Customer relation >  Customer support >  Service responses  

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This function groups together all the customer support service activities. Whilst service requests represent the list of problems to be resolved, the service responses represent the actions carried out or to be carried out in order to provide a solution.

The "service response" is any action (phone call, action on site, workshop reparation, for instance) that the user takes in order to solve a problem.

This function is used to facilitate the pacification of service responses and limits potential errors and conflicts.
When a service response is planned from the navigation menus, the AUSHDKC - Filter on service responses parameter (HDK chapter, AUZ group) is used to define the contents of the service responses selection panel.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Additional information

The service responses can be carried out by internal resources i.e. service personnel but also by external service providers.

Each service response can be the object of a paper documentation that constitutes on one hand a true instruction order and on the other a communication document between the customer and the enterprise.

Creation and control of time conflicts

During the confirmation of the creation of a service response, a check on the time conflicts is carried out with respect to the service responses already scheduled. The control is carried out either for a member of the service personnel or for a service provider.

If the service employee mentioned in a service response has a conflict with another service response, the service response creation is refused and the following message is displayed:

Technician ???? is already involved in an intervention from ???? to ?????. Entry rejected.

Choose from the following options:

  • replan the current service response to another date,
  • assign another member of the service team or external service provider ;
  • replan the intervention that is the source of the conflict.

If the service provider mentioned in an service response has a conflict with another service response, this message opens:

????? is already involved in the intervention from ????? to ????. Confirm the entry?

  • If you answer Yes, the creation of the service response is confirmed. It is possible to assign the same service provider to two service responses sharing the same time frame.
    A service provider represents in general a company with a technical team of a varying size. Each service provider is therefore potentially able to mobilize more than one resource to carry out the different service responses.
  • If you answer No, you must solve the time conflict by:
        • replanning the current service response to another date,
        • assigning the service response to another service provider or a member of the internal service team,
        • replanning the service response that is the source of the conflict.
Modification and control of time conflicts

During a modification, the time conflicts control is run in the same way as in a creation.

Screen management

Five tabs are used to enter the Service responses. Several icon types are also found in a service response.



The following fields are present on this tab :

This field contains the site code that will track the intervention.

  • Sequence no. (field NUM)

This field cannot be accessed by the user and is used to store the unique key for the entry. This key is calculated by the ACT sequence number counter. By default, this counter is made of one sequence number (fifteen characters). It is provided by default with an automatic functioning.
SEEINFOIt is advised to keep the standard characteristics for an optimal use.

This field indicates the service request for which the intervention is carried out.
This field cannot be qualified manually. An intervention is associated automatically to the corresponding request.
Similarly, it is impossible to create an intervention when this function is not accessed from a service request.

This field indicates either the code of the final customer or the customer code of the order giver.
In both cases, the customer must be defined in the Customerobject.

  • field ICOBPC


This field is used to memorize the identity of the technician's preferred contact during the intervention. This is generally the same individual that place the service request.
Several Contact selection tools are available from this field:

  • the Selection menu, used to select a contact from amongst those linked to the customer.
    If no customer is entered or if no links are established this function returns nothing,
  • the Contacts menu, used to access directly to the Contact object from which a choice can be made.
  • the menu named Contact selection is used to select a contact from the complete list of all the contacts entered in the application.
  • field CCNCLA


  • Completed (field DON)

This field changes the status of the call from "To do" to "Done"
This modification deletes the intervention from the technician's workbench.
If the field is ticked, it is optional but advised to enter a summary meeting report.



Tab Service Response


Additional information

The Additional information is used to enter the complete description of the nature of the work to be carried out. If the text entered exceeds 235 characters an icon on the right of this field is used to enter a summary or overview.

The first icon is used to sum up the description when the text to enter is important. The general parameter ICOSYN - Overview to be written icon (CRM chapter, ICO group) is used to define the icon to display. If no code is entered, icon no.71 is displayed.

The second icon specifies that a summary has been written. The general parameter ICOSYNDON - Overview written icon (CRM chapter, ICO group) is used to defined the icon that will be displayed. If no code is entered, icon no.711 is displayed.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Subcontracted (field SCO)

When no technician can be assigned to an intervention, it is possible to assign it to external service providers.

  • Amount (field SCOAMT)

This field can be used to contain the global negotiated amount for the intervention of the service provider or the negotiated hourly rate for the actual intervention.

This field indicate the currency used to value the amount negotiated with the service provider.

  • Provider (field ITNASS)

Use this field to assign the service response to an internal resource or to an external service provider.

  • If the service response is not sub-contracted, a menu Available employees is used to view the planning of skilled technicians.
  • If the service response is sub-contracted, a Skilled service suppliers menu can be used to inquire the list of skilled BP service providers who agree to intervene in the customer's geographic zone.
    The list of service providers is sorted in ascending order of the negotiated hourly rate.
  • field ITNASSCLA


  • Start date (field DAT)

This field indicates the specified start date of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • Start time (field HOU)

This field indicates the specific start hour of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • Entire day (field FULDAY)

This field creates the automatic entry of start and end dates. If the user ticks this field, the date and time fields are automatically set to represent an intervention for an entire day taking place from the start date.
The intervention duration is also recalculated on the basis of this modification.

  • End date (field DATEND)

This field indicates the specific end date of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • End time (field HOUEND)

This fields indicates the specific end hour of the intervention. The duration of the intervention (expressed in hours) is automatically calculated as a function of the intervention start and end dates.

  • Week (field WEE)

An intervention can be scheduled with a "flexible" date. When the user modifies this field, the Date and Time fields are purged. It is then possible to enter an estimated duration for the intervention.

  • Duration (field DUR)

  • If the intervention is scheduled on a precise date, this field automatically shows the intervention duration. The field is then not accessible in modification mode.
  • If the intervention is scheduled with a flexible date, the user is invited to enter a planned duration for the intervention.

  • Unit (field DURX)


This field is used to identify the nature of the intervention to be carried out.
The intervention category determines the default address that will be mentioned on the record according to the geographic data associated with each intervention category.

Additional information

  • field FULOBJ

This field is used to enter the complete description for the intervention to be carried out.
The maximum size of the text that can be entered is conditioned by the data type HD6.
If the text entered exceeds 235 characters, a button can be used to enter a summary or a report.

  • field OBJICO



  • Date created (field CREDAT)


  • Time created (field CREHOU)


  • Created by (field FULNAMUSR)

This field is used to identify the author who created the intervention.

  • Source (field ITNORI)

This field displays the creation date and time plus the full name of the user who created the record.
SEEINFOThe service requests cannot be created manually. Their origin is always manual.

  • Document no. (field ITNORIVCR)

These two fields cannot be managed in entry.. They cannot be accessed because the creations are manually.
SEEWARNING They cannot be deleted from the screen.

  • Line (field ITNORIVCRL)




Tab Address


This tab is loaded by default as a function of the contents of the Category field in the Service responses tab.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Intervention address

This code is used, for instance, to identify a BP's country. Once entered, this code can be used to launch control and create automatisms.
Examples: Telephone number format / Site Registration number format / SIC code format / Postal code format

SEEINFO If this field is not entered, the system will use the default country code.

  • field ADD

The Address' fields are loaded by default as a function of the intervention category.
The following addresses are assigned by default :

Intervention types associated with the "At the customer site" note

This intervention type is generally carried out outside of the customer support centre locations.
It is also frequently the case that the location corresponds to the customer address.
Thus the address tab is in this case checked with the default address recorded for this customer.
This is a suggestion. If the actual intervention location is situated in a exhibition centre, tradeshow stand..., the technician can modify the fields concerned.

Intervention types associated with the "At our locations" note.

