Use this function to record customer returns following a delivery or supplier returns for inter-site or inter-company transfers.

When the return is completed, the stocks are moved if necessary. You can print a return note or you can record a credit memo.

This function is directly linked with the Non-conformance management functionality. If the 'return' warrants notification to your Quality management team of a potential non-conformity you can raise a non-conformance incidence directly from this function. For example, if the product does not comply with specifications or the customer has returned the goods because they are defective.

Timely notification of a non-conformity can be critical for compliance management.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is customized to the needs of your organization and your processes. The transaction you select determines the way in which you enter information, and information is displayed and printed.

If only one transaction has been set up you are not offered a choice, the default entry screen is displayed.

SEEINFO The choice can also be restricted by using access codes.


Entry screen

Return lines can be initialized automatically by picking from the selection panel. For the same return, you can thus select:

  • one or several standard or nonbillable deliveries,
  • specific standard or nonbillable delivery lines.

Each line is initialized for all of the delivery, minus any returns already carried out on this delivery.

For the management of inter-company flows, you can also generate the return lines from the selection of:

  • supplier returns,
  • supplier return lines.

Entry operation for a return creation

When you create a return line by selecting a delivery line or a supplier return line and several stock detail lines are generated, the stock information can only be modified by using the Stock detail window. The same is true for the modification of a line in a direct return (provided the return is not created).

Only the following information remains accessible: Unit, Quantity, Coefficient, Order price (only for the direct returns) and the Movement description.

For a direct return, when a single stock detail line exists, the information remains modifiable on the return line for a direct return.

For a return with a delivery or a supplier return as origin, only the following information can be modified: Status, the Location type, the Location and the Movement description.

If you modify the quantity on the return line and several lines exist in the stock detail, then the detail window automatically opens: it allows you to chose the line(s) impacted by this modification.

If you increase the quantity on the return line and only one stock detail line exists, the detail window automatically opens: it allows you to specify that the additional quantity concerns the same detail line or another detail line.

If you decrease the quantity in the return line and only one detail line exists, the stock window does not open.

Return coming from a delivery or an inter-site supplier return:

In the case of a return coming from a delivery or an inter-site supplier return, most of the information will be automatically initialized from the stock information in the original document line, other information must be entered manually or will be initialized as a function of the setup associated with a receipt movement of the Customer return type.

  • Status: It will be initialized with the status of the delivery if the status is authorized by the management rule assigned to the movement type Delivery return (see the authorized Statuses and Sub-statuses). If the delivery status is not authorized for the management rule defined in the return, then the default status for the management rule is used.
  • Location type and Location: the operation is identical to the direct return operation.
  • Internal lot: this information in not accessible in this context on the return line. If the return concerns a delivery (or an inter-site supplier return) referencing only one lot, the latter will be displayed on the line. If the original document references several lot numbers, this is indicated by the presence of the $ symbol in the lot field. If the delivery is multi-lots and the return only concerns part of the delivery, the choice of the lot will be made via the stock detail screen (by deleting the lines that are not required). Same remarks as those concerning the management of sub-lot numbers.
  • Supplier lot: this information is not accessible in this context and this is irrespective of the management rule associated with the product category. The lot proposed is the one coming from the original delivery.
  • Serial number: this information is not accessible in this context in the return line. If the serial numbers in the delivery line or the supplier return are consecutive they will be displayed on the return line. If not, the '$' symbol is displayed in the two fields to indicate that the numbers displayed are not consecutive. If the original document contains several serial numbers and the return only concerns some of these numbers, you must access the stock detail window to choose the required numbers. Only the serial number from the original delivery lines or the original supplier return can be chosen. The serial number selection window only suggests the serial numbers from the original document line.

Return on deliveries with shortages

A return for a delivery line containing only missing items is not allowed. A blocking message is displayed. You must have entered the stock information beforehand in the original delivery.

If the return concerns a delivery line containing shortages and identified stock lines, only the quantities corresponding to the identified stock lines are proposed on the return lines. It is impossible to modify the return quantity beyond the quantities identified during the original issue.

If the return concerns a delivery with packaging that is not decimalized, the unit proposed will then be the stock unit.

Return of non-billable deliveries of product lines associated with tasks attached to a project.

  • If the task is not closed, the Delivered quantity and Delivery status are updated on the product line at the task level. If you want to update the stock with the returned quantity, select the Update stock check box . However, this quantity is not reallocated on the product line associated with the task. The remaining quantity to be delivered is updated at the Enterprise planning level on the WIP order associated with the product line of the task.
  • If the task is closed, a warning message will appear when you select the delivery line. The project code is reseted on the line. The task on the project is not updated and is therefore not reopened.

If multi-project document management of documents is prohibited (the PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter is set to Yes), all selected lines must be on the same project code. The project code of the first selected line is used to filter the pick list of non-billable deliveries.

Tab Controls

Other conditions

If a return has generated stock movements, it is not possible to delete the return by clicking Delete. You first need to delete the lines that have generated a stock movement: on the concerned return lines, click Receipt modifs from the Actions icon.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BONRETLIV : Customer return notes

  SRETURNE : Sales return list

  SRETURNL : Detail sales return list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons


Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Function not authorized

The user profile has no rights for this function, regardless of the site.

You do not have the rights for this return

You are not the authorized user for this return.

This document does not exist !

This message appears if the operator entered a non-existent return in a context of change.

No sequence number is assigned to this document

This message appears upon creating a return if no return number has been entered and the sequence number is assigned manually.

Problem when the sequence number counter is recovered

This message appears if it has not been possible to assign a delivery number.

$DELIVERY xxx or $PRETURN Modification on another workstation

This message appears if the delivery or the supplier return to which the return is associated is being modified on another workstation.

Problem on the table $DELIVERY or $PRETURN.

This message appears if there is a technical error on the table of the delivery headers or of the supplier returns.

Expected return quantity > Delivered quantity or Expected return quantity > Supplier return quantity.

This message appears when it is attempted to enter an expected return quantity superior to the delivered quantity (or the return quantity entered on the supplier return) that remains to be returned.

Return quantity > Delivered quantity

This message appears when it is attempted to enter a return quantity superior to the delivered quantity that remain to be returned or superior to the quantity of the supplier return.

Modification in process on another workstation

This message appears when trying to modify a return currently being modified on another workstation.

Processing not possible: This line has been subject to a credit memo

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify a return line that has been subjected to a credit memo.

The deletion of a validated line must be made using the modification window.

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify a line that has already been received in stock.

The original order has been updated. It will not be automatically updated by this entry! Continue?

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify or delete a line even though the delivered quantity of the order has already been reduced.

Indefinite period or processing prohibited at this date

This message is displayed if the return date is later than the current date or if the period status corresponding to this return date is different from 'direct'.

XXX: Product not managed in stock for the site: YYY

This message is displayed when a return is done for a site and that product is not defined on the site concerned.

The site is not in the same legal company

This message is displayed when it is attempted to return a delivery to a site that does not belong to the same company as the shipment site.  

Delivery XXX: Product YYY Movements pending on this line !

This message is displayed during a picking of delivery to inform you pending movements still exist on this delivery line. Only the identified stock quantity will be suggested on the return line.

Delivery XXX: Product YYY The line movements are pending. Please adjust.

This message appears upon the picking of a delivery that contains only pending movements. The delivery must be adjusted before entering the return.

Installed base update: The installed base record is no longer defined in the installed base.

This message appears when a customer return is carried out on a serialized product that is tracked in the installed base for a customer (whose category is either Direct customer, Reseller, Wholesaler or End user) but that the installed base record does not exist. Either because it has been modified manually (allocated to another client ... ), deleted or because it is a direct return on a serial number that has not been previously identified.

Tables used

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