Use the Disassembly function to disassemble a parent product, based on a sales or manufacturing BOM, so that all of its components become available in stock.

You can either disassemble a parent product directly from the stock, or disassemble a parent product that has previously been subject to an assembly: first pick the source assembly note from the selection panel, and then perform the disassembly.


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Screen management


When launching the Disassembly function, you must choose a transaction among those set up.
Depending on the setup of the selected transaction, you can assign a movement code and/or a project code to the disassembly note.

Disassembly by direct entry of a parent product

In the first table, you can enter the parent product to be disassembled. It must be noted that the disassembly function only allows for one parent product to be disassembled for each note.

Click the Selection icon to pick this component (product and BOM code) from the list of products at the top of the BOM. The BOM code is then automatically loaded.

You can enter the stock information required for the issue of the parent product: as for any other issue, this information is used as a filter when searching for the stock lines to be issued.

The selection of the stock lines to be issued is based on the allocation rule for internal movements, and on the management rule for miscellaneous issues. These rules are described in the Product category of the parent product.

You can also select the stock lines to be issued manually by clicking Stock issues from the Actions menu available on the parent product line: a selection screen opens where you can filter the stock lines to be issued. Please refer to the Stock issues documentation for more information about this screen.

You can modify completed issue movements by clicking Modification of issues from the Actions menu on the parent product line.

Disassembly by picking of an existing assembly

To delete an existing assembly, you can select that assembly and disassemble it.
For this purpose, in disassembly creation, you can select only one existing assembly from the Assembly selection panel.

Following the picking of an assembly, the system automatically loads the parent product table and the components table based on the selected assembly.

You cannot modify the information from the original assembly, in the same way as you cannot change the disassembly of an assembly.
However, you can view the stock detail of the parent product to be issued and components to be received.

Tab Components

Disassembly by direct entry of a parent product

Entering a parent product and a BOM code automatically loads the components table to be received in stock by reading the BOM.

The quantities to be issued for each component are calculated from the quantity to be disassembled and the BOM link quantity for each component. This quantity can be modified.

When creating the assembly note, you can delete a component planned on the BOM, or add unexpected components by directly entering the component table.

The components of the sub-product type are not considered.

*If a component is present several times in the BOM, the quantities are not aggregated, rather several receipt lines are generated.

*If the BOM contains a phantom component, this component is received into stock if it is stock-managed; it is automatically passed over to be substituted for its own components if it is not stock-managed.

Stock information for the components to be received: the entry is similar to any stock receipt note. The system tries to preload by default the stock information according to the management rule for the miscellaneous entries defined at the level of the product category to which the component belongs. These default values are available for modification.

You can still detail the receipt information by clicking the Action icon and Enter detailed quantities on the parent product line: you can distribute the receipt over several lots, sub-lots or serial numbers, or different locations, statuses, or stock identifiers, if needed, and depending on the parent product management method. For more information on the detailed entry of receipts, see the Stock receipts documentation.

Click the Actions icon to access the Stock by site, Stock by lot and Detailed stock inquiries.

During a disassembly, the dock entries are not provided for.

The receipt movement carried out is a movement of the miscellaneous receipt type.
On the component line, you can change the carried out receipt movements, except for the disassembly of an assembly: click the Actions icon and Receipt modifications.

Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Wrong type of alternative

This message appears if the selected BOM code is not of type Production.

Table full

The number of receipt and issue stock lines exceeds the limit provided for by the SLE (number of receipt stock lines) and SLS (number of issue stock lines) activity codes.

The detail quantity must not be equal to 0

A detail line cannot contain a null quantity. If you do not want to issue a component, delete the corresponding line.

Dock type location prohibited

You cannot receive parent products on a location of the ‘dock’ type.

Stock line incomplete

This message is displayed if you attempt is to select a stock line pending storage and the characteristics of the product to be stored have not yet been entered (lot, sub-lot, serial number) or if the stock information is not completely entered on the line of the parent product to be received.

Assign components?

When creating the assembly note, if you modify the quantity of the parent product to be assembled, the system suggests that you assign this modified quantity to the quantity of each component to be issued.

An assembly has already been referenced

In the event of the disassembly of an assembly, this message is displayed if an assembly has already been picked.

Disassembly impossible The status of the assembly has been changed.

In the case of the disassembly of an assembly, this message is displayed if the stock information of the original assembly is no longer valid (the stock has moved in between).

Tables used

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