For a given company, this function enables the generation processing of accounting entries from:
This processing uses the Accounting entry type setup. This setup makes it possible to establish the relationship between:
- on the one hand, the data source containing the elements to be posted:DEPREC table of depreciation charges and variances between plans, CCNRPR table of provisions for renewal, table of event or any other table,
- and on the other hand, an accounting structure defined at the level of the Automatic journals function.
To make sure that the entries generated from fixed assets are allocated to the right accounting periods, it is necessary to maintain a synchronization (via the opening and closing of periods), between the calendar of theDepreciation contexts and the calendar of Fiscal yearsand accountingPeriods.
The accounting entries can also be automatically generated during the calculation, or the generation of the event resulting from a unit action on the asset (saving/deleting an asset, account posting change, transfer...).
To that end, the Immediate posting option must be active on the entry type defined to post the depreciation expenses, the variances between plans and/or the event, depending on the situations.
However, the events and the depreciation expenses (and variances between plans) coming from the calculation and the mass processings cannot be immediately posted but only by the accounting interface processing.
The accounting entries coming from the interface processing or produced by immediate posting are generated in "temporary" tables before being transferred, after validation, in the "final" tables of the accounting folder (see the Processing description).
They can be viewed via the functions:
- Accounting entries
- Journal entry
At the level of the fixed asset, the Posted amounts and those To post, as well as the list of entries justifying this posted amount are displayed on the Posting tab of its Periodic depreciation plan detail window.
Refer to documentation Implementation
First, it is necessary to set up the processing or to recall, using the button button, an existing setup previously saved under a Memo code.
The setup of the processing consists in:
Note: Once the processing setup is completed, the user can save it under an identification code using the button . It can then be recalled for a future submission of entry generation processing.
The processing is carried for only one company at a time. The list presents only the companies for which the user is fully authorized (for the whole company or for all the sites of the company).
When a company is selected, all its sites are selected by default. The None right-click button is used to mass delete this selection, in order to select manually only those concerned by the processing.
When there are errors or inconsistencies in the data of at least one of the contexts of the selected company, a message specifying the reason for the error is displayed when launching the processing, which cannot be executed in this case.
When the value of the ACCPERCTL - Control of accounting periods (AAS chapter, CPT group) company parameter is set to Yes, the company is not displayed in the list if at least one its contexts is not synchronized with the accounting period/fiscal breakdown. It is then necessary to launch the Context synchronization process.
The situation of desynchronization of a context can be viewed on the Detailed status of contexts, Calculation tab (the value of the Modification type field is CNX and the value of the field Modified parameter is DESYNC).
Each line in the table can be used to specify an entry type to process. By default, this table is empty.
The right-click functions to help the entry enable the user to fill it.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This box is checked by default. It specifies that the processing is carried out in simulation mode. In this case, the controls and the process are carried out but no modification of the database is recorded. |
This field enables the user to precise of the process of the interface must deal with the current or the following financial year. |
This checkbox can only be accessed when the processing is request in simulation mode. |
Block number 2
This field is used to select the company to which the interface process is applied. |
This field, that cannot be modified, reminds the user of the legislation to which the company is subject. |
Grid Sites
This table displays all the sites linked to the selected company. |
The grid displays the list of the sites attached to the companies and for which the user has authorizations. |
Grid Accounting entry types
Each line in the grid can be used to indicate an entry type to process. By default, this grid is empty. The right-click buttons to help the entry enable the user to fill it. |
This field, that cannot be modified, reminds the user of the legislation for which the entry type is defined. |
This field, that cannot be modified, reminds the user of the company for which the entry type is defined. |
Action icon
This button which can be accessed from the line header, is used to fill by a mass processing the entry type table with all the entry types defined for all companies and for the selected company.
This button which can be accessed from the line header, is used to delete selected entry types from the table.
This button which can be accessed from the Entry type field, is used to display for selection the list of the entry types defined for all companies and for the selected company.
This button which can be accessed from the Posting types field, is used to display the setup screen of the Posting types.
This button which can be accessed from the Entry type field, is used to display a window with the entry type properties: date and author of creation and modification.
This button which can be accessed from the Entry type field, is used to display an entry window for the selection criteria of the entry type.
This selection can be saved under an alphanumeric memo code with a maximum of 15 characters.
The processing loops on the financial sites of the company to be processed.
For each financial site, the processing loop on the entry types to be processed.
For each financial site/entry type couple, the posting is performed either for the current FY or for the following FY, according to the selection made when launching the processing:
For the depreciation expense posting as well as the posting of variances between plans, the resulting entries are either in simulation (they cancel and replace the ones previously recorded), or actual ,depending on the Posting type setup defined for the period in the Context function.
