Use this function to display work order production at a specific site on one, or between a range of dates.
You can inquire by site for one or a range of products, tracking numbers and work order numbers.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The Inquiry screens function for code 'MKI' determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed.
The Productions inquiry function contains a section for you to enter your selection criteria, and a table (grid) and graph in which the results of the search are displayed.
Use this section to define the production site and date range. By default, the search is for the current date but can be changed to search within a range of dates.
Start - end range
Use this section to define the selection ranges to be used for filtering the results of the search.
You can use the Criteria action to enhance the selection criteria applied.
Production site (field MFGFCY) |
Type in or select the production site from which the work orders are to be selected. This field is mandatory. |
Tracking date (field MFGDATDEB) |
Filter for results within a date range. For a single day, enter the same date in the from/start Tracking date and to/end Tracking date fields. You can leave the from Tracking date field blank to search all records to date. |
Start - end range
Product (field ITMREFDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of product codes. For a single product, enter the same product code in the from/start Product and to/end Product fields. |
Tracking number (field MFGTNUMDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of tracking numbers. For a single tracking number, enter the same tracking number in the from/start Tracking number and to/end Tracking number fields. |
Work order (field MFGNUMDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of work orders. For a single work order, enter the same work order number in the from/start Work order and to/end Work order fields. |
Tab Search results
This section displays all work order production at the specified site that meets the defined selection criteria. The product to be manufactured and quantities for each work order line are included.
The columns displayed in the grid or table, the order in which they are displayed and the layout of the graph is determined by the Inquiry screens function for code 'MKI'.
Tracking number (field MFGTRKNUM) |
This field displays the tracking number generated for a work order released for production. |
Line (field ITMTRKLIN) |
This field identifies the associated line on the source document or order. |
WO line (field MFGLIN) |
This field displays the line number of the released product. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This field displays the original product code. This product code describes what is referred to as a 'Bill of Materials' or a 'BOM'. A BOM contains structured information for making and costing a product. It defines the components that make up a product, and given this, the cost of the product. |
Tracking type (field PRODTYP) |
This field displays the type of tracking:
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
This field indicates which version of this product applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the "form, fit or function" has changed. This field is not populated if the product code defined in the Product field is not version managed. |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
This field indicates which minor version of this product applies. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version. This field is not populated if the product code defined in the Product field is not version managed. |
Stock unit (field STU) |
This field displays the unit in which the product is stored. It provides the key to prices, costs, volumes etc. |
Actual accepted qty (field CPLQTY) |
This field displays the total completed quantity, including the rejected quantity, expressed in the operation unit. |
Lot (field LOT) |
This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement. |
Allocation date (field IPTDAT) |
This field displays the date the stock was allocated to this work order line. |
Release unit (field UOM) |
This field displays the release unit of measure (volume or mass) for this product for this order. This unit and any applicable unit conversion are defined for this product on the product record. |
STK conversion (field UOMSTUCOE) |
This field displays the product-specific conversion factor applied between the stock unit and the release unit of measure. This unit conversion is defined for this product on the product record. |
Routing (field ROUNUM) |
Routing code (field ROUALT) |
Multiple routings can be defined for a single product. Each routing code can be assigned specific management features. These include restriction of the routing to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for use in a manufacturing environment, for costing or for capacity planning). |
BOM code (field BOMALT) |
Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). |
No. W.O. (field MFGNUM) |
This field displays the work order number. |
Project (field PJT) |
This field displays the associated project code. The content can be one of the following:
If the content of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.
Order (field VCRNUMORI) |
This field identifies the number of the source document or order. |
Tracking date (field MFGTRKDAT) |
This field displays the date the stock transactions associated with this tracking number were posted. |
Work order |
Click Work order from the Actions icon to view the work order details. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed. |
Tracking detail |
Click Tracking detail from the Actions icon to view the production tracking details for the selected work order. This includes parent product (BOM) information, component information and operation details. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and how information is displayed and printed. If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed. |
Material consumption |
Click Material consumption from the Actions icon to view the quantities of materials (components) consumed to produce the products (BOMs) on this work order. |
Replacement |
Click Replacement from the Actions icon to view the actual time taken to perform the operations to produce the required number of products (BOMs) on this work order. |
Stock by site |
Click Stock by site from the Actions icon to view the inventory levels for the selected product, by site. |
Specific actions
Click the Search action to load the table (grid) with work order production lines that meet the entered selection criteria. The maximum number of lines displayed is defined in the Inquiry screens function for code 'MKI'. |
Click the Criteria action to access additional selection and display criteria. You can filter the work order lines to be produced by routing, bill of materials (BOM), project and sales order, and modify the sort order.
Screen code. You can select the required customized inquiry screen, if you are using personalized inquiries.
Please see the Inquiry screens documentation.
You can save one or several sets of criteria using the Memo action. You can recall these using the Recall action or delete them using the Delete memo action.
Selection criteria
Memo code (field MEMO) |
You use a memo code to save the criteria applied to an entry screen. Use this field to find out if a memo code has already been saved for the current screen values. Use the following buttons to manage memos: Recall: Recall a previously defined and saved memo. Memo: Save the current values of the screen in a memo file with a code to be specified. Del. Memo: Delete a previously saved memo. If a memo named STD (standard) is associated with the screen, it is loaded when opening the function. |
Start - end range
Product (field ITMREFDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of product codes. For a single product, enter the same product code in the from/start Product and to/end Product fields. |
Tracking date (field MFGDATDEB) |
Filter for results within a date range. For a single day, enter the same date in the from/start Tracking date and to/end Tracking date fields. You can leave the from Tracking date field blank to search all records to date. |
Tracking number (field MFGTNUMDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of tracking numbers. For a single tracking number, enter the same tracking number in the from/start Tracking number and to/end Tracking number fields. |
Work order (field MFGNUMDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of work orders. For a single work order, enter the same work order number in the from/start Work order and to/end Work order fields. |
Routing (field ROUNUMDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of routings. For a single route, enter the same routing code in the from/start Routing and to/end Routing fields. |
Filter for results within a range of bills of materials (BOMs). For a single BOM, enter the same product code in the from/start BOM and to/end BOM fields. |
BOM code (field BOMALTDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of bills of materials (BOM) codes. Multiple bills of materials (BOMs) can be defined for a single product. Each BOM code can be assigned specific management features. For manufactured or subcontracted products this includes restriction of the BOM to a specific site and to specific areas of functionality (for costing or for capacity planning). For a single BOM code, enter the same sequence number in the from/start Code and to/end Code fields. |
Project (field PJTDEB) |
Use these fields to filter for results within a range of project codes. For a single project, enter the same project code in the From/start project and To/end project fields. The content can be one of the following:
If the content of this field includes a character such as an exclamation mark "!" this field links to the structure of the project. The character is the separator between a project code and the structure, either the project cost structure or the project operational structure. For example, if a material task code is 'USA-P3' and a project code is 'USA12345678', this field displays a link to the project operational structure as 'USA12345678!USA-P3'.
Whole project (field PJTDSPALL) |
Select this check box to view all records linked to the selected projects. To only view records linked to the selected structure of the projects, leave this check box clear.
Order (field VCRORIDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of order numbers. For a single order, enter the same order number in the from/start Order and to/end Order fields. |
Tracking type (field PRODTYPDEB) |
Filter for results within a range of tracking types. Select one of the following:
For a single type of tracking, enter the same tracking type in the from/start Tracking type and to/end Tracking type fields. |
Screen code (field ECRAN) |
The columns displayed in the search results grid or table, the order in which they are displayed and the layout of the associated graph is determined by a screen code. Use this field to apply a specific screen display code to the search results. Type in or select a code defined in the Inquiry screens function for this particular inquiry function.
Selection (field TRI) |
Use this field to modify the sort order. |