This function is used to view the detail of the postings made to an analytical dimension.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The inquiry is performed on a screen. Enter in the header:
- the company, company group or site group.
- the ledger type,
- the dimension type,
- the specific dimension (you can still view all the dimensions for the same analytical dimension type by using the radio buttons),
- the date range for the inquiry.
Once the criteria are entered, click Search to launch the inquiry. Click Next and Return to browse through the data pages.
The balance that appears in the header is displayed in company currency. You can inquire the details of this balance by period in the Balances tab.
Using the Actions icon available on lines, you are provided direct access to:
- the accounting entry (for all entry types); access to this function is granted in view but also creation and modification modes,
- the BP invoice (for the Invoice and Credit memos type entries),
- the open items (for the Invoice and Credit memos entry types).
Company (field CPY) |
This field is used to specify the code for a company, group of companies or group of sites. |
Site (field FCY) |
Specify the analytical postings to be viewed, by entering:
Ledger type (field LEDTYP) |
The ledger types (manual or automatic) available from this field are filtered depending on the entity chosen in the Company/Site field and they have an analytical accounting type. |
Selection currency (field CURSEL) |
This field is used to filter the journals by transaction currency. |
Ledger currency (field CURLED) |
The specified ledger currency depends on the type of ledger selected. |
Start date (field DATDEB) |
These two fields are used to define the date ranges. |
End date (field DATFIN) |
Accounting balance (field LIBSOL) |
field DEVISE |
Other criteria
Dimension type (field AXE) |
Code of the impacted dimension type, chosen from the dimension types set up for the selected ledger. |
Dimension (field SECTION) |
Specify the analytical postings to be viewed, by entering:
Tab Dimension
You can define the filter and display criteria. Depending on the entered criteria, the list of entries related to the dimension is displayed.
You can then position the cursor on a line and zoom as required using the Actions icon:
- the accounting entry - for all entry types - (you can still view all the dimensions for the same analytical dimension type by using the radio buttons),
- invoice (for the Invoice and Credit note entry types),
- open items (for the Invoice and Credit note entry types).
Criteria entry
Click Header, Line and Analytical to enter additional criteria in the form of combining conditions. These conditions can respectively call on all the fields in tables GACCENTRY (Entry header), GACCENTRYD (Entry lines) and GACCENTRYA (Analytical Entry lines) as well as to the operators equal, greater than, less than, different and to constant values.
When using the criteria definition function, click Memo to save the modified parameters. A window opens where you can enter the memo code identifying the saved parameters.
Click Recall to enter a memo code and recall the criteria related to this code.
When you access the account inquiry function, the parameters stored with the STD code are recalled by default.
If the criteria are not saved in a STD memo, the default values proposed are the default financial site for the user (and the corresponding company), the date range corresponding to the last open fiscal year.
Grid Details
Date (field ACCDAT) |
Date on which the transaction is posted. The fiscal year and the accounting period are determined starting from this date. |
Type (field TYP) |
Each accounting journal entered is linked to a given type. The journal type corresponds to the nature of the entered posting: customer invoice, miscellaneous operations, cash receipt, etc. This information comes with management rules relating to VAT, reminders, etc. It is one of the key elements of the journal entry. The setup of the selected journal type determines if you can open or close the propagation to the manual ledgers.
Document no. (field NUM) |
This field represents the unique identifier of a journal in a journal type. |
Debit (field DEBIT) |
Amount expressed in the transaction currency. |
Ledger debit (field DEBLED) |
Debtor amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept. |
Credit (field CREDIT) |
Amount of the operation in transaction currency. |
Ledger credit (field CDTLED) |
Creditor amount expressed in the currency in which the ledger is kept. |
Line description (field DES) |
This is a free field, designed to explain the posting of this entry By using " / ", the account title is displayed by default ; and with "=", the previous line description is copied. |
Account (field ACC) |
It is the accounting code of the selected entry line. |
BP (field BPR) |
Code identifying the BP that can have various roles based on the context:
Due date (field DUDDAT) |
It is the due date of the journal which the entry line come from. |
Value (field VALDAT) |
Value date. |
Company (field CPY) |
Enter the company code or use the Look up tool to search for and select the code. |
Site (field FCYLIN) |
Specifies the code of the site concerned by the processing. |
Control (field SAC) |
It is the collective account code of the entry line. |
Match letter (field MTC) |
This field stores the match letter that characterizes the matching group.
Matching date (field MTCDAT) |
This field stores the date of the day on which the journal line was matched. |
Maximum date (field MTCDATMAX) |
This field stores the maximum accounting date of the journals in the matching group. |
Status (field STA) |
Use this field to select the journal status: Temporary or Final. When set to Final, the only modifications you can make on a journal are for informational purposes only or if they concern the analytical postings. The date, amounts, accounts, VAT code, and other purely accounting information can no longer be modified. |
Journal (field JOU) |
Journal code attached to the document. |
Reference (field REF) |
This field contains the journal reference. |
Curr. (field CUR) |
Code used to identify the transaction currency of the journal. |
Offset (field OFFACC) |
This field is used to specify the contra account. |
Partner (field CSLCOD) |
This field is available depending on the inquiry screen setup selected in the Inquiry screens function GESGTC. This field is only available if the CSL - Consolidation activity code is active at the folder level. This is a display-only field that is populated according to the following: The value can default from the setup of the corresponding Journal entry transaction (GESGDE). There is no default value for this field when a journal entry is created from an automatic journal entry or manually. However, you can define a default value for this field when you create an automatic journal entry using the Automatic journal variables function (GESGVG). For example, on a sales invoice, to create a default value for the partner field on duty free and VAT lines, use the syntax [ F: SIH ] BPR. The automatic journal field is then populated with the partner code charged on TTC line of the sales invoice. The field can also default to the partner for the Extraction for Consolidation (BALCONSO) if the option Free criteria is selected. |
Partner (field CSLBPR) |
You can only enter a Business partner that has one the following characteristics: Customer, Supplier, or Miscellaneous BP for this field. Partner initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory Partner management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction with consolidation management selected. For control accounts
If no Business Partner is defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner (CPT chapter, CSL group) parameter value. If this parameter is defined, there is no default partner value. For General accounts
If the Entry partner check box is not selected for the general account defined at the journal entry line level setup, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. If no control account line has been found, the partner defaults to the CSLBPRDEF – Default partner parameter value. If this parameter is not defined, there is no default partner value. Limit: If the journal entry is posted with several control account lines, the partner defaults from the first control account line. The partner is the same for all the general account lines where the Entry partner check box is selected. Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management, the partner initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no partner can been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, a blocking message appears notifying you that partner management is mandatory. |
Flow (field CSLFLO) |
Flow code coming from the account if the flow code management has been chosen for the account. Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management selected and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected. When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows: If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value. If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account. The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.
Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account. |
field CCE1 |
Amount in currency (field AMTCUR) |
Amount expressed in the transaction currency. |
Ledger amount (field AMTLED) |
Amount expressed in ledger currency. |
Declared tax (field AMTVAT) |
Declared amount (basis or amount depending on the account type) in the tax declaration |
Quantity (field QTY) |
On analytical inquiry, the quantity of non-financial units is displayed. |
Mark (field CHK) |
This field is used to perform the reconciliation of the banking operations that are actually listed on the hardcopy bank statement. |
Statistic 1 (field STT1) |
These fields store the three possible statistical families of the accounting journal. |
Tax (field TAX) |
When the account on the line is liable for tax, the tax field is accessible for entry. It is initialized with the tax code associated with the account. Based on the context, it is necessary to verify that this tax code corresponds to the tax actually applicable, or it should be modified. The tax code defines the rate, rules and terms for the deduction applicable to the operation. |
Unit (field UOM) |
On analytical inquiry, this field determines the non-financial unit linked to the displayed account. |
Entry date (field ENTDAT) |
Module (field ORIMOD) |
It identifies the source module of the accounting journal.
Source (field ORIGIN) |
Source transaction (field ORICOD) |
Source document (field BPRVCR) |
The 'source document' and 'document date' fields respectiveley correspond to the reference (journal number) and date of the BP journal. |
Document date (field BPRDATVCR) |
Transaction (field DACDIA) |
Code of the entry transaction used for the posting. |
Multiplying rate (field MLTRAT) |
Dividing rate (field DIVRAT) |
Reminder (field FLGFUP) |
Pay approval (field FLGPAZ) |
This field is only accessible upon creating or duplicating a journal. It is initialized according to the NIVBONPAYE parameter data. |
Created (field CREDAT) |
This field displays the creation (entry) date of the object. |
Creation author (field CREUSR) |
This field displays the user who created (entered) the record. |
Change date (field UPDDAT) |
This field displays the date of the last modification entered for the object. |
Change author (field UPDUSR) |
This field displays the user that made the last modification on the recording. |
Reconciliation date (field CHKDAT) |
Journal site (field FCY) |
The site code for the operation is initialized with the site associated with the user code. It can be modified provided it is chosen from the list of authorized sites. |
Category (field CAT) |
The category is set up in the journal type. Actual:
Active simulation/inactive simulation: Off balance sheet: Template: |
Header description (field DESVCR) |
Entering a value to enable the header description for the journal postings. |
Interbank code (field BANCIB) |
The interbank code is used by all the banks to specify the bank transaction type on the lines of the bank statements that are sent to their customers. |
Chronological number (field CHRNUM) |
Final number (field FNLPSTNUMW) |
Final date (field FNLPSTDAT) |
Project (field PJTLIN) |
Cost type (field PCCCOD) |
Basic Product Management |
Use this action to access in view, modification and creation mode the management function of Accounting entries. |
Basic Product Management |
Open Items |
Analytical allocation |
Tab Balance
For each accounting period end included in the inquiry date range, the debtor and creditor balances as well as the total for the transactions in the period are displayed, either in transaction currency (if a selection of the currency has been made in the inquiry header) and in the local currency amount of the company currency, or in company currency (currency code = blank).
Information is displayed in a "grid" or "graph".
This button is used to switch from graph mode to table mode.
Balances and totals by period
Balance amounts are displayed in this grid. These are the account or dimension balance sheet amounts at each period end on the header's selection header.
Only criteria specified in header are taken into account for the calculations.
Selection criteria for totals
The Debit total, Credit total and Balance are calculated on the basis of additional filters specified by clicking the Criteria button (in the action panel).
For a group of companies with different start and end date, the Balances tab is not loaded.
Grid Balances and totals by period
Date (field DAT) |
It is the accounting period end date for the compnay and the ledger type viewed. |
Debit balance (field SOLDEB) |
This field specifies, if the selection currency having been entered, the debit balance of the period in the selection currency. |
Credit balance (field SOLCRE) |
This field displays the credit balance of the period in the selection currency. |
Debit transactions (field TOTDEB) |
Total of the debit lines which compose the posting lines. |
Credit transactions (field TOTCRE) |
Total of selection criteria
Debit in ledger currency (field DEBLOC) |
Total of the debtor movements in the ledger keeping currency for all periods inquired. |
field DEVLOC |
Currency in which the debit total is expressed in ledger keeping currency. |
Credit in ledger currency (field CRELOC) |
Total of the creditor movements in the ledger keeping currency for all periods inquired. |
field DEVLOC2 |
Balance in ledger currency (field SOLLOC) |
Balance of the movements, in ledger keeping currency, for all the selected periods. |
field SNSSOL |
Sense of the balance. |
Debit in selection currency (field DEBCUR) |
If the selection currency has been entered, this field displays the total of the debtor movements in the selected currency for all periods viewed. |
field DEVCUR |
Selected currency. |
Credit in selection currency (field CRECUR) |
If the selection currency has been entered, this field displays the total of the creditor movements in the selected currency for all periods viewed. |
field DEVCUR2 |
Balance in selection currency (field SOLCUR) |
Balance, expressed in the selection currency, calculated on those movements whose currency is identical to the selection currency. |
field SNSSOL2 |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
GLANA2 : Analytical ledger/dimension
This can be changed using a different setup.