This intervention type is generally carried out in the customer support centre locations (for example repair workshop).
In this case, the address proposed by default corresponds to the customer support site mentioned in the intervention record.

Intervention type associated with the "No geographic incidence" note

No address is proposed in this tab.
In fact, this information has little significance for this intervention type.
For example, a telephone call can be carried out from either a call centre, from a telephone box or even the technician's home.
In all the cases, the call can be executed correctly and the expected objective can be achieved in the best conditions.
A contextual menu "Other addresses" is used to select another address from amongst the different suggestions.
In all the case, another address can also be entered directly in an intervention record independently from the intervention category.

  • Postal code (field ZIP)

The postal code, whose entry format is defined in the Country table, is used to define the town/city and the geographical subdivision if it is defined for the country.
When the postal code is changed the city/town corresponding to the new code is automatically displayed. The principle is the same for the geographical subdivision if it is present for the country. 
It is also possible to manually enter the town/city name. If the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed.

The control of this information and its mandatory nature depend on the setup performed in the country management. In order for the control to be applied, the POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) must also be set to "Yes".

Specific cases:

- for ANDORRA, indicate 99130
- for MONACO, indicate 99138
- for the other overseas countries, indicate the INSEE code of the country or 99999 if not known.

  • City (field CTY)

The city automatically proposed is the one associated with the postal code previously indicated. It is also possible to manually enter the name of a town/city:

  • if the town/city is already defined, the associated postal code is automatically displayed, 
  •  if the city does not exist and the postal code control has been set up in the Country record, a warning message is displayed but the continuation of the entry is authorized. In addition, the CTY - Nonexistent city alert parameter (SUP chapter, INT group) needs to have the value "Yes" for this control to apply.
  • if the city does not exist and the postal code is not entered, a blocking message is displayed when the postal code is set up as mandatory for the country.


  • Its format is defined in the Country record setup.
  • Depending on this setup, the entered town/city can automatically be converted into uppercase after it has been entered.
  • In order to make selections easier without taking into account the format (accented characters/uppercase letters/lowercase letters), the selection window available on this field proposes a column dedicated to the search, where the names of the towns/cities are displayed in uppercase. The control which is carried out is case-insensitive since it is carried out with respect to the town/city name stored in uppercase.
  • field ITINERAIRE

Click this icon to open a mapping site and locate the entered address.

  • field SAT

This field contains the geographical SDL TEST subdivision corresponding to definition of the postal address. For example, a 'department' for France, and a state for the United-States.

The description of the geographic subdivision, as well as the control on the information entry, are defined in theCountries setup.

This field is automatically loaded after the postal code and town/city have been entered, based on the Postal codes setup.
If the field is controlled, the control is carried out according to the Geographical subdivision table.

  • Telephone (field TEL)

In the same way as addresses, phone information and email addresses are loaded by default based on the service response category:

  • Service response types labeled At the customer’s site.
    This information is not recovered from the default data saved for this customer. If the service request is linked to a customer installed base, the information is recovered from the address used in the installed base.
  • Service response types labeled On our premises.
    This information is recovered from the customer support site specified on the service response record.
  • Mobile phone (field MOB)


  • Email address (field EML)



  • Distance (field DTCKIL)

This field concerns on-site interventions. It is used to indicate the approximate number of miles/kilometers travelled to the intervention location.
It generally represents the number of miles/kilometers between the support centre and the customer centre. But because it is possible, it is preferable to evaluate the number of miles/kilometers separating two customer sites for two successive interventions.

  • Unit (field DTCKILX)


  • Estimated duration (field TRITIM)

This field is used to estimate the average time necessary to go to a site. It provides further information which is particularly important for interventions carried out in large cities.

  • Unit (field TRITIMX)


Additional information

  • field IFFADD

This field is used to give further information on the location where the technician is expected within the customer site.
Example: second floor, right-hand corridor, sixth office on the left, equipment installed next to the window.



Tab Resource


As for the Appointments in the Commercial action chapter, it is possible to reserve resources required for the service responses. The time conflict control is cross-referenced with the after-sales reservations.




The following fields are present on this tab :


You can reserve several resources for a single service response
To make a reservation, click Resource reservations from the Actions menu of the Reservation field (or directly from the New reservation actions menu).
The resources reservations screen opens automatically.
You can view the latest reservations booked in the selection panel.

Click New to create a new reservation. A reservation record is then automatically loaded with the following information:

  • the dates for the reservations which are identical to the start and end date of the intervention,
  • the name of the person that has made the reservation,
  • the reservation date,

To select a resource, click Select from the Actions icon on the Resources field. The resource category is assigned automatically to the reservation record.
To go back to the Service response object,click End.
To validate a reservation, you can tab to the Reservation field or validate the line in the reservations grid.


  • Start date (field RERSTRDAT)


  • Start time (field RERSTRHOU)


  • End date (field RERENDDAT)


  • End time (field RERENDHOU)


  • Reserved by (field RSSREP)




Tab Consumptions


This tab is used to enter the records of bases, products or components consumed to perform the service response. The same information described in the Consumptions tab of the Service requests are displayed.

The order of consumption lines changes according to the date at which the consumption has taken place, and according to time. If the time is the same, the order of consumption lines is sorted according to the consumption sequence number counter.

SEEINFO Consumptions entered in service responses are also displayed in the consumptions grid of the Service requests function, since the service request will be invoiced. In this grid, the maximum number of consumptions that can be entered (as a whole) for a service request is determined by the sizing activity code SHD - Consumptions (after-sales). Once the maximum number allowed as been reached, you can no longer enter consumptions directly on the service request or on any of the service responses. Besides, in order to avoid errors when invoicing the service request, check that the value of activity code SIH - Number of sales invoice lines, is consistent with the SHD activity code.
Example :

  • The SHD activity code is set to 999.
  • The SERV001 service request includes 300 direct consumption lines.
  • The INT001 service response includes 300 consumption lines.
  • The INT002 service response includes 300 consumption lines.

The service request thus presents a total of 900 consumption lines.
Only 99 consumption lines can be added total, both on service responses or directly on service requests.

Time management

The different fields at the bottom of the screen are used to measure the degree of advancement for the consumptions to be carried out by the service response.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This column is used to identify the installed customer base for which the consumption is carried out. This base MUST be chosen from amongst the customer installed base for the service request.
If no installed base has been entered and at least one installed base record has been entered in the request, then the consumption will be automatically assigned by default to the installed base record.
This information is used to evaluation at the level of coverage applicable to the consumption.

This column is used to specify the particular component for which a consumption is carried out.
This component must imperatively be chosen from the list of components declared defective for the customer installed base.
It is important to enter this information in order to benefit from an automatic evaluation of the coverage level to be applied to the most exact consumption.

  • Consumption type (field HDTTYP)

this column is used to select the type of the consumption that has been entered. The type conditions the nature of the product reference authorized for the consumption.
It can be:

  • spare parts or a complete product.
  • labor or service provider,
  • assignment expenses.

This information is automatically initialized with respect to the parameter DEFHDTTYP - Type of consumption / default (HDK chapter - SRE group).

This field is used to enter the product consumed. A contextual menu "Product Stocks" is used to access the stocks by product inquiry screen.

  • Major version (field ECCVALMAJ)

The major version number can be accessed if the tracking of major versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major').

If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active major version is preloaded automatically.

The major version number can be entered if, in the setup function of the Service responses (GESCMI) entry transactions, in the Consumptions tab, the Major version field is set to 'Entered'. If you enter a major version number, the system checks that the major version does exist and its status. If an error occurs, a warning non-blocking message displays.

  • Minor version (field ECCVALMIN)

The minor version number can only be accessed if the tracking of major and minor versions is active at the level of the product setup (in the Management tab of the Product function, the Stock version field is set to 'Major and minor').

