Note category
When creating a note, this note is assigned a category that determines in which functions this note will be available. These functions may belong to the Purchasing, Sales, Customer relation and Production modules.

Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
You can access product, customer, and supplier notes from the following functions:
Sales quotes (GESSQH) |
Purchase request (GESPSH) |
Purchase open orders (GESPOC) |
Orders (Sales) (GESSOH) |
Subcontract orders (GESSCO) |
Shipments (GESSDH) |
Purchase orders (GESPOH) |
Work orders (GESMFG) |
Sales invoices (GESSIH) |
Purchase receipts (GESPTH2) |
Sales open orders (GESSOR) |
Purchase invoices (GESPIH) |
Multi-level planning (MULTIWOX) |
Customer BP invoice (GESBIC) |
Supplier BP invoice (GESBIS) |
Tasks (GESTSK) |
Calls (GESCLL) |
Appointment (GESBAP) |
Projects (GESOPP) |
Service requests (GESSRE) |
Installed base (GESMAC) |
Warranty request (GESRQW) |
Service contracts (GESCON) |
Entry screen
Block number 1
Category (field NTGCOD) |
Enter the category code or select an existing category. |
Description (field NTGDESAXX) |
Enter the category description. Click Translation form the Actions menu in order to open the Line Translation function. |
Short description (field NTGSHOAXX) |
Enter a short title. |
Note type (field NTGTYP) |
Select the note type from the pull-down menu. You can select Product, Clientaction, or Supplierrecord. |
Include (field FIE) |
Select the Include check box to display a list of functions where this note could be displayed. The list of available functions depends on the note type: Product, Customer, or Supplier. |
Function (field VCRTYP) |
When the Include check box is selected, you can select the check box next to the functions where you want this note to display. |