Quality control
Use this function to carry out the quality control, that is to say, to check the conformity of the products prior to their placement in stock.
This control can take place several times in the storage cycle:
On receipt to stock of a product coming either from a supplier or from production. According to the setup chosen for the product and possibly for the product-supplier, a receipt to stock can be entered directly or must pass through quality control.
When the expiry date of a product is reached or is on the point of being reached (according to the setup planned for the expiry margin).
During the receipt to stock or during the use of the product. The Status change function is used to request a quality control operation for a product or lot in stock whose quality appears suspect: during the product setup it is necessary to have planned the generation of an analysis request during the change of status to status Q.
The quality of the stock is identified by the use of statuses:
A = accepted. This status identifies the good stock.
Q = Quality control. This status identifies the stock pending validation. If the setup identifies that the generation of an analysis request is mandatory on the creation of stock with the status Q, then it will be necessary to carry out a quality control in order to validate the quality of this stock. This setup is carried out via the management rules described in the product category. If not, the simple status change will be enough.
According to the setup of the management rules in the product category, a stock with the status Q can be allocated during a global or detailed allocation (see the description of a detailed allocation rule) and can even be issued.
In addition, according to the setup, this stock can be taken into account during the replenishment calculations.
R = Rejected. This status identifies the rejected stock pending destruction or return to the supplier.
According to the setup of the management rules in the product category, a stock with the status R can be allocated during a global or detailed allocation (see the description of a detailed allocation rule) and can even be issued.
The stock with the status R cannot be taken into account in the replenishment calculations.
In any case, even if the setup does not plan the possibility of allocating and/or issuing stock with any status other than A, the STOADMIN - Stock administrator parameter (STO chapter, MIS group) can identify a user as a Stock Administrator. This user can then manipulate all the stock statuses.
In addition to the initial character A/Q/R imposed by the software, it is also possible to add a sub-status of a maximum of two characters set up in the sub-status table.
Placing a product or lot in status Q leads to, if this is planned in the management rules of the category of the product involved, the creation of an analysis request numbered with the aid of a sequence number counter and containing a planned control end date. This date is calculated by adding the quality control lead-time set up in the product-site record to the date of the receipt in status Q.
This date can, according to the setup of the quality control transaction, be modified in the analysis request. In any case, when the quality control is validated, the control end date is updated with the date of the final validation of the analysis request.
It is possible during a detailed stock inquiry to view for a given product the stocks waiting on quality control.
The Quality Control is used to take on the following roles:
to test a product on the basis of a a technical sheet or quality record: a quality record can be attached to a product, it regroups the list of tests to be carried out for this product. When an analysis request is generated for this product, the quality record is linked to the quality control. It is then necessary to introduce the responses to the questions set up in this record.
modify the status of the stock in order to pass from a status Q to a status A or R according to the results of the performed tests.
the quality control function is used to update the lot characteristics (expiry information, any lot name, user fields) following a control. It should be noted that these characteristics can be updated independently of any quality control via the Lot characteristics change function.
The quality control result updates:
The stock totals by status that can be used in the product-site record and via the various stock inquiries.
The stock lines according to the newly assigned statuses and any location changes introduced.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The entry of a quality control note is made on a single screen. The presentation of the note is a function of the setup of the transaction chosen.
If a single transaction is set up, no choice is offered on entering the function. Otherwise, a window opens to present the list of transactions likely to be used (the choice can also be restricted using access codes).
Entry screen
Header information
Analysis request: an analysis request is in general created at the time of a receipt to stock of the lot or product with status Q "to be controlled", according to the management rule retained for the receipt to stock.
An analysis request concerns only one product and a single receipt to stock document. On the other hand, it can concern several lots, sub-lots or serial numbers for a single product that have been booked in using the same receipt note.
An analysis request is thus a note composed of a header and lines. An analysis request line is therefore a reflection of a stock line.
At the time of the stock receipt, the system supplies the analysis request number(s) generated for the different lines in this receipt.
In the Quality Control function it is necessary to select this document number in order to be able to carry out the quality control.
The quality controls not yet processed or currently being processed are available in the Quality Control selection panel: this represents the remaining work to be carried out in terms of quality control.