If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active minor version is preloaded automatically.

The minor version number can be entered in the following cases:

  • if, in the setup function of the Service responses (GESCMI) entry transactions, in the Consumptions tab, the Major version field is set to 'Entered',
  • and if the product is indeed managed in major version.

If you enter a minor version number, the system checks that the major version does exist. If an error occurs, a warning non-blocking message displays.

This field is only used for those items generated in stock.
The product-site MUST be created in the application in order to be consumed.

  • Quantity/Duration (field HDTQTY)

This field is used to enter the quantity consumed.

This field is used to enter the unit in which the consumption will be expressed. By default, the unit is qualified with the sales unit of the product consumed.
For journals, the various packing units can also be used.
For labor, it is possible to use one of the three time units specified in the product file (Days, Hours, Minutes).

  • Date executed (field HDTDONDAT)

This field is used to indicate the date on which the consumption has been carried out. The entry of a date triggers the opening of an entry window for the stock issued, if the consumption concerns an item managed in stock for which a stock issue is requested.

  • Time executed (field BHDTDONHOU)

This field is used to indicate the time at which the consumption has been carried out.

  • Actual duration (hours) (field SPGTIMHOU)

This field is used to indicate the actual time devoted to the carrying out of the consumption.
It is an item of information internal internal to the organization destined to measure the efficiency of the after-sales teams. In fact, even if a service of two hours has been carried out in four hours, this will always be invoiced as a two hour service.
This information can also be entered automatically using a time stamp. A contextual menu Start Time stamp is available for each consumption line.

  • Actual duration (minutes) (field SPGTIMMNT)


  • Stock issue (field HDTSTOISS)

This field is qualified by default as a function of the "Stock issue by default" note in the product record.
It is the essential element of the stock issue for consumption lines of service requests: any consumption of entries managed in stock can be subject to a recording of stock issues from a service request.
The entry is triggered by the combination of a stock issue request and the status carrying out the consumption.
This field is therefore used to identify a stock issue for the consumption and to activate the opening of the entry window of stock issues.
For example, for the consumption of an item managed with serial numbers, the opening of the stock issue entry window makes it possible to select the serial numbers consumed.

SEEINFO The stock issue for the consumptions does not correspond to a stock line allocation.

  • Billable (field HDTINV)

This field determines the invoiceable amount for the consumption.

Reminder : a service request is only invoiceable if it is closed and it contains at least one invoiceable consumption. When the service request is closed, the phrase "Request pending invoicing" appears below the request status (management tab).

The invoiceable amount is qualified by default thanks to the different applicable coverage evaluation mechanisms. It can still be modified. Two general parameters influence the invoicing rules for the consumption lines:

NB : An invoiceable consumption line containing a text is never aggregated during its invoicing. Also, the consumption lines share the different analytical dimensions are never aggregated.

This field is calculated again if the following elements of the consumption are modified:

  • the installed base,
  • the component,
  • the product consumed,
  • the consumed quantity,
  • the unit used,
  • the project (only if the user validates the price and discount re-calculation suggestion with a price list search based on the new project code, if the line can be invoiced, and if the amount has not been modified manually).

The general parameter CLOINV - Service request invoicing (HDK chapter, INV group) is used to neutralize all features related to the invoicing.

  • Amount consumed (field HDTAMT)


  • Amount to invoice (field HDTAMTINV)

This field contains the amount consumed. It is always qualified by default thanks to the different applicable coverage evaluation mechanisms. It thus corresponds to the net price recovered by the price list search multiplied by the quantity; and can still be modified.

This field is calculated again when the following elements of the consumptions are modified:

  • the installed base,
  • the component,
  • the product consumed,
  • the consumed quantity,
  • the unit used,
  • the project (only if the user validates the price and discount re-calculation suggestion with a price list search based on the new project code).

SEEINFO During the price list search, the quantity used to determine the consumed amount corresponds to the total quantities of all the invoiceable lines of one product.


  • Points debited (field PITHDT)


  • Text (field HDTTEX)

This field is used to complete the product reference with an explanatory text for the consumption carried out. It is generally used to detail the nature of the work carried associated with a product reference of the type Labor.
Example: in the vehicle domain, the phrase "Two hours of labor" could be followed by "Replacement of four tires".

It is possible to directly enter a text of up to two hundred characters in the grid. If the text to be entered is too long, the "Text" contextual menu is used to open an additional window in which the maximum text is controlled by the data type ACB.
SEEINFO An invoiceable consumption line on which a text has been entered is never aggregated during the invoicing.

  • Sequence no. (field HDTNUM)


The setup determines whether the analytical dimensions can be modified. These are initialized in compliance with the default dimension setup.

In creation mode, if no order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reset based on the setup of the default dimensions.

In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line has been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reset.

Time management

  • field BLKTIT


  • field HOUTIT


  • field MNTTIT


  • field TITSVCPLN


  • field HOUSVCPLN

These fields are used to measure the progress for the consumption to be carried out in the framework of the service response.

  • field MNTSVCPLN


  • field TITSVCDON


  • field HOUSVCDON

These fields are used to measure the progress for the consumption to be carried out in the framework of the service response.

  • field MNTSVCDON


  • field TITSVCRMN


  • field HOUSVCRMN

These fields are used to measure the progress for the consumption to be carried out in the framework of the service response.

  • field MNTSVCRMN


  • field TITTIMSPG


  • field HTIMSPG


  • field MTIMSPG




Action icon

Stock Issues

Use this menu to manually open the Stock issue entry window on a consumption line. 

Issue modification

Use this menu to carry out a modification of the manual stock issues for a consumption line.

Standard Rerouting Action

As with the Service requests, this menu is used to trigger a timestamp from the consumption line.

On the other hand, the timestamps triggered in a service response do not generate consumption They are solely used to evaluate the real time used to carry out the consumptions.


Use this menu enter the text for a consumption line. 

Product notes

Click this action in order to open a window displaying the note(s) associated with this product.
This information can relate to product availability, additional or substitute products, or a promotional message.
This window may open automatically depending on the setup defined when creating the notes.

Notes are limited to a screen inquiry and cannot be printed.

For further information, see the documentation on Notes.




Tab Report


The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1


  • field FULRPO

This field is used to enter a reporton the intervention once it is accomplished.
The maximum size of the report is conditioned by data type HD2.
In the case where the entered text exceeds 235 characters, a button can be used to enter a summary or additional report.
Once the report is entered, the intervention is automatically transformed to the status "Carried out".

  • field RPOICO


Block number 3

  • Request completed (field PBLSOL)

This field indicates the success of an intervention.

  • If it is ticked and no service request is mentioned in the intervention concerned, no specific processing is executed.
  • if it is ticked and a single service request is unmentioned in the intervention, the system proposes both to close the associated service request and to create a solution record.

The following messages are displayed :

"Do you want to close the associated service request ? "
If the user responds "Yes", the request is automatically closed. A new message is then displayed :

"Do you want to create a solution request ?"
If the user responds "Yes" a window for the entry of a solution is displayed. This solution record contains various items of information, qualified by default.

  • The field Skills group is recovered in the service request record associated with the intervention.
  • The Title and Description fields are recovered from the service request associated with the intervention.
  • The Solution description field is recovered from the intervention report.

The use can enter a category, key words and, potentially, solutions associated with it.

Time spent

  • Total actual time (field HTOTTIMSPG)

These fields display the total time actually taken to carryout an intervention on the basis of the information entered in the various consumptions that have been saved.
The calculated value is adjusted manually if necessary.

  • field TIMSPGX


  • field MTOTTIMSPG

These fields display the total time actually taken to carryout an intervention on the basis of the information entered in the various consumptions that have been saved.
The calculated value is adjusted manually if necessary.

  • field TIMSPGY





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  ITN1 : After-sales serv action file

This can be changed using a different setup.

Menu Bar

Functions / Solution Search

Use this function to send an email including the service response (in attachment, and via hyperlink for employees) to one or several recipients.

In the Send email screen, you can filter recipients by type (User, BP, Contact, Other).

The Recipients selection grid is then updated according to the recipient type you selected.

In the Recipient and Copy to grids, enter the email addresses or double-click a recipient in the Recipients selection grid.

The email address of the employee is entered by default in the Recipient grid (the employee is the one entered in the Employee field of the Service response tab).

You email address is entered by default in the Copy to grid so you automatically receive a copy of the email.

The Message field displays the following elements:

  • The email text, which you can set up in the CRM Email texts function.
  • For employees, a hyperlink providing them with direct access to the service request in their browser.

You can modify the message if needed.

Click OK to send the email.


Use this function to open the solutions search window (Solutions function). Each technician can carry out a search on the complete knowledge database. This search is used to find the solutions to be applied to earlier problems of a similar nature.

This search can be carried out on the basis of:

  • significant words contained in the title and description of a customer problem,
  • significant words contained in a solution description,
  • key words associated with the solution records,
  • skill groups,
  • editors of a solution,
  • solution creation date.
Search on keywords

To carryout a search by key-words, the Key-words search must be ticked. The keyword entry field is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

Search on the title and customer problem description

To carryout this type of search the Search on title and description must be ticked. The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

It is possible to recover any keywords entered in a search by keywords. If the user ticks the Identical keywords box, all the words entered in the text associated by a search by keywords is recovered in the text field beneath.

Search by solution

To carryout this type of search, the Search by solution must be ticked. The field used to enter the significant words is then accessible. Each search can take into account several keywords. Each of them must be separated by a space.

It is possible to recover any keywords entered in a search on the title and description. If the user ticks the Identical key-words box, all the words entered in the text associated with search on the title and description are recovered in this text field.

Search on the skills group

It is possible to enter up to 6 skills groups to carry out a search in the solutions.

Search on employees

It is possible to enter up to six employees to carry out a search of the solutions.

Search on creation date

It is then possible to carry out a search on the basis of the creation date. To carry out this type of search the Search on the creation date must be ticked. The entry fields Between the and and the are then accessible.

SEEINFO These different searches can be combined.

If no solution corresponding to the search criteria has been found in the database, it is possible to carry out new attempts.

If the search criteria are numerous, it can take a long time to correct all the entry fields. To avoid this, the Reinitialize button will restore the search screen to its initial state. A new entry can then be carried out directly in the fields you require.

If the solution search has not given the required results, use the Functions/Advanced search menu to perform solutions targeting. The selection capacities are then infinite.

Search result

If several solutions corresponding to the search criteria are found, they are displayed in a new window Solutions found.

The left hand section contains a grid containing all the solution codes found, plus their creation date and the code of the editor.

Click one of the solutions to display in a single screen: the title, the description of the problem and the solution applied. If additional information is required, use the available contextual menu and button Detail to access the full record of the selected solution.

Itinerary / Day

Itinerary / Week

Itinerary / Months


Options / Journal traceability

Use this menu to view the service request entry transaction used.

Options / Journal traceability

This option gives access, via a tunnel, to the Journal traceability inquiry function that makes it possible to view and browse the hierarchy of the entries originating the document or coming from it.


The import of service responses is not supported by Sage X3.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No technician has been assigned to this service response

This message is displayed during the creation or modification confirmation for a service responses that contains neither the technician/service person code no an external service provider code.

The maximum number of consumptions enterable per one demand of service is reached.

This message displays when adding a consumption line to a service response linked to a service request for which the maximum number of consumptions that can be entered exceeds the limit set by the SHD - Consumptions (after-sales) activity code. To proceed with the entry of consumptions directly on the service response or service request, you must increase the value set in this activity code.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation