This function is used to set up the account entry types relating to the posting:
- of depreciation expenses,
- of the depreciation expense variances between plans (given the fact that the LNK - variances between plans activity code is active,
- of events arising from the various actions carried out on the objects Expenses and Fixed assets,
- of provisions for renewal (when the concessions transmitted by renewal are managed),
- of elements coming from any other standard or specific table.
These can be the Depreciation expense entries, the VAT adjustment entries, Asset issue entries, Impairment loss entries, and Provisions for renewal entries, etc.
These entry types are used during the posting phase:
- during the processing of Generation of accounting entries intended for loading accounting ledgers,
- after a business action, if the Immediate posting of the entry type is requested.
A set of default entry types is delivered in the root folder and in Sage X3 application folders. The list and the conditions under which they can be modified/deleted are described below.
Refer to documentation Implementation
In the header, it is possible to:
The following fields are present on this tab :
The code identifying the entry type. This code must be unique. |
The descriptive label for the entry type. |
This field is used to enter a legislation code. It will be used to filter entry types based on the legislation of the selected company upon launch of the Generation of accounting entries processing.
This field is not mandatory. When no legislation is specified, the entry type is defined for all the legislations but it will be possible to specify the setup - choice of the entry type and journal code - by legislation. |
Code of the company to which the posting type setup is applied. This information is optional. |
This optional field enables to enter the group code to which the entry type is attached. |
This indicator is used to enable/disable the entry type setup. If an entry type is not active, it will not be taken into account for the accounting journal generation. |
This tab is used to define the setup options for the entry type. This setup consists in:
It is also possible to:
The grid is used:
When the entry type is defined for a single legislation, this grid contains only one line corresponding to this legislation.
When the entry type is defined at the "All legislations" level, this grid is used to define a setup line (entry type and journal code) by legislation.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field is used to specify the source of the data to be posted. |
This field can be entered only when the source of data containing the elements to be posted is the event table. It is used to indicate the event type to be associated with the automatic journal. |
This field contains the table name to browse to recover the information necessary to the posting |
This field can not be entered. It is automatically loaded with: |
This field is used to specify the depreciation plan to use to select the records of the table to browse.
This field can be viewed only after entering the table to browse when the value of the data source is Other table. |
This field is used to specify if, for this posting type, the accounting interface must take into account the closed periods of the selected posting year. |
This field is used to specify if, for this posting type, the accounting interface must take into account the open periods of the selected posting year. |
This field is used to specify if, for this posting type, the accounting interface must take into account the open periods of the selected posting year. |
This field is used to enter a selection formula that will be applied to the records of the table to be run through: this formula can contain: |
When activated, this checkbox is used to carry out a sorting by analytical posting for the selected records from the source table. |
When activated, this tick box is used to specify that the posting must be generated immediately and consecutively after carrying out the job action to which it is linked. |
This field can only be accessed if box Immediate posting is ticked. |
This field is used to enter the table containing the field selected as sorting/grouping criterion. It can either be the Table to browse, or the Object table. |
This field is used to specify one or several heading(s) that will be used as sorting/grouping criteria for records from the data source. |
Description of the field selected as sorting/grouping criterion. |
This field is used to check the line to indicate that an accounting journal will be generated for each value shortage on fields defined as sorting criteria, from line 1 to the checked line included. |
Block number 6
This field is used to specify the code of the automatic journal that will be used by the interface to generate journals from the Table to browse records. |
This field can be entered only if no automatic journal has been specified.
The accounting date can take the following values:
This field, used to enter the accounting date, can be accessed only when field Accounting date has value Date entered. |
This field cannot be entered.
This field is used to enter the reference of the real journal type to be used. |
This field is used to enter the journal code used for the real journal type. |
This field can be viewed and accessed only for Depreciation expense entry types. |
This field can be viewed and accessed only for Depreciation expenseentry types. |
When the accounting interface processing deals with an entry type, it selects a record group to be posted and loads a temporary table (TMPCPTDTA) with the necessary information for the supervisor tool to generate the accounting entry/entries.