Fully-processed quality controls are available in the History list of the selection panel, only for inquiry.
- During the receipt to stock of a product, it may be necessary to request a quality control for the product again. In this case, it is necessary to pass the lots concerned to status "to be controlled" using the status change function, which if planned in the product setup, will give rise to an analysis request and therefore a quality control.
- During the receipt to a location of the type "waiting put-away" with the status "to be controlled", the analysis request will only be generated following the disposition of the stock concerned, using the put away plan.
Quality control detail grid
This grid displays all the analysis request lines: each line is a reflection of a stock line.
According to the management method of the product (managed by lot, sub-lot, serial number), the corresponding fields are dynamically displayed in the table or not.
Specific case for serial numbers:
- For products managed in Receipt/Issue: the quality control transaction is used to plan the grouping of analysis request lines involving serial numbers. In this case, the grid displays the analysis request lines grouped by consecutive serial number ranges, accelerating the entry in quality control. The entry of the quality record for a "grouped" line as well as the entry of the statuses after control is then valid for all the lines that it "grouped". Click Quality control detail entry from the Actions icon to access the detail of the serial numbers.
- For products managed in global Receipt/issue: serial numbers are not displayed. To view and, if needed, distribute the quantities to the various serial number sequences, click Quality control detail entry from the Actions icon.
The analysis request line mainly displays the lot, sub-lot, serial number, original status information entered during the receipt.
Operating method for Quality Control
The quality control generally takes place in two stages which order is imposed: entry of the responses with respect to the quality control then the modification of the statues according to these responses.
Using the authorization management in the Quality control function, it is possible to disassociate the roles by user: a user that only has access to the quality record and cannot therefore modify the statuses of the controlled lots; a user that has complete access can then proceed with the validation of the quality control carried out by intervening in the stock statuses.
A flag on the analysis request line (first column in the Quality control grid grid) is used to identify the status of the control of a line. The different values for this flag are:
F: the quality record has not been processed yet or has only been processed partially.
+: the quality record has been completely processed, it is now possible to intervene in the stock statues. If part of the stock on the analysis request line has been qualified in terms of status, the line remains with the status "+". The quality record remains accessible in modification mode as long as none of the stock has been qualified. Once part of the line stock has changed its status, the quality record is no longer accessible except for information purposes.
*: all the stock on the line has been qualified, the quality record is complete for this line. The quality record is no longer accessible. The detail of completed status changes can be viewed by clicking View stock movements from the Actions icon on the line.
Entry of the quality record:
If a quality record is attached to the current analysis request, it is imperative to completely enter it to be able to proceed with the status changes that result from it. The quality record of a line can be accessed from the Actions icon on the analysis request line.
A quality record is used to describe the operating method of the quality control and to list a certain number of questions to which it is necessary to assign responses during the quality control.
Different actions are possible according to the setup of the Questions/Responses:
Entering directly the response in the format suggested or validating the response suggested by default.
- If the question is of the type "list of values", the list of possible values is available from the Actions icon on the Response field. The Questionaction is also available on this field in order to view the complete description of the question.
- If the question is of the type "value range", the description of the question is available from the Actions icon on the Response field, which is used to view the range of possible responses and their type (alphanumeric or numeric).
- If the question is of the type "date", then a calendar is available from the Actions icon on the Response field, which can be used to select a date.
- If the question is of the type "Boolean", the Response field is a check box.
The setup of the questions plans for a behavior when faced with non-standard responses:
- If the non-standard responses are not authorized, it is not possible to enter a value different from those that are planned for the question.
- If the non-standard responses are authorized, a warning message appears and must be validated to confirm the non-standard response. According to the setup of the question, the entry of a non-standard response may have no consequences, but it can also impose the entry of a status R* "Rejected" (non-standard with blocking status) or impose a new control, that is to say the entry of a complete new quality record (non-standard with Entry of new record).
For a single analysis, it is therefore possible to enter one or more successive control reports: these various reports are attached to an analysis request line by successive sequence numbers and can be viewed in the history. (activation of the button at the bottom of the Quality history screen that opens the Quality Record History inquiry).
