Use this function to manage and keep track of the professional interviews conducted for a given employee.
The interview records can be created manually or automatically by validating an interview campaign (GESCEV function).
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
Duplication principle
You can duplicate an interview record to recover useful information from an interview and transfer it to another without having to enter this information again.
- You can manually duplicate interview records directly from this function. In that case, you need to modify at least the interview date.
- Likewise, the interview records can be duplicated automatically when generating a new interview campaign.
In both cases, the behaviors encountered on interview records are as follows:
- The validation cycle of the new record is 'In progress', regardless of the initial validation cycle ('In progress', 'Validated by N+1', 'Validated by N+2').
- Data from the General tab are kept.
- On the Performance tab, the objectives from the previous interview record are recovered.
- Data from the Skills tab are not kept. They must be reinitialized.
- On the Training tab, the completed training courses match those of the evaluation period.
- Data from the New objectives tab are not kept.
- On the Comments tab, the comments from the previous interview record are recovered and displayed in the Previous interview reviewer and Employee previous interview fields (these fields cannot be accessed and therefore cannot be modified). Comments for the new evaluation can be entered in the Reviewer and Employee fields.
Workflow Rules
After the first validation (N+1) is carried out using this function, an email is sent to the reviewer N+2. This message contains the following information:
- Name of the reviewer N+1
- Name of the employee being evaluated
- Date of the evaluation
The workflow rule is EVACPC and the associated data model is EVACPC.
The header contains the employee identification and the dates of the evaluated period.
Upon manual creation, you can specify whether this interview is an annual interview or another type of interview (interview types are managed in the miscellaneous table no. 464 - Interview type).
Block number 1
Campaign (field CEV) |
If you create the interview record manually, enter the interview campaign code, if it is required. |
Evaluated period (field EVADATSTR) |
Employee ID (field REFNUM) |
The ID number is the employee's unique identifier. It contains 1 to 15 characters. |
field SRN |
Contract (field CTRNUM) |
The contract number of the employee corresponds to one of his contract sequence number.
field CTRDAT |
Position (field POT) |
This field displays the title of the employee's current position on the start date of the period of evaluation. |
Standard job (field JOBPOT) |
This field displays the title of the employee's current standard job on the start date of the period of evaluation. |
Reviewer (field EVAMAT) |
Weight (field REVWEI) |
Block number 2
Annual review (field FLGYEA) |
Professional interview (field FLGPRO) |
Assessment interview (field FLGBIL) |
Interview type (field EVATYP) |
Code of the interview type (interview types are for example performance, development, professional, etc.). |
Validation cycle (field EVAVAL) |
The validation statuses can be 'In progress', 'Validated by N+1', or 'Validated by N+2'. You cannot modify the statut manually. |
Site (field FCY) |
Company (field CPY) |
Legislation (field EVALEG) |
Tab General
This tab contains the reviewer identification and the interview date.
Date (field EVADAT) |
Date of the interview. |
Internal evaluator (field EVAMAT) |
ID number of the internal evaluator. |
field SRN1 |
External reviewer (field EVALIB) |
Name and first name of the external evaluator. |
Evaluator N+2 (field EVAMAT2) |
Those fields relating to the reviewer N+2 automatically display the ID number, name and first name of the reviewer N+2. These data |
field SRN2 |
Eval. description N+2 (field EVALIB2) |
Tab Performance
Use this tab to view and enter the objectives defined for the period to be evaluated.
Block number 1
Scale (field EVASCA) |
If you want this field to automatically display the scale code for the evaluation, you need to specify this code in the EVASCA - Default scale general parameter (TC chapter, CAR group). It is possible to define the scale code by folder/company for the required evaluation. The initialized code of the evaluation scale can still be modified. |
Grid Performance
Objective (field EVAOBJ) |
Free text field where you can describe the objective (maximum of 250 characters). |
Evaluation criteria (field EVACRIT) |
Free text field where you can specify the evaluation criteria (maximum of 250 characters). |
Level (field EVALEVOBJ) |
Use this field to specify whether the objective has been reached or not on a level scale. |
Reference (field EVALEVREF) |
This information is linked to the scale level. You cannot modify it. |
Evaluator's comment (field EVACMT) |
Field where you can enter a comment (not mandatory). |
Employee cmnt (field CMTMAT) |
Scale |
Use this action, located at the beginning of each line in the table, to access the definition of the scale and its various levels. |
Tab Skills
Use this tab to:
- View the skills required for the employee's position or standard job
- View the validated skills
- Update the validated levels of the skills
For each skill, you can view the descriptions of the scale levels and skill levels: click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the tables, then click Level scale or Skill.
"Requested skills" section
To populate the table with the requested skills (when the table is empty upon record creation), use the Init skills action(available from the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the table).
The requested skills match the skills defined for the standard job or position the employee is associated with.
You cannot modify or delete requested skills originating from the initialization, nor can you add requested skills.
Each skill is associated with a reference scale and a level. The inheritance (folder, group, branch, standard job or position) is also specified.
See the guidelines for the standard jobs and positions.
Validated skills section
The skills and levels originate from the employee's career record. They feature the skills required for the position or standard job, and validated for the employee.
Upon loading, those skills that are not validated yet for this employee (not on the career record) but that are required for the position or the job, are preloaded in the skill table. In that case, the skill displays an 'Initial' source and the level matches the level required for the job.
Creation of line(s)
You may need to:
- Create lines for the first time (for example, in the case of an employee who has never been evaluated)
- Add lines if the employee has already been evaluated but for another position, or if new skills are required for their current position or standard job
To populate the table with the validated skills, use the Init skills action(available from the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the table).
Likewise, skills to be validated can be loaded automatically into this table using the interview generation carried out from any interview campaign (Generation button in the Interview campaigns (GESCEV function)). In this case, the lines of the skills to be validated are created, but they are only prepopulated, in other words, skills are only preloaded into the table (and not validated yet). More precisely:
- Only the skill, the level, the title and the reference are displayed
- The Source column is populated with the 'Initial' status
- The Acquisition date and Evaluated level columns are empty (these data will be displayed later on, when the skills are validated)
Line deletion
In the following cases, lines must be deleted because skills are no longer necessary:
- A skill has become inactive (the Active check box has been cleared in the Skills record (GESCPC function))
- A skill has been removed from a position or a standard job
- A skill is no longer required for the position or standard job
To delete a line from a table, use the Init skills action (available from the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line).
Variances section
The graphical representation of the variances highlights the differences between the skills required for the standard job or position and the skills gained by the current employee at the end of the interview.
When the evaluated levels (validated skills) are updated, the values and the graphical representation are updated simultaneously.
Grid Requested skills
Skills (field EVACPC) |
The requested skills match the skills defined for the standard job or position the employee is associated with. |
Level (field EVALEV) |
Reference (field LEVREF) |
Inheritance (field ORICPC) |
This field summarizes the skills of the current employee ID. Each skill is characterized by a level, an acquisition date and a source.
Level scale (field CODSCACPC) |
Grid Validated skills
Skill (field CPCVAL) |
The validated skills originate from the Careers record. |
Level (field LEVCPCVAL) |
This column is populated with the last level known from the Careers record. The levels deriving from the Careers record cannot be modified. This field is not populated with the validated skills that have been added subsequently. |
Reference (field LEVREFVAL) |
Source (field ORICPCVAL) |
This column contains the same information as that specified on the Careers tab upon initialization.
Date of issue (field EVACPCDATV) |
The acquisition date is initialized with the date of the current day every time an evaluated level is added or modified. |
Evaluated level (field LEVCPCEVA) |
New skill level of the employee. |
Reference (field LEVREFEVA) |
This information is linked to the scale level and you cannot modify it. |
Development action (field ACTDEV) |
Select a development action. These actions can be customized in the miscellaneous table 467 – Development action (for example: No action, Training, Tutorship period, etc.). |
Training period (field STGCOD) |
When the skill is validated (evaluated), you can enter the training course that the employee needs to complete if they need to complete a training course. |
Grid Variances
Skill (field CPCGRA) |
The graphical representation of the variances highlights the difference between the skills required for the standard job or position and the skills gained by the current employee at the end of the interview. |
Requirements (field REQUIS) |
Validated (field ACQUIS) |
Init skills |
Use this action (available in the Requested skills table) to initialize the requested skills, which are the skills known upon initialization. They match the skills originating from the standard jobs and positions. The reference position and standard job are those mentioned in the Careers function on the start date of the evaluation. The initialized values are kept (stored), even if the skill guidelines are modified for the standard jobs or positions, and even if the employee changes position or standard job after the start of the evaluation period. You can update them by clicking the Init skills action as long as the evaluation has not been validated (action to be performed via the Validation button, for N+1 or N+2). If no standard job or position has been declared for a contract employee, the Init skills action has no effect. |
Level scale |
Use this action to display the description of the scale levels. |
Skill |
Use this action to display the descriptions of the scale levels for the skill. |
Init skills |
Use this action from the Validated skills table to initialize the validated skills declared for the employee upon initialization. The validated skills and associated levels are kept (stored). This action can be accessed when the evaluation status (validation cycle) is 'In progress'. |
Level scale |
Use this action to display the description of the scale levels. |
Skill |
Use this action to display the descriptions of the scale levels for the skill. |
Tab Training
Training completed section
The completed training courses are displayed automatically if you have purchased the Training module. They match the training courses completed during the evaluation period.
You cannot enter completed training courses.
Requested training periods section
This table lists the new training requests for the coming period.
This table is empty by default. You enter the requested training courses or they are preloaded upon duplication.
You can add, modify or delete requests as long as the evaluation has not been validated.
Duplicating a record for the same employee ID/same contract chrono, but with a different evaluation date, allows you to initialize the requested training courses.
The requested training courses entered in the Skills tab are automatically transferred to the table of the requested training courses.
Grid Training completed
Training period (field STG) |
List of the training courses the employee has attended during the evaluation period if you have purchased the Training module. |
Domain (field DOMSTG) |
This data is entered automatically if the training course is selected and a domain has been specified for this training course. You cannot modify it. |
Theme (field THMSTG) |
This information is populated automatically if the training course is selected and a topic is specified for this training course. You cannot modify it. |
Status (field STA) |
Use this field to view the status of the registration:
Session (field SES) |
The session code, the dates of the session and the number of training hours of the registration are displayed. |
Start date (field STRDAT) |
End date (field ENDDAT) |
Days (field NBRDAY) |
The number of days is significant only when the type of the training period is "Short-term training period". This number is irrelevant when the type of the training period is "Other training period", as they are associated with a volume of hours. |
Number of hours (field NBRHOUIPT) |
The session code, the dates of the session and the number of training hours of the registration are displayed. |
Grid Requested training periods
Training period (field EVASTG) |
List of the training periods requested by the employee during their evaluation. The requested training periods are initialized by duplicating the interview form. |
Domain (field DOM) |
Specify the domain of the required training course. |
Theme (field THM) |
Specify the topic of the required training course. |
Start date required (field STRVLY) |
You must enter the requested start and end dates of the training period. |
End date required (field ENDVLY) |
Priority (field PIO) |
Specify the priority (normal, high, maximum). |
Request number (field DEMNUM) |
Comment (field CMTSTG) |
Enter a comment if necessary. |
Training period |
Use this option to access the Training period function. |
Sessions |
Use this option to access the Sessions function. |
Training period |
Use this option to access the Training period function. |
Requests |
Use this action to access the Training requests record. |
Tab New objectives
Use this tab to describe the objectives set for the next evaluation period.
Grid New objectives
Objective (field EVAOBJ) |
Enter the objectives for the coming evaluation period. |
Evaluation criteria (field EVACRIT) |
Enter the evaluation criteria of the objectives for the coming period. |
Tab Missions
This tab displays the missions requested for the employee's position.
To populate the table with the missions, use the Init skills action (available from the Actions icon located at the end of the line).
Block number 1
Scale (field EVAMIS) |
If you want this field to automatically display the scale code for the evaluation, you need to specify this code in the EVAMIS – Default responsibility scale general parameter (TC chapter, CAR group). It is possible to define the scale code by folder/company for the required evaluation. The initialized code of the evaluation scale can still be modified. |
Missions |
Init missions |
Use this action to populate the table with the missions. |
Tab Prospects
Use this tab to describe the employee's professional project and mobility requests.
Professional project
Professional project (field PRJPFL) |
Describe the employee's project. |
Functional mobility
Position (field EVAPOT) |
In the fields linked to the functional and geographic mobility, define the employee's mobility wishes. |
Standard job (field EVAJOB) |
Profession (field EVAJOBGRP) |
Profession date (field EVAJOBGRPD) |
Geographic mobility
Mobility (field FLGMOB) |
Requested date (field AREDAT) |
Region (field ARE) |
Site (field EVAFCY) |
Grid Actions
Action (field ACTACT) |
In the Actionsgrid, define the actions needed to carry out the professional project. |
Lead-time (field ACTDAT) |
Term (field ACTMOD) |
Training followed (field FLGACTFOR) |
The manager checks this box if at least one training action exists over the evaluated period. |
Acquired certification element (field FLGCERTIF) |
The manager checks this box if at least one acquired certification element exists over the evaluated period. |
Professional or salary progression (field FLGEVO) |
The manager checks this box if at least one professional or salary progression exists over the evaluated period. |
Tab Comments
Use this tab to enter general comments at the end of the interview.
Evaluator previous interview
field EVACMT1 |
This section displays the reviewer's general comment on the previous evaluation It is initialized by duplicating the previous interview. |
Employee previous interview
field CMTMAT1 |
This section displays the employee's general comment on the previous evaluation It is initialized by duplicating the previous interview. |
This section can be used to enter the reviewer's general comment on the current evaluation. |
This section can be used to enter the employee's general comment on the current evaluation. |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
EVALUATION : Interview
LISTEVA : Interview list
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific Buttons
Validation |
Score |
Use this action to calculate the average reviewer score for all the forms associated with the employee's interviews. This average score is displayed in the Reviewer score field (Missions tab, Score section).
Menu Bar
You cannot modify the record period directly in the header. To modify the period, use this function. |
You cannot modify the interview type directly in the header. To modify the interview type, use this function. |
You cannot modify the reviewer directly in the header. To modify the reviewer, use this function. |
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Evaluator not entered
It is mandatory to enter an internal or external reviewer.
Annual interview record already exists on xx/xx/xx
An annual interview form has already been entered for the fiscal year.
The reviewer cannot be the employee to be evaluated
The reviewer is the employee being interviewed.