Use this function to define a position file.
A position can belong only to a standard job.
A standard job can belong only to a branch.
A branch can belong only to a sector.
The link between the position and the standard job is not mandatory, but a standard job must be linked to a branch or a sector.
You can manage the standard job or branch level only, without managing the position level.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The header is used to identify the position.
Position (field COD) |
Code identifying the current record. |
Legislation (field LEG) |
In multi-legislated folders (where the LEG activity code is active), the Legislation fields are displayed.
If a legislation is entered in the record header, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a legislation is not entered in the record header, it might be deduced from another element (such as the company, site, or employee) and again, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation. If a multi-legislation group of companies is selected, other fields entered must follow any rules applicable to the legislation of at least one company in the group. Example If you select a group of British (BRI) and French (FRA) legislation companies, you cannot enter a value in a field that is only applicable to the South African (ZAF) legislation. In single legislation folders (where the LEG activity code is not active), the Legislation fields are not displayed. |
Description (field DES) |
Description used by default in reports and screens (if there is enough space). |
Tab General
Use the General tab to:
- View and enter the main characteristics of the position
- Define the company, site, and connection department and the position which is higher in the hierarchy
- Assign missions specific to the position.
Short description (field DESSHO) |
Short description. |
Validity period from (field DATSTRVLY) |
In the fields labeled From validity and To validity,specify a validity start date and a validity end date for the current position. |
Validity period to (field DATENDVLY) |
Standard job (field JOBPOT) |
Enter or select the standard job which characterizes the current position. |
field TEX |
Free comment field associated with the current object. |
Responsibility weight (field MISWEIFLG) |
Equal (field MISEQ) |
Indicator (field INDFLG) |
Indicator weight (field INDWEIFLG) |
Equal (field INDEQ) |
Grid Missions
Role (field MIS) |
The Missions table displays the missions which characterize the standard job or the current position.
Responsibility weight (field MISWEI) |
Indicator (field IND) |
Indicator weight (field INDWEI) |
Tab Administrative
In the Fields table, you can list default fields (Field column) and the default values of these fields (Default value column).
These fields and these values are automatically displayed in the contract records when entering the position in the contract records. If you modify the position in the contract record, the system can update the default fields and the values of these fields in the contract record.
The fields and the values specified in the Fields table can be applied to the whole folder, or exceptionally to a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population.
If you modify the list of default fields, or the values of these fields, or both, you can apply these mass modifications to all the contracts. To apply the mass modifications to all the contracts, use the Contract field upd criteria function.
Field (field FLD) |
For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records. |
Description (field TIT) |
Level (field LEV) |
For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records. |
Legislation (field LEGLEV) |
Company (field CPY) |
For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records. |
Site (field FCY) |
Collective agreement (field CLLCVT) |
Population (field POP) |
Default value (field VALDEF) |
For a field, define a default value for a company, a site, a collective agreement, a population. These default values are used and initialized in the contract records. |
Total payroll
Employee template (field EMPMDL) |
The template employee of a profile is used as a payroll reference to initialize the variables of the first pay of an employee having the same profile. You do not need to enter a template employee. |
Employee (field NAMMDL) |
Preloading |
To preload the list of fields in the table, click the Actions icon located at the beginning of each line in the grid, then click Preloading. The fields which are initialized in the table correspond to those fields having the Universal pre-loading check box selected in the Employee field dictionary. |
Tab Positioning
The fields of the Positioning tab are automatically loaded when you enter or select a classification code.
Collective agreement classification
Classification (field CCV) |
Enter or select a classification code. The classification code corresponds to the classification as per the labor agreement of the standard job or current position. When you enter or select a classification code, the other fields of the Positioning tab are automatically loaded. |
Description (field DES) |
Minimum salary (field SALMIN) |
Maximum salary (field SALMAX) |
Company (field CPYPOT) |
Company, site and reporting department of the current position. |
Site (field FCYPOT) |
Department (field SRVPOT) |
Hierarchical position (field POT2) |
Hierarchical position of the current position. |
Median gross salary
Salary to sequester (field FLGSAL) |
Median salary (field SALMED) |
The median salary for this position is automatically calculated and displayed in this field. The median salary is the salary representing the salaries for this job in the folder. It is the salary above which half of the employees has a higher salary and the other half, a lower salary. |
Job grade (field JOBGRA) |
Occupation level (field OCPLEV) |
Skills info
Scarce skill (field SCACPC) |
OFO code (field OFOCOD) |
Equity info
Employment type (field EQUEMPTYP) |
Foreign worker (field STG) |
PDI flag (field PDIFLG) |
Race group (field RCEGRP) |
Individual's gender (field SEX) |
Start date (field PDISTR) |
End date (field PDIEND) |
Disabled flag (field HDCFLG) |
Type of disability (field HDCTYP) |
Start date (field HDCSTR) |
End date (field HDCEND) |
Tab Skill set
Block number 1
Profession (field JOBGRP) |
Each standard job type must be linked to only one profession.
Family (field UOMGRP) |
The family is automatically displayed in this field. It corresponds to the family linked to the profession. You cannot modify it. |
Grid Group of skills
Group of skills (field CPCFAM) |
In the Group of skills grid, enter one or several groups of skills to initialize the list of skills required for the standard job or the position. When the skills are initialized, you need to adapt and complete them in the Skill list tab. |
Tab Skill list
The Skill list tab contains all the skills and levels required for the position. These skills can either originate from the linked standard job (Standard jobs function) or from a higher level (branch, sector, folder). Skills are initialized according to the group of skills specified in the Skill set tab.
The Skill list tab can only be accessed if the GPEC module has been purchased.
Grid Global list of skills
Skills (field CPC) |
List of skills required for the standard job or the current position. |
Level (field NIV) |
Level of skill required for the standard job or the current position. |
Inheritance (field ORI) |
The inheritance is useful to know the source of the skill:
When you modify a skill line, the inheritance switches to Manual: the skill is no longer linked to the upper levels and it cannot inherit the updates performed at upper levels. |
Weighting (field WEI) |
Weighting of the skills required in the profile search function. |
Key skill (field FLGKEY) |
The key skill specifies if the skill is a mandatory, strategic or rare condition for the company or the group. This option is used as a selection criterion in comparison and simulation tools and in reports. |
Critical skill (field CRSFLG) |
Level scale |
Skills |
Manual inheritance |
The manual inheritance is used to change the inheritance. As a consequence, the skill loses its link with the skill group, which excludes it from the updates launched from the skill group.
Tab List of employees
The List of employees tab displays the list of active employees occupying the position.
Grid Employees in this position
Employee ID (field REFNUM) |
Contract (field CTRNUM) |
Start date (field CTRDAT) |
Title (field CIVCTRA) |
Last name (field NAM) |
Employee's first name (field SRN) |
Employee |
Tab Authorizations
The Authorizations tab contains the list of clearances and authorizations required to occupy the position.
Tab Position hazardous conditions
The Position hazardous conditions tab is only available for the French legislation.
Use the Position hazardous conditions tab to define the risk factors linked to the position.
The legislation requires the exposure of employees to the risk factors linked to the positions they occupy to be assessed. Hazardous work conditions are assessed at position level. You need to assess and declare the risk factors once a year. The purpose is to check whether the employee is exposed to risk factors beyond the strain levels set by decree, based on their activity/activities, under normal working conditions throughout the year.
The Hazardous conditions criteria table displays the risk factors linked to the position.
In standard mode, the risk factors subject to declaration and contributions are supplied in the miscellaneous table number 410 Risk factors of hazardous work conditions. In this table, you can add the risk factors of hazardous work conditions linked to the activity of your company.
You can associate validity start and end date to each risk factor. In addition you can enter comments regarding the implemented prevention measures or a global comment.
The data contained in this tab is used when extracting the hazardous condition information. It populates the individual hazard records provided to each employee.
The individual hazard records, or exposure records, are managed in the Exposure records function.
Once the risk factors of the position are defined, you can print the description record of the hazardous conditions linked to the position (HRPOTPEN report, entitled Position hazardous conditions). To print the the description record of the hazardous conditions linked to the position, you need to follow the steps listed hereafter:
1. Click the Printer icon in the Actions panel.
2. Click Record. The Enter report parameters is displayed.
3. In this screen, specify the required elements that you want to include in the report. These parameters are, among others:
- Reference date: if you enter a date in the First value column, the report will display the status of the risk factors on this date. If you do not enter any date, the report will display the history of the risk factors for the position.
- All factors: if you enter No in the First value column, the report will only list those risk factors defined for the position. If you enter Yes, all factors will be listed in the report, but only those defined for the position will be selected in the report in the Identified risk column.
The description record of the hazardous conditions associated with the position provides the history of exposures to hazardous conditions for a specific position. It does not correspond to the individual record which should be provided to each employee.
Excp. hazardous cond (field FLGEXCPEN) |
This field is only available for the French localization. If the Excp. hazardous cond in cont box is selected, hazardous work conditions can be managed at contract level, in the contract record.
To manage hazardous work conditions at contract level, you also need to select the Excp. hazardous cond in cont checkbox in the Hazardous work conditions tab in the contract record. You will manage the factors and comments in this tab. To print the individual record to be provided to the employee, data is read at contract level, not a position level. |
Grid Hazardous conditions criteria
Risk factor (field PEN) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. Enter or select a risk factor code. Risk factors are managed in the 410 miscellaneous table Risk factors of hazardous work conditions. In this table, each risk factor is associated with the following elements:
Start date (field STRDATPEN) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. Enter the validity start and end dates of the risk factor. These dates are useful if the risk exposure linked to a position changes from one year to the next. The start date is usually the 1st of January because the assessment is based on a year. Dates for the same risk factor cannot overlap. |
End date (field ENDDATPEN) |
Title (field LIBPEN) |
Risk factor (field WPEN) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. The risk factor and the validity start and end dates entered in the Hazardous conditions criteria table are initialized in the Detail block based on the line of the table where you are positioned. |
Start date (field WSTRDATPEN) |
End date (field WENDDATPEN) |
Org. prev. measures (field WPRVORG) |
This field is only available for the French legislation. You can enter comments on the work strain factor (organizational, collective or individual preventive measures, or global comment). |
Coll. prev. measures (field WPRVCOL) |
Title (field WPRVIND) |
Comments (field WCOMMENT) |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
LISTHAB : Authorization list
LISTPHAHAB : Acquired authorizations
LISTPOT : List of work centers
This can be changed using a different setup.
Error messages
[<<<Menu Bar
The Hazard cond contract update function is only available for the French localization. You can access the Hazard cond contract update function if the Excp. hazardous conditions check box is selected. Use this function to select contracts and the risk factors you want to update in these contracts if a risk factor has been modified for the position. 1. In the selection screen, enter the selection criteria required to display the contracts you want to update, then click OK. |
The only error messages are the generic ones.