIN) |
From request no. (field SRENUMDEB) |
In these two fields, specify the start and end ranges for the service request numbers. |
To request no. (field SRENUMFIN) |
Invoice (field PRNFLG) |
Select this check box to print the document (pick ticket, packing slip or invoice) after delivery or invoice creation. In that case, you need to specify:
Document (field PRNNAM) |
Enter the standard document code to be printed. |
Destination (field PRNDEN) |
Enter the document or report destination. |
Server (field PRNSRV) |
This field is used to define the print server. |
Printer (field PRNIMP) |
Default printer. |
Batch task
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNAUTINVS is provided for that purpose.
Specific Buttons
Recall |
Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code. |
Delete Memo |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |
Local menus
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Function not authorizedThe user profile has no rights for this function, irrespective of the site.
You do not have the access rights for this siteThe user profile is not authorized to use this function for this site.
Incorrect DateThe invoice date entered does not correspond to any period or fiscal year. The entry is refused.
Fiscal Year Not OpenThe fiscal year to which the invoice date belongs is not open. The entry is refused.
Period Not OpenThe period to which the invoice date belongs is not open. The entry is refused.
Closed PeriodThe period to which the invoice date belongs is closed. The entry is refused.
The end range is prior to the start rangeThis message appears on the entry of the service request number and the bill-to customer selection criteria.
Modification in process on another workstation"This message appears if a service request is locked by another user.
Customer BP not authorized for a control accountThis message is displayed if the BP control account is not authorized for the control account associated with the bill-to customer (by means of its accounting code). The invoice is not created.
Problem in recovering the sequence numberThis message is displayed if it has not been possible to assign an invoice number.
No service requests processedThis message appears upon process completion if no service requests has been invoiced.