Use this function to view imported Coded Statement of Account (CODA) statements and to create, modify or delete an existing statement (whether imported or manual).

Open items and payment slips can be selected manually.

Statements can be validated individually or in bulk. If a bank slip is assigned to a statement line, validation triggers the bank posting of the remittance note. If a bank slip is not assigned to a statement line and if the status is 'to be validated', validation generates and posts the payment and potentially, if open items are attached, a matching.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Belgian Bank Statement function contains a header information section and one tab per feature of the requirement:

  • Header information. The header information defines the bank, the company, the date and the amount (stamped with the old and new balance).
  • Lines. This tab is subdivided into two sections.
    • The payment slip information or payment header (table 1).
    • The payment slip information or payment details (table 2).
  • Information. This tab is for information purposes only. It displays information related to the bank.


Tab Lines

Tab Information

Specific Buttons


Click the Post action to validate and post the selected statement lines (the statement lines must be at status 'To validate').

  • If a remittance is assigned to the selected statement lines, validation will include the bank posting of the remittance.
  • If no remittance is assigned to the selected statement lines, validation will include the generation and posting of a payment.


Settlement (early) discount and late payment charges are not included in the calculations when a Belgian bank statement is created and the related open items identified (either automatically when the statement is imported using the Bank statement import (RBKIMPBEL) function, or manually when picking open items directly from this function (GESRBB)). An open item is therefore considered to be partially paid if there is a difference between the open item and the imported payment.

You must make manual adjustments to allocate any related discount amounts or payment differences.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Detail total ($1$) is different from the amount of payment line ($2$)

This message is displayed when the sum of the lines of table 2 does not correspond to the amount defined in table 1.
This message is non-blocking. You can choose to update the amount of table 1 with the sum of amounts from the lines of table 2. You can also choose to cancel the entry and perform the appropriate manual correction.

New balance < > Old balance + Total transactions

This message is displayed if the amount of the old balance + the total movements of statement lines is different from the new balance.
This message is non-blocking. You can choose to update the amount of the new balance, according to the debit/credit totals of statement lines. You can also choose to cancel the entry and perform the appropriate manual correction.

The new balance is not equal to the old balance of the next statement

This message is displayed when a statement is modified or when the next statement exists.
This message warns that the modification implies that the new balance of the current statement (after modification) is different from the amount of the old balance of the next statement.
This message is non-blocking. You can validate or cancel the modification.

The date of the new balance must be later than the date of the old balance

This message is blocking. It is displayed when the date of the new entered balance is prior to the date of the old balance of the current statement.

Intermediate posting not performed for note

This message is displayed if the intermediate posting of the entered slip has not been carried out.

'Slip already validated'

This message is displayed if the bank posting of the entered slip has already been performed.

Note already allocated to statement

This message is displayed if the slip found has already been allocated to a statement.
In this case, the message returns the number of the non-assigned slip.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation