Intrastat is a declaration, which is usually done monthly, that produces statistics on the trade in goods between member states of the European Union (where arrival and dispatch flows are separated).

The application allows you to prepare the information to be declared.

The process is as follows:

  • Extraction of the software database lines. This operation is used to generate the lines to be communicated to the Customs administration. This extraction is based on the documents from the Distribution module that contain automated and editable dedicated fields.
  • Update (deletion/modification) of the lines calculated by the automatic extraction process before transfer to the Customs administration to take into account any specific cases not managed by the software.
    These modifications will only apply to the extracted lines. The source flows are not updated.
  • Transfer to the Customs administration. This transfer can be performed:
    • Manually, from the Customs site
    • Using import/export templates These templates are specific to each country and have different codes: FREECEXP (shipments) and FREECINT (introductions) for France.
    • Uploading XML files generated by the EDI process onto the Customs site: EDIDEB - Generation of EDI Intrastat files.

Using the Intrastat file management function, you can modify the previously generated declaration by modifying, canceling or creating lines.


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Screen management

The Intrastat table is managed from a single section: each line is identified by the company, the declaration date, the flow type, the entry type, the entry number and the line number.

All the information can be modified.

Entry screen


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  DEBVERIF : Intrastat report

This can be changed using a different setup.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation