This function groups together all the customer support service activities. Whilst service requests represent the list of problems to be resolved, the service responses represent the actions carried out or to be carried out in order to provide a solution.

The "service response" is any action (phone call, action on site, workshop reparation, for instance) that the user takes in order to solve a problem.

This function is used to facilitate the pacification of service responses and limits potential errors and conflicts.
When a service response is planned from the navigation menus, the AUSHDKC - Filter on service responses parameter (HDK chapter, AUZ group) is used to define the contents of the service responses selection panel.


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Additional information

The service responses can be carried out by internal resources i.e. service personnel but also by external service providers.

Each service response can be the object of a paper documentation that constitutes on one hand a true instruction order and on the other a communication document between the customer and the enterprise.

Creation and control of time conflicts

During the confirmation of the creation of a service response, a check on the time conflicts is carried out with respect to the service responses already scheduled. The control is carried out either for a member of the service personnel or for a service provider.

If the service employee mentioned in a service response has a conflict with another service response, the service response creation is refused and the following message is displayed:

Technician ???? is already involved in an intervention from ???? to ?????. Entry rejected.

Choose from the following options:

  • replan the current service response to another date,
  • assign another member of the service team or external service provider ;
  • replan the intervention that is the source of the conflict.

If the service provider mentioned in an service response has a conflict with another service response, this message opens:

????? is already involved in the intervention from ????? to ????. Confirm the entry?

  • If you answer Yes, the creation of the service response is confirmed. It is possible to assign the same service provider to two service responses sharing the same time frame.
    A service provider represents in general a company with a technical team of a varying size. Each service provider is therefore potentially able to mobilize more than one resource to carry out the different service responses.
  • If you answer No, you must solve the time conflict by:
        • replanning the current service response to another date,
        • assigning the service response to another service provider or a member of the internal service team,
        • replanning the service response that is the source of the conflict.
Modification and control of time conflicts

During a modification, the time conflicts control is run in the same way as in a creation.

Screen management

Five tabs are used to enter the Service responses. Several icon types are also found in a service response.


Tab Service Response

Additional information

The Additional information is used to enter the complete description of the nature of the work to be carried out. If the text entered exceeds 235 characters an icon on the right of this field is used to enter a summary or overview.

The first icon is used to sum up the description when the text to enter is important. The general parameter ICOSYN - Overview to be written icon (CRM chapter, ICO group) is used to define the icon to display. If no code is entered, icon no.71 is displayed.

The second icon specifies that a summary has been written. The general parameter ICOSYNDON - Overview written icon (CRM chapter, ICO group) is used to defined the icon that will be displayed. If no code is entered, icon no.711 is displayed.

Tab Address

This tab is loaded by default as a function of the contents of the Category field in the Service responses tab.

Tab Resource

As for the Appointments in the Commercial action chapter, it is possible to reserve resources required for the service responses. The time conflict control is cross-referenced with the after-sales reservations.

Tab Consumptions

This tab is used to enter the records of bases, products or components consumed to perform the service response. The same information described in the Consumptions tab of the Service requests are displayed.

The order of consumption lines changes according to the date at which the consumption has taken place, and according to time. If the time is the same, the order of consumption lines is sorted according to the consumption sequence number counter.

SEEINFO Consumptions entered in service responses are also displayed in the consumptions grid of the Service requests function, since the service request will be invoiced. In this grid, the maximum number of consumptions that can be entered (as a whole) for a service request is determined by the sizing activity code SHD - Consumptions (after-sales). Once the maximum number allowed as been reached, you can no longer enter consumptions directly on the service request or on any of the service responses. Besides, in order to avoid errors when invoicing the service request, check that the value of activity code SIH - Number of sales invoice lines, is consistent with the SHD activity code.
Example :

  • The SHD activity code is set to 999.
  • The SERV001 service request includes 300 direct consumption lines.
  • The INT001 service response includes 300 consumption lines.
  • The INT002 service response includes 300 consumption lines.

The service request thus presents a total of 900 consumption lines.
Only 99 consumption lines can be added total, both on service responses or directly on service requests.

Time management

The different fields at the bottom of the screen are used to measure the degree of advancement for the consumptions to be carried out by the service response.

Tab Report


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  ITN1 : After-sales serv action file

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No technician has been assigned to this service response

This message is displayed during the creation or modification confirmation for a service responses that contains neither the technician/service person code no an external service provider code.

The maximum number of consumptions enterable per one demand of service is reached.

This message displays when adding a consumption line to a service response linked to a service request for which the maximum number of consumptions that can be entered exceeds the limit set by the SHD - Consumptions (after-sales) activity code. To proceed with the entry of consumptions directly on the service response or service request, you must increase the value set in this activity code.

Tables used

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