Sales >  Returns >  Customer returns  

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Use this function to record the customer returns following a delivery or a supplier return in the case of inter-site or inter-company transfers.

Once the return completed, the stocks will be moved if necessary. It will be possible to print a return slip. Otherwise, a credit memo can be recorded in the appropriate function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entering a customer return is done on a single screen. The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the selected transaction.

If a single transaction is set up, no choice is proposed upon entering the function.
Otherwise, a window opens to present the list of transactions available for use.
SEEINFO The choice can also be restricted by using access codes.



The following fields are present on this tab :

This is the site to which the material is returned. A product can be returned to another site of the company which carried out the shipment.
A control is performed on the chosen site so as to check that it is a Stock type site. When a return is recorded, it is longer possible to modify this information.
Based on this information, it is possible to select a site in the list of authorized sites which have a storage function.

Only one return type of the "Normal" category can be entered. Besides, the legislation and company group for which it is defined must be consistent with those of the receipt site company.
SEEREFERTTOFor further information, click here.

The return type is used to determine, amongst other things, the sequence number counter at use.

  • Return no. (field SRHNUM)

Return number that allows the return to be identified in a unique way.
This number is either assigned automatically or entered upon each return creation with respect to the setup of the Sequence number(s) associated to the chosen Return type.
If the return sequence number is set to automatic assignment then this field cannot be accessed and the number is assigned on creating the return.
Conversely, if the sequence number is set to manual assignment, the number can be entered manually. If it is not entered by the user, the system automatically assigns a return number according to the sequence number.


  • If they not entered at the level of the return type, the sequence numbers taken into account are the ones specified in the Sequence number assignment function.
  • When the receipt site is related to the Portuguese legislation and the DKS - Digital signature activity code is set to 'Yes', then a new return number is assigned on validating the return. The former number is no longer displayed but it is still kept in a dedicated field (TMPSRHNUM) in the return table.
  • Return date (field ENTRTNDAT)

This date is initialized to the current date. It corresponds to the actual date of the product return to the company.
It will be used as a receipt to stock date for the returned product if the stocks are updated.

  • Signed (field SRHCFMFLG)


A return is relative to:

  • the delivery carried out for a given customer,
  • the delivery address of this customer.

This must be specified in the return header. A customer can only be selected if active.

It will be possible based on this information to:

  • select a customer BP,
  • tunnel access the customer record if user authorization allow it,
  • select a delivery address,
  • tunnel access a delivery address, granted the user has authorization.

It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting "Quick customer search". A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field.
For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation.

This field indicates the code of the address to ship to.
You can view the detailed address information by clicking Address from the Actionsicon.

  • On creation, this field is no longer accessible when a delivery line is created.
  • Once the delivery has been created, this field can no longer be modified, but you can still display the detailed address information.
    You can modify the address by clicking Address/Delivery in the action panel.
  • field WSRHCAT

The category cannot be modified; it is determined by the chosen Return type.



Entry screen


Return lines can be initialized automatically by picking from the selection panel. For the same return, you can thus select:

  • one or several standard or nonbillable deliveries,
  • specific standard or nonbillable delivery lines.

Each line is initialized for all of the delivery, minus any returns already carried out on this delivery.

For the management of inter-company flows, you can also generate the return lines from the selection of:

  • supplier returns,
  • supplier return lines.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Return detail

This field is initialized by the bill-to customer associated with the ship-to customer. It can be modified as in some cases the bill-to customer is different from the usual bill-to customer. It is also used to filter deliveries which can be subject to a return.

It is used to:

  • select a customer BP,
  • tunnel access the customer record if user authorization allow it.

It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting "Quick customer search". A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field.
For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation.

  • Expected return date (field EXTRTNDAT)

This date is used to initialize the return date on each line.

Block number 2

  • Intersite (field BETFCY)

This information which cannot be modified specifies if the return type is "inter-site".
A return is automatically considered as being of the "inter-site" type if the site linked to the delivery address legally belongs to the same legal company as the return site company. It is also mandatory that the site type be "Stock".
If it is an "inter-company" return, the indicator will also be activated.
SEEINFO When the return concerns an "inter-site" customer (site of the same company), a credit memo cannot be produced for this return.

  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)

This information which cannot be modified specifies if the return type is "inter-company".
A return is automatically considered as being of the "inter-company" type if the site linked to the delivery address belongs to a company other than the return site company. It is also mandatory that the site type be "Stock".

SEEINFO When the return concerns an "inter-company" customer, a credit memo of the invoice can be created.


  • Warehouse (field WRHE)

The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
Movement warehouse, suggested by default for all the document lines.
It must be entered if it is defined as mandatory at the level of the entry transaction.
It is loaded in priority with the warehouse defined for the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is initialized with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.

  • Dock location (field SRGLOCDEF)

In the case where the receipt transaction authorizes a dock receipt (parameter active in the transaction setup), a dock location field appears in the receipt note header. This makes it possible to enter a location of the 'dock' type which will then be transferred by default as the return location for all receipt note lines. The specified dock location must be associated with the warehouse, when the latter is specified.

SEEINFO A dock location corresponds to a location of the type "pending storage". This authorizes the entry of stocks whose characteristics of lot, sub-lot, and serial number are not necessarily immediately identified. This type of receipt is used to rapidly book the goods and to then later to more precisely identify them and put them away. This put-away process is performed in the function Put-away plan.


  • Product (field ITMREF)

This field can only be accessed on entering a return which is not related to any delivery or supplier return.
It is used to:

  • directly enter a product reference or a 'Product/Customer' reference. The existence of this reference is controlled in the 'Products' and 'Product/Customer' records. If a 'Product/customer' reference has been entered, the system will return the internal product reference,
  • use the contextual button to select a product:
    • from the record,
    • from the list of customer products.

