Estimated revenue init.
This parameter is used when calculating the estimated revenue for a project automatically.
ESTREVMET - Revenue estimation method parameter (TC chapter, PJM group). You use this parameter to define if the estimated revenue for a project can be calculated automatically.
The total estimated revenue for a project can be entered manually, or calculated automatically by clicking a Refresh icon in the project.
When clicked, the Refresh icon "requests" a value for the Estimated revenue at completion (EREVCOM) field in the project. However, before this value can be calculated the Estimated revenue at completion field must be initialized. You use this parameter to define the SQL query that is to be executed to initialize the Estimated revenue at completion field when the project revenue value is calculated.
The SQL query PJMREV is provided with your Sage X3 system to calculate the estimated revenue at completion from sales orders linked to the project. PJMREV
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter TC (Common Data) and the Group PJM (Project management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- BILTIMSPLI (Split billable time if needed)
- BILTIMSTA (Billable time status)
- ESTBILINIT (Prog. status percentage init.)
- ESTPRBINIT (Estim. budget progress init.)
- ESTPRGINIT (Estim. project progress init.)
- ESTPRGMET (Bud/proj progress estim method)
- ESTPRGSYNC (Updated est. progress/snapshot)
- ESTPRTINIT (Estimated task progress init.)
- ESTPRTMET (Task progress estim. method)
- ESTREVMET (Revenue estimation method)
- ESTREVSYNC (Updated est. revenue/snapshot)
- FINOVERSYN (Updated fin. status/snapshot)
- GAUPTE (Time entry automatic journal)
- HOURLYUNIT (Hour unit)
- MINUTUNIT (Minute unit)
- OPPDATUPD (Project dates adjustment)
- PCCAUTCRE (Create cost type dimension)
- PCCCOD (Default labor cost type)
- PCCCODDEF (Default cost type)
- PCCCODFIN (Default financial cost type)
- PJMAUSCST0 (Allow time entry costs to 0)
- PJMCST (Employee labor rate priority)
- PJMCSTLAB (Project labor rate priority)
- PJMDATCTRL (Control time entry )
- PJMENDPRD (Allowed end period)
- PJMLOGFIL (Project technical log file)
- PJMOPECST (Operation labor rate priority)
- PJMORDCRE (Create firm order from task)
- PJMORDTRA (Associated orders trans.)
- PJMPLNTRA (Enterprise planning trans.)
- PJMSTRPRD (Allowed start period)
- PJMTIMAUTO (Time entry auto. validation)
- PJMTIMBUD (Allow time entries on budgets)
- PJMTIMENT (Time entry control phase)
- PJMTIMNEG (Allow time entries negative qt)
- PJMTIMTAS (Allow time entries on tasks)
- PJTAUTCRE (Create Projects dimension)
- PJTMGT (Project management)
- POSTPCCDEF (Source of posted labor account)
- POSTRATDEF (Source of posted labor rate)
- PSOREV (Sold product revision mngt)
- PTEFCY (Single / multi-site statement)
- TASBUDAUT (Budget automatic creation)
- UNITWORK (Default unit of labor)
- UPDFCYCCE (Update site on dimension)
- WBSDATUPD (Task dates adjustment)
- WOPJMMSG (Block multiple projects on WO)
Its values are defined by the function SQL query tool.
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :
Project management