Specific Buttons
Criteria |
Click Criteria to refine the inquiry parameters.
This window also suggests criteria for the display of information:
A Filter button is available in this window. It is used to enable an advance selection of the elements to be viewed from the fields in the account posting header file. You can save selections by assigning a memo code to them by clicking Memo.
Matching or unmatching Fiscal Years
First case: the inquiry concerns a company, a site or a group of companies with homogeneous fiscal years, i.e. with the same fiscal year start and end dates.
The following rules should be followed:
- the ledger type chosen must have the same book-keeping currency for each of the companies in the group (the currency of the ledger type is determined at the level of the account core model setup),
- the inquiry must concern a same chart of accounts,
- the breakdown of the fiscal years must be identical for all the companies contained in the group.
- Group 1:
- Company 1 has a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2008 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
- Company 2 has a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2010 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
The group 1 can be inquired from the 01/01/2008 on.
- Group 2:
- Company 1 has a first fiscal year date on 01/07/2008. Its first fiscal year starts on 01/07/2008 and ends on 30/06/2009.
Its second fiscal year goes from 01/07/2009 to 31/12/2009 and the following fiscal years are calendar ones (from January to December). - Company 2 has a 1st fiscal year date on 01/01/2009 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
Until the 01/01/2010, the inquiry obeys the rules related to the company groups with shifted fiscal years.
From the 01/01/2010 on, the inquiry obeys the rules related to the company groups with homogeneous fiscal years.
Second case:the inquiry concerns a group of companies with shifted fiscal years, that is with different fiscal year start and end dates.
The same rules have to be respected.
Remember: when the inquiry concerns a group of companies with shifted fiscal years:
- Company 1 has a first fiscal year date on 01/01/2008 and calendar fiscal years (from January to December).
- Company 2 has a 1st fiscal year date on 01/09/2009 and fiscal years from September to October.
It has been requested to inquire the period ranging from the 01/01/2010 to the 30/06/2010.
The result displays, for the requested account, the detail of entries related to an analytical account for the requested period. The header accounting balance and the tab Balances are not loaded.
Limits related to access codes
In the case where the inquiry applies to an analytical dimension with an access code, the behavior is as follows:
If the access code is set up at user level, with viewing rights, all entry lines allocated to the dimension are displayed even if the entry type, journal, or linked account are not authorized for the user.
If you use the Jump to action, Sage X3 does not take into account the access code set up on the entry type or account but uses the access code set up on the journal.
If the entry line allocated to the dimension is linked to an unauthorized entry type or account while the journal is authorized, then Sage X3 authorizes the use of the Jump to action.
If the entry line allocated to the dimension is linked to an authorized entry type or account while the journal is not authorized, then Sage X3 does not authorize the use of the Jump to action. The following message is displayed: XXXX Journal not authorized
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
You must enter a company or a site
Entry of at least one of these two fields is mandatory.
No exchange rate XXX => YYY
No exchange rate is defined to convert currency XXX (either the company currency or reporting currency) and currency YYY (that requested in the display).
Incorrect date
The start and end dates must belong to the defined fiscal years.
Other than generic messages, the following error messages can appear when using this tool:
Inconsistent ledger between the companies of the group for this ledger type
The requested inquiry is on a group of companies with different ledgers. No inquiry is possible.
All companies do not have the same currency for this ledger
The requested inquiry concerns a group of companies which currencies set up for the ledgers attached to the selected type of ledger are different. No inquiry is possible.
Periods incompatible between the companies of the group
The requested inquiry concerns a group of companies which fiscal year periods are broken down differently.
For instance, for company 'A' the fiscal year starts on the 01/01/2010; as a result, the periods start on the first day of each month. For company 'B', the fiscal year starts on 15/01/2010; as a result, the periods start on the 15th of each month.
No inquiry is possible.