For the event posting, the entries produced are always actual (along with the production of reversal entries for the posting of the events resulting from an action cancellation).
Posting in simulation mode
First of all, the processing deletes the potential simulated entries previously generated for the period (even if this period is closed) and produces new entries: these new simulated entries cancel and replace the previous ones. The user can generate depreciation expense entries and variance between plans entries concerning this period as many times as required (the depreciations remain marked as To post).
Specificity linked with the simulated or immediate posting when the grouping level is the Site (default grouping):
The user needs to relaunch the interface process when a unit action performed on an asset has an impact on its depreciation expenses, and that the interface process has already been performed.
Indeed, the simulated posting totaling the expenses of all the assets and generated by the interface processing is deleted and replaced by the one immediately produced in order to post the event resulting from the unit action. But this entry only posts the depreciation expenses of the asset that has been subject to the action, therefore the user needs to restart the interface processing to produce a new entry posting the depreciation expenses of all assets. The same system is applied to the posting of variances between plans.
Actual posting
First of all, the processing deletes the potential provisional entries already posted for the period and produces actual entries: these actual entries cancel and replace the simulated entries previously produced and the processed amounts are marked as Posted. If definitive entries had already been produced for the period during a previous processing, these entries are kept; they are never deleted. If a new calculation linked, for example, to a modification of the depreciation setups, is required, only the entries corresponding to the difference between the amount already posted and the newly calculated amounts are generated.
Reminder on the rules linked to the posting type
The posting interface processing generates the entries in the following "temporary" tables:
The posting task posts these entries and relocates them, after posting, in the following "actual" accounting tables:
1/ The deletion of the simulated accounting entries, whether located in the "temporary" tables or validated and saved in the "actual" accounting tables of the Sage X3 folder, is performed by the accounting interface processing.
2/ When Sage X3 is used with another accounting tool, the accounting interface processing can delete the simulation entries situated in the "temporary" tables, but cannot directly delete those already sent to posting. In this case, it may be useful not to delete from the Sage X3 temporary tables the simulation entries already taken into account by the interface processing, and to mark them as canceled so that they can be taken into account by an export processing to the Accounting module. This possibility not to delete these simulation entries from the temporary tables is defined at company level by the (AAS - Fixed Assets chapter, CPT - Accounting group): ANNPCEPRO - Provisional entry cancellation parameter
The simulation entries can be identified either by the CAT field (active or inactive simulation) and by the REFINT field containing a reference, loaded by the accounting entry generation processing, used to distinguish the actual entries from the simulation entries and canceled simulation entries.
The simulation entries are managed by the utilities contained in the Simulationmenu. These utilities are used by the balance preparation processes to include or exclude the simulation entries.
* Identification of the depreciations expense simulation entries
- CAT = "2 – Active simulation" or "3 – Inactive simulation"
- REFINT = "P-numtrt" ("D-numtrt" for the actual entries)
* Identification of the cancelled depreciation expense simulation entries
- CAT = "2 – Active simulation" or "3 – Inactive simulation"
- REFINT = "A-numtrt" ("D-numtrt" for the actual entries)
The log file produced at the end of the processing:
Detail of the entries in simulation mode
In simulation mode, the accounting entries are not created but the detail of the entry that would have been created in real is displayed in the log file:
- Header main information: entry type, financial site, journal et accounting date.
- Aggregation level and key of aggregation used to generate the entry (example: by asset or by accounting code / depreciation method).
- For each ledger: list of the lines generated with the indication of the currency in which amounts are expressed (ledger currency), line number, account, amount, and line description.
Upon launching the processing, if the Dimension details check box is selected and the generated entry contains analytically tracked lines, a grid summarizes the analytical postings related to the entry: to each line of a given analytically tracked) ledger of the accounting entry, corresponds a line (or several lines if an analytical distribution has been used to split the line amount) indicating by dimension type the different analytical dimensions. The number of dimension types displayed in the grid corresponds to the maximum number of dimension types of the ledger having the largest number of dimension types.
List of the entries in actual mode
When the processing is launched for real, the detail of accounting entries is not generated but a list with the following information is displayed:
The accounting entries can be viewed via functions:
- Accounting entries
- Journal entry
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task TRTCPTINT is provided for that purpose.
Click this action to save the current settings in a Memo code to be reused later. The memo is linked to your user profile, not to the function or the screen.
Click this action to enter a Memo code previously saved and change the setup. |
Click this action to delete a Memo code. |