SEEINFO The entry of the product is used to initialize the 'Descriptions' and 'Sales unit' fields, which are modifiable. The sales unit can be modified on the condition that it is chosen from the suggested list that contains the sales and packing units from the product record units from the 'product/customer' record.

  • Description (field ITMDES)

This is the product description translated into the customer language. If the translation does not exist in the customer language, the un-translated product description is used. This description is also transferred from one document to another.

When the return comes from a delivery, the translated description is inherited from the document line concerned.

When the return comes from a direct supplier return (inter-site), the translated description is inherited from the product record. If the supplier has for origin a delivery, the translated description of the delivery is used.

SEEINFO It is possible to access the product record by tunnel from this field.

  • Standard description (field ITMDES1)

The standard description for the product is initialized by the product description if it is a direct return (making no reference to any shipment).
If it is a return linked to a shipment, the product description will be the product description entered in the delivery.

When the return comes from a direct supplier return (inter-site), the standard description will be inherited from the supplier return.
If the supplier has as origin a delivery, the standard description from the delivery will be reused.

SEEINFO The product record can be accessed by tunnel from this field.

It is the unit in which the return is expressed. This information can be modified as long as no stock movement has been performed on the return line or provided the return line has not been subject to a credit memo.

For a direct return, the sales unit is initialized by the sales unit defined in the Product-customer record, provided it exists. Otherwise, it is initialized by the sales unit of the product.
It is possible to enter another unit in a selection window. The suggested units are: the sales units of the product (mentioned above), the packaging units of the product, as well as the packaging units defined in the Product-customer record.

If the sales unit is modified, the Expected return quantity, the Return quantity and the conversion factor between the return unit and stock unit are automatically re-calculated in the new unit.

From this field, the contextual button can be used to:

  • select a unit in the list of authorized units,
  • tunnel access the table of units, granted the user has authorization.
  • Expected ret. qty. (field EXTQTY)

The "Expected return quantity" field , expressed in the unit for the return, is initialized by the maximum quantity that can be returned with respect to the original delivery or the supplier return in the case of an inter-site or inter-company supplier return.
When the customer return makes reference to a delivery or a supplier return, it is not be possible to enter a quantity that is greater than the shipped (or returned) quantity less the quantity already returned.

SEEWARNING If it is a direct return line (not associated with a delivery), this field is initialized to zero. This quantity is no longer modifiable if the return line has been subject to a stock receipt.

  • Returned qty. (field QTY)

The Return quantity field is expressed in the return unit.
By default, the returned quantity is equal to the Expected return quantity. It can still be modified.

It corresponds to the actual quantity returned for the selected delivery, or the chosen supplier return. A control is applied against the Expected return quantity. It will not be possible to return a quantity that is greater than the expected quantity.
Provided that the Expected return quantity is not null, it is possible to enter a null Return quantity. This would mean recording an expected customer return event.

SEEWARNING No stock receipt will be possible as long as the returned quantity has not been entered.

  • SAL-STK conv. (field SAUSTUCOE)

The coefficient between the return unit and the stock unit is only accessible if the return unit has been set up as being modifiable in the product record.
If this coefficient is modifiable, it will remain accessible as long as no stock movement has taken place for the return line or provided the return line has not been subject to a credit memo.
If the coefficient is modified, then the unitary net price for the return line will be re-calculated. The operation is the same if the coefficient is modified using the stock detail window if the return sales unit is a packaging unit.

This is the stock unit for the product. This information is not accessible.

  • Delivered qty. (field DLVQTY)

This is the delivered quantity on the original delivery note minus any quantity already returned. For supplier returns, the delivered quantity is also the original delivery quantity minus the quantity already returned.
If it is a direct return, the delivery quantity is blank.

The shipped quantity is decreased by the returned quantity on the line when the return is saved. It is expressed in the return unit (SAL).

SEEINFO This field cannot be modified.

  • Net price (field NETPRI)

The information indicated in this field comes from the delivery and displays the net unitary price of the delivery line for a return unit. For a direct return the price is null.
If it is a direct supplier return, the net price will be equal to the net price entered in the supplier return.

The information specified in this field comes from the delivery showing the currency of the net price in the delivery line. It is in fact possible to carry out a return for delivery lines that have different currencies.
If it is a direct return, the net price being blank, the currency does not have any significance and is not entered. When the return has as its origin a direct supplier return, the currency of the return line is the currency of the supplier return.

This field is used to define the customer return reason using the different reasons defined in miscellaneous table number 7.
SEEINFO During a return linked to a supplier, the return reason will be initialized by the reason entered in the supplier return.

  • Return date (field DETRTNDAT)

This date is initialized by the return date entered in the header. If this date is inferior to the current date, the current date will be proposed by default.
The date specified in this field corresponds to the actual date of the product return to the company. It is used as a receipt to stock date for the returned product if the stocks are updated.

  • Update order (field ORDUPD)

When the return is a delivery for an order that has not yet been invoiced, you can request to update the order. The order and the order line are updated to process a new delivery based on the returned quantity. The order is then pending delivery.

Note: When a customer returns a sales kit, you cannot update the sales order. This ensures that quantities for the parent product and the associated components remain consistent. The parent product and the associated components are no longer linked in the returns, but they are still linked in the sales order.

SEEINFO The re-activation is not possible for an intercompany return. The Intercompany check box is inactive.  


  • Update stock (field RTNSTOUPD)

This flag is always selected by default.
When it is selected, and if the transaction allows it, you can enter the information required for the stock movement on the return line. Otherwise, you will not enter a stock receipt for these returned goods because the goods are damaged and you do not want to record a stock receipt; or because you are entering a provisional return and the stock receipt will only be recorded once the goods are actually received.

Depending on the product configuration, the following stock characteristics need to be specified:

  • the status: this is the quality status of the product,
  • the Location type and the Location if the product is managed by locations,
  • the internal lot,
  • the number of sub-lots and the sub-lot number,
  • The final sub-lot is calculated if several sub-lots are specified and if they are consecutive (this information cannot be modified),
  • the supplier lot,
  • the serial number if the product is subject to a serial number. The final serial number if several serial numbers are returned and if they are consecutive (this information cannot be modified),
  • the order price: this is the stock value assigned to the return movement,
  • the transaction description: it is a description that will be entered in the stock journal.

At the end of the receipt line, a window for the entry of the stock detail may open automatically if all the stock information has not been entered or initialized. This information must then be entered in this detail screen.
In addition to the stock characteristics specific to the product, a certain number of rules affect stock receipts. For a customer return these rules may be described in a general manner.
Refer to the documentation on the stock management rules, for the Delivery return section.
These rules can also be refined by Product category or by site-specific product Category. If necessary, a stock entry rule on return may also be defined by product Category for a transaction typology.
You can view the definition of the movement code can be inquired in the setup of Customer return transactions.
Different cases can be considered based on whether it is a direct return, a return with a delivery line as origin or a return with a supplier return as origin in an inter-site case.
Direct return:
In the case of a direct return, certain information will be automatically initialized while other information must be manually entered.

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field depends on the activity code WRH.
It is initialized with the warehouse present in the document header.

  • It can be modified if it is defined as enterable in the entry transaction.
    If it is entered, the warehouse will be automatically entered on the stock detail lines and can not be modified.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
    To manage multi-warehouses on the lines, it is necessary, at entry transaction level, to set up the warehouse-line so that it can be entered. The split of a same line on several warehouses is carried out in the window Quantity detailed entry available by right-click.
    When a receipt line is distributed on various warehouses, this field is loaded on the slip line with character '$'.

SEEINFOThe warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

  • Status (field STA)

 This field is initialized with the default status defined by the management rule assigned to the transaction type Delivery return.
If no status has been specified in the rule, no value will be suggested. The status is not mandatory in the return line but if it is not entered, the 'stock' detail window automatically opens at the line end so the status can be specified.
In some cases, it is possible not to enter this status intentionally on the document line as the quality of the goods to be returned is different and because a split is required. This split will then be entered in the 'Stock' detail window.
If the sign '$' is displayed in this zone at the end of the document line entry, it is because different status have been assigned and that a sub-detail exists for stock lines.

According to the management rule used for the Loan return movement typology, it is possible to set up the generation of an analysis request upon receiving the goods in stock if the status of goods is set to status to be controlled (Q * ).

  • Loc. type (field LOCTYP)

Location types are used to codify warehouse locations according to storage characteristics such as their dimensions, authorized statuses and technical constraints.

They are associated with the products by site (or the products by warehouse when warehouses are managed): you can thus geographically group the products that share similar characteristics.
The location type of the product is suggested by default. It can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.

SEEINFO When warehouses are managed, entry of a location type is only permitted if at least one location is linked to the entered type and warehouse.

  • Location (field LOC)

If the product is managed by location, a default location can be initialized with respect to the management rule assigned to the movement type 'Delivery return' and with respect to the locations set up in the 'Product/warehouse' record if warehouses are managed (otherwise the locations set up in the 'Product/site' record are used).
The semantics identifying a location category make it possible to associate to this category a type of location and a potential location in the 'Product/site' record (or 'Product/warehouses' if they are managed).
The location type and the location defined in the 'Product/Site' (or 'Product/Warehouse') can refer to a group of location types and/or locations if wildcards ( ?,*) are used in their definition.
SEEREFERTTO See the documentation on Location types and Product/Site for further information.

For some location typologies, their assignment will depend on their availability and on their capacity (capacity management). This information can be modified is necessary.

If the return transaction allows it, a location of the "dock" type can be entered in the return header. If this is the case, this location will be systematically suggested by default. Dock-type locations are not suggested upon selection if dock receipts are not specified in the return transaction.

In some cases, it is possible not to enter a location and/or location type intentionally as the goods to be returned are distributed on different storage locations. This distribution will then be entered in the Stock detail window. On terminating the entry, if the sign '$' is displayed in these zones, it is because different location types and/or locations have been assigned and that a sub-detail exists for stock lines.

From the 'Location Type' field, the contextual button can be used to:

  • select a location type,
  • tunnel access the table of location types, granted the user has authorization.

From the 'Location' field, the contextual button can be used to:

  • select a location,
  • tunnel access the table of locations, granted the user has authorization.
  • tunnel access the inquiry of 'Occupied locations', granted the user has authorization.
  • tunnel access the inquiry of 'Dedicated locations' for the product being entered, granted the user has authorization.
  • Lot (field LOT)

If the product is managed by lot, different cases are possible based on the lot management rule associated with the Shipment return transaction type and based on the product lot management rule.
SEEINFO If a product is not managed by lot, the Lot and Supplier Lot columns cannot be accessed.

If a product is managed with mandatory or optional lots, the access to the lot field depends on one hand on the setup of the return transaction used and on the other hand on the management rule Delivery return defined in the product category or in the stock management rules.

At the level, you can indeed specify whether the lot is not to be entered, free of entry, or if only new lots can be entered.

In addition, it will be possible to allocate a default value to a lot. In this case, several choices are also offered. Never initialize the lot or initialize the lot with a document number (the initialization with the document number is not visible during the entry if the return number is automatically allocated at the creation, it is given a blank value).
If you do not enter the lot number in the lot field, the document number is written in the lot field upon posting the note. The choice of initializing the internal lot with the supplier lot is not active in a delivery return context.

At the end of the entry, if no lot number has been entered, several cases can arise:

  • - either the movement management rule allocates the document number,
  • - or the system will use the lot sequence number counter for the product to allocate a new lot number.
    If no sequence number for the lot has been specified for the product and the lot is mandatory, a blocking message is displayed.

Specific case of the products managed as optional lot

This product type allows the entry of a blank lot field. In this case, this must be indicated by entering the lot field and clicking Blank lot from the Actions menu. At this moment, when saving the document, the sequence number counters or the document number will not be used. This management method is thus incompatible with a management rule that does not allow the entry of an internal lot number.

The grid given below summarizes the impact of the setup of the management rule for the movement type Shipment return with mandatory lot management during the entry of a direct return.
For optional lots, click Blank lot from the Actions icon to indicate that you are recording a blank (empty) lot.

Lot entry



New lot

Default lot


No entry in the line or in the stock detail window.

Automatic assignment according to the sequence number counter.

Selection for all the lots.

Lot info function

No initialization.

It is possible to enter any desired information.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number

No selection

Lot info function

No initialization.

It is possible to enter any desired information. But control on the existence of a lot.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number

Document no.

No entry on the line or in the detail.

Automatic assignment according to the document no.

Selection for all the lots.

Lot info function

No initialization if automatic return sequence number counter.

It is possible to enter any desired information.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If lot not entered document no. allocation

No selection.

Lot info function.

No initialization if automatic return sequence number counter.

It is possible to enter any desired information. But control on the existence of a lot.

Next lot number in the counter function.

If lot not entered document no. allocation

From this field, use the Actions icon to:

  • Select a lot number from a list of lots declared for the site.
    If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, the sub-lots will also appear in the selection window. The choice of a lot and sub-lot will make it possible to: determine how the lot and sub-lot fields are loaded,
  • identify how the lot is calculated when it is not assigned, using the Lot info function (Blank lot, Sequence number counter for the lot or the document number),
  • view the stock by lot.
  • No. of sublots (field NBSLO)

This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, it is mandatory upon return to specify the sub-lot number associated with the internal lot. This entry is not mandatory at the level of the return line because it can be necessary to distribute it on the stock detail lines or to have several sub-lots to enter.

By default, the system proposes the sub-lot number 00001 if no sub-lot number has yet been assigned to a lot in the entry. If this is not the case, the next sub-lot number is suggested as an increment of the last sub-lot.

It is possible in certain cases for the system not to offer the next sub-lot because the last sub-lot corresponds to a character chain that cannot be incremented (e.g. 'AAAAA').
It is possible to enter a sub-lot number that does not correspond to the suggested sub-lot or even enter a sub-lot already assigned to the lot.

At the level of the return line, it is possible to enter a number of sub-lots corresponding to the number of sales units. If a number superior to 'one' is entered, the system calculates automatically the sub-lots to be assigned based on the entered sub-lot number (validate the calculated distribution in the stock detail window which opens automatically in this context).
The number of the "end sub-lot" is displayed. If a '$' symbol is to be found in the two sub-lot columns, it means that the stock detail for the Sub-lots entered is not consecutive. At the level of the detail line, it is possible to define as many sub-lots as there are stock units.

If a single sub-lot is required, the end sub-lot number is identical to the starting sub-lot number.

SEEINFO From this field, click New from the Actions icon to calculate the next sub-lot number by incrementing the last known sub-lot.

  • Ending sublot (field SLOF)

This field indicates the last sub-lot on which the stock movement is applied.

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)

If the product is managed by lot and this is a new lot manually entered, it is possible upon return to assign the original supplier lot if it is known (no specific control is carried out on this information).
When this is not the case, this information is not be accessible and it is initialized by the supplier lot associated with the internal lot if it exists (only a supplier lot can correspond to an internal lot).

A selection window is used to choose a supplier lot among known ones (having been the object of a receipt).
If several supplier lots are entered, data must not be entered in the return line but in the 'stock' detail window.

  • Serial no. (field SERNUM)

If the product is managed by serial numbers at the receipt/issue or only at issue, it is mandatory to enter, before saving the return, one or more serial numbers depending on the quantity returned (this entry is made in the stock detail window).
A control is carried out to verify that the number entered is not already in stock (a serial number being considered as unitary and not divisible).

Upon direct return, it is possible to enter a serial number not known by the system (this corresponds to an old serial number that was not referenced in Sage X3). An information message will report it. Upon saving the return, the serial number is automatically created.

If several serial numbers are returned, the end number contains the last serial number, provided the numbers are consecutive. Otherwise, a '$' symbol will be displayed in the two fields to specify that the numbers returned are not consecutive. It is recommended to access the stock detail window in order to view all serial numbers.
SEEINFO From this field, click the Actions icon to select the serial numbers known to the system and that are no longer in stock.

Return coming from a delivery or an inter-site supplier return:

In the case of a return coming from a delivery or an inter-site supplier return, most of the information will be automatically initialized from the stock information in the original document line, other information must be entered manually or will be initialized as a function of the setup associated with a receipt movement of the Customer return type.

  • The
    It will be initialized with the status of the delivery if the status is authorized by the management rule assigned to the movement type Delivery return (see the authorized Statuses and Sub-statuses). If the delivery status is not authorized for the management rule defined in the return, then the default status for the management rule is used.
  • The location type and the location:
    The operation is similar to that of the direct returns.
  • The internal lot
    This information in not accessible in this context on the return line. If the return concerns a delivery (or an inter-site supplier return) referencing only one lot, the latter will be displayed on the line.
    If the original document references several lot numbers, this is indicated by the presence of the '$' symbol in the lot field. If the delivery is multi-lots and the return only concerns part of the delivery, the choice of the lot will be made via the stock detail screen (by deleting the lines that are not required). Same remarks as those concerning the management of sub-lot numbers.
  • The supplier lot
    This information is not accessible in this context and this is irrespective of the management rule associated with the product category. The lot proposed is the one coming from the original delivery.
  • The serial number
    This information in not accessible in this context on the return line. If the serial numbers in the delivery line or the supplier return are consecutive they will be displayed on the return line. If this is not the case, the '$' symbol is displayed in the two fields to indicate that the numbers displayed are not consecutive. If the original document contains several serial numbers and the return only concerns some of these numbers, it is necessary to access the stock detail window to choose the required numbers. Only the serial number from the original delivery lines or the original supplier return can be chosen. The serial number selection window will only submit the serial numbers from the original document line.
SEEINFO Note on the entry operation for a return creation:

When a return line is created by selecting a delivery line or a supplier return line and that several stock detail lines are generated, the stock information can only be modified by using the Stock detail window. The same is true for the modification of a line in a direct return (provided the return is not created).
Only the following information remains accessible:

  • Unit,
  • Quantity,
  • Coefficient
  • Order price (only for direct returns),
  • Movement description.

When a single stock detail line exists, the information remains modifiable on the return line for a direct return.
For a return with a delivery or a supplier return as origin, only the information concerning the Status, the Location type, the Location and the Movement description can be modified.

If the quantity is modified on the return line and several lines exist in the stock detail, then the detail window automatically opens to allow the choice of the line(s) impacted by this modification.

If the quantity on the return line is increased and only one stock detail line exists, then the detail window automatically opens to specify that the additional quantity concerns the same detail line or another detail line.

If the quantity is decreased in the return line and only one detail line exists, the stock window does not open.

SEEINFO Note concerning the management of the coefficients and the return units:

When the return has a delivery as origin, the units used to carry out the default stock movement are those of the delivery. Thus if a delivery had as sales unit a Carton, but the associated stock movement in made by individual unit, the unit used by default to carry out the receipt to stock will be the unit.

It is possible to modify the conversion coefficient between the return unit and the stock unit.
If this modification takes place not on the return line, but in the stock detail window, the modification of the coefficient is copied to the return line. Unless if in the stock detail window other units are used or if lines with different coefficients are entered and the quantity entered does not correspond to the quantity on the return line.
In this case the return line unit is replaced by the stock unit to ensure a conversion with the units used to carry out the receipt to stock.

SEEINFO Note concerning the return on deliveries with shortages:

It is not possible to carry out a return for a delivery line containing only missing products. It will be necessary to have previously entered the stock information in the original delivery. A message is displayed to highlight the problem.

If the return concerns a delivery line containing shortages and identified stock lines, only the quantities corresponding to the identified stock lines are proposed on the return lines. It is impossible to modify the return quantity beyond the quantities identified during the original issue.
If the return concerns a delivery with packaging that is not decimalized, the unit proposed will then be the stock unit.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

This field contains the end serial number.

  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)

This field indicates the first recorded identifier.

  • Order price (field PRIORD)

This is the unit amount by stock unit which can be used in order to value the stock (if the valuation method for customer returns is Order Price).
The valuation method of stocks is defined by product category or by product category with respect to a storage site. It can be set up by movement typology. Otherwise, this information can be modified manually if the transaction permits it. This information can also be viewed in the stock detail window.

The order price is initialized as follows:

  • if the return line has for origin a delivery line, then the order price is equal to the issue stock value of the delivery,
  • if the return line has for origin a supplier return line, then the order price is initialized by the original delivery price, otherwise it is equal to zero.

In both cases, the order price cannot be modified.

If this concerns a direct return, the order price is not initialized but can be modified.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

This is a free text written in the stock journal for each return line movement.
This field can also be modified in the stock detail window.

  • Deduct from invoice (field RTNINVUPD)

This field is non-modifiable.

  • This field is set to Yes when the delivery has not been invoiced yet: the quantity of product to be invoiced on the delivery is decreased by the quantity of products returned.
  • It is set to No when the invoice has been issued for the total delivery quantity. A credit memo must be created after the return. The field is also set to No when the return is for a nonbillable delivery.

  • Credit memo (field RTNCNOFLG)

This field does not require any specific process. You use it to specify if a credit memo must be carried out.
A credit memo can be manually created in the invoice management function by selecting the return that should be subject to a credit memo.
A return line which has been subjected to a credit memo can no longer be modified even if the stock update has not been carried out.

This field cannot be accessed:

  • if the returned quantity is zero,
  • if the return applies to a nonbillable delivery.

  • Credit memo no. (field SIHNUM)

This field indicates the memo number that has been created from this return line.
SEEINFO The memo can be accessed by tunnel, granted the user has authorization.

  • Delivery no. (field DETSDHNUM)

This field corresponds to the delivery number at the origin of the return. The original delivery can be accessed by tunnel granted the user has authorization.

  • Supplier return no. (field PNHNUM)

This is the number of the inter-site supplier return at the origin of the return. This return can be accessed by tunnel, granted the user has authorization.

Depending on the setup, the analytical dimensions can be modified as they are initialized in compliance with the default dimensions setup.



Action icon

Line Text Entry

This function is used to enter a free text on the return line to be printed on the return note.

Enter Detailed Quantities

This function is used to access the Stock detail window that makes it possible to specify the stock information that has not been entered on the return line or to proceed with the necessary splits (Returns with different statuses, on different locations...). This function is accessible for a return line only if the stock transactions have not been recorded yet. If the stock transactions have been recorded, it is necessary to use the Receipt Modification function described later in this document.

Lot info

This function is only available for the products managed by lot provided the stock receipt has not yet taken place. It is used to identify, when the lot has not been entered, how the lot is to be calculated during the stock receipt. The possible values are: Lot sequence number / Document no. / Blank lot.

Lot complement

This function is only accessible on the return line for products managed by lot where the stock receipt has not yet taken place (it is always accessible using the stock detail windows in creation or modification mode).
It is used to specify:

  • some characteristics that can be made mandatory by the lot setup: expiry, major/minor version...
    When entering an existing lot, the version numbers are assigned the version numbers of the lot and cannot be modified.
    When entering a new lot, the version numbers are loaded by default with the number of the current index and remain modifiable.
  • and certain purely informative characteristics that can be set up (lot user fields). 
Change receipts

Use this function to modify the stock movements that have been carried out when saving a return. This function is very similar to the Entry of quantity details function available at the time of the entry of the stock transaction on the return line.

This function is only available from a stable situation. This means that it is not possible to modify the receipt note (the button Save must be deactivated).

On saving a modification, reversals will be carried out on the original transactions in the stock journal and new stock transactions will be carried out on the original transaction dates. A modification on a receipt will only be possible if the stock line linked to the credit memo still exists or if the quantity to be processed for this line is sufficient.

Use this function to modify all the stock information entered and to delete return lines if necessary. Indeed, if all the stock information is deleted, the return line will be deleted. If it is the only return line, the return note itself will be deleted. A return line that has been taken into account by a credit memo cannot be deleted.

For more information on this function refer to Change receipts.


Use this function to access the delivery of origin through the Jump to in the action menu depending on the user authorizations. This function is not available in the case of a direct return.

Credit Memo

Use this function to access the credit memo through the Jump to in the action menu while taking into account the return line depending on the user authorizations. This function is not available if no credit memo has been created.

Supplier return

Use this function to access the source supplier return through the Jump to in the action menu depending on the user authorizations. This function is not available if the line origin is not an inter-site or inter-company supplier return.

Stock by Site

This button is used to access the Stock by site function.

Sales journal traceability

This function is used to access the Traceability of purchase documents function.

Ret line situation display


The following fields are included in this window :

Block number 1

  • Returned qty. (field QTYR)

It is the ordered quantity of the order line expressed in the sales unit of the line.

This is the sales unit for the order line.

  • Number of credit memos (field NBSIVL)


  • Source (field FLGORI)


  • Expected return qty. (field EXTQTY)



  • Invoiced qty. (field SIHQTYR)



  • Product (field ITMREF)


  • field ITMDES


Grid Deliveries

  • Delivery no. (field SDHNUM)


  • Shipment date (field SHIDAT)




  • Delivered qty. (field SDHQTY)


  • Returned qty. (field SDHRTNQTY)



  • Net price (field SDHNETPRI)


  • Amount - tax (field SDHNETPRIN)


Grid Credit memos

  • Document no. (field NUM)


  • Invoice date (field INVDAT)




  • Invoiced qty. (field SIHQTY)



  • Net price (field SIHNETPRI)


  • Amount - tax (field AMTNOTLIN)



This button is used to display, via an intermediary screen, the situation of the return lines.




Tab Controls


The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Expiration date (field EXYDAT)

This is the date beyond which it is normally no longer possible to register returns.
SEEINFO This date is controlled on entry of the return lines.

This field is used to limit the acceptance rights for a return requested by a user. This limitation depends on the assignment of the SAUZRET user parameter which determines whether users can modify a return for which they are not the authorized operator.
By default the user code proposed is the code of the current user performing the entry. If no user is specified, all operators can modify the return.
SEEINFO Once the return is saved, this information can no longer be modified.

Stock data

This is statistical information that will be recorded in the stock journal at the moment of saving the return to stock. This transaction group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9.

SEEINFO This information can be initialized by the value given in the corresponding transaction setup.


  • Registration (field LICPLATER)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

  • Departure date (field DPEDATR)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETDR)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDATR)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival time (field ETAR)

Delivery arrival time.


The management of the project code depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter (TC chapter - MIS group). 

  • When the value is No, it may be a code selected freely.
  • When its value is Yes, an existence check is systematically applies to the entered project code. 

When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, the user can choose a project, or one of the entities that can be allocated to the project (a budget lot or a task) using its allocation code:

  • The project allocation code is composed of:
    - for projects, the project counter number,
    - the concatenated project sequence number with the budget batch code, in the case of a project budget batch,
    - for project tasks, the project counter number concatenated with the task number.
  • You can only select one active posting code, depending on the status of the relevant entity. If it becomes inactive after the creation of the document, the control is performed and blocks the modification of the document.

In creation mode, the project code is systematically transferred to the document lines where it can only be modified if the multi-project management of documents is authorized (the PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter is set to No).

SEEINFO During the transformation of a document, the project code of the header is initialized by the first selected document (if the project code of the original document header has become inactive, the one of the destination document is not loaded).

In modification, the project code modified in the header is recovered automatically in lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized in which case a dialog box will open and requests whether to transfer this code to the document lines with respect to the following options:

  • Yes: the project code is transferred to all lines.
  • No: the project code is not transferred to the lines.
  • Same value: the project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.

Inter-company and inter-site specificities: for an inter-site supplier return, the project code is automatically set to the one of the purchase return. For an inter-company supplier return, the project code is not recovered from the purchase return and remains blank.

Grid Analytical

This grid is used to enter or display the dimension types based on the customer return entry transaction setup.

  • Description (field NAMDIE)

This field repeats the title of the dimension type.

Depending on the setup, the analytical dimensions can be modified as they are initialized in compliance with the default dimensions setup.

Global document

  • Global document (field GLBDOCR)

A global document refers to a shipment where the final delivery details (customer sites and quantities) are not known at departure time.

For instance: A company sells baked goods and delivers them to several customers' sites. The truck leaves with 1,000 units of baked goods, but it is not know how many will be delivered to each customer site. When all the deliveries are complete, the detail/normal shipping note is created and linked to the global document.

If the current record corresponds to the example below, you must select the Global document check box to link the record to the final transport and deactivate those fields that are linked to the global transport.

Otherwise, do not select the Global document check box, to link the record to the global document.

  • Global document type (field GLBDOCTYPR)

If the current record is linked to a global document, you need to enter the global document type (origin) and the global document number to associate these two documents and to export this association properly in SAF-T.

  • Global document no. (field GLBDOCNUMR)


  • Global document date (field GLBDOCDATR)

This field displays the date for Global document.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOCR)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCODR)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.



Other conditions

If a return has generated stock movements, it is not possible to delete the return by using the button Delete. It will be necessary to first delete the lines having generated a stock movement through the function Change receipts. This function is accessible by clicking on the action menu on the return lines concerned.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BONRETLIV : Customer return notes

  SRETURNE : Sales return list

  SRETURNL : Detail sales return list

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific Buttons

Menu Bar

Text Menu

Header Text

Click this action to enter a return header free text. This text will be printed on the return note.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Footer text

Click this action to enter a return footer free text. This text will be printed on the return note.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Address menu

Delivery address

Use this menu to access the customer delivery address and to modify it if necessary.

Options menu

Picking criteria

This function is used to enter criteria that will be used to filter the picking lists.

Customs information


The following fields are included in this window :


Block number 1


  • Incoterm town (field XICTCTY)



  • Forwarding agent address (field XFFWADD)


Intrastat information

  • EU VAT no. (field XEECNUM)


  • Intrastat transp. location (field XEECLOC)


  • Intrastat transport mode (field XEECTRN)


Physical flow



Adjustment flow




This window contains customs information and the information necessary to the creation of the Intrastat. On creation, they stem from the delivery or are initialized from those entered in the Ship-to tab of the Customer record when it concerns a direct customer return.

  • Incoterm negotiated as well as the Incoterm city, when needed.
  • When the goods transit via a forwarding agent, code and address of the forwarding agent responsible for the export and located in the European Union: information also used for the Customs Document File concerning the transportation of the goods to their export location.

The EU Information used only for the Intrastat is liable to the Intrastat activity code (DEB):

  • EU identification number of the customer (or EU tax number), EU transport location and EU transport method.

Information linked with the Physical flows: EU rule andTransaction nature, subject to activity code DEB, too, come from the setup carried out at Movement rules and natures function level.

This information can be modified up as long as the return note is not validated.

Transaction block

This function is used to view the return entry transaction that is being used.

Journal tracking

Click this action to access the Document traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.

Functions menu

Customer installed base

This function is used to access the customers installed base.
When a product is managed in the base, the customer base will automatically be updated upon entry of the return with stock transaction (only for products with serial numbers). The status of the installed base record will be:

  • in stock if the stock movement has been done in status A
  • scrap if the movement has the status Q or R.

A history record identifying the previous situation (at the customer) in the installed base record will be created.
In certain cases, the automatic update cannot be made notably in the case of non-serialized products or because the installed base has never been created.
This function therefore makes it possible (where the user authorizations enable it) to create an installed base record or to manually update the customer installed base.
SEEWARNING Any modification carried out on the return after a stock receipt will no longer update the installed base automatically. The installed base has to be updated manually.

Functions / Installed base

Functions / Credit card processing






The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • field DVCRNUM

This field displays the document number.

  • Remaining amount (field RMNAMT)

This field displays the amount remaining to be authorized for the document.

This field is used to display the customer that will be used upon adding or saving payment cards.

This field is used to display the company linked to the processing code.

Account information

  • One time use card (field ONETIME)

This check box is automatically selected if a saved payment card does not exist on the customer record.

If the customer record is assigned a default card, this check box is cleared and the primary card information for the account nickname displays.

If a saved payment card exists on the customer record, but a default card does not exist, this check box is cleared and the account nickname must be entered or selected.

If the customer's BPC type is miscellaneous, this check box is automatically selected.

Select the check box for One time use card to add a payment type to use one time for this order or shipment. The data for payment and billing information is not stored and you do not need an Account nickname.

Enter a unique account nickname to identify this payment card. You can select an existing payment card for this customer or you can create a new payment account by entering a new account nickname.

  • The account nickname can include alpha and numeric characters with a maximum length of 15 characters.
  • If a customer has multiple payment cards on file, the account nickname must be unique. However, two different customers can have payment card records that use the same name.
  • If the One time use card check box is selected, this field is not available. If the check box is not selected, this field is required.

'SEEINFO' When adding a new payment card, click Create after entering a unique nickname to enter the payment card information for this Account nickname.

Enter a processing code defined by the user. This code identifies the link to the company and account defined in the Payment gateway setup.

  • If a default processing code exists, use this field to create a new payment card.
  • If a payment card already exists, recorded and selected in the customized account name field, the default value of this field is automatically displayed and cannot be modified.
  • Payment type (field PYMTYP)

This field is used to display the payment type used. The valid values include Visa, MC, AMEX, and others.

  • Last four digits (field ACCL4D)

This field displays the last four numbers of the payment card.

  • Expiration date (field EXPDAT)

This field displays the expiration date of the payment card.


  • Manual entry (field MANAUT)

Select this check box to enter transaction information for Sage Exchange transactions that are processed manually outside of Sage X3.

This field is available only if the parameter MANAUTH is set to Yes at the user level.

  • Amount (field AUTAMT)

This field displays the authorized amount of the payment card processed by Sage Exchange.

  • Code (field AUTID)

This field displays the authorization code for the transaction.

  • Date (field AUTDAT)

This field displays the authorization date of the payment card.

  • Status (field STAFLG)

This field displays the status of the transaction by payment card.

Billing information

  • Name (field ACCNAM)

Enter the cardholder name.

If a saved payment card is selected, the cardholder name displays and cannot be changed.

If the One time use card check box is selected, the cardholder name must be entered and the information is saved to the payment card transaction.

  • Billing address (field USEBILLADR)

Check this box to display the default billing address of the customer.

  • If this box is checked, the lines corresponding to the billing address of the customer are displayed and cannot be changed.
  • If this box is unchecked, the information of the billing address can be modified in the address fields of the card.

Enter the country of the invoicing address of the cardholder.

  • If the 'Billing address' check box is selected, the country from the customer bill-to address appears and cannot be modified.
  • If the 'Billing address' check box is not selected, the country from the customer bill-to address cannot be modified.
  • Address (field ADDLIG)

Enter the billing address of the cardholder.

  • If the 'Billing address' check box is selected, the address from the customer bill-to address appears and cannot be changed.
  • If the 'Billing address' check box is cleared, the billing address can be changed.
  • field SAT

Enter the invoicing status of the cardholder.

  • If the 'Billing address' check box is selected, the status from the customer bill-to address appears and cannot be changed.
  • If the 'Billing address' check box is cleared, the invoicing status can be changed.
  • Postal code (field POSCOD)

Enter the postal code of the cardholder.

  • If the 'Billing address' check box is selected, the postal code of the customer displayed on his/her bill-to address appears and cannot be modified.
  • If the 'Billing address' check box is not selected, the postal code from the customer bill-to address cannot be modified.
  • City (field CTY)

Enter the town of the invoicing address of the cardholder.

  • If the 'Billing address' check box is selected, the town from the customer bill-to address appears and cannot be changed.
  • If the 'Billing address' check box is not selected, the town from the customer bill-to address cannot be changed.
  • Email address (field EMAIL)

This field displays the contact e-mail address of the customer from the transaction.


  • Amount (field PAYAMT)

This field displays the payment amount to be applied to the payment card during the invoice allocation.

  • Date (field PAYDAT)

This field is used to display the payment date used during the transaction.

  • Number (field PAYNUM)

Payment number associated with the transaction.

Grid History

  • Document (field HVCRNUM)

This field displays the document number that was processed against the selected payment card.

  • Sequence (field HVCRSEQ)

This field displays the sequence number counter of the document, processed or the selected payment card.

  • Transaction type (field HTXNTYP)

This field displays the transaction type of the document, processed for the selected payment card.

  • Amount (field HAUTAMT)

This field displays the invoiced amount of the document processed for the selected payment card.

  • Original amount (field HORIGAUTH)

This field displays the amount of the document that was originally authorized or, if it was rejected, the amount attempted to authorize.

  • Date (field HAUTDAT)

This field displays the processing date of the transaction for the selected payment card.



Transport note / Sending


Click this button to send the individual transportation note.

Use the Transport doc communication function (FUNTRNDOC) used to mass communicate transport notes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Additional info

  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETD)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival time (field ETA)

Delivery arrival time.

  • Registration (field LICPLATE)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOC)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCOD)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Function not authorized

The user profile has no rights for this function, irrespective of the site.

You do not have the rights for this return

You are not the authorized user for this return.

This document does not exist !

This message appears if the operator entered a non-existent return in a context of change.

No sequence number is assigned to this document

This message appears upon creating a return if no return number has been entered and the sequence number is assigned manually.

Problem in recovering the sequence number

This message appears if it has not been possible to assign a delivery number.

$DELIVERY xxx or $PRETURN Modification on another workstation

This message appears if the delivery or the supplier return to which the return is associated is being modified on another workstation.

Problem on the table $DELIVERY or $PRETURN.

This message appears if there is a technical error on the table of the delivery headers or of the supplier returns.

Expected return quantity > Delivered quantity or Expected return quantity > Supplier return quantity.

This message appears when it is attempted to enter an expected return quantity superior to the delivered quantity (or the return quantity entered on the supplier return) that remains to be returned.

Return quantity > Delivered quantity

This message appears when it is attempted to enter a return quantity superior to the delivered quantity that remain to be returned or superior to the quantity of the supplier return.

Modification in process on another workstation"

This message appears when trying to modify a return currently being modified on another workstation.

Processing not possible: This line has been subject to a credit memo

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify a return line that has been subjected to a credit memo.

The deletion of a validated line must be made using the modification window.

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify a line that has already been received in stock.

The original order has been updated. It will not be automatically updated by this entry! Continue?

This message appears when an attempt is made to modify or delete a line even though the delivered quantity of the order has already been reduced.

Indefinite period or processing prohibited at this date

This message is displayed if the return date is later than the current date or if the period status corresponding to this return date is different from 'direct'.

XXX: Product not managed in stock for the site: YYY

This message is displayed when a return is done for a site and that product is not defined on the site concerned.

The site is not in the same legal company

This message is displayed when it is attempted to return a delivery to a site that does not belong to the same company as the shipment site.  

Delivery XXX: Product YYY Movements pending on this line !

This message is displayed during a picking of delivery to inform you pending movements still exist on this delivery line. Only the identified stock quantity will be suggested on the return line.

Delivery XXX: Product YYY The line movements are pending. Please adjust.

This message appears upon the picking of a delivery that contains only pending movements. The delivery must be adjusted before entering the return.

Installed base update: The installed base record is no longer defined in the installed base.

This message appears when a customer return is carried out on a serialized product that is tracked in the installed base for a customer (whose category is either Direct customer, Reseller, Wholesaler or End user) but that the installed base record does not exist. Either because it has been modified manually (allocated to another client ... ), deleted or because it is a direct return on a serial number that has not been previously identified.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation