Security profiles

Administration Page Application/Contract Syracuse/Collaboration Class securityProfiles Representation SecurityProfile

A security profile defines a set of restrictions and authorizations for the platform administration. To be effective, security profiles must be associated with roles. If a role has no security profile, the user connected with this role will not have restrictions on the administration operations. It is important to set up security profiles to ensure the security of the platform administration.

The information entered while defining a security profile is as follows:


Identifies the security profile.


Describes the security profile.

Personalization level

Defines the level of personalization a user can perform on pages:
* None: no personalization is allowed.
* User: personalization is allowed, but only on a page that is dedicated to the user.
* Administrator: the user can modify authored page shared by several users.

Allow Office document upload

Defines whether the user can upload Office documents or not. By default, it is deactivated to protect against malicious Office documents. It has to be activated so that the user can upload Office documents.

Security Level

Defines a numeric level associated with each profile. Profile levels range from 0 to 99. A user can only create/modify security profiles that are higher than the Security profile he is associated with. In other words a user with Security level 1 can only view /maintain Security profiles with security level 2 and above.


In this grid, a list of predefined codes is displayed with an associated description. Every code identifies the corresponding controlled entities with filters.

For example, the users code controls the access to the users, groups, and roles entities. The myProfile code controls the access to the user profile for the connected user. A user may have the right to change its own profile, but not the profile of other users. The detailed list of the codes and associated entities is given in the Appendix section.

For every code, you can select the check boxes to define the access rights granted by the security profile. When a check box is cleared, the access right is denied. A user cannot provide access to codes for which he doen't have rights. If it is the case,the corresponding check boxes are disabled.

The access rights are the usual CRUD access (Creation, Read, Update, and Delete), plus an additional Execution right. The execution right controls dedicated operations as described in the Appendix section.

Associated roles

This section defines the list of roles where the security profile applies. The assignment can be done here or on the roles management.
A role cannot be associated with several security profiles. If the role has no security profile, there is no restriction set on the role.


This check box defines if the record is supplied as a factory record. When this happens, a factory code is also displayed and can be entered if you are a factory provider. This features allows to prevent some modifications on records supplied by defaut by Sage or by a vertical solution provider. More information about this feature is given in the following document.

Appendix: definition of security profile codes

The list of codes and their corresponding entities are defined in the following table:

  • For every code, a list of entities can be given.
  • If the filter is not filled, the access rights apply on the whole entity.
  • The Execution right describes the associated operations if they exist.
Code Entity Filter on... CRUD filter Properties access restriction (empty if no field restriction) Execution right
myProfile users connected user read and update login, title, firstName, lastName, fullName, password, photo, email can be modified only
Classic client sessions connected user lists only the sessions owned by the user User login, Solution, Folder, User, Language code, Last Access, Time out, Reused, Open, Creation Date
Session infos connected user lists only the sessions owned by the user Session ID, User name, Badges, Client ID, Last URL
roles only the roles the user has access to read-only access description can only be viewed
endpoints only the endpoints the user has access to read-only code, description, application, contract can be viewed only
Soap Classic pools only the pools associated to endpoints the user has access to read-only
localePreferences all the locale preferences read-only access
Host traces only traces created by sessions assigned to the user read-only access
users users yes
BO servers and BO profiles read-only access
navigation pages read-only access
mobile applications read-only access
groups yes
roles yes
Endpoints Read-only access Description
Applications read-only access Description
security profiles only the security profiles having a security level with a greater value than the one associated to the user's security level. yes (CRUD on header and lines)
teams yes
Badges, and license related data read-only access
technicalSettings ldap yes
Oauth2 yes
Clients reused list yes
Technical information (about...) yes
updates yes
Notification Servers yes
Batch controller List, interrupt, delete tasks Start and stop the server
Roles Read only access
Groups Read only access
Badges, and license related data yes
BO servers and BO profiles yes
HRM web servers and HRM sites yes
Trace records yes
Session infos yes
saml2 yes
scheduler yes yes
Applications yes
EndPoints yes
badge yes
settings yes
x3server yes
localePreference yes
friendServer yes
license yes
patch yes
apatch yes
host yes
license data yes
caCertificate yes
certificate yes
proxyConfiguration yes
storageVolume yes
X3 solutions yes
authoring (personalization) Applications read-only access
pageData yes
dashboardDef yes
Customized pages yes
pages portlet yes
menuItem yes
menuCategory yes
navigationPage yes
landingPage yes
menuModule yes
menuBlocks and sub-blocks yes
Mobile applications yes
Mobile dashboards yes
Mobile gadgets yes
Applications Read only access
Endpoints Read only access
Mobile dashboards upgrade yes
collaborationArea team on the teams the user administrates yes only on the properties description, isPublic, explorer, tags, administrator, authors, members, documents, templateDocuments
on the teams the user is administrator, author, or member of. read-only
document on documents not assigned to a team, or assigned to a team the user administrates, or assigned to a team the user is author creation access only on the properties description, documentType, documentDate, fileName, content, expiration, uri, isReadOnly, className, x3Keys, representationName, volume, teams, owner, tags, endpoint
on documents a user owns, or documents not assigned to a team, or documents assigned to a team on which the user has the administration, author, or reader role. read access
on documents not assigned to a team, or documents assigned to a team on which the user has the administration role, or documents a user owns and that are assigned to a team on which the user has the author role. update / delete access
storageVolume read only
documentTag yes
documentTagCategory yes
documentInternalTag yes
msoWordTemplateDocument yes
Users Read only access
Notification events yes
Notification themes yes
Mail templates yes
Notification servers yes
Applications Read-only access
StatusAndUsage sessionInfo only deletion is possible
cvgReuseClient yes
cvgSession yes
Endpoints yes
server logs yes
textTranslation yes yes
searchAdmin yes yes
X3 solutions Read-only access
Classic SOAP web services yes
Rest web services yes
scheduler yes
Groups read-only access
Applications read-only access
License view read-only access
server logs yes
Batch controller List, interrupt, delete tasks Start and stop the server
importData importSession yes
Endpoints read-only access yes
importTool yes yes
x3UserImport execution only
MenuProfleImport execution only
exportData exportProfile yes yes
Personalization management yes yes
Resource packs yes
Endpoints read-only access execution only
Applications read-only access execution only
Development Using the Eclipse Editor yes
Using the Eclipse Debugger yes
Printing Using the Print Server (Reports, Prints/group) yes yes