Purchasing >  Purchase requests >  Close purchase requests >  Manual closing  

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Use this function to perform the batch closing of a selection of Purchase requests. It presents similarities with the Automatic closing function of purchase requests lines (FUNPSH). The only difference is that it displays a table containing the selected purchase requests to view them before processing.

When the closing function is launched, the pre-commitments generated by the PR are reversed (in negative amounts).

The closing operation of purchase request lines is sub-divided in two stages:

  • Selection of unclosed purchase request lines in order to specify selection ranges (Purchasing/Purchase requests/Purchase request closing/Manual closing),
  • Display of the selection result in a table. This allows the budget manager to decide whether or not to close unclosed purchase requests.

Stages of the budget closing

Stages of the budget closing: 

SEEWARNING The execution of these stages must follow the chronological order above, except:

  • If the renewal of an annual envelope is not preformed, the carry-forward of commitments and pre-commitments will create a new envelope but the renewal will no longer be possible.
  • The carry-forward of commitments can be carried out before or after processing the invoices to receive by the end of the FY.
  • The carry-forward of pluri-annual envelopes must be the last stage of budget closing.

Closing purchase lines (purchase requests and purchase orders) with no object, is the second stage of budget closing.

Purchase request lines are a pre-commitment in budget lines, involving the consumption of the budgeted amount. If these lines no longer have an object, the purpose of closing these lines is to 'uncommit' the budget line from the amount of these planned expenses that will not be consumed and therefore that will not be carried forward to the next FY.

Upon FY end, budget managers should review non-ordered and partially ordered purchase requests so as to decide whether they should be carried forward or closed.


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Screen management

Use the following criteria to select the purchase requests to be processed:

  • Company
  • Site
  • Requester (selection among the users)
  • Date range (PR creation date)
  • Range on PR no. to be processed
  • Product ranges

Select Log file to display the list of all the validated entries when the processing is completed.

All companies

Select this check box to display all the unclosed purchase requests.
If this check box is cleared, you must enter a specific company code. Only the purchase requests for this company will be displayed.

All Sites

Select this check box to display all the unclosed purchase requests for all the sites linked to the selected company.
If this check box is cleared, you can select one of the sites of this company. Only the purchase requests for this site will be displayed.

All requesters

Select this check box to display all the unclosed purchase requests for all the requesters. If this check box is cleared, the selection or entry of a requester is mandatory. Only the purchase requests for this requester are displayed.

Date ranges

Enter a date range to select the purchase requests with a creation date included in this range.

Number ranges

Enter a number range to select the purchase requests with a number included in this range.

Product ranges

Enter a range of product codes to select the purchase requests for products with a number included in this range.

Entry screen


The process searches for purchase requests that correspond to the selection criteria.
The selected lines are displayed in a table which contains useful information for the manager to decide whether to close the purchase requests or not (transfer onto the next FY).

You can:

  • Select the lines to be closed one at a time by selecting the Close check box
  • Mass select all the displayed lines by clicking Global process from the Actions menu

Then click Ok to update the purchase requests.

From the Actions icon:

  • Click Detail to access the purchase request, envelope, budget line, budget account or pre-commitment.
  • You can sort purchase requests by purchase request number, envelope number, entity number or budget account number.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • No. (field NOLIG)


  • Close (field PRO)

This field is used to select the purchase request lines to close, either individually or by global processing.

Code of the issuing site of the purchase request line.

  • Request no. (field PSHNUM)

Number of the purchase request, used to identify it in a unique way. This number is generated automatically during each purchase request creation according to the associated sequence number counter setup.

Code of the requester, initialized when entering the purchase request line.

Internal reference of the requested product which exists in the Products table, entered when creating a purchase request line.

Code that identifies the supplier to whom the user wants to place an order, initialized during the creation of the purchase request line.

  • Signed (field LINAPPFLG)

Approval management flag for the purchase requests.

  • Required quantity (field QTYPUU)

Quantity requested for the purchase request line.

  • Ordered (field ORDQTYPUU)

Quantity ordered on the purchase request line, when the purchase request line has been subjected to a partial order.

Purchase unit of the product, defined at the level of the product record or linked to the supplier.

  • Line amt. - tax (field LINAMT)

Ex-tax amount of the purchase request line in entry currency, corresponding to the requested quantity.

  • Remaining amt. (field AMT)

Ex-tax amount -in entry currency- of the non ordered balance of the purchase request line.

Code of the entry currency of the purchase request line.

Code of the assignment envelope of the purchase request line.

Code of the entity receiving the purchase request line.

Code of the posting budget account of the purchase request line.



Action icon

Standard object management

Click this action to access the entry/inquiry screen of the purchase request.

Standard rerouting action

Click this action to select all the displayed purchase request lines.

Sort by order no.

Click this action to sort purchase request lines by purchase request number.

Sort by envelope

Click this action to sort purchase request lines by envelope number.

Sort by entity

Click this action to sort purchase request lines by ship-to entity number.

Sort by budget account

Click this action to sort purchase request lines by budget account number.

Standard object management

Click this action to access the entry/inquiry screen of the budget envelope of the purchase request line.

Standard object management

Click this action to access the entry/inquiry screen of the budget line of the purchase request line.

Standard object management

Click this action to access the entry/inquiry screen of the budget account of the purchase request line.

Standard object management

Click this action to access the inquiry screen of the pre-commitment corresponding to the purchase request.




Specific actions

Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.

If a memo code entitled STD is associated with the screen, it is loaded immediately on entering the corresponding function.

For further information on the advanced use of the Memo action, refer to the documentation on the General ergonomics of SAFE X3 software.

Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup.

Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Table is full

This message is displayed if the selection is too wide and if the grid has overload capacity. Refine the selection through criteria.

Line already closed, close not possible!

The user is trying to close a line which has already been closed

> Next Example

This message is displayed if the user validates a selection without checking at least one line.

Tables used

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