This tab is used to define loading rules for each temporary table field. The name of the table loading process, determined upon entry type creation, is unique. The modification of the entry type setup leads to the deletion/re-creation of this process.
The following fields are present on this tab :
When activated, this flag is used to indicate that the line has to be taken into account in the generated process. When deactivated, the setup is kept but ignored by the process. |
Field of temporary table TMPCPTDTA. A sized field appears n times, n corresponding to its size. |
This field is entered only if it is sized. It contains an index whose value varies from 1 to n, n being the size of field TMPFLD defined in the table dictionary. |
This optional field is used to enter an expression that conditions the loading of field Destination. |
Field Destination can be loaded either from a source table / source field couple, or from an expression. |
When a source table / source field couple is used to load the Destination field, it is necessary to enter here the field of the selected source table. |
This field is to be entered when an expression has to be used to load field Destination. It is possible to enter any accepted expression in an X3 processing: constant, X3-language elements. |
Block number 2
This field can only be entered in a development root folder. It contains the name of the processing, generated from the setup defining the temporary table loading.
All the processings generated for the standard entry type set have a sequence number going from 00001 to 09999. The sequence number of all the entry types defined by the user will start from 10000. |
This button |
This button |
When ticked, this box makes it possible to activate the diagnostic mode on the posting type. A technical log file is then generated, on accounting interface, in the folder temporary directory. A file is created by posting type and by site under the name: TRTCPT_USR_999999_FCY_ACETYP.log où : |
The following standard entry types are pre-defined and delivered in the root folder and in Sage X3 application folders:
Entry types for the company accounting (company ledger) | ||
| Code | Title |
| IMPAIRM | Depreciation charges |
| FASAFFAGE | Asset: Analytical transfer |
| FASCHGIMP | Asset: Account transfer |
| FASCNL | Asset: Deletion |
| FASCRT | Asset: option removal |
| FASIML | Asset: Impairment loss |
| FASISS | Asset: Asset issue |
| FASREEVAL | Asset: Revaluation |
| FASVATREG | Asset: VAT adjustment |
| GRTCASH | Grant: Collection |
| GRTCRB | Grant: Reintegration |
| GRTCRT | Grant: Allocation |
| LEAPAY | Contract: Open item payment |
| LOFCIM | Expenditure: Account transfer |
| LOFVATREG | Expenditure: VAT adjustment |
| CCNRPR | Provisions: Expenses |
| FASCCNISS | Provisions: Asset transfers |
| FASRNW | Provisions: Renewals |
Entry types for the group accounting (IAS ledger) | ||
| Code | Title |
| DEPRECIAS | Asset: Depreciation charges |
| FASAFFAGEIAS | Asset: Analytical transfer |
| FASCHGIMPIAS | Asset: Account transfer |
| FASCNLIAS | Asset: Deletion |
| FASIMLIAS | Asset: Impairment loss |
| FASISSIAS | Asset: Asset issue |
| FASREEVALIAS | Asset: Revaluation |
| FASVATREGIAS | Asset: VAT adjustment |
| GRTCASHIAS | Grant: Collection |
| GRTCRBIAS | Grant: Reintegration |
| GRTCRTIAS | Grant: Allocation |
| LEAACTUIAS | Contract: Update |
| LEACRTIAS | Contract: Subscription |
| LEAPAYIAS | Contract: Open item payment |
| LEARPUIAS | Contract: Option removal |
| LEATRMIAS | Contract: Termination |
| LOFCIMIAS | Expenditure: Account transfer |
| LOFVATREGIAS | Expenditure: VAT adjustment |
The user can modify or delete these entry types in the application folders. On the contrary, the default entry types defined in the root folder cannot be deleted if the root folder is not a development folder; however they can be modified.
When a default entry type is updated (patch delivery), this update is only applied at the level of the root folder in order not to overwrite users' setup in the application folders.
The use of button on a standard entry type in the root folder makes it possible to update the default entry type in the application folder.
Requirements for generating specific accounting entries relying on a table different from one of those from which are generated the standard accounting entries:
1/ The source table must include the following fields:
2/ A specific processing has been developed making it possible:
This button is used during the validation to launch the compilation of the processing generated. |