Capitalization of expenses
This function is used to automatically create assets from the grouping of expenses.
It is based on a Grouping of expenses code whose setup specifies criteria for selecting and grouping the concerned expenses.
This processing is a single-company processing. A quite similar but unit processing for creating assets via expense capitalization is available from the Asset management function.
SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on Capitalization of expenses.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function is composed of:
- a header that is used to specify the processing options and to choose the company and the financial site(s) to which the expenses to be processed belong,
- the Parameters tab used to enter the reference of the grouping code on which the process is based,
- the Extended selection tab used to select the expenses to be processed.
The header contains the process options and is used to select the company as well as the site(s) in which the expenses to be processed are referenced.
Simulation (field FLGSIM) |
This check box is selected by default and runs the closing in simulation mode. In this case, controls and the process are carried out but there are no updates recorded in the database. Clear this check box to run in actual mode. In this case, you cannot reverse the closing and updates are recorded in the database. If you are using intermediate commits, it is recommended that the NIVTRACE – Log file level parameter (AAS chapter, MIS group) value is 0. |
Report (field FLGETA) |
This indicator can be accessed only when one or several reports are linked to the massive process. In this case, the activation of this indicator enables the user to print these reports. |
Detailed log file (field FLGDET) |
A log file is automatically displayed on process completion, showing the processing parameters. A Statistics section gives the number of selected assets, the number of assets updated as well as the number of assets not processed due to an error. Assets with errors are listed with their error reason. The viewing and printing of log files are possible at any time via the report code ATRACE - Print log file print request, obtained from the Supervisor function in the Print/Group print menu. |
Grid Company selection
field FLGCPY |
Help common to all the mass processings.
Company (field CPY) |
This field displays the company code. |
Grid Site selection
field FLGFCY |
The grid displays the list of the sites attached to the companies and for which the user has authorizations. |
Company (field FCYCPY) |
Identification Code for the company which the site is linked to. |
Site (field FCY) |
Identification code of the site. |
Tab Parameter definition
Only the Grouping code defined in the setups of the asset management must be entered.
Tab Extended selection
This tab is used to enter the expense selection criteria. This selection is applied in addition to the one defined at the level of the setup of the Grouping of expensescode.
It contains five lines, each of them used to enter a criterion, with each criterion being linked to the next one by one of the following logical operators: And, Or.
The process for selection criteria entry is as follows:
1/ Enter, or select from the list obtained by a right click, the field in the LAYOUTFAS expense table, which contains the information to which the selection is applied.
2/ Then select the operator: Any, Equal, Different, Greater than or equal, Less than, Lessthan or equal, Like.
The Like operator is valid only for numeric fields. It makes it possible to use wild card characters.
3/ Enter a value. The list of possible values for the chosen field can be obtained with a right click when these values are contained in a local menu or in a table (miscellaneous table, common table, accounting table, etc.).
The user can also:
- enter the criteria as an Adonix expression; the formulas of this type can be entered by right-clicking the fields in the LAYOUTFAS expense table,
- enter a selection formula using the formula editor.
The selection options are the same as those used in the standard Advanced selection function. For more information, see the documentation on X3 object ergonomics.
Block number 1
Processing description
- Expense selection
The selected expenses are those not already linked to assets and meeting the selection criteria entered at the level of the grouping code setup, and completed when necessary, with the criteria entered in this function. -
Expense grouping by application of:
- implicit grouping criteria: company, financial site and activity sector,
- setup criteria. - Main expense determination:
- according to the criterion entered at the level of the grouping code. - Field loading rules for the asset:
- The rules are the same as for a unit processing of asset creation by expense grouping and are specified in the documentation Capitalization of expenses (LOFLDAB).
- The asset entry origin automatically takes the following value: "Expense grouping".
The list of capitalized expenses is displayed
- In the log file displayed on exiting the processing:all the criteria are recalled followed by the created asset reference, the list of the capitalized expenses and the indication of the main expense.
- At asset level:
- the "Grouped expenses" left list displays the list of capitalized expenses,
- the "Capitalize" button displays the expense capitalization unit processing window and displays the list of capitalized expenses along with their valuation and accounting posting.
- According to the entered selection criteria,the FASLISGRP - Expense grouping report displays the list of all the created assets and for each of them, the list of its attached expenses with the indication of the main expense.
Specific Buttons
Recall |
Click this action to enter a Memo code to load the settings associated with the code. |
Delete Memo |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |