This function is used to manage the payroll variables. These variables are elements used in the calculation of a payroll. They can be defined at different levels:

Employee: the value of the variable is linked to a single employee

Site: the value of the variable is the same for all the employees of the site, except for the employees with a value of variable defined at the employee level.

Company: the value of the variable is the same for all the employees of the company, except for the employees with a value of variable defined at the site or employee level.

Folder: the value of the variable is the same for all the employees of the folder, except for the employees with a value of variable defined at the company, site or employee level.


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Screen management


Identification of the variable

Tab General

This tab is used to define basic characteristics for the variables, such as their reinitialization type, etc.

Tab Input

This tab is used to define at which entry level the variable is located: folder, company, site or employee. For each level, it is possible to specify in which entry page the variable will be displayed.

The printing options for these variables are also located in this screen.

Tab Profiles

This tab is used to define the list of employee profiles the variable can be entered for.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  LISTVAR : List of variables

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


This button launches the copy utility for the payroll plan, which is used to mass copy to another folder the entire setup of the payroll plan.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Variable not defined in table TIMRECAP

The variable of summary type chosen for the automatic update of the current variable (in the header) is not defined in the time summary.

Tables used

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