If the sheet has been entered with at least one response that is out of standard to a question of the type "Blocking status if non-standard response", then the analysis request line is set to the status "+R" in order to specify that the status change will be limited.
It is necessary to have entered responses to all the questions in the quality record before moving to the next stage.
Specific case for serial numbers: each serial number is the object of an analysis request line. When the product is managed in Receipt/issue, all these lines can be displayed as grouped if the transaction used allows it. In this case, the Quality action is available on a "grouped" line is used to simultaneously give the same response to the quality records for all the grouped serial numbers. It is always possible to carry out a detailed entry for certain serial numbers or to use a transaction that does not allow grouping.
Status change
Once the quality record entered, it is possible to proceed with the status changes that it imposes.
Status change entry
The status change is carried out:
either by direct entry on the analysis request line: Select the first field available for entry on the line, then enter a qualified quality (quantity to be processed for the status change, knowing that it is possible to partially qualify a line) in order to enable the entry of the new status, license plate number and location where the stock will be stored after control.
or as a detailed entry in the Quality control detail entry screen that can be accessed from the Actions icon on the line. The detailed entry, as with all stock notes, can be used to distribute a quality control line over several status and/or locations and/or license plate numbers after control.
You can also access the quality record from the detailed entry window by clicking Option/Quality record from the action panel: the record is displayed as it has been entered for the processed line and is available in modification mode if no status change has been entered for the line; or in inquiry mode only otherwise.
You can also access the additional lot information from the detailed entry screen by clicking Option/Lot detail from the action panel. This information (expiry information, title, user fields) can be accessed in inquiry or modification mode.
Choice of new status resulting from quality control
In the product category is defined a management rule dedicated to the quality control. This rule is used amongst other things to specify the statuses and sub-states that it is possible to attribute during quality control.
The choice of a new status is therefore made on the basis of this management rule, any constraints imposed by the entry of non standard responses to the quality record questions and of course the control made following the reading of the quality record.
Choice of the new locations resulting from the quality
After the quality control, depending on the new status assigned, the stock can and may need to be moved to a new location with a new license plate number, in the same warehouse or in a different warehouse. For this reason, the fields for the Warehouse, Destination location type, Destination location and Destination license plate number can be entered (if the setup of the entry transaction that is used has been defined accordingly).
- If a destination warehouse different from the original warehouse is entered, the location type and location will be initialized from the setup performed for the product-warehouse.
By default, or if the new status is no longer compatible with this location, the location management is subject to the management rule of Quality control movement types and location parameters of the product-site concerned. In the case where the suggested location is not appropriate, the system suggests by default the first location of the warehouse compatible with the status. It remains possible to manually enter the actual location.
- If no destination warehouse is entered or if it remains identical to the original warehouse, by default there will be no location change: the destination location will be initialized with the original location except if it does not accept the new status; in this case the management rule of Quality control movement types and location parameters of the product-site concerned is applied.
The entry of a warehouse is not mandatory but it is used as a filter for locations. When no warehouse is specified, it is possible to manage multi-warehouse documents.
Modification of the packaging unit
If the setup of the chosen transaction allows it, it is possible to modify the packing unit of the controlled stock. The packaging unit and the PAC / STK coefficient can then be entered in quality control and can be modified (the PAC / STK coefficient can only be modified if this is authorized for the product). On exiting the quality control, the stock of the controlled lot is then either packed or unpacked.
Once all the quantity on the analysis request line is controlled, this line is set to the status "*": it can then no longer be modified. It is always possible to inquire the detail of this control from the Actions icon by clicking View movements: the status change detailed entry window can be accessed in inquiry mode, with the possibility to inquire the quality record (Option / Quality record from the action panel of the window) and the Lot complement (Option / Lot complement in the action panel of this window).
Once all the lines on the analysis request are controlled, it passes to the status "Validated" and is archived.
Comment: according to the setup of the allocation rules for the product, it is possible that the stock with the status "to be controlled" becomes the object of an allocation (of the sales order for example), and this is the case even if the stock is in the process of being controlled. In this case, on exiting the quality control status changes, the allocated stock status is updated.
Block number 1
Analysis request (field VCRNUM) |
The analysis requests are automatically generated by several transactions, according to the setup: - receipts to stock with status Q, - manual status change to a status Q, - change from an expiry status to a status Q, The analysis request is used: - to list the products and lots pending control, - to keep a history of data entered during the quality control, - to keep the link with the receipt or the work order to be controlled. A lot can have several simultaneous analysis requests if it has been subject to several separate receipts. The sequence number for the analysis requests can be set up via the sequence number function. |
Validated (field VALFLG) |
This check box is disabled. |
Stock site (field STOFCY) |
Site filter (field FILFCY) |
Enter a site to filter the selection list on this site. |
Original document (field VCRTYPORI) |
These two fields identify the number of the receipt note or status change note that gave rise to the analysis request currently being processed. They cannot be accessed. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This field specifies the product concerned by the current quality control. It cannot be accessed. |
field WSMPTYP |
General information
Transaction group (field TRSFAM) |
This value is set if the original document does not refer to a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority. |
Control end date (field ENDCTLDAT) |
This date is calculated by adding the quality control lead-time set up in the product-site record to the date of the receipt with status Q. This date can, according to the setup of the quality control transaction be modified in the analysis request. In any case, when the quality control is validated, the control end date is updated with the date of the final validation of the analysis request. |
Quantity information
'A' control status (field AAAQTY) |
This is the total of the quantities to be controlled in all the analysis request lines concerned, with a breakdown by status A,Q,R. |
field STU |
'Q' control status (field QQQQTY) |
This is the total of the quantities to be controlled in all the analysis request lines concerned, with a breakdown by status A,Q,R. |
'R' control status (field RRRQTY) |
Total (field QTYSTUTOT) |
Default value
Status (field DEFSTA) |
The status is used to give a default value to the destination status mentioned on the quality control lines. This status can be loaded using the default status defined by the "Quality control" management rule of the product. |
Grid Quality control detail
* (field SAICOD) |
Quality record (field QLYCRD) |
Lot (field LOT) |
Sublot (field SLO) |
Expiration reference (field REFPER) |
Expiration date (field SHLDAT) |
PAC (field PCU) |
PAC qty. (field QTYPCU) |
PAC-STK conv. (field PCUSTUCOE) |
STK qty. (field QTYSTU) |
Serial number (field SERNUMDEP) |
Ending serial number (field SERNUMFDEP) |
Status (field STA) |
Warehouse (field WRH) |
License plate number (field LPNNUM) |
Location type (field LOCTYP) |
Location (field LOC) |
Identifier 1 (field PALNUM) |
Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM) |
Custom field 1 (field STOFLD1) |
Custom field 2 (field STOFLD2) |
Owner (field OWNER) |
Allocated qty. (field CUMALLQTY) |
Quantity qualified STK (field QTYSTUDES) |
Enter the checked quantity in stock unit. |
PAC (field PCUDES) |
Enter the unit that will be used for quality control. |
PAC-STK factor (field COEDES) |
Enter the PAC-STK coefficient (packing and stock UoM). |
Qualified PAC quantity (field QTYPCUDES) |
Enter the checked quantity in packing units of measure. |
Serial number (field SERNUM) |
Ending serial number (field SERNUMF) |
Dstn. status (field STADES) |
Enter the new status. |
Dstn. warehouse (field WRHDES) |
The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
Dstn. license plate no. (field LPNNUMDES) |
This field is subject to the LPN - Internal container management activity code.
Dstn. loc. type (field LOCTYPDES) |
Enter the location type where you want to place the controlled quantity. |
Target location (field LOCDES) |
It is the location where the stock must be moved to after the quality control, because of the new status assigned.
Allocation date (field IPTDAT) |
Date utilisée à la comptabilisation du mouvement. Elle est initialisée avec la date du jour et peut être changée pour une date antérieure, si la date sélectionnée se situe dans une période ouverte du calendrier comptable.
Enter quality control detail | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Click this action to:
Technical Sheet | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Click this action to enter responses to the quality record for a given line (see the detailed explanation given above). |
LOT complement | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During a quality control without sampling, click this action to modify the information related to the lot, the expiry information, the title and the user headings. |
Copies | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Click this action to access a window dedicated to the copy of the analysis request line information to a selection of other quality control lines in process: the objective is to accelerate the entry of a quality control operation. It is only suggested on a line from the moment when at least the quality record is complete. In the Original line and Lot sections, this window picks up the main stock information for the line where you called the Copy. In the Copy section, you need to select the data to be copied on the other lines: some copy options may not be available according to the status of the selected line.
In the Filters section, specify the lots, sub-lots and serial numbers present in the quality control in process which you want to copy. |
Sampling entry | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Field descriptions
Block number 1
Block number 2
Sample (in US)
Sampling (in US)
In the quality control detail, the first column indicates with the "E" letter, the possibility to run an sampling entry.
Click on the field and then click the Sampling entry option from the Actions icon.
In the window displayed, click Sampling detail entry from the Actions icon on a lot line to specify, by quantity, the status, the warehouse and the destination location.
The acceptance management depends on the Acceptable Quality Level setup.
This action is available when the serial numbers of the product are managed in Global receipt/issue and when the selected stock line corresponds to multiple serial numbers or serial number sequences.
Click this action to view the serial number sequences.
Tab Accounting/Costs
Use this tab to define the accounting data: accounting code, tax levels and analytical dimensions.
The valuation data for a product in stock must be defined:
- Valuation method: it is necessary to attach to a category the valuation options for the stock movements.
You can see the documentation on the appendix for further information on stock valuation.
- Cost group: the calculation of the standard costs is used to break down the work center costs across 3 distinct machine subtotals and 3 distinct labor subtotals.
- Overhead code: to be chosen from the charges code table. This code is used in the cost calculation and the production cost functions to:
- valuate the work center overheads linked to the valuation dimension,
- valuate the overheads for the materials or semi-finished products.
- Cost update: this is the cost update indicator (for each cost type):
- Entered: the cost calculation does not modify the data entered for this type of cost, and is not passed on to the lower levels of the BOM.
- Calculated: the existing costs (entered or calculated) are deleted by the next calculation. However, the corresponding column can be entered.
Accounting code (field ACCCOD) |
field VACITM |
Use this field to specify the tax level. |
SST tax code (field SSTCOD) |
Valuation method (field VLTCOD) |
Use this field to initialize at product-site level the valuation method defining the valuation options of the stock transactions.
Cost group (field BRDCOD) |
Cost calculations are used to break down material costs. Use this field to define which field (subtotal) the material cost for this product category must be posted.
Standard cost update (field STDCSTUPD) |
Use this field to enter the cost update indicator (for each type):
Fixed assets
Capitalizable (field FLGFAS) |
This check box is used when the Fixed Assets module is managed. |
Cost type (field PCCCOD) |
Use this field to associate this product category with a specific cost type. Cost types are used in Project management. In a product context, a cost type defines the types of product that can affect a project such as the purchase of raw materials.
Grid Analytical
Dimension type (field DIE) |
Dimension (field CCE) |
The setup determines if the analytical dimensions can be modified. They are initialized based on the setup of the default dimension.
In creation mode, as in modification mode, if an order line is entered and the project code is modified, the analytical dimensions are not reset. |
Grid Overhead
Movement type (field OTRSTYP) |
Overhead (field OVECOD) |
Select an overhead code. Overhead codes are used as follows:
The overheads column that contains the formula or fixed rate to be used in the cost price calculation functions is defined by parameters. For standard cost calculations the OVECOLSTD - Standard calc overhead column parameter (GPA chapter, COS group) applies. You can modify the column to be applied before running the calculation. |
Include lower level ovrh. (field OVECPNFLG) |
Use this field to select the calculation type.
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
FICQUAL : Quality record
FICQUALSMP : Sampling quality record
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific Buttons
Stock by Site |
Click this action to access the stock by site inquiry. From this inquiry, you can access the other stock inquiries. |
Quality History |
Click this action to access the summary inquiry:
Menu bar
Click this action to view the setup of the quality control transaction used. |