Use this function to import packing slips. This import only works in creation mode. The packing slip imports are not managed in modification and deletion modes.
When the import impacts a large number of records, the process duration can be quite long.
Implementing solutions to create multilegislation records for each of the legislation of the folder can reduce the process duration.
Example: The FRA, POR and USA legislations are used in a folder. If the FRA and POR legislations have the same setup, it is recommended to create a record for the FRA legislation and a record for the POR legislation, instead of having a single record for all legislations.To view more information on the multilegislation performance improvement principle and obtain the list of objects that you can create by legislation, refer to the document: Performances improved: List of the multilegislation objects.
The imported packing slips are of direct type or related to orders or delivery requests. They can be imported with a Non-validated, Validated or Invoiced status.
Import of a ‘Non-validated’ packing slip (CFMFLG field not contained in the template or in the template but set to Non-validated)
Component lines are all allocated in detail or contain shortages if the product management allows it (negative stock authorized). The way the lines are allocated depends on the information contained in the import template. Actually, if the template only contains the tables of the packing slips, the detailed allocation will be automatically performed by the system while complying with the allocation and issue rules that are linked to the product. If a shortage is reported and authorized for the product, it will not specify the characteristics of the stock shortage.
In this context, it is possible to impact the allocation by importing the following fields from the table of the delivery lines:
This field is used to filter exclusively a specific lot or a group of lots (use of the ? and * wildcards) if the product is managed by lot.
This field is used to filter exclusively a specific status or a group of statuses (use of the ? and * wildcards).
This field is used to consider in priority a location or a group of locations (use of the ? and * wildcards). If no stock is found on these locations, the system will normally apply the allocation rule.
If the import template contains an additional hierarchy based on the elements of the STOJOU table, the system will exactly follow the information given to carry out the detailed allocation. In case of inconsistency between the allocation request specified in the import file and the stock, the system will reject the packing slip to be imported. At this level in the hierarchy, certain pieces of information are mandatory:
The quantity
It can be expressed in two ways. The stock unit quantity (QTYSTU field) or packing unit quantity (QTYPCU field). If the quantity is expressed in packing unit, the packing unit must always be specified (PCU field). In any case, the sum of the quantities of the allocation lines needs to be equal to the quantity delivered on the delivery line.
Stock characteristics
Based on the types of imported products, the template must contain at least all the characteristics of the imported products (lot, sub-lot, serial number, location). For instance, if one of the imported products is managed by lot, the template needs to contain the LOT field.
The status
It is not mandatory. On the other hand, if it is contained in the template, it will be strictly used. If it is not contained in the template, the system will exploit the issue rule of the product to choose a status.
If the product authorizes negative stock and the quantity to be issued is not available, a shortage will be generated on the stock characteristics mentioned in the import file.
Import of delivery lines linked to order lines or delivery requests.
The following fields will have to be added to the import template:
- For order lines, the SOHNUM and SOPLIN fields of the delivery line file need to be included in the import template.
- For delivery requests, the SOHNUM, SOPLIN and SOQSEQ fields of the delivery line file need to be included in the import template.
Import of a delivery not linked to an order
- The delivery type is updated from the delivery type specified in the file.
When the category is also specified in the file, the import is rejected if this category is not consistent with the delivery type entered. - If the delivery type is not specified in the import file but the category is, the delivery type is loaded from the one set up by the parameter linked to the category:
- If no delivery type and no category are entered in the import file, these fields will be loaded as follows:
- Category: 'Normal'
- Delivery type: this parameter is the first delivery type (in the list) respecting the category, site and legislation constraints, which is taken into account.
Delivery import linked to an order
The order is updated automatically.
Importing an order delivery is not possible when the customer is locked, even when the order is not (while with interactive order deliveries, as long as the order is not locked, the delivery is authorized).
Import of a delivery linked to one or several orders
The detailed allocation will be carried out as follows, if the original order line is itself allocated in detail (if the order is globally allocated or not allocated at all, the allocation will be carried out like in direct delivery import):
- If the delivery import template does not have any information related to the stock identification, the detailed allocation of the order line will be moved down to the delivery line (as in the interactive mode).
- If the import template has information on the exclusive or priority filter of the delivery line, this information will not be exploited in this context. The detailed allocation of the order line will be moved down to the delivery line.
- If the import template has the details of the allocation to be carried out (STOJOU table), the allocation considered for the delivery will be the allocation described in the import template. The allocations contained on the order are deallocated.
Import of loan delivery
The template must include the LNDRTNDAT field (loan return date) for this field to be calculated. If it is not part in the import template, the field will not be automatically calculated and the delivery will not be created.
Import of a packing slip in the Validated status (CFMFLG field contained in the template and set to 'Validated')
The lines contained in the packing slip note generate a stock movement or pending movement when the stock is not available and if negative stocks are authorized for the product. These packing slips can be invoiced later on. As it is the case for the import of non-validated packing slips, stock transactions will be generated from the allocation and issue rules if the import template does not contain the stock transaction file. In this context, you can still use the exclusive and preferential filters of the delivery line file in order to determine the choice of the stock detail (same operation as for the allocation). If the import template contains the details of the issued stock, the system will exactly apply the information of the import template to perform the stock transactions. The constraints are similar to those described in the detailed allocation upon import of the non-validated packing slips.
It is also possible to import validated packing slips linked to order lines or delivery requests by specifying the link in the import template. If order lines are allocated in detail, the allocations recovery process for generating issue movements is the same than when transferring allocations to a non-validated delivery.
Import of a delivery packing slip with the 'Invoiced' status (INVFLG field contained in the template and set to 'Invoiced')
This import is considered as an import for statistical purposes. No stock movement is carried out. For this type of import, the STOJOU file does not need to be mentioned in the template.
Import of a delivery containing sales kits
In any case, the imported information is considered to be accurate since the issue transaction is carried out or is about to be carried out. The kit or the BOM will not be controlled in import. If the delivery is linked to an order, the latter will be updated normally.
Import of texts linked to packing slips
Use GIMP variables:
- from 71..78, that contain the header text of the packing slip.
- from 81..88, that contain the footer text of the packing slip.
- from 91..98, that contain the text of each line in the packing slip.
Each occurrence contains 99 characters.
Import of dimension types on the line
You cannot force an analytical dimension type to a blank value. As a consequence, if analytical dimension fields are defined in the template, but these fields are blank in the import file, the default dimension codes linked to the document will still populate the fields.
To import the dimension types of a document line, it is necessary to add an additional level to enter the common table containing the analytical information on the line (CPTANALIN). See SDHFL import template.
Import of invoicing elements
The value entered for the invoicing elements can be imported into the different documents through the INVDTAAMT fields. (SQH, SOH, SDH).
The import template does not take into account the picking notes, even though their numbers are included into the template.
Project code import and impact on prices and discounts
- Project code management:
For documents, single project and multi-project management must be distinguished. This management mode is determined by the PJTNSGDOC - One project by document parameter (TC chapter, PRP group).
1/ Single project management of documents:
Import template with
tax code ...Management of the project code
on delivery... in header
... on line
Header = Value of the header import file
Line = Header valueYes
Header = Value of the header import file
Line = Value of the line import file,
or header value if the line value is different from the headerNO
Header = Blank value
Line = Blank value (+ information message if attempt to
import a not blank project code)
2/ Multi-project management of documents:
Import template with
tax code ...Management of the project code
on delivery... in header
... on line
Header = Value of the header import file
Line = Header valueYes
Header = Value of the header import file
Line = Value of the line import fileNO
Header = Blank value
Line = Value of the line import file
- Impact on prices and discounts:
No re-calculation of prices and discounts is carried out on import. However, the behavior can change whether the price is entered or not in the import file:
1/ If the price is not entered in the file, then prices and discounts are taken from the price list search based on the project code of the quote.
2/ If the price is entered in the import file, then the price corresponds to the one of the import file.
Import of returned deliveries (deliveries which have been subject to returns)
Deliveries are imported but the return status of these deliveries is set to Not returned. Returned quantities are not taken into account in the import.
For the import to operate properly, the data used in the import and relating to the following tables must already be available:
- Site table
- Product table
- Product/site table
- Customer table
- Ship-to customer table
Mandatory fields in the template
In this import, the mandatory fields are the following:
- Order customer (BPCORD)
Caution, if the storage site and the sales site are not contained in the import template, the sites will be determined by the default storage site and sales site of the session that performs the import.
- Product reference (ITMREF)
- Quantity in sales units (QTY)
If the sales unit is not mentioned, the determined unit will be first that of the customer, then that of the product.
STOJOU table
If this table belongs to the hierarchy, the following fields are mandatory:
- Quantity in stock unit (QTYSTU)
- Quantity in packing unit (QTYPCU)
- Packing unit (PCU)
The following fields are mandatory depending on the characteristics of the products:
- Lot (LOT)
- Sub-lot (SLO)
- Serial number (SERNUM)
- Location (LOC)
Local menus
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Line no. X, Product Y: the stock to issue has not been determined. N1 document line quantity Processed quantity N2
This error message can appear when the stock details are imported to a delivery (STOJOU file) and this file is incomplete from the point of view of the stock characteristics that need to be mentioned or of the imported quantities compared with the delivered quantity on the line.
Tables used
This template can be used in import and export modes. The data is updated in the following tables :
Table |
Table description |
Customer transactions |
Analytical accounting lines |
Product-site totals |
Order sub-contract materials |
Delivery detail |
Sales orders - early / late |
Sales orders - price |
Sales orders - quantities |
Sales price list search |
Allocations |
Stock |
Stock journal |
Lot numbers |
Pick ticket detail |
Reorder |
Serial numbers |
Sales document - footer el. |
Sales